
Scientific Study Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The study showed that the 30-second intervals resulted in a greater improvement in a 20-minute power test when compared to the 5-minute intervals."
"Beyond the rhetoric of UFO groups, it is clear that if scientific institutions were to undertake a serious study of UFOs, they would not make long philosophical speeches on the wonders of science; they would proceed methodically."
"The most famous scientific study showing that prayer has a positive influence on healing was a double-blind study done in San Francisco in 1982."
"The reality is still pretty interesting to look at. They gave obese rats Sacha Inchi oil for 11 weeks. They found they had a decrease in bad cholesterol, a decrease in triglycerides, a decrease in inflammatory cytokines, decrease in tumor necrosis factor alpha but most interestingly an increase in antioxidant capacity."
"This is something really important in terms of human history and in terms of understanding our own evolution."
"The Dmanisi assemblage samples a population belonging to a single species."
"There has been only two randomized trials of masks for COVID."
"NASA plans to return samples of Mars to Earth for further study."
"The observable universe is just a small fraction of the entire universe that we can study and comprehend."
"Lockdowns had little or no impact on the COVID-19 deficit - new study shows."
"UFOs are real, they're a safety hazard, they need to be studied. We don't know what they are."
"Operates through a mechanism that provides negative feedback."
"Among the tested plant extracts, the extract of Astragalus radix showed the most potent hair growth stimulation potential."
"It's very unusual, it's hard to explain, it's hard to understand, and most importantly, it creates this new opportunity for study for us."
"Genetics studies genes, heredity, and genetic variation."
"This research study was years in the making... it takes years to get research completed."
"Ectosteroids with at least within the context of the research is typically looked at as a health promoting compound."
"The recommendation to wear surgical masks... did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50%."
"We'll certainly continue to explore how lifestyle changes can affect the Horvath clock DNA methylation pattern."
"Social psychology is going to be the scientific study of how we think about influence and relate to one another."
"Substituting honey for refined carbohydrates protects rats from the hypertriglyceridemic and peroxidative effects of fructose."
"Symmetrical faces were judged most attractive."
"Averageness, symmetry, and expression accounted for 71% of the variants in attractiveness ratings."
"The more I study science, the more I believe in God."
"We knew then that we needed to study this in a formal clinical trial."
"Working through these courses will help you develop the problem-solving and critical thinking skills necessary to tackle any scientific challenge that comes your way."
"More than one reality exists, shocking study finds."
"The most rigorously studied diet on Earth is the animal-based diet."
"How amazing is it that we can study biology and evolution of creatures so long dead?"
"The love hormone and weed both make you bond with others. It says, 'Want to get close and personal with someone?' A new study shows a link between oxytocin and THC improves interpersonal bonding."
"That's probably the most exciting that's that's the human study we're doing we're doing all kinds of stuff."
"The tsunami of Krakatoa is actually the first to ever be recorded and studied globally by scientists."
"The dam broke and people started to accept or recognize seti and just the search for technical signatures in the universe as a legitimate form of scientific study."
"I know your doctor might say there's no evidence Food Matters Food Matters I don't care what your doctor says this is a published scientific study that was replicated."
"Anatoly's brain matter literally did not have the stopping power to bring the beam's high energy protons to a stop."
"If you want to understand evolution and natural selection, viruses are a great thing to study."
"Scientists recently completed a study that revealed surprising migration patterns in South America from thousands of years ago."
"These things are real and we can acknowledge them and we can also study them scientifically."
"Oct is working to determine a cross-sectional view of the tissue."
"Men are hardwired to chase women, women to desire the chase. Scientific study confirmed."
"It's part of a larger effort in our lab for understanding the relationship between cognition and creativity."
"One study found that switching to MCTS led to a 5% boost in resting metabolic rate."
"We want to study how materials age in the vacuum of space."
"Symmetries, whether they are space-time or internal, global or local, continuous or discrete, are incredibly crucial to the study of physics."
"Bodies that are donated to science are put in any one of a variety of situations much like a body may find itself in the real world, and they study what happens over time."
"An entomologist is a scientist that studies bugs."
"Microbiology literally means the study of small life."
"When you're studying microbiology, the first order of business is this classification."
"Studying these things are complicated and difficult, this is why researchers try to isolate all these other factors to be able to find the causation, not just a correlation."
"We're going to look at the complete lifecycle of the Moore EF5 tornetic supercell."
"Studies suggest that the kinds of oils in the fat included in the Mediterranean diet may protect the heart against potentially fatal disruptions of heart rhythms and other causes of heart attacks."
"In general, organic chemistry deals with carbon-containing compounds, emphasizing the study of their structure, synthesis, and reactions."
"...complete tumor regression in the intravaginal tumor model with the non-replicating or the self-amplifying RNA."
"A paleontologist studies all fossilized life from fish to plants, really anything that's part of the fossil record."
"By performing a meta-analysis... we can see that that's actually identified a statistically significant difference between the groups."
"Betty Yerxa could see that if we really wanted to understand humanity, human beings, we had to understand what they did every day, and we had to study it scientifically."
"We Are the Champions, Circa 1977, according to a scientific experiment from 2011, it is the catchiest song ever recorded."
"In spite of being concerned with the subject over many thousands of years, scientific understanding of the dream has not got very far."
"For more than 50 years, bring a rigorous scientific methodology to bear on the study of near-death experiences, altered states of consciousness, very young children who remember their past lives, and related phenomena."
"Nanophotonics is the study and engineering the manipulation and use of the interaction between light and matter."
"Kinesiology is the scientific study of human body movement."
"Social psychology is just going to be the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another."
"Psychology could be a field through which we could scientifically study spirituality."
"Interventions, longitudinal studies, and innovative research designs may be useful in exploring this uncharted territory."
"By studying them, we actually learn a lot about what general properties of quantum field theory should be."
"Reality is of course extremely complicated, and due to the fundamentally relational nature of reality, it is never actually possible to completely isolate the factors which we wish to study scientifically."
"The UAP independent study was commissioned to create a roadmap on how to use the tools of science to evaluate and categorize the nature of UAPs going forward."
"The more I studied the universe, the more I believe in a higher power."
"Studying Ampere's law, students collect data from the magnetic field of different solenoids to determine the magnetic permeability of free space."
"The observation of the diversity of life and an attempt to come up with an explanation for it is what started the study of evolution."
"The dependent variable is the data we're collecting."
"The field of criminology is an academic discipline that uses the scientific method to study the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior."
"Pharmacology is the science of dealing with these interactions of molecules that are introduced into the body."
"Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms."