
Global Perception Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"One way in which all of this corrects itself is by America failing, being seen to have failed."
"This will change how the world looks at China for years to come, and for sure we have lessons to learn."
"Kate has every bit in her character and behavior the virtues of monarchy all around the world at its very best."
"To cast Israel as the world's Jew, that's the kind of new form of anti-Semitism."
"America is where the rest of the world wants to move to."
"This withdrawal was nothing short of a tragic disaster and an international embarrassment."
"I just feel personally like there's an awakening happening with all these other countries around the world where they're just like, 'Look, the United States, you guys have just been the bullies of everything.'"
"It's important that we fight against this perception that the global South is inferior to the US."
"North Korea has shaped itself to be one of, if not the most mysterious Nation on the planet."
"America's first victory of World War II. A message to the world that America was not just a frightened country on the other side of the ocean, but a force to be reckoned with."
"The CCP risks having different radical organizations, terrorist movements, or nationalist movements uniting against it."
"It's a bad look for the world government. It might convince countries that the world government isn't an entity that they should be a part of."
"I know the world is seeing this love, your groove and feel."
"It may not change their stance on the battlefield, but it does communicate to the entire world that we honor our commitments and we stand with our friends."
"The only thing we offer is war, is violence, is death, is destruction, and the world's starting to reject that."
"The timing of this stinks... a lot of other people around the world smelling something rotten is happening here as well."
"America's back and one of the one of my counterparts colleagues as head of state said for how long for how long."
"Norway is seen as one of the most sustainable places in the world."
"America was always known as the leader of the free world."
"We're a nation in decline, we're being laughed at all over the world... it's lost its confidence, it's lost its willpower, and it's lost its strength."
"The recent incidents involving white immigrants in Africa have brought to light a concerning double standard in the global perception of racial issues."
"The people around the world look at this government as a government that has lost its credibility."
"Black Americans y'all know this but around the world black people look up to you... they say wow they can do anything."
"Our name in the around the world outside of the United States is the planet."
"Since rising to power in Myanmar Suu Kyi’s reputation on the world stage has drastically changed."
"The Chinese Communist Party is really, really good... at turning their terrible mistakes into propaganda wins—and convincing the rest of the world to agree."
"Norway's evacuation of the Russian army shown to the entire world how powerless Putin has become."
"Our aggressive posturing, bullying, and occupation has turned world opinion against the US armed forces."
"His main goal was to prove to users all over the world that products from the middle kingdom had long stopped being low-quality mass production goods."
"We know we've won we have we have one look at it around the world and it's not a matter of winning it's a matter of coming to terms with the fact that people just want to live their lives."
"Ukraine's very meticulous behavior towards civilians and avoidance of harm was appreciated by the whole world."
"He's called a man of peace in the Bible because that's how the world will see him."
"This kind of open rank hypocrisy is what is striking lots of people around the world." - Vijay Prashad
"No matter what policies China adopted, no matter what China does, they were criticized and villainized."
"I pray for black greatness because it's a threat to the rest of the world."
"Americans don't want to face this... but the rest of the world is watching."
"Russia and China have become the new cool places to go to."
"This country is a beacon of light and hope for people around the world."
"No one is above the law. We need to stand on that because eyes are watching us around the world."
"Just something feels like we're starting to have a shot at no longer being a laughingstock globally."
"America is really distinctive, it's exceptional, and the world knows that too."
"Emancipation was an internal phenomenon that had almost no effect on the actions or standing of the United States on the world stage."
"Jealousy. If no one's got anything to say about your country, then on the world stage, you're just not doing it."
"Who are you, who do you wish to be? A country which is feared or a country which is respected? A country of power or a country of kindness?"
"The respect of the world is nice to have, but you can live without it."
"It's about showing the world that absolutely beautiful handcrafted high value things can come from a place where you wouldn't expect them to come from."
"The woods definitely seemed to be a place of fear and wonder for many of us across the globe."
"The shrinking world effect makes the world feel a lot smaller because of communication in real-time and being able to transport things a lot quicker."