
Bias Awareness Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Bias in and of itself isn't necessarily the danger. It's not recognizing that you have bias that is dangerous."
"The research tells us very clearly that if we are willing to confront that... we actually can check the bias before it becomes discriminatory behavior."
"But it's always important not to have wishful thinking colour your analysis."
"Striving for getting at the truth is a constant battle against our biases."
"When we learn about it, when we uncover insights in turn, we can become smarter in correcting for those biases, solving for them in the DNA of how we design policies and programs."
"We always have to be careful and try to check our biases."
"I can't imagine a person who doesn't have biases right like how could anybody in the entire world not know Donald Trump not have an opinion one way or the other on his criminality or whatever like I just don't even understand how it's possible."
"Understanding the biases, political leanings, and funding sources of the news that you consume is crucial."
"It's actually very hard to combat cognitive biases even when you're aware of them."
"We have to face the fact that we are all biased."
"Don't let your preconceptions get in the way of your own success."
"The mainstream media is corrupt as well." - Just Informed Talk
"What's the most important form of media bias is what they choose not to show you."
"Understanding the bias in the media is incredibly important if you actually care about solving the problems."
"The media is biased. It took somebody on the inside to come out and say yes, you're right, you're not imagining things."
"Despite the biases, we need to ensure that we continue to build our communities and have solidarity."
"Media with a heavy ideological bias shouldn't be trusted."
"We need to be training our military and civilian leaders to understand these systems and biases and recognize their own blind spots."
"So basically guys don't fall for unit bias when it comes to investing just kind of stick to your long-term sustainable projects that you have high conviction in."
"Certainly making people aware of the possibility of bias would be important..."
"Understanding this will help you to stay objective and remove any nationalist biases."
"Selection bias is the bias introduced by selecting individuals that aren't necessarily representative of the entire population. This can often lead to false conclusions being drawn."
"We should always be vigilant against the root cause of biases wherever we see them."
"It just felt like quite a journey from going to that start where he was seeing everything as sort of favoritism."
"Accuracy of 97.5% is a significant achievement, but be wary of potential biases."
"Ingroup bias: The tendency for people to give preferential treatment to others they perceive to be members of their own groups."
"As long as people are aware of any pre-existing bias, it would be interesting."
"Ground news is the best way to navigate reporting bias."
"Teaching our kids how to spot when they're entering the negativity bias loop could create more critically thinking adults in the future."
"It's going to be a big advance for society if used properly and without human bias."
"It's really great because it kind of makes you look at yourself and your own internal biases."
"Such arrogance can only come from, in my opinion, unknowingly finding oneself in an echo chamber."
"I think that the pros exponentially outweigh the cons and some people are unwilling to see that and don't want to believe that."
"We have to build in the awareness about bias in our processes upfront instead of ex-post when the algorithms are released into the wild."
"And if you're not paying attention your instinct is let's be part of that group let's have a common enemy oh let's blame the other group by the way yeah so these are things we got to watch out for don't allow yourself open up your mind and and be aware of your own biases."
"Inclusive leaders are people that acknowledge that fact we grow up with prejudices of some sort."
"You should make every effort to be aware of your biases, including unconscious biases, and what effect those may have on your decision making."
"Beware of confirmation bias, do your own research."
"Let's just make it a point that we're not dead set in our own biased opinions."
"Understanding your own inherent biases and how they influence your work is a very important part of training and practice."
"I'm trying as best as I can to remove biases; it happens, for a human."
"The biggest enemy of valuation is bias."
"Do not rush to a decision; hasty decisions are more likely to reflect stereotypes or hidden biases."
"It's so important for us, particularly for women, for people of color, because the feedback we get is often going to be impacted by bias."
"...all lives are valuable and we continue to check ourselves in terms of our internal biases towards other people..."
"It's important to talk about speciesism and how we have certain biases."