
South Africa Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"Real racism is nasty, and I know what real racism is. I grew up in South Africa during the abolishment of apartheid and witnessed some of the most savage acts of violence, death, and inhumanity possible."
"Apartheid fell in 1994 because of struggle both in South Africa but also internationally."
"South Africa is a vast wide-ranging country, a country that means so much to different people."
"South Africa: the gateway to emerging markets in Africa."
"Cape Town may be far away, but once you're there it's one of the best overall destinations for your money."
"In South Africa, another 600 years would pass before the next city of gold was born Johannesburg."
"Recent news of significant oil and gas deposits off the coast of South Africa has thrust the nation into Global geopolitical challenges."
"Regulatory oversight forms the backbone of South Africa's strategy."
"By aligning with Russia's push for multipolarity, South Africa positions itself strategically to break away from historical constraints and actively contribute to reshaping global power dynamics."
"South Africa: home to a wide variety of landscapes."
"South Africa: often referred to as the rainbow nation."
"South Africa: significantly younger population compared to many Western nations."
"South Africa: extremely rich in valuable minerals."
"South Africa: one of the world's top producers of gold."
"South Africa: one of the world's top producers of diamonds."
"The fact that South Africa stood up to represent for Palestine has created new hope in the world."
"South Africa is kind of a big deal in Africa."
"Capitec Bank is one of South Africa's largest retail banks."
"There is financial and economic opportunity in South Africa."
"The struggle against apartheid would define South African politics throughout the 20th century."
"I absolutely hope that things at least return to a semblance of normalcy for the people of South Africa."
"The reality is that life has got a great deal harder for more and more South Africans over the past five years."
"That looked like watching that made me want to go to South Africa so bad."
"Rhodes’ genius had an enormous impact on the development of South Africa."
"South African wine is arguably the most exciting wine region in the world at the moment."
"Despite a troubled past that is far from being resolved, there is a beauty in the sense of pride, the sense of community, the pure positivity that radiates from every South African."
"Even the ancestral lands of South Africans are being given away to these false pastors."
"Yesterday was a historic day in South Africa after 10 days of negotiations."
"We did what we set out to do, South Africa is in fact a great power."
"Nikki Oppenheimer: South Africa's wealthiest man with a personal fortune of $8.7 billion."
"I couldn't have asked for a better first day in South Africa."
"A revolver that I carried through the three campaigns of 1877, 1878, and 1879 in South Africa behaved as well as I could wish."
"South Africa is the place that the African diaspora should come and visit."
"Anyway I've had an amazing time here in South Africa with Audi."
"South Africa is considered to be one of the richer countries."
"Of all the cliff faces on the planet, the one that's generally regarded as being the absolute best is the Amphitheater which is in northern Drakensberg in South Africa."
"Rhodesian Ridgebacks are protective, Brave, and loyal dogs bred in South Africa for lion hunting."
"I'm worried about South Africa having a civil war."
"South Africa belongs to all who live in it. We cannot now start to delineate and decide who gets to stay on the basis of what."
"We have a choice as South Africans to reclaim our humanity. Both apartheid and colonization dehumanized us all."
"Miss Universe is Zozibini Tunzi of South Africa she's 26 she was crowned Miss Universe."
"The burden of Africa or South Africa's colonial and apartheid colonial past is resting on the shoulders of black women."
"It's been quite impressive what South Africa has done to control and manage the situation."
"Not only did the movie launch Neil Blomkamp's career as a feature film director, but District 9 also had considerable impact on the South African film industry."
"The biggest shocker for me is the cultural differences between colored people and black people in South Africa."
"South Africa is like a house music country."
"Maybe don't decide on a city in South Africa too quickly."
"That's South Africa's greatest natural resource, it is the people of South Africa"
"I'm very positive and I do believe that South Africa will sort itself out."
"Zara Academy, very much an integral part of the mountain biking landscape here in South Africa."
"Props to South Africa for being the only country in the world to develop nuclear weapons and later dismantle all of them."
"It all started when we were together in South Africa and I wrote to her."
"The footprint is so amazing that it should be drawing millions of tourists to South Africa every year."
"I really appreciate South African people and other people from other countries as well for rooting for us."
"This is only locally sourced from South Africa."
"South Africa is known for its affordability, especially in comparison to many Western countries."
"The improved Mk.2 Buccaneer caught the attention of South Africa, leading to an order of 16 aircraft for sea lane protection around the Cape."
"My name is Jerry from South Africa today I represent um and I've been asked by the United Nations committee on the exercise of the UN rights of Palestinian people to take care of the proceedings."
"I prophesy that South Africa shall come back to Kingdom influence. I prophesy that the future president of South Africa shall be filled with the Holy Ghost."
"You cannot address South Africa's historical problem without addressing the empowerment of those who were rejected by the system."
"His dream of a non-racial democratic South Africa became reality in 1994 when black and white went to the polls and elected him president."
"South Africans and I have a lot of friends here and a lot of fans here."
"We want to hit up every area that we possibly can in South Africa and really have a holistic view on the country."
"South Africa was recently graced with the Honda cb500x."
"It's now mounted on The Sovereign Scepter but it originally hails from South Africa."
"So it's not like South Africa where where you can say he he's you can't really do that and that's part of the reason why it it can't be worked out now still because who who are people to blame they they only have themselves to put on trial."
"Anything that South Africa does gets judged as an unfair advantage from the outside in, but from the inside out, I have to say as a South African, it's amazing."
"I cannot call this a culture vulture move dog I can't like you've seen him putting the work from the ground up bro like like and it's just like it's South Africa's way of always trying to take away someone's hard work from them dog and it happens too often dog you know um."
"We want an equal, a United equal Society in South Africa. One United South Africa."
"South Africa is still the country where the most people will come to my shows."
"South Africa: a country of adventure, diversity, and natural beauty."
"...I would say South Africa for sure people like talk about condoms like the usage of condoms like very openly and the fact that same-sex marriage is legal you know like a lot of things that are Taboo in other countries are okay in South Africa..."
"That's the evidence South Africa was the evidence that we were winning okay so even after the Falls over Union we still thought we were winning."
"So I went to university and got my Ph.D., and now I'm here in South Africa, where I've been for the last three years."
"South Africans have always kind of had to figure out who they were since they technically didn't fully belong anywhere."
"But also, in the 1990s, specifically 1991, 1992, a young man, Professor Lee Berger started his career in South Africa as a principal investigator for Gladysvale."
"A significant step on the road to a non-racial democratic South Africa."
"No solution is possible in South Africa without involving self-determination."
"South Africa is home to some of the world's largest and most iconic animals."
"Congratulations, South Africa deserve to win. They took the opportunities when they were there."
"Thank you Mr. President and the people of South Africa and the ANC for giving us this opportunity to be able to recover from a warfare that has been taking place. Thank you for finally acknowledging this warfare."
"South Africa has one of the highest M rates in the world, but you know what? They don't joke with their tourism."
"I always wanted to be black. I grew up in South Africa during apartheid, a law that made it illegal for black and white people to interact. I was born a crime."
"A system of reverse racism is now taking place in South Africa."
"Cape Town, South Africa, is one of South Africa's three capital cities and serves as the legislative capital of the country."
"South Africa has proven that we can host."
"I really loved hearing him talk in depth about South Africa and like the effects of apartheid."
"Oh my god this is something this is South Africa this is the way they do they do things here."
"It's all about lifestyle in South Africa."
"We're pretty excited because we brought so many people over the years to South Africa."
"So, now we're going to talk about what you should actually expect on this trip, what you should expect is what the real South Africa always delivers, which is luxury couture and lifestyle."
"South Africa Cape Town is a tourist attraction destination people travel far and wide just to come and experience this beautiful country"
"Next time, we set sail for South Africa."
"South Africa is like Thimbles, nowhere else on earth."
"I think my position, I was going to say my problem, but my position was that I grew up under apartheid in South Africa."
"That Truth and Reconciliation Commission was profound. I wish they'd kept it going a bit longer."
"You have a beautiful South African accent; I love the South African accent."
"South Africa's Western Cape is more botanically diverse than the richest tropical rainforest in South America."
"South Africa's national flower, the Protea, is a member of the fynbos kingdom."
"We are just about to go to Babylonstoren, a very special place, one of the best gardens in South Africa."
"We have arrived in the Western Cape, South Africa."
"As South Africans, we are going through a process of building ourselves anew as a nation."
"There exists a curious legend among the people of South Africa."
"I've been loving South Africa, and South Africa has been loving me."
"Nelson Mandela referred to it as the rainbow nation."
"The country is known as the rainbow nation, so there are these different tribes, different cultures."
"Somebody is doing something right in South Africa."
"This was only my second time visiting South Africa, but boy does it have such a special place in my heart."
"Black Consciousness is... employed by blacks in South Africa in an effort to shake off shackles of mental oppression and to reinstate the essential humanity and pride of blacks."
"I ended up going to South Africa, which was the best thing that could have ever happened to me."
"In every field of endeavor, consistent progress in South Africa has been maintained by applying the most modern advances in technology."
"What is it that we can do to encourage social entrepreneurship in South Africa to make it thrive so that we can fast track and accelerate our social and our economic change?"
"Generally, South Africans are kind; they really are loving people."
"Come here to South Africa and enjoy yourself."
"The biggest attraction here in South Africa, I don't care what nobody's saying, is the people."
"I think my eyes have just been... I'm feeling very awakened to a different side of life in South Africa which is always beautiful."
"I wanted to come and celebrate my birthday in South Africa because we used to have like a charity or giving back we do on my birthday."
"You can choose it and you can come on down to South Africa, have a good time."
"When she married into the royal family, people in South Africa rejoiced in the streets similarly to how they did when Nelson Mandela was freed from prison."
"The Eastern Cape of South Africa offers so much ecological diversity with so many different biomes in such a small area."
"South Africa is a melting pot of cultures, there's been so many people that have come through and left their mark on the country."
"It's true what they say, South Africa is many countries in one."
"That was my education, going to Shanty towns in South Africa, speaking to real life cases."
"Chenin Blanc is the principal grape variety for whites within South Africa."
"You kind of feel like you're the ambassador of South Africa, and it's a tiring job that you don't get paid for."
"This is the hidden world of South Africa's illegal gold miners."
"South Africa beats climate goals, blackouts to slash emissions."
"Good morning from South Africa, we got South Africa in the building, much love."
"Good morning everybody, we greet you from the lowveld of South Africa where the rain is heavily pattering down."
"They are really beautiful antelope, and that's our sort of national team gets our name from them because they used to be prolific herds of Springbok in South Africa."
"Universal suffrage on a common voters' roll in a united, democratic and non-racial South Africa is the only way to peace and racial harmony."
"I'm so excited, I got like goosebumps on my... South Africa, yes, fantastic!"
"Great work from the South African quartet in the last of the 4X 100 meters relay Olympic qualifying round two."
"There's so much to see here in South Africa alone, let alone the other countries."
"I found the South African car culture to be really cool."
"Oh, the good times are back in South Africa."
"Nelson Mandela... being one of the first black presidents down in South Africa."
"All right guys, welcome back to the real South Africa."
"He served in South Africa and Ladysmith and commanded the rear guard company and showed great coolness under heavy cross fire."
"The people of South Africa would have fought hard even without the support of the international community, but the cost of that struggle would have been too crushing for us."
"South Africa's history is marked by colonization, apartheid, and the struggle for democracy."
"They are one of the last factories left in South Africa that pay their workers 100% of the legal wage rate."
"Tonight he joined some 10,000 people on Robben Island to commemorate what has gone on in the past and to look forward with the new president of South Africa."
"This is what I thrive on because I love it outside, especially here in South Africa."
"Select your game drive, select your Safari Lodge today, we want to see you here in sunny South Africa."
"I thank God every morning just for that privilege to live here in South Africa, enjoy life."
"I love what you're doing to highlight South Africa."
"What do you love so much about South Africa? The people."
"South Africa is not someplace you should do last."
"We're pretty excited because we've brought so many people over the years to South Africa as tourists."
"We hope to see you guys here in sunny South Africa."
"At the end of the day, we are actually bringing people and connecting people to South Africa and Africa itself."
"Welcome to this beautiful land of ours, where the lions roar and the monkeys chatter, where the elephants trumpet and the birds fill up the sky."
"Welcome to our home, right here in Mzansi, in the city of gold."
"Finding food here in South Africa is never difficult; good food is even easier."
"We really appreciate you guys who have been checking us out, spreading the news about what's going on here in South Africa from a tourist perspective."
"You're not going to find this in America because this is South Africa; welcome to sunny South Africa."
"We officially invite you here with us to the real South Africa."
"Come and have a good time here in South Africa, that's just the way it is."
"We would love for you guys to come and enjoy what South Africa has to offer."
"You get more across the board coming to South Africa."
"We bring the best that South Africa has to offer."
"This is how we do it here in South Africa when it's time."
"Real South Africa, that's where you want to be."
"We will see you here in what we like to call Sunny South Africa."
"We're about to set sail in two to three weeks from South Africa."
"Having a home, what I call my final home in South Africa, is absolutely heartwarming."
"It's crazy just being a normal girl in South Africa and then living this dream that I've always wanted to live."
"We're coming back to South Africa, essentially because we didn't have not one bad experience."
"See you here in sunny South Africa."
"We figured we would pair the two things that everybody loved the most, which is looking at houses and then being able to enjoy the outdoor-ness of South Africa."
"Can you see yourself in the real South Africa? I think that you can."
"The real South Africa actually shows you what the possibilities actually are."
"Places like South Africa and Botswana are meaningfully putting a dent in poverty by not relying on Aid."
"The British Empire had gained a foothold in South Africa; however, to unify the whole of South Africa and absorb it into the British Empire, the independent Kingdom of Zululand, which bordered on Natal, had to be suppressed."
"I would bring like rainbows and biltong because that's quintessentially South African."
"I highly recommend everyone, at least once in your life, make a trip to South Africa. It'll change your life."
"South Africa is a great, lovely destination."
"We're trying to revolutionize what's going on in South Africa."
"Contact the real South Africa today for your African adventure."
"Come see South Africa, come see it for yourself, form your relationship."
"Get to know South Africa, and eventually, you'll be like, 'I really like what it represents.'"
"South Africans are determined that the past be no barometer to ensure that it is not repeated."
"This is the story of how Nelson Mandela's party betrayed South Africa and it's a story of a nation's collective power to shape their destiny, fighting against the tireless influence of the past on today's potential."
"South Africa actually has three different capitals for different parts of the government."
"De Klerk in his first speech said we need a totally changed South Africa."
"Merry Christmas from Sunny South Africa."
"...the first decade of post-apartheid South Africa was an incredible success story economically, socially, politically..."
"South Africa sits on a giant natural resource supply specifically in gold and diamonds and platinum."
"I believe South Africa would be the best country for all Black Americans to visit first."
"I fell in love with Johannesburg."
"I'm more at peace in South Africa than here, even though there are problems."
"The opportunities in South Africa are tremendous blessings Johannesburg."
"South Africa is a wonderful location, it's very much a politics especially here in Johannesburg."
"It's a great day out here in South Africa and I'm so glad you guys are with us."
"We're going to do a very nice tour that's going to feature opportunities to buy property here in South Africa."
"You will find something that you would like here in South Africa."
"We wanted people to see the South Africa that we saw, very progressive."
"See the real South Africa, you won't be disappointed."
"Once you go and you hunt in South Africa, you will be back for another trip because it's unique and it's special."