
Animal Products Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"If people like the thought of eating less animal products and reducing their consumption of animal products, then that's good. That is a good thing."
"Collectively, if the whole world could make smaller changes or cut their consumption of animal products in half, that would overall be a lot more effective and impactful."
"The ideal amount of animal products that should be in the human diet is zero."
"Milk is for baby calves; it's for the growth and development of a baby cow. Are we baby cows? Nope."
"There's nothing radical about eating animals nose-to-tail."
"Eating an animal nose-to-tail can give me everything."
"Some goat milk cheese is made with rennet from the stomach of a goat or lamb."
"A vegan is someone who does not in so much as they can eat or use animal products."
"Not controversial. It's completely irresponsible to advocate people eat high amounts of animal products."
"Stick with grass-fed, pasture-raised, wild-caught animal products."
"I suggest a 50% tax on all foods containing animal products."
"The vast majority of animal products the people are eating B12 is supplemented."
"Limiting or restricting [animal products] is not an act of denial."
"I'm convinced that the human physiology requires the presence of some animal food in the diet."
"Animal foods provide all of the nutrients that a human needs for optimal health in the most highly bioavailable forms."
"Everything that a human needs is in an animal."
"Lots of people believe that people shouldn't consume animal products."
"Everyone can eliminate their animal product consumption. You don't need to eat meat, dairy, or eggs."
"If you're going to eat a small amount of animal product, it could mostly be cooked as a stew in a soup or a wok vegetable dish with moisture."
"You don't have to avoid all animal foods altogether, that's insane."
"You'll learn that grass-fed animal products are actually worse for the environment."
"When eating animal products is scientifically linked to 14 about 15 leading causes of death..."
"Rhinoceros horn: sold on the black market for a fortune."
"I'm a firm believer that in an ideal situation... there's nutrients in animal foods that you just can't get anywhere else."
"Animal products provide the most nutrients and high-quality protein."
"Everything we use at some point is going to be a derivative of some kind of animal."
"If you're eating animal meat, it's going to be very nutritious for humans."
"Animal products are the best ways to get these things. Animal protein is generally speaking easier to digest and it's going to have much more abundant levels of things like glutamic acid and cysteine and glycine."
"Scientific studies have shown that diets rich in animal products are linked to raised levels of IGF-1."
"Every micronutrient you need is in animal products."
"The basic levels to prevent oxalate damage is not to have animal products and animal protein your diet."
"You don't have to go vegan, but if you want to help the world out, just eat less animal products."
"The proper human diet is based upon us eating animal products, not plants, not vegetables."
"The underlying message here is true; it's very possible that these animal products are actually contributing to more deaths than smoking."
"The nutrients that we get in animal products are bioidentical to what we crave in terms of our biology and our own bodies."
"As long as any animal essence or byproduct is harvested ethically, then it's fine."
"I can't think of one disease that gets better from animal products or processed food."
"No vegan has ever said eating an egg is killing a baby chicken. Not a single one. Because guess what, bro? The eggs aren't fertilized."
"The longest-lived societies have always eaten a diet style with less than 10% of calories from animal products."
"The best dietary sources of choline are animal source foods like eggs and meat."