
Ships Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"These ships are really good microcosms of the time periods in which they served and really reflect to a large extent the societies they came from."
"All ships are upgradable, you can modify and upgrade them."
"Out of all the ships you've seen here, I think the starter ships are just fine if you're wanting to just get your feet wet."
"Give me them juicy Gloriana class ship battles!"
"It's like sailing around in an American destroyer that has 203 millimeter guns. This ship is amazing!"
"Well, I've had better results, but really in tier 10 matches, yeah, the Rune... wow, what a ship!"
"The ship's done, well correction, the ship is actually almost done, you see without a bed, a ship is just a ship."
"I'm a giant sucker for carrier ships. Little ships nesting in ships makes me really, really happy."
"Against the footlight glare of a carefree new world, were passing the silhouettes of ships recognizable in every detail and shape as the outlines in a sales catalog."
"The Viking ships gave the Scandinavians a mobility that was unique at the time."
"None of this would have been possible without the Viking ships."
"Viking ships were light and flexible and it was said that they moved like an animal in the waves."
"... flying over the place, they find several ships pierced by the crystals ..."
"God, I love pirate ships like the actual artistry."
"We are merely ships that pass in the night."
"It's always good to see new ships appearing from this part of Star Wars history."
"Join me for today's video as we take a look at 15 of the most beautiful old ships."
"We know the Pirates like to shadow vulnerable ships and then attack in the half-light of dawn or dusk."
"For any ship to be pirated is frustrating."
"There were other ships shown to be fighting the board but not in the actual film."
"Now throughout the day there had been the usual Wireless messages from different ships reporting the weather on icebergs and so forth but as none of these birds reportedly on our course well they didn't directly concern us."
"It's my intention to commandeer one of these ships."
"I don't usually do that, but your ship seems rather interesting."
"Thereafter the ocean told me its secrets no more, and though many times since the moon has shown full and high in the heavens, the white ships from the South came never again."
"Throughout history there have been many ships that left their ports and were never found again."
"Light carriers of the inter-war and World War II period were intended as cheaper options or emergency builds."
"Is the D'deridex a behemoth of a ship?"
"The ships are completely immaculately maintained, the staff are incredibly friendly and helpful and the overall experience is really nothing short of magical."
"We're adding a decorate mode where you can go and fully furnish and customize the interior layout of the ships."
"A train of long ships passing... cargoes that keep America alive."
"Rugged, majestic... these are ships with a proud tradition."
"If boats could talk, this little ship would have one hell of a story to tell."
"These are the 20 weirdest ships in the world."
"Newer vessels were over 700 feet long, wider and sturdier than the old boats."
"Ships were crucial in sustaining the slave trade but also played a part in abolishing it."
"These things were bigger, they were more luxurious, they were going to be the ultimate ships."
"I've always felt that the Quantum Class ships are the most beautiful in the fleet."
"I mean, it's always controversial when it comes to anime ships. But wasn't that like a huge thing?"
"Our ships are ready, our people prepared."
"A duel between the two largest and fastest ships the world had ever seen."
"Even Space Marine ships need Crews."
"These ships are almost... It's no longer just this super weapon meant to pub stomp. It's a home. It's something worth fighting and inevitably dying for. Because there are many others like this, but this one's mine."
"There are a lot of used ships out there circulating in the market and you really shouldn't settle for the first one just because it looks cool or has a good paint job."
"We're so grateful. Truly, we are truly. So yeah, it's a big deal. It is. It makes it easier for us to keep jumping on ships because of your support."
"The best part about working on ships is the travel that you get to do."
"Ghost ships: emblematic of the ocean's inscrutability, leaving behind stories of mystery and intrigue."
"There are good ships and there are wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships. May they always be."
"It's inevitable, of course, that both ships and us have a time limit. The day must come when we go, and this applies to ships as much as to human beings."
"This ship is way bigger than what you might think."
"The ship had once been a Viking longboat."
"Nothing comes close to the Kirov. They are actually similar in size to the great dreadnought battleships of the two world wars."
"These Yorktown class carriers were just... they were great ships, you know, just so well built."
"I'm becoming more and more interested in all these different ships."
"How cool is this? Absolutely amazing just to see two ships and just the massive comparison."
"Ships are safe in harbor, but that's not what they were built for."
"The Terran Federation had between fifteen thousand combat ships alone."
"One of the most unique experiences specifically for the Oasis class ships is the aqua theater."
"I like the big steel ships. I like the fact that this is as large as it is while also being Panama compliant."
"The Greater Buffalo and Greater Detroit were nicknamed the Leviathan of the Lakes."
"I'm thoroughly impressed by all these new ships."
"The pride of the White Star Line: Olympic, first of the class, legendary Titanic, and lastly, Britannic, the forgotten sister."
"This song for mariners and all their ships."
"Titanic on the left, Olympic on the right."
"Seeing the ship and getting that first glance is always pretty magical."
"The atriums are absolutely gorgeous on all of these older Carnival ships and definitely worth checking out."
"This ship has a lot more outside views than the Oasis class ships."
"This ship is bigger than three football fields."
"Here's to good ships, some wood ships, and ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, and may they always be."
"The Big Four were what's known as storm fighters, ships designed to weather intense gales wherever they popped up."
"Devastation was very revolutionary in as much as she was the first ocean-going capital ship without sails."
"When I left the ship on that cold December afternoon, there were still hopes that she might be preserved."
"The chance of your mast being blown apart by lightning strike as happened here to poor old Surinam is somewhat reduced."
"There's something so captivating about ships that exist today that probably by all rights shouldn't."
"Strangely, quite a few ships still existing today somehow have beaten the scrappers."
"The best ships are friendships, may they always be."
"Ships like this are such an important part of U.S. history."
"I love how they are reusing and recycling the ships on new ships to really pay tribute to their history."
"Look at this view, guys, wow, that is incredible, man, the ships and everything."
"The lights reflecting on the ocean... so then you know, the ship packed in the background, so they're really cool."
"We were like two ships passing in the night."
"The Symphony of the Seas is a cruise ship, not an ocean liner like the Titanic and Imperator."
"These ships are new, they're different, original but they still are clearly what they are."
"The Vikings distinguished themselves with their lethally fast-moving ships."
"After all, we are but ships that pass in the night and speak to each other in passing."
"Two ships in light can be two people passing for 20, 30, 40 years and never getting to this moment of realization."
"It was really fascinating to watch those ships go through."
"People think they're going to love being on a ship, but until you get on one, it's hard to really explain what it's like."
"Right at the back of the ship, you can look down there and see the lovely tiered aft."
"The two ships are meeting at sea for the very first time ever."
"How lucky we were to have all these beautiful ships at our disposal."
"These were the first ships of the Danish men that sought the land of the English nation."
"The best ways of keeping a ship in reserve somewhat intact is to dry out the inside as much as humanly possible whilst coating the things that you don't want to dry out completely in preservative."
"There's clearly a reason so many people have seen these ships out here."
"It's a great idea, I mean it could be applied to different variations of ships and I think to add that articulation and really makes a ship much more interesting."
"It's got a really ironic name, Poseidon the unsinkable, it's called The Lucky Dragon."
"Can you just imagine being alive back then, seeing these huge ships? It's just incredible."
"The pirate ship to say the least is absolutely epic."
"I am really impressed with the pirate ship of the set."
"These ships are in excellent shape."
"If you love any of the Oasis class ships... you're going to love Wonder of the Seas."
"They worked the best if you had them mounted on or in the case of multiple stabilizers adjacent to the ship's center of rotation."
"I love to watch the ships come in."
"These ships are mind-blowing, amazing pieces of engineering."
"As we do here at Fleet Yards, we look at ships from sci-fi, we examine them, we pick them apart."
"The Danites... associated with ships."
"It's just like ships that pass in the night."
"I love the Excelsior, my favorite ships even though it was an Enterprise at the time."
"Star Trek Online has a lot of cool ships, and I immediately gravitated towards it."
"It kind of puts the whole thing in perspective of how big these ships are."
"That's the magic of the Fed Ships."
"It's like two ships that pass in the night."
"I've always had a love of the sea, and I've always loved ships."
"Winter in the North American heartland, dozens of enormous ships lie in repose, huddled together, locked by ice into their winter births."
"His ships were basically early versions of Transformers."
"They are ships of fortune, they are ships of opportunity."
"I absolutely love this ship. It's one of my all-time favorites."
"Just enjoy a good ship discussion about a cool ship."
"I love building scratch model ships, particularly more ships, passenger ships, and freighters post-second world war, and built in the United Kingdom."
"All ships had a ship's cat; all maritime powers kept cats on ships."
"These ships have all been stripped pretty severely already."
"It really adds to the uniqueness of the ship for sure."
"We're going to talk to you today about all the ships in the world."
"She was absolutely loaded with lifeboats."
"We're like ships that pass in the night."
"The ships are just amazing, they're so amazing."
"Anyone says it's the same ship doesn't understand how Star Trek ships work."
"Oh wow, look at this. Can you see the carvings of the ships right there?"