
Waking Up Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"If you have trouble waking up in the morning, the solution is to not sleep in but actually try to wake up earlier."
"It feels so much better when you wake up because you want to versus when you wake up because you have to."
"Why is waking up in the morning always so hard?"
"I've only been up for five minutes."
"Set your alarm far away from you... when you have to actually physically get up and go turn it off, chances are you're probably not going to hit that snooze button."
"This Sunrise alarm clock wakes you up with calming sounds and gradual light."
"Everything clicks when the alarm goes off."
"I woke up before my alarm clock. It's a small miracle."
"I woke up alone in the back of an SUV."
"Wake up," said the main character.
"Every single day when you wake up, you got two options."
"I've got a an alarms on my phone at 6:00 and 7:00 sometimes I've got them at 4: and at 7 but my alarm Mo most mornings goes off I always have it for 6 and 7 but I wake up before my alarm goes off"
"Is that you?" "Yeah, honey." "I didn't mean to wake you." "You didn't."
"You wake up and you just go, 'That's amazing, I feel amazing.'"
"I still have nightmares sometimes thinking about what would have happened if I didn't wake up that night."
"I woke up with a huge urge to relieve myself. It was still dark."
"I woke up an hour before my alarm clock this morning so I'm feeling pretty good about today."
"Over time I started waking up a little bit before my alarm. I started waking up without the alarm and my body just was starting to get used to me waking up. Over time, I reached my goal of getting to the gym at 5:00 a.m."
"I woke up but I was pretty confused as to what woke me up because I'm typically a really deep sleeper."
"I woke up like an hour ago and I don't have school today because we have another online day which I don't even know how that's possible but it's great news to me."
"Seeing me so scared and upset, then said 'you're not ready yet'... then I woke up in bed in the morning with dry tears on my face."
"...all right guys, I'm almost done editing vlogmas day one, and I have finally woken up for real, now I feel like myself again."
"I know my boyfriend's voice up and down, tired and high energy, it's rather distinctive sounding too, and I knew immediately upon waking up it was not my boyfriend."
"But of course, because you've woken up, you're also able to enjoy it more."
"Girl, I woke up with my eye really red."
"Thank you for waking up. I mean it goes out I would like to mention that I did the exact same thing for you last week. I woke up give some you get some."
"I woke to a sore back and stretched as best I could in my seat then looked at the windshield."
"I sat in the recovery room for an hour while they tried to wake one of the Fells up."
"I know people be waking up at all seven eight a.m to catch a 9 A.M lecture but I think the earliest time."
"Waking up knowing that you're 30 minutes late to class but got nine hours of sleep."
"You gotta wake me up like that and then I go down here like this."
"I've dragged myself out of nightmares, and there's no relief in waking up."
"I slept so hard that I'm ready to get up."
"I actually woke up as soon as the alarm started going off."
"I woke up and I'm sitting up in bed sleeping on a mattress on the floor and facing the door at a diagonal angle."
"I woke up around 9:30 but I didn't get out of bed till like 10."
"I wake up naturally before like 7."
"I'm a morning person. I wake up naturally before like 7."
"When you wake up, you are in a catabolic muscle condition."
"I hate to get up, especially every morning."
"The secret is not to dream, the secret is to wake up. Waking up is harder."
"Listen, she's lucky she can wake up."
"Who wakes you up? Let God wake you up."
"When I snap my fingers, you'll wake up in your bed, safe and sound."
"I woke up, no hangover, everything was perfect."
"If you thought waking up in the middle of the night walking through the house and stepping on a Lego was painful, yeah, that is painful."
"What's worse than waking up from a nightmare? It's waking up into one."
"Hey, because how did you wake up? Yeah, did the alarm clock really wake you up? Nope, Jesus allowed you to wake up."
"When you wake up in the morning, part of the reason you wake up is an increase in body temperature."
"I think it's called and two I woke up at 3 30 this morning and it was starting to get light out."
"I remember waking up in the middle of the night because you're so thirsty."
"Just woke up from a 3 and 1/2 hour sleep."
"There's no denying reality when that alarm clock goes off."
"Which is not bad either cuz honestly I couldn't be bothered with the whole waking up at 3:00 4: a.m."
"You know you're obviously going to wake up to some in the mornings."
"Okay, I just got here, I just woke up, and y'all already irking me."
"Can you please stop waking me up at four in the bloody morning as well by sitting on my head and sniffing my nose?"
"I'm just grateful to wake up every morning."
"...Makes for a very difficult morning because I just never want to get out of bed. I am not a morning person."
"I'll wake up, and I'm like, 'Uh, I went to bed,' which is, you know, not a sexy way to be around a lady, and they're like, 'Ah, geez, all right, get up.'"
"I really woke up like three to three hours ago."
"6:30 does not feel early anymore like it used ice would be yawning so sleepy but after waking up at 4:45 every day last week I'm like okay 6:30. like this is this is good practically sleeping in"
"If you wake up early, there's a sunrise, you know?"
"I woke up at around 7:00 a.m., yes I did, to find her still sleeping."
"There's no real waking up unless we open to the somatic sensations... the physical body is the mentor, is aversion."
"Everyone has be waking up differently."
"I wake up naturally with the sunlight. It's the healthiest way to wake up."
"If they're asleep in their seat, I'd walk past and give their seat a shake to wake them up."
"She woke up in her family's Palace her father and Xander were sitting by her bed."
"It's so peaceful, waking up to the sounds of the birds was just my favorite part of it all."
"I actually woke up like And I fell down the stairs."
"I woke up an hour past midnight according to my Velcro watch, and I had to use the bathroom."
"I just woke up... it's 10 o'clock... I slept in a bit."
"...it just felt so nice to wake up today and not be so tired."
"I woke up a bit later, this time the clock said 2:39. I was happy I'd actually been able to sleep for more than an hour without waking up."
"Toyama woke up with tears in his eyes."
"Just woken up in absolute paradise."
"But I mean dude, it's, it's another thing like, but waking up, like my main focus now, and I mean you're in the exact, you've felt this exact same way, it's like, I just like to wake up and feel good every day, yeah you know?"
"It's nice to wake up in the heart."
"Boys, it is currently 7:19. We slept until sunrise."
"That's why I woke up standing on my head, stuck in the wall, in a Murphy bed."
"Expressing gratitude is the first thing I do. I give thanks that I actually open my eyes. I give thanks to God for allowing my feet to touch the floor."
"I just woke up with that in the back of my head."
"The best part of waking up is in your cup."
"I woke up feeling just like exhausted on every level."
"When I woke up the next morning, I heard somebody in the house."
"I think so too. So, do you think you'll be able to wake up tomorrow or do you think you're gonna need to sleep in?"
"Coffee won't wake you up, but a cold start will never get old."
"I used to never ever be a morning person. I mean, I'm still not really, I'm not no 5 a.m guru, but I used to wake up at about half 8, 9."
"Yeah I like the idea of like you're waking Katie up and it said her being like five more minutes she's like four more hours yeah."
"He remained in a coma for three full days before waking up."
"I think this is important enough for the mothers of America to go in and wake up the children."
"Literally just now woke up, I'm gonna spend 10 hours transforming."
"Imagine if one day you woke up in a strange room with no idea what time it is, where you are, or how you got there."
"I woke up naturally at five o'clock. My eyes opened and I looked at the clock and I was like oh my God it's five o'clock."
"Good morning, you guys. Mom is up now."
"Keep waking up. That's a goal. See, that's the goal."
"Bit of stress, not gonna lie. I woke up today at like 6:10."
"I don't want to wake up to an alarm ever if I don't have to."
"Good morning, I know I look crazy, just woke up."
"Guys, I just woke up last night, I was laying in bed, I'm so grateful for you guys and your friendship."
"I just felt so good waking up here, I know."
"I managed to fall asleep eventually and when I woke up the note was exactly where I left it."
"I woke up aware of somebody talking on a phone outside and glanced out to see the guy from check-in standing outside."
"Steve wakes up and feels terrible pain in his body."
"Surrounded by glass walls and an automated glass door from floor to ceiling, waking up here makes you want to embrace every morning and every day."
"I woke up the day after until I got a hangover purely because I just been hit a lot of times."
"And it's gonna be a good time right now. I already said the [ __ ] time I successfully woke up."
"I honestly I really mean this I know I OV exaggerate a lot but I cannot imagine a nicer way to wake up a nicer place to wake up more beautiful sound to wake up to."
"I finally felt fully alert like I should feel when I wake up."
"The relief that happens whenever you wake up knowing that it's not real is unlike any other."
"You wake up with the sunrise, yeah, with the crows and the birds, usually they wake you up."
"Thank you for waking up; it was probably an effort, right?"
"It's very cushiony, okay? It just keeps me energized, it helps me wake up."
"He's probably going to wake up confused," Annabeth guessed.
"It's like when you wake up from a deep sleep, you automatically just stretch."
"I love this for waking up, it's so good, so refreshing, kind of minty, it's strong but so good."
"I could definitely get used to waking up like this."