
Hopeful Future Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"It gives me a lot of hope seeing that Americans are still proactive and hopeful for a better future."
"Let's hope we can someday end the nightmare that is cancer once and for all."
"I will lead this great party into a new era with confidence and with hope."
"Don't give up on love... something better is coming."
"There's gonna come a time where there just is no sorrow and there's no enmity and everything's gonna become new."
"Trust that things will be working out with this person or your perfect fit will be on the way, someone even better."
"We're going to choose science over fiction, hope over fear."
"The best timeline is manifesting, it seems as though everything's coming together in the best timeline."
"The light is coming, folks. The light's coming, justice is coming, and justice matters."
"When the man whose pen approved almost every single article that drove division for the past decade resigns, when he resigns, it opens the door for something better in the future."
"Any community that can have itself rid of gangs tomorrow will begin to see a brighter future."
"For you, I will, brother. For humanity and for a better tomorrow."
"A second chance, new beginningsā€”destined abundance awaits."
"If you're going through something very challenging right now, then happy times are almost like right around the corner for you..."
"Your latter end shall be greater than your beginning."
"Russia will be defeated and Ukraine finally will find peace and security."
"You like to think that one day we will live in a society where religions won't be afforded this privilege."
"We can always reach into generational wells and draw up living hope."
"The next time we see each other, it will be at the dawn of a whole new world, a peaceful, happy world."
"I speak blessings over your life. Your latter day shall be greater than your former day."
"Maybe one day we all can be friends. And when that day arrives, I know it will."
"Let's hope it has none of the racism, fascism, and economic collapse and some of the glitz, glamour, and progress of the golden 1920s."
"Hope that one day this will all be a memory."
"A future where their children are children and not soldiers."
"Your ship is sailing in within the next couple of days or even just a few weeks."
"Everything's gonna be all right. You'll make it better, Clem. You'll make it better."
"All we can do is try to learn from our mistakes... and change the planet for a better future."
"The future is uncertain. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. And in time, a New Hope will emerge."
"The sun rises, illuminating all our sorrows equally. I believe in it. In the future that will connect us all as One Piece."
"Moving forward to peaceful and calmer waters, there's better times ahead with you and this person."
"We will not grow old and die in the downside, and now I swear to you, when we get out of here, you're going to come with us."
"Thank you for watching and hope to see you guys sometime soon with some new stuff where I hopefully won't be talking about such sad stuff so much."
"Life is gonna be a little different from now on, but the future looks bright."
"It's going to be different, it's going to be better, it's up to us."
"Let's open the way to a hopeful future with our very own hands."
"We're going to be able to cure diseases that we never thought it would be possible to cure including cancer."
"When enough people begin standing up what happens next is a beautiful reality of seeing humanity empowered."
"Amon-Ra St. Brown gives us hope for the future."
"This period of conflict is going to end for you."
"Give people some material basis for hope in a better future."
"Change is long overdue and we're all just witnessing this transition."
"We are headed into the most triumphant time we've ever been in."
"Your latter day shall be greater than your former day."
"I'll see you in the next one hopefully I'm a better Vibe."
"There's a very positive new beginning for you. A lot of leadership cards here as well."
"Aces are rebirths, rebooting for a positive future."
"I would say yes... fortune after difficulty, love."
"2020 is going to be kind to you and it's going to be filled with miracles and blessings."
"It's looking up the world's getting better bitcoins price on the up hopefully and I look forward to seeing you in the next video."
"God is going to bring you into the greatest days."
"Behold I make all things new. It will be so."
"Even in the darkest times you shine eternally bright. You are surrounded by an aura of love and a pot of gold awaits beyond the horizon."
"Realizing that the future is changing, he thinks about his deceased teammates who perished in the dungeon abyss and Lee Yujung with a joyful expression he realizes that all that tragedy will now never happen."
"The children pick up on that in terms of them starting to believe that things can be different and they can move on and have a good and happy life."
"When your children will be celebrated, you will be alive."
"Happy changes are coming, bringing relief from challenging times. Just know that you are the star, awakening to your power."
"Thank you for sharing your time with me tonight, let me share with you a vision of the future which offers hope."
"God is saying to you what he said to Job Joy is coming breakthroughs are coming healing is coming promotion is coming God is about to fill your mouth with laughter."
"I hope me and you make it out together, brother."
"That's worth educating and we always like to put a positive spin you know with hope and how the future does look positive and bright all those things so yeah with that being said let's go."
"May the light from the burning corpse of 2023 illuminate all the beautiful things coming for you in 2024."
"Your blessing is coming. It may be three days, three weeks, three months away, no more than that."
"Africa must be free. I mean Africa will be in our lifetime."
"There's a blessing and a healing that's gonna be taking place for you."
"The light at the end of the tunnel is brighter than ever but the tunnel itself is incredibly dark." - Ed Young
"Greater things are yet to come and marvelous wonders are going to happen."
"From the ashes of war rises a new empire of hope and reason."
"We're getting ready to give birth to a new world."
"You're finally gonna be finding the one who does want to get closer to you."
"We have the opportunity to birth a completely new and beautiful world."
"I'm interested to see where it goes from here... this is good news in the midst of a lot of bad news."
"Finally, Squall and Rinoa star gaze and share a kiss, embracing their love and place in the world with each other, and moving towards a better future."
"I just feel like they just waited too long and it's like back in the day, you could wait. But if Atlanta can come back with something solid then I think they got a fighting chance."
"You're a good man who has been put in terrible circumstances. You are not your father. You are not that world. You must fight for that life, for her, for the life that we once hoped we'd share."
"If we can manage to do all of this, then perhaps we'll be in a position to imagine a future in which everyone in Canada can feed themselves, their families, and their communities with dignity, and where food insecurity is a distant memory."
"Perhaps now the fog of depression will lift, and he will see the brightness that is possible in his future."
"The future is looking bright and I think as you heard the wonderful summary of CAR T advances, that the future is looking brighter by the day."
"The system worked, so to speak, and of course, we hope that we won't see a repeat of such testing times anytime soon."
"They feel like you are the moon who is guiding them towards a better tomorrow."
"Faith in a future filled with hope, faith in a tomorrow that's brighter than today, and faith in my promise to you."
"I read this promise of no more poverty, no more health problems, no more sickness, no more death, no more war, all these things that I wanted."
"I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, to give you hope and do you good in your final outcome."
"We have this hope and this bright future; it's a land that is fairer than day."
"When he dies, his mission complete, we aren't stuck focusing on the negative of his death; we're focusing on the positive of a brighter tomorrow."
"I've never been more optimistic than this very moment."
"After experiencing them firsthand, I hope that the rest of the industry catches on."
"...the experimental treatment that he went under and how in a lot of ways it was very successful for the future that you know when when he did it they weren't really sure how it was going to work and for a time it it it really was successful."
"Only the good man can be able to forgive someone and leave the past in the past, so there is a future that you will always look forward to."
"That's when the hens are really on their way to their new life."
"Hope that you're feeling strong, abundant, protected, productive, loved, hopeful, excited about your future."
"It's very important to me because I want the good future."
"You were meant to be the best of his daughter, on that day at the orphanage I could see the resolve and kindness in your eyes, it gave me hope for the future."
"Have faith in me, my child, for my plans for you are woven with threads of grace and designed for a hopeful future."