
Weekends Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend, hope y'all get outside, love your family, hug your babies, hug your grandkids, hug your nieces and nephews, hug your parents."
"It's Friday, baby. You know what Friday means? No school means no work."
"Saturdays are for sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the weekend!"
"I'm a lot more chill on the weekend, I'm not going to make them [help], they don't have to do their chore charts on the weekend."
"This weekend is already off to a fantastic start."
"We're going to make life-changing money on weekends sometimes I make the most money trading on weekends."
"It was everything you thought of when you heard the word Saturday morning. It was a perfect experience."
"Have a good weekend all, thanks Dave for your kind advice."
"You know, I like more than a good after school routine, a good weekend. I can sniff it, it's right around the corner. It's almost the weekend, I can sleep in."
"Saturdays have quickly become like my favorite day. They're so chill."
"I feel like so much more chill on the weekends."
"There's something about Sundays and coffee that just feels right."
"I hope you guys have an amazing, beautiful weekend."
"Waking up on the weekends has to be one of my favorite parts of the week because I just don't have my alarm set."
"It's the simple things in life, isn't it, like the lovely chilled weekends away."
"The weekends we live for our sports and we have a great time here in Wisconsin."
"One of those nights, you know, one of those weekends where everything's 200%."
"The point about weekends for me is not that I've got more time for cooking, we've got more time for eating."
"Symptom control is important on the weekends as well."
"I love that I'll be able to spend the weekends doing things we actually enjoy."
"The appeal of the steady paycheck wears off and you realize I am spending most of my day at my work. I am starting to live for the weekends."
"Weekends I spend about two to two and a half hours easily."
"Hope you're having a great day and enjoy your weekends!"
"Saturdays are for college football."
"Saturdays are seriously my favorite day of the entire week. Very Chill Vibes."
"Most weekends are just two days. I'm like, how is that ever enough?"
"It was so revealing that on the weekends there was just being up and like moving around and you got some errands and dude, it was like, it was so many, it was like hundreds, it was like almost a thousand more calories each."
"Celebrities don't really hang out on the weekend. If you're gonna find them, it's probably gonna be on a weekday."
"What a perfect plan to do on a beautiful weekend."
"It was a beautiful weekend, a weekend that you would dream of."
"Weekend morning routines are even more important than weekday morning routines."
"Mostly, my part-time job was on weekends."
"One of the greatest weekends of my life again with you."
"There's something about our weekends that I absolutely love."
"I love our weekends and I love you."
"Hey everybody, it's Friday. I hope you're sitting right there watching me and are going to have an absolutely amazing weekend because it is what you deserve."
"Thank God It's Friday, that's what I'm talking about."
"Biggest best part of today is it's the weekend and I'm so excited feeling good feeling optimistic."
"I'm super tired and I hope you've all had a lovely weekend wait it's Monday I hope you have a nice weekend anyway."
"Saturday mornings are like okay no matter what's going on Saturday mornings belong to awesome you know."
"Weekends are really our only time to relax."
"It's like, as soon as the weekend hits, it's just so much better."
"Her weekend page is really interesting compared to other weekend pages on planners."
"Living your best life, that's what Saturday mornings are for."
"Saturday mornings are fun around here, maybe around where you are too."
"Saturdays are an excellent time to catch up on your sleep."
"Weekends are great because sometimes it means you're off work and you get to do things you want."
"Thank you so much, we love the Green family every weekend."
"Eating delicious food on the weekend makes me so happy."
"I take my weekends off and it's just so much better."
"Use your weekends to build the life you want, not escape the life you have."
"You can only have weekends if you have weekdays. That's what makes them weekends."
"We do what we need to do during the week and come out and put a show on the weekend."
"I love weekends so much... I live for those slow days, those are definitely my favorite."
"I always try to let myself sleep as much as I want on the weekends and just completely relax."
"Weekends, particularly Sundays, are very precious too."
"I love Saturday mornings, it's probably my most favorite time of the week."
"Lazy Sunday mornings, hiding under covers, I don't mind staying."
"I'm definitely grateful for Sundays."
"We could have as many as eleven three-day weekends."
"Thank you for making my Sunday mornings."
"Saturdays, rest and be with your family."
"Sundays are my only lie-in day until 7:00 a.m."
"I've loved this every single Saturday, just coming out and making my weekends ever so slightly better."
"I have been noticing that I'm actually exhausted from the weekends."
"He's an amazing father to our son when he gets him on the weekends."
"I love going out on the weekends with my friends."
"We all enjoy weekends and eight-hour workdays because trade unions fought for them."
"I like to wear heels on Saturdays."
"I really enjoyed having my weekends off so that's something that I want to continue to do."
"Let's face it, Sunday wouldn't be Sunday without a bit of bully."
"The reality of life is that some people do work on the weekends."
"It's Friday, and Fridays are precious."
"Sundays, I love Sundays. I live for Sundays."
"This is what Sundays are supposed to be like."
"You always got to get crazy on the weekend, man. That's what they're for."
"I've been trying really hard to do the same thing on weekends, to just have that be like sacred non-work time to spend with my family."
"I work so much during the week that I never get to see them that much, and weekends is the only time we get to hang out."
"I really truly love getting to spend my weekends with you."
"Weekends are a critical time to be away from work and to reset one's energy."
"The weekends were ours, especially Sundays that was reserved for family day."
"I just wanted to find out what's your perfect Sunday."
"Happy Sunday! Over here for me, it's like a whole different vibe, I love Sundays."
"I love love love love Fridays because then we get to go out after school as a family."
"Summer Fridays hit different, especially when it's a three-day weekend."
"What better time to get into your comfy clothes on a Sunday, that's what Sundays are meant for, right?"
"Good morning YouTube, so at this point of my training, my weekends are just dedicated to running."
"I love Sunday, Zoe is making me a special lunch."
"Give yourself a break on the weekends."
"What are Sundays for, you know what I'm saying?"
"Weekends are nice. Weekends are great. Sometimes they're even restful."
"We go out every single weekend and just have the best time."
"Weekends aren't for sleeping in; they're to enjoy."
"I love waking up now on Saturdays and being able to enjoy my family."
"Feeling good about that because Saturdays are hard sometimes."
"The weekend is dedicated to football, Saturday mornings, afternoons, and Sundays devoted to the beautiful game."
"The monochrome shirt is a perfect visual representation of the weekend where it's simple, no-nonsense, just like those wearing it."
"Sundays are so chill, I just love it."
"Sunday is the best day; for some reason, I'm always in a good mood on Sunday."
"I feel like the weekends are just so so nice for us to like catch up, do things that we want to do, have some nice time together."
"I love Saturdays, I love being able to sleep in."
"Enjoy the rest of your Saturdays, live it up, suck every second you can out of Saturdays, they're precious."
"I really do love Sundays because I try and just finish off the things that I haven't managed to get done."
"Day of week might matter because our behavior is different on weekends versus weekdays."
"Saturdays were for takeout, and Sundays were designated as Daddy cook days."
"The family get-together was great at the weekends."
"I like to use Saturdays to decompress and do soul-filling things."
"Weekends are precious to most people; I'll try to make it a rewarding experience for you."
"This is what everybody wanted: full pages for Saturday and Sunday."
"Remember every weekend we stayed out late and then..."
"Saturdays are always better than Fridays."
"I always like to sleep in a little bit on the weekends, give myself some slack, and catch up on some rest."
"It's lovely having lunch with family on weekends when it's cold and winter."
"I like to cook us breakfast on the weekends."
"I'm always like the number one thing on weekends is I just want to spend time with my immediate family."
"Sundays are officially my favorite day of the week."
"Sundays are my happiest days now."
"Weekends are precious in the summer."
"I feel like I really started to have proper weekends now."
"I'm enjoying getting out of the house on Sundays to be a part of that."
"I need my Saturdays and Sundays for the Lord."
"Life was good, at least during the weekend, especially on Sunday."
"I love watching college football on Saturdays; I love watching NFL on Sundays."
"Have I mentioned how much I love my Friday nights? It's just the ultimate sense of freedom, you know."
"I honestly think those weekends are potentially the highlight of my career."
"It's Caturday, so we're glad we could find for you some cats."
"I like weekends; I'm just happy to be here."
"We normally hang out with the family on the weekends; we're very family-oriented."
"We have live entertainment Fridays and Saturdays."
"We love waking up on a Saturday or Sunday morning and feeling good."
"It's Friday, it can mean only one thing: it's time for fashion, baby."
"Weekends are the time I devote to my children."
"My goal is to never have to do any work on the weekends."
"Why are the weekends going by so fast?"
"I'm personally really enjoying the Saturdays."
"Friday nights and Saturday nights are my favorites."
"I love making us like a nice, yummy breakfast on the weekends."
"I'm so looking forward to that, I just want to be able to have like our weekends."
"Saturday morning cartoons were great, you couldn't see them any other day of the week."
"That's how I'll know he's the one when he can make my Sundays interesting."
"I see Michelle like every weekend, so usually my weekend Vlogs are like lit because I'm doing something on the weekends."
"We both loved nature, so we often spent our weekends going for walks and exploring new places."
"Saturday is fast becoming my favorite day of the week."
"I hope you have enjoyed your fun-filled Caturday."
"Saturdays and Fridays are S tier."
"Life is pretty cool, and it's weekends like this that really remind me how cool life can be."
"The weekends are when I'm there on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and I'm with the kids."
"I'm so excited for today because today is Friday, and I just love the weekends."
"It's Saturday, I remember as a kid that we would do like watch cartoons. Saturday's supposed to be a fun day, right? Don't have to be so serious on Saturday."
"Kids are Weekend Warriors; they wake up early, it's like the day that they can sleep in, but they wake up early and go, go, go."
"Friendships are built on those weekends."
"I love Sunday afternoons with my family, it's like one of my favorite things ever."
"Thumbs up for Sunday pants because, I mean, do we all have a pair of Sunday pants?"
"Every Sunday needs frosting, right?"
"I always love the weekends. I just love being able to just chill."
"What is your favorite thing about the weekends? What do you always look forward to the most?"
"Pancakes on a Sunday, always a good idea."
"Weekends are so much better after you graduate."
"It's Saturday morning, and I really treasure my Saturday mornings."
"It's always nice having things to look forward to on the weekends."
"I like Saturday mornings just for like kind of winding down from the week and just being really chilled, almost like a little bit of self-care if you will."
"I really try to take the weekends off completely from doing chores."