
Game Storytelling Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Though the story and gameplay are both brilliant, it is the environment that really makes Ghost of Tsushima something special."
"Joel's actions continue to be highly debated, but many can sympathize with his decisions."
"Let's talk about the lore and the cutscenes. I'm not a big story guy, but I'm following along with the current act one story and it's pretty interesting."
"A fairly serious affair just because its plot is sober though it doesn't mean that the Witcher 3 is completely without a sense of humor."
"Utterly heart-rending, players' hearts break."
"If you've played 2018's God of War you'll know that your boy Kratos doesn't really like talking about his past and so it's somewhat Monumental when he finally Embraces it."
"Homefront's unsettling sequences evoke emotion in players."
"This bond is the heart and soul of the game's story."
"I think Guardians of the Galaxy actually has a strong story."
"Once again FromSoftware and the desire to make sure that fabric is there to tell you about everything that's going on in the game."
"Players will uncover the fate of the Black Pearl and its crew, and players will take part in an epic battle against a familiar Sea of Thieves enemy in ways never seen before."
"The pacing and expertise of each cinematic moment and new reveal is so well executed."
"Jedi Survivor's narrative actually exceeds what most people were expecting. What we got instead was a pretty epic tale that is as varied as it is expansive."
"The story is largely built up around making significant decisions surrounding both the larger case which is called the Nightmare and several smaller haunting cases that make up side quests and these form the major and minor choices of the game."
"The story is dark and it's intriguing... I think that's a pretty strong point of the game."
"Throughout the prequel and a mainstay throughout the series, you get these sub-stories that while I've mentioned are optional, do flesh out the characters."
"Every combat should either further the plot, ground the players, or challenge them."
"Super Paper Mario's plot is anything but shallow."
"Scott's method of storytelling over the years is as captivating as it is confounding."
"Even if Walker doesn't even if you select what appears to be the closest thing to an escape from Dubai there's a final line that tells you Walker died and that this is his personal hell."
"A lot of the most compelling villains in all of gaming are sympathetic or downright likeable."
"The story is cheesy but it's actually kind of cool too."
"Women have a lack of appreciation for the things you do. If you do 50 things and she does one, she feels like for that one you owe her that 51st thing."
"Minecraft offers a lot of freedom with storytelling."
"It's the Joseph Campbell hero's journey turned on its head."
"The writers and developers succeeded in showing us how much more meaningful a sacrifice is when it is made for a community rather than for oneself."
"Majora's Mask is the pinnacle of story in Zelda games."
"Final Fantasy 7 story has always been one of the most compelling things about the game for me."
"Life is cyclical, and I think a major point that stray is putting forward is that the death of homo sapiens is not the death of humanity itself."
"Many of these games have stories and mechanics that are so well developed that some of them eclipsed their contemporaries."
"Battlefield 5 can treat us to a truly gripping story focused on a specific squad."
"It creates a unique conversation about what is true honor."
"But one thing is for certain and that is that Ash has built up a strong bond between himself and his Pokemon"
"The story of Persona 4 Dancing is surprisingly good."
"Ramza's ending, despite it showing quite the deviation from what was expected from a Final Fantasy at the time, was therefore quite fitting."
"We want to respect the effort of commitment that a lot of you have put into the narrative that we create."
"Black and White 2 show that people can change and show why growth is necessary."
"XCOM was able to generate memorable stories from the gameplay itself."
"There's also, without spoiling too much, one of the greatest sequences I have experienced in a video game. It relates to music. It's unbelievable."
"The relationship between the two of them is the emotional heart of the game."
"This map is so cool, this story, this adventure, it's amazing."
"When trying to convey the horrors of conflict, a million monotonous cutscenes telling you 'war is bad but also pilots should be fighting the bad wars' will always fail to reach the thematic potency of one finely tuned interaction."
"Sea of Stars remixes fantasy tropes with wonderful originality."
"It's uniquely charming when absolutely every character in the game is an idiot, and the story doesn't seem to realize it."
"Witcher 3's approach... narrative and memorability."
"The main quests itself are very short... the side jobs in cyberpunk actually add to the main story."
"I don't think we've had a good narrative in World of Warcraft for years."
"It took him six years, but he's back and wins his second finals MVP."
"Valve know how to do a good storyline and Portal 2 is them at their very best."
"Dixon's foreshadowing: leading us to the game's enormous reveal."
"Give them the dungeons, give them the puzzles, and give them the traditionally told story."
"It just goes to show how much story is crammed into the parts you don't see or experience in the game."
"Super Paper Mario easily has one of the best stories of any Mario game I've ever played."
"What truly captivated me in this game is its main story."
"The story is one of my favorite parts of Genshin Impact."
"The God Of War team do a good job at honouring the pieces that do exist from the incomplete Norse Myth jigsaw."
"Respawn wrote a story entirely revolving around building trust at a time where most people's trust in them was faltering."
"A completely genius way to place Xehanort in stark opposition to our protagonists." - Xehanort's goal and contrast to Sora.
"In interviews, the CD Projekt team talks about how it wanted to deal with this directly and call racists racists and it feels incredibly refreshing when it really shouldn’t."
"It feels like the game did an amazing job retelling the story... but gave us something new to explore as well."
"The story progresses based on the choices that you make with your heroes."
"There was really only that one ending we liked... not having multiple ways to complete the game was pretty contrary to the spirit of Fallout."
"This ending seems to show off a different story dynamic between the player and Theodore compared to what's seen in the final version."
"Mysteries are one of the best tropes for D&D to run."
"I think they are making decisions in the short term that don't respect the lore in the long term."
"At least the story and characters were able to hold my interest this time around which typically doesn't happen."
"The story of Breath of the Wild is dark, Hyrule lost all hope, lost everything in a complete catastrophic defeat."
"Zone of the Enders: rife with political intrigue, psychological torment, and bonkers fight choreography."
"It's probably where Joel and Ellie's relationship gets the most amount of payoff with casual conversation and a massive story beat that happens later."
"The bonds formed in Oasis, whether with Harold or the tree minders, leave a lasting impact."
"Outer Wilds conveys its themes with zero people explaining them to you and nobody quoting philosophy all the character dialogue is incredibly straightforward and personable."
"Why does Miitopia have such a dark story? A great and terrible shadow..."
"Pokemon Legends Arceus actually has a story with both nuance and intrigue. Philosophical and religious differences drive the plot, teasing out the central mystery of the game."
"That created the perfect narrative moment because there was tension, there was decision-making."
"It's true, but she tells us that your best friend Nominee is trapped in the castle, pushing Sora to keep going further in, compounding the memory loss and tricking him into believing that she was his friend all along."
"There is so much more factional flavor in the Horus Heresy than just red versus blue."
"The story is actually very important, probably one of the best points in an Ace Combat game if you ask fans all around."
"Yakuza’s always had some pretty long cinematics, but Like a Dragon really takes its time introducing you to Ichiban."
"One pretty clever thing this game does is the way it sprinkles around these encounters with this mysterious woman."
"The story of that game really pulled me in and really pulled me through that open world."
"I'd say it was one of the first games to really nail the narrative aspect in a profound way."
"Now it's finally over, we all made it out alive and our story is capped off with the second-best line in video game history: 'Come on, time to leave.'"
"There's a certain nuanced tone in the game's presentation, dialogue, and story."
"There is a story in the game, and it’s actually pretty interesting."
"An envisioned grand finale with multiple character deaths."
"All of these surpassed my expectations in brutality despair."
"They're compelling and well written in their own rights."
"Joel's death was something we all expected him to die in a sequel but not like this."
"It's unfair to automatically devolve the game to surface level observations without at least delving a bit into the game's story."