
Monetary Theory Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Money's like economic water, and when it comes to price signals, fiat currency is inscrutably murky...Bitcoin is the opposite; it is crystal clear."
"Money has powerful network effect qualities."
"The whole point of hoarding gold is that it is money and it is to be spent."
"A money-financed tax cut is essentially equivalent to Milton Friedman's famous helicopter drop of money."
"Money is a myth. It has no value in and of itself. It is a medium of exchange for goods, services, and ideas."
"Inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomenon."
"Money is the exchange of value in our world."
"Money isn't even real to these people... it's used to control you."
"I think you hit the nail on the head, man. If we didn't print five trillion dollars, maybe companies that should go bankrupt would actually go bankrupt because they can't run a business properly."
"Gold is money everything else is credit is backed by debt so it the center of every monetary system is gold every Central Bank owns gold at the base and then they print Fiat on top of it."
"The alternative to sound money is the state steals from people, and on paper redistribution okay I can get down with."
"It's a pretty big idea. It's not a speculative uncorrelated asset. It's the first monetary network in the history of the world that we figured out how to make work."
"The only thing that gives the currency its energy or its value is your dependency on it."
"Money is not abstract nor is it some item of precious scarcity."
"Money is just an idea, it's the value that we put in it."
"Do you think there's an argument for us having deflationary money but inflationary consumer prices?"
"Bitcoin is telling a monetary story, it's telling a store of value, a money story, a macroeconomic story."
"What is money? Money is economic energy stored in different assets."
"Money is mostly arbitrary, representing time and labor."
"You can't have a loose money and a tight monetary policy simultaneously."
"Law argued that trade and money are interdependent; when trade decays, money lessens and when money lessens, trade decays."
"Money is a system of effectively societal memory."
"Money is just a shared hallucination that we all have."
"The failure to answer the fundamental question about how much money there is in existence is an admission that there's way more money in existence than acknowledged."
"Inflation inflation inflation is a monetary phenomenon."
"So the amount of times it circulates that is what we call the velocity of money."
"Their money is about to fail. The U.S. dollar, the world reserve currency, the fiat money system is about to fail."
"Bitcoin is a savings technology, the best hard money ever invented."
"Gold and silver in any form is still monetary at its base, critical for people to understand."
"Moving us into the gold standard is sound money."
"Only gold is money, everything else is credit. This is a credit crisis, people. Credit is debt. Debt or bonds, a hundred percent vulnerable, a hundred percent at risk. Never seen that before, have you?"
"So not only a better form of money, but a better form of gold."
"Gold is money, silver too. Therefore, it's not a gold price, it's a gold dollar exchange ratio."
"If I secure your life force, right, energy, money is energy, is life force, is money is power."
"Libra will crack open further global discussion about what money is."
"Money doesn't have value. Money is a vector for transmitting value."
"Gold's money...it will probably be money for thousands more."
"The illusion of money is one that we never really think about, but its value is determined by the importance we place on it."
"The whole thing around money, the whole thing is going to change, the thinking, the way it's used, all of that."
"The shared agreement that this dollar is valuable is only valuable because we agree."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate form of money... foundational to a moral and civilized society."
"Printing money doesn't produce goods and services. It doesn't hire people. It may seem like the right short-term medicine, but can the cure be worse than the disease?"
"Gold is money, there's no question about that."
"Monetary inflation generally refers to an increase in the broad money supply such as M2. It's not about prices going up it's about the amount of money in the financial system going up."
"To me that is the big difference here is when you separate it away you can have monetary maximalism."
"The natural end state for money is that you are a maximalist."
"Four trillion dollars times zero is zero. If you don't have velocity you don't have an economy."
"Money itself doesn't have value. Money is a vector for transmitting value."
"Once you really understand gold is money, you're really asking what is the dollar's value in terms of gold, not vice versa."
"It's not only [ __ ] you money it's [ __ ] you money because it's a unit of truth."
"Money is the most viral product of all time."
"Money is just a means of exchange, that is all it is."
"The economy should not work like this. This does not make sense. You don't just print money."
"Bitcoin is the e equals mc squared of money."
"So long as everyone's caught up in this spell that printing money is somehow a net positive and they don't ask too many questions or push back, then government can just get away for with us for a very long time."
"Silver and gold will have a huge role, like having real money to track."
"Bitcoin is effectively perfected money because Satoshi took away all of the negative aspects from those properties."
"The financial system... it's not the stock market, it's the dollar. It's the U.S. dollar and all fiat-based money which is attached to nothing."
"Money itself is a social scalability consensus tool."
"Real inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon."
"Bitcoin has better characteristics of money than many other things."
"Central banks are printing cash. That is all you need to know."
"We have to always remember that first and foremost no matter what it has to serve as money."
"Money is just a side effect of an energy exchange."
"Gold is not a liability, it's no one's liability. Gold is money." - "Gold has absolutely bottomed."
"Gold and silver are not really commodities, they will act as speculative assets because they're money."
"Money is a collective illusion and what does that even mean? Well, unfortunately, most people don't really understand what money is."
"Every single dollar produces debt attached to it."
"Paper money has no value unless people believe in it."
"Remember gold is money. This all this other stuff it's not going to work."
"The real goal of money is to balance out the supply alongside the population and the levels of productivity."
"Fiat currency is an uncollateralized government debt certificate undergoing slow motion default while it's useless force on society."
"Bad money drives good money out of circulation."
"Money is just an arbitrary political commodity."
"So technically though then bitcoin is a fiat currency. It is, it is, because fiat currency means it's backed by nothing."
"Bitcoin is the best form of money that we have ever created."
"Money is just paper or numbers on the screen. It only has value if people accept it as a medium of exchange."
"As long as a country has a printing press, inflation only has one way to go."
"You cannot continue to print money in order to solve a debt problem."
"The future of bitcoin's potential and it's just it's mind-blowing and we we have no idea what that's going to look like."
"There's no limit to the government's capacity to create money. It doesn't create debt, it doesn't burden future generations, and it doesn't take savings out of the private sector."
"From the point of view of the zero lower bound, I think that increasing average inflation would be a better way of doing things."
"Modern Monetary Theory money issued directly from the central bank."
"Bitcoin as property means it is appropriate to serve as a thermodynamically sound money or thermodynamically sound monetary index."
"This is known as the Fisher equation."
"Over time the hardest, soundest form of money wins."
"MV equals PY is very accurate as an indicator of where the general price level's going."