
Tokenization Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Tokenization changes everything. We can all participate."
"The world of tokenization has changed a lot since 2017... each one of those assets will end up being tokenized because of the efficiencies that come from tokenization."
"We are moving towards a digital tokenized economy regardless."
"Every company from the airlines to Starbucks, etc., they're all going to have a token." - Tokenization's impact across industries.
"So everything is tokenized, and the possibilities are mind-blowing when you start to think about all this."
"Real estate will be tokenized... I can sell my $5,000 investment in a $10 million condo to you instantaneously."
"Anything that can be made digital and tokenized will be made digital and tokenized."
"I love the way you always talk about the tokenization of everything."
"Now we've got pop star and token holder, they're all now joined in the same network."
"The rise of the tokenized economy is all kind of ushering us into the digital age of the financial system."
"A tokenization of an AI OpenAI Network makes total sense."
"Larry says, 'We are going to tokenize all assets. I see value in having an Ethereum ETF.'"
"The narrative of tokenization of real-world assets is running."
"Let's be honest, the real disruption will come with tokenization."
"This goes beyond the surface; it validates tokenization as a concept when the largest asset manager on earth makes the plunge."
"The tokenization and digitalization of everything is happening right now."
"Tokenization is exciting for me because there's a significant opportunity there."
"Real world asset tokenization projects offer a 100x opportunity."
"Tokenization enables faster and more error-free settlement in the Global Financial system."
"Tokenization of all types of assets are coming."
"Tokenizing everything from equities to wire transfers, it's absolutely crazy."
"I am huge into DeFi. Everything will be tokenized. DeFi will be huge."
"If tokenization is coming, which I 100% believe that it is..."
"Real estate is going to play a big role in the evolution of tokenization and maybe NFTs."
"We're talking about the entire economy being digitized and tokenized."
"NFTs will become more broadly speaking because at the end the NFT is more than just crypto art or sports or digital collectibles it can be a way of tokenizing everything."
"It's not only a thing in the digital world, but also a token representing a tangible experience in the real world."
"Tokenization expected to grow by a factor of 80x in private markets and reach up to almost 4 trillion in value by 2030."
"If you could leverage tokenization to make investment into Venture Capital more accessible and as well to provide some degree of liquidity, I think that would be definitely something very beneficial to individual investors."
"Tokenization is deemed more secure than encryption because unlike encryption it cannot be reversed."
"Tokenization is interesting because it's stateless; it's stronger than encryption."
"The tokenization of capital markets is the first step; crypto is just the proof of concept."
"For me, tokenization is the process by which you actually transform value, money, and real assets, where you and I can exchange value without a bank account no matter where you sit in the world."
"Tokenizing real-world assets is really exciting because it adds efficiency, transparency, and immutability to traditional investments."
"Tokenizing real-world assets is opening up trillions and trillions of dollars worth of assets that can now go on chain."
"Every fiat currency, every form of equity, every asset can be tokenized."
"Every stock, every bond, every currency, every commodity, every piece of art, every piece of real estate, every private business, every fine wine, every collectible car, every asset in the world, will be tokenized."
"This is just the start because what we actually want to do is tokenize the entire financial industry."
"Tokenization just means you can tokenize something, you can make a digital representation of something."
"Tokens have nothing to do with specific characters, it's all about a sequence of characters and how often they're seen."
"It's worth noting that BPE is not the only type of tokenizer. You have another one here called wordpiece tokenization."
"The CEO of Black Rock, one of the largest asset managers in the world, thought this was two years ago, that the future of the financial markets, of Securities markets, was going to be tokenization."
"Tokenization is one I use all the time when I'm using that. That's why if you pay for something with your phone or pay for it with your watch, it's much safer than paying for it with an actual physical card you might have in front of you."
"Tokenization of RW will end up being the biggest use case in crypto."
"Tokenization of RW will be the biggest use case that we'll ever see crypto."
"Creating a token is definitely the path to take if you don't know how to code or don't have a big budget."
"There is significant demand for tokenized assets real world assets."
"Larry Fink was on...the Davos...talked about the application of tokenization technology for safety and soundness of the financial system."
"Tokenization is going to allow for greater liquidity, transparency, and accessibility of these assets. It's just a stream of positive news."
"We're trying to take creators, artists, communities, brands, and help them tokenize their identities, put them online, enable fans, collectors, and people all around the world to participate in economies that are being built by these unique creators."
"I think tokenizing everything is ridiculous... but there are cases where a token makes sense."
"The tokenization of everything... there's this whole class of digital and perhaps even physical assets that can be tokenized."
"I think lots of things will be tokenized in the future, and real estate seems like a natural fit for this."
"As we continue our mission to create a tokenized world where all value can flow freely."
"The market size of tokenized assets can reach 16 trillion by 2030."
"The first challenge for doing a login or for authentication is creating a token."
"Tokenization is driven by solving real-world settlement problems and shows promising potential for development in a safe, sound, and fair manner."
"Both of these projects are going to play a fundamental role in the tokenization of the world."
"Innovations like the tokenization of assets have the potential to dramatically improve our financial infrastructure."
"This is a robust decentralized application that allows fans to purchase and resell tokenized songs from their favorite musicians."
"The guest token represents a user and their roles accordingly, so you could use that user, that role, and that guest token to support multiple dashboards and multiple embedded instances."
"Blockchains allow you to tokenize currency, tokenize fiat currency, but also create tokens of all sorts of things of value."
"If we're going to expand the sharing economy to add into tokenization... wouldn't that make so much more sense and really reward the seventh or eighth driver of Uber?"
"We Believe The Next Step going forward will be the tokenization of financial assets."
"Everything of value will be tokenized."
"Realistically though, we would actually store the token somewhere and have the ability to reuse it."
"The tokenization of assets is the future, decentralized finance is the future."
"Tokenization is more efficient trading mechanism and provides liquidity to that asset."
"Real estate tokenization is happening; it's a big deal and it's also happening on Hyera."
"Tokenization is the biggest use case around this sector."
"Hundreds of trillions and possibly quadrillions of dollars will infiltrate this market through tokenization."
"The greatest wealth is going to come from tokenization."
"Tokenization of everything is already happening."
"Rita has a tokenizer, meaning a way of chopping the sentence up into word tokens."
"Tokenization is the representation of real-world value on a blockchain with tokens."
"Tokenization means the process of substituting a sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent, referred to as a token."
"Tokenization has not disrupted the existing payment processing; it has some impact across the payment ecosystem."
"Tokens work differently because it actually replaces sensitive data with new data that is less sensitive or even unscented."
"At the core of the global tokenization system, the token service providers play a key role in creating, distributing, and providing real-time token management."
"That's a basic setup for creating a DApp token crowd sale."
"Let's print some tokens, create some money."
"For NFTs to become something common, I believe we need standards, not just token standards but specific to NFTs and their applications."