
Sexual Ethics Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Chesterton's fence principle is extraordinarily important, particularly when it comes to something as important and complex and difficult as human sexual relationships."
"Consent is important. What constitutes consent? Marriage does. That's where sex was encapsulated fundamentally."
"If you're all in with personal preference as guiding what is and what is not legitimate sex, you're demographically imploding."
"Jesus said, 'If you look at a woman and lust for her, you commit adultery.'"
"No one owes you sex, and you don't owe sex to anyone, whether it's a stranger, a partner, a spouse—whoever."
"Enthusiastic consent should be the standard."
"The homosexual relationship is morally wrong."
"Sex outside of marriage...is essentially using sex selfishly."
"The fact that sex is so very important to our nature... we've got to make sure it remains within certain confines."
"Sexual expression and experience are not necessary for human flourishing."
"That all sex should be consensual and a mutually gratifying experience for everyone."
"Only in marriage is it possible for sexual relationships to reaffirm the dignity and uniqueness of each sexual partner."
"This attitude that sex is beautiful and it's incredible and it's amazing and it's wonderful within the context of marriage but if it's outside you're broken is inherently [__] problematic."
"Sexual activity itself has an inherently marital meaning."
"The sexual act is meant to communicate the Divine mystery."
"It's not just a story about a politician's sexual morality, it's also a story about hypocrisy."
"We want a society that protects the vulnerable and honors sex and marriage in a healthy way."
"Sexual purity according to scripture and God's word... living according to God's design for love, sex, and marriage."
"Consent is the bare minimum; it is not the only standard." - Louise Perry
"Protection of the vulnerable... recognition that... sexual attraction to children is wrong."
"I think this is a book that every young man should read because almost every young man you know struggles with pornography and with sexual sin."
"Abstinence only? No sex until marriage? Okay, so I don't want sex like ever. Sex is a human experience, how dare you not want sex! Oh my God, it's just so God dang frustrating."
"Practice sexual discipline, it's sexy as hell and exposes what she's really about."
"You need to know those before we can go satisfying our deeper urges without hurting people."
"God wants our marriage sex to be pure, passionate, and bringing pleasure."
"Sex is not lust. Lust is when you have sex outside of marriage."
"Sex requires enthusiastic consent from every participant."
"Anything to informed consent, anything that consenting informed adults do together that doesn't cause any lasting harm is positive sex, is a good thing."
"If we just went and watched whatever news program tonight... there's going to be something that we can say that had an origin in a broken sexual reality."
"If people have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack the corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object."
"To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband."
"Consent is important, and if somebody is wrong and if someone is willing to sexual harassment, it's pretty reasonable that we can extend that to rape as well."
"Can you have sex and still have a clear mind?"
"You should be able to communicate with your partner and they should have the sexual discipline to communicate with you first before thinking about stepping out."
"It's not anti-sex it's not a Puritan just the contrary it's because we hold it to be so sacred and significant that we surround it with all these restrictions."
"The effects of purity culture are well documented... a coherent sexual ethic the purity culture tried to offer."
"Debating sexual ethics is crucial for Muslims because it's where Islam is under attack."
"Sex has the ability to bring forth new life or destroy."
"Sexual immorality doesn't begin in the heart; rather, the heart is involved in a later phase."
"Consent goes away completely and utterly when it comes to sexual relations."
"Our world views were the same. We thought we can just have sex with anyone, as long as we both love each other, as long as we agree."
"Chastity is an inner ordering of your entire sexual appetite from your mind and your spirit all the way down to your body."
"The key goal was mutual gender satisfaction within marital heterosexual intercourse."
"We shouldn't feel ashamed and we shouldn't shame others for wanting or not wanting or taking part in or not taking part in casual sex."
"We were both on a journey of sexual Purity. And I would be lying if I say we didn't fall from time to time. But one thing that we did is that every time that we fall, we don't stay in that place."
"Even though this is specifically about lustful same-sex behavior, all same-sex relationships are wrong because they go against the natural created order of God."
"It's not rocket science, get consent before you perform sexual acts on someone else."
"Neither are to sexually defraud each other on a regular basis. Both are required to remain faithful. Adultery is forbidden in the Bible."
"Votes for women and chastity for men."
"I think what I'm trying to say is you have to handle this with care but there are a lot of people today who are bound up in sexual sin whether pornography or in a relational sense right we're talking about heterosexuals here now for the moment and and they need to get married."
"You can't tell me to 'wait for marriage' and then at my wedding reception, when I didn't, do my stuff right, no. You hear worship leaders? Think of the children."
"What Jesus emphasized was sexual purity and moral purity. And He emphasized that sexual relationships should take place within the confines of marriage."