
Theological Debate Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"If Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?"
"Our challenge is hauntingly reminiscent of that faced by Peter, James, John, or Paul when they declared to the religious establishment of their day that God has sent new truths and new revelations into the world."
"That explains much of the world's conflict, I think. So man created god, not the other way around."
"This represents God as the bad guy in the situation and Michael Todd as the distinctly good guy."
"The Bible instructs in Titus 3:9, 'Avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain.'"
"God could heal an amputee if he wanted to, but I don't know of any case that he has."
"Hell is full of forgiven people; heaven is full of people God loves whom Jesus died for."
"Whether they're arguing that freedom comes from God or that freedom is a fun illusion, both films give us a great excuse to consider the theological, philosophical, and neurological arguments for freedom or the lack thereof."
"There is no difference there's absolutely no difference between Jehovah and jehovah same word."
"The Bible is portraying it as being of God. Can you point to anything in the Bible where God says he's against slavery?"
"I don't doubt it, and I made it private because it was crazy, okay, um, but I, I realized something, I said, these people, these people who believe that you can lose salvation, they're not as biblically as dumb as I thought they were."
"Everything else we have to go on tells us that Jesus died, but what could Allah possibly mean when he says they didn't kill him nor did they crucify him?"
"The God who is mollified by throwing the virgin in the volcano or The God Who is mollified by his son being nailed to a tree is not the Abba of Jesus."
"Trinity equals blasphemy because it is the essence of shirk, which is polytheism, which is equating deities with God Almighty."
"The reality is not a Muslim thing. Muslims have not invented this notion of Trinitarianism."
"How can I, as a human being, show you more mercy than God Almighty could show you?"
"As Bohr said in response to Albert’s bit about dice and the universe: "it cannot be for us to tell God, how he is to run the world"."
"There is only power. As an atheist, I've come to accept that the vast majority of theists will never put in the work to understand the very simple proposition of atheism."
"If an all-powerful god exists who is capable of eliminating all the evil in the world, then why doesn't he? Why does evil exist? Why do people get cancer and murder each other and put pineapple on pizza?"
"The biggest debate is on this term 'subsists'... It's almost like a Platonic form of the Church, and it subsists in the Catholic Church."
"The theological differences of the Reformation still influence debates within Christianity today."
"God is all-knowing, God is all-powerful, evil exists, God willed evil to exist."
"You can't reverse engineer the 27-book canon of the New Testament without the judgment of the Catholic Church."
"Is there sufficient warrant for a Christian to believe in the doctrine of sola scriptura?"
"Jesus is not God, as Jesus Himself declared, but is the Son of God."
"This debate between Calvinism and Arminianism is ultimately a debate that protects the heart of the gospel."
"Pelagianism so elevated the human will that the result was sheer work salvation with no place whatsoever for God's grace."
"So, is God love?" - "Questioning the nature of God's love."
"Is God's presence not strong enough to produce this effect? Can't God move in this way? Is it unlike God to move in this way? Can you prove biblically that being slain in the spirit is not of God? How do you know it's not truly the Holy Spirit?"
"Jesus was a genius, he didn't bring the man, where's the man he could have done that, an ordinary person of average intelligence would have done that."
"If you can find a dogmatic contradiction then you've disproven the whole Roman system and the whole papacy because it's all built on this house of cards."
"We simply can't expect someone not to reinterpret scripture if the current interpretation says that the earth is at the center of the solar system."
"The challenge of the Quran: come up with a surah like it."
"If there's a God, that God absolutely knows what it would take."
"This stone tablet proves that the idea of a suffering messiah even the messiah who would die was already there in Judaism."
"If you have a problem with non-believers being destroyed, you have a problem with Christianity."
"Prosperity preaching that is that is of the devil yes it's good to preach you know being living well and those types of things but you're not preaching the Full Gospel let me tell you you're not."
"To reject Jesus's death by crucifixion is to truly be straining at gnats."
"Rejecting Islam, and rejecting the claim that Allah exists is a matter of intellectual honesty rather than a sin so damning worthy of an eternity in hellfire."
"How could hell have been created by the church if we know that Jesus' brother and disciple believed in hell before churches were even established?"
"If God loves me and doesn't want me to go to hell, is there anything that I could do that could trump God's desire to not send me to hell?"
"It is much more difficult to explain away the testimony of Jim Peniston and John Burroughs... they retired from the Air Force."
"It is not for a good work that we're going to stone you but for blasphemy because you are being a man make yourself God."
"Unitarian Christians are not believing in the divinity of the son of Jesus in a divine sense."
"So, by default, he isn't God, and Christians fail time and time again."
"If the only way to eternal life is for Jesus Christ, what about the millions who don't believe?"
"The beginning of Islam: an anti-Trinitarian Christian movement."
"What fire can come down from heaven that would be a deceptive fire?"
"If a Muslim view of Jesus is that he was just a prophet and the Christian view is that he is co-equal with God and died, those two things are now in conflict."
"Why should we believe God exists if so much good and prayers aren't answered?"
"I challenge that and go, 'Yeah okay, that might be there and all that maybe God put that there so that like it's his way of accessing you and letting you know hey I'm here what's up you know there's different ways to look at it.'"
"It is wrong to believe that Metatron is seated beside God."
"There was a long debate among Christians about which books ought to be included in the Bible."
"But if the similarities don't point to duplication, then what are they pointing to? Then why are the stories so similar? Why not just do a miracle, but a feeding miracle that's so similar to the 5,000 one?"
"The real problem here is that there are countless people running around saying 'hey, we've got evidence for God'... when they present the evidence it's not."
"Do you want to explain to them that they are theologically confused when this flatterers made them realize that they were created unique and special in the eyes of God instead of just being some insignificant speck in Carl Sagan's pale blue dot?"
"The only human being to have pulled off a Salto backward stretch with quadruple twist."
"It is a pretty serious claim that God's wrath will be incurred by something that isn't actually taught in scripture."
"If what you're saying is true, then there is no God, there's no God period. Evolution is real, period."
"I just find it so preposterously unlikely that an all-loving god would forsake a genuine ex-Christian simply because they found by no fault of their own a certain undercutting or rebutting defeat or compelling."
"People who are in the heresy hunting community accused those in the charismatic community especially those who misuse the charismatic gifts or the supernatural of building theology from experience."
"It can be famously difficult to imagine that an omnipotent and benevolent supervisor is watching over all of it without electing to prevent it."
"We have authority over demons... Christians run into great conflict and controversy on this point."
"If the Son of God really came here, would you recognize it?"
"Why do you reason about these things in your heart which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or to say arise and take up your bed and walk."
"Clay Jones, your God is literally a Canaanite god."
"When you've got an invisible immaterial undetectable thing out there that's doing something that scripture actually says occurs, that kind of blows my mind." - Caller
"Can a demon indwell a Believer? The answer is yes because demons only indwell demons always indwell."
"God is not the author of confusion, but God confuses, he confounds, in what context? But of Peace, as in all churches of the Saints."
"The death of Jesus is kind of a really big deal in the case for the resurrection."
"Instead of asking the Arminian and the Calvinist, let's ask Jesus what he thought about once saved always saved."
"That's the false doctrine known as annihilationism."
"The problem arises when cherry-picking verses."
"The most offensive claim of Christians is that Jesus is the only way of salvation."
"Would you say then that chapter 9 verse 5, the sword verse, 'Slay the mushrikun wherever you find them,' is directed towards Christians?"
"If Jesus was God, he should have known the hour, and he mentions not even angels. Oh no."
"If Jesus was God, he should have said in some clear statements, 'I am God.'"
"If Jesus was God, he should have known the hour."
"If you deny inerrancy, you break the link in the chain."
"As difficult to expect something even with the same result of this year and been amazing we won almost everything and to repeat would be very difficult but we will try."
"The Bible is smart and very specific... when you fiddle with that, you fiddle with truth and you fiddle with God."
"If there is an all-powerful creator of the universe and he wanted to make it known what was on his mind there wouldn't be a debate end of story."
"If humans are valuable because they are made in God's image, can they even have any value without God?"
"Say Christianity is consistent with these things and is not in conflict with these things that would be the beginning of how to demonstrate that it's rational."
"I want theists to call in. Let's have a conversation about even the most awful positions. Let's define terms and have a genuine dialogue."
"If there is in fact some God and he's going to judge you based on whether or not you accept that God versus a competing God, then it is that God's responsibility to provide sufficient evidentiary warrant for accepting its existence."
"A useless answer because even if God did do it, it doesn't explain how God did it."
"The real reason why we should be rejecting this is because it's rebelling against the way that God created the world."
"The Trinity can be found... through Scripture alone without a church getting together and declaring it at some council."
"If God wanted us to have them, why don't we have them?... It raises a question."
"Atheism is not science-based. Period. This is a category error. Atheism is a conversation you're having about a theological concept. Science doesn't say jack grab all about God. It is categorically separate."
"The idea that God would only choose a specific group of people to reveal His message through is a big thing. What about the Aborigines? What about the Africans? What about the Inuit? Do they not deserve to get the message from God?"
"In light of the rise and fall of mars hill phenomenon... sometimes we need to be willing to speak truth to power regardless on how people may be perceiving it."
"There's a difference between calling somebody a heretic and saying somebody's false and damned... and saying somebody's in serious error."
"An omnipotent God that sanctions an infinite punishment for a finite crime is the devil."
"Hell isn't an infinite punishment for a finite crime."
"Lucas calling the view of hell that's been taught by the vast majority of Christian churches for almost 2,000 years a straw man indicates that it is you that hasn't done your research, not me."
"What kind of a creator can't forgive his own creation without killing somebody?"
"We need to establish the existence of God and what kind of God we're talking about from first principles."
"If you want to destroy Christianity tonight and go home, then discredit the resurrection of Christ from the dead."
"The Catholic Church's teachings are not subject to interpretation or to debate."
"Satan may well be a person, a god, an angel, an ET who's been maligned in a sense. Yeah, Justice for Satan."
"Why did Jehovah create a global ecosystem of fear, pain, and death? Excuse me, He didn't."
"If I actually believed that everything that scripture states aside from the obviously allegorical stuff is true, then I would have to come to the conclusion that that being is not a being worthy of worship or repentance." - Scott
"I think that the very notion of worship is something that could not be demanded or expected. It is either deserved or it's not by character." - Matt
"The trouble with Richard's teachings is that he dumbs down God and he soups up nothing. He continually talks as though God is some sort of upmarket figure within space and time." - Cardinal George Pell
"Jesus didn't call himself God, but that doesn't mean he's not God."
"How can Allah be infinitely just and infinitely merciful at the same time?"
"He just started asking him questions about like the sacraments, like, so you believe in seven sacraments as an Anglican, he's like, well, yeah, but like, there's two of the gospel and there's five of the church."
"So these things seem to I mean especially the fact that the conquest started in 632 that seems to be borne out by the historical evidence."
"It's very likely that that's referring to Jesus as well and that it's just all part of the denial of the divinity of Christ."
"So you can't have Chuck E cheese Mass it's theologically impossible to have the Chucky Cheese Mass and that's all I got to say today."
"The Quran is in error even though it claims not to be."
"Nothing by the magisterium ever outweighs scripture."
"One of the best things I ever read was to argue there isn't a God is as ridiculous to argue there is one."
"Any pursuit or defense of truth is not going to erase God. Quite the opposite."
"Before we look at this text, several times when someone will say something like 'I believe God is finished with Israel'..."
"Modern scholarship is showing then that the Old Testament was a human and highly partisan construct. This does not, however, take away its power or enduring moral force."
"Jesus didn't need to die on the cross, in fact, he says it's actually your false self that needs to die, not someone else."
"I do not believe that a God exists. Do you believe that a God does exist?"
"Jesus being the only way is not arrogant, it's just having an opinion."
"If there is no God, then you end up in a situation where everything is prohibited."
"The evidence for the Judeo-Christian God does not hold water."
"If God exists, is benevolent, is all-powerful, wants us to have a relationship with him, and there is actually a good solution to the problem of evil, then he would share the solution."
"Even if there is a God and he knows everything or way more than I ever will, to say 'who is Matt to question God' is an incredibly awful thing to say."
"Miracles can disprove naturalism if they're authentic."
"The only way to beat bad theology is with good Theology."
"It's hard to remain a Christian if you believe Jesus was a liar and a false prophet."
"Why do you have the power to define who and what God is right but not have the power to define what good is?"
"Why did the early Church almost universally accept the Deuterocanonical books?"
"If everything fits so perfectly to Bible prophecy... why did you support Trump?"
"It's wishful thinking, and it doesn't tell us at all about whether or not there's a God."
"Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them. In other words, it is not God's original strategy to bring people back from the world of the dead to come and bring revelation to inhabitants of the earth."
"The majority of scholars believe that when Peter refers to Simon, he's really addressing Paul."
"If you don't believe this Quran is from God, why don't you produce a book like the Quran?"
"The problem of instruction: Christianity's fatal error."
"The claim is, 'Well, no one ever thought it was Jehovah.' Well, let's see what the rabbis say. Let the rabbis speak."
"It's not a point I'm going to ever let go, but it's also worse than that—you see, you may have noticed in that headline they refer to God as our father and our mother."
"Leo's successor, Constantine V, zealously enforced iconoclasm, declaring 'he cannot be depicted' for what is depicted is one person."
"It's a pitifully weak form of deism that does absolutely nothing to differentiate Christianity from any other religious tradition."
"Science furnishes us with some of the strongest evidence for the existence of God."
"The battle of AI in the Word and artificial intelligence are tied together somehow."
"We quoted somebody literally saying if Jesus doesn't come in the pre-trib rapture, it's not the blessed hope, it's the blasted hope."
"Either science would uncover proof of Genesis or God is false."
"As long as you believe in Christ, you cannot back Christianity up anywhere in the Bible when it comes to tithing."
"Intelligent design will give us the ability to make arguments for the Divine."
"The Quran contains a challenge from God: 'Produce a chapter like it and call your witnesses besides God if you are truthful.'"
"We can figure out if there's a God in a few hundred years or if there isn't one because we'll advance so much."
"The evidence of suffering and evil in the world is probably the strongest counterevidence for the existence of an all-powerful all-loving God."
"Even if you're a devout atheist, I think you should say, 'Okay, if God did exist and had all kinds of reasons that we are not aware of because God is omniscient, could God have all kinds of reasons for doing things that I'm not aware of? Yes.'"
"Why is God constrained to working within the limits of the human brain that he supposedly designed?"
"If you believe in Christ today and have eternal life, then it was never eternal at all; hence, if you lose your salvation, the promises of eternal life in the Bible would be an error." - John 3:15, Romans 8:38-39
"If you convince someone that God exists, you've brought them up to the iman, the level of faith, of Shaytan."
"Jesus never claimed to be God in the Bible, never claimed to be God."
"Their conflict with Paul though doesn't appear to have been about their understanding of the historical Jesus."
"This contradicts the basic teaching of the church... going back 2,000 years."
"The Quran has just now undermined the divinity of Jesus."
"A Protestant position therefore better fulfills the obligations of both Truth and Love."
"How did a perfectly created angel choose to do evil? It's often suggested that even though Satan was created good, he had free will."
"But if Hitler became a born-again Christian before he died, he would also face no punishment. Your Christian god does not solve this problem, Frank; he compounds it."
"It's simply impossible that all religions are true."
"It's not God high in the heavens, so how can he judge through the deep darkness?"
"Is this not the reason you are wrong because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of god?"
"How could I be against it? How can I insult God?"
"Science can neither prove nor disprove God... it's not one or the other."
"Free will being the ability to make choices without coercion... I find this question irrelevant because Christianity doesn't allow for free will."
"Evil doesn't exist. Evil is privation, the lacking of God's goodness."
"He's coming quickly and yet 2,000 years went by." - Understanding the concept of "quickly"
"A false religion will appear which will be opposed to the unity of god and his church."
"The burden is on you to demonstrate that it's true or that it points to God."
"The main arguments presented by Luther in the 95 thesis were that the Bible is the ultimate Christian religious Authority and that humans can only get to heaven through faith in God."
"If anything besides that exists, it's because he chose it on purpose."
"Jesus could not merely be a good teacher given the radical divine claims he made about himself."
"Isn't that really the kind of God you want, who's going to ignore such massive human suffering because his name has not been held in sufficient sanctity?"
"It is impossible ecclesiologically for priests to have faculties and be suspended."
"My concept of God says your concept of God is s***."
"There is nothing incoherent about the proposition that God does not exist."
"Christopher Hitchens...said this was the hardest, hardest, hardest argument to answer when it came to dealing with the arguments for God."
"This radical form of pantheon reduction i think i use that phrase because the term monotheism is deeply problematic."
"Did Jesus die for everyone or the elect only? He died for everybody."
"Calvinism is one of the biggest and most defended positions."
"How do you disagree with a man who says he is the channel by which God is communicating to the world?"
"Matthew 15, when a Canaanite woman comes and asks for the blessing, and clearly says, 'I am not sent to anybody but I'm only sent for the children of Israel.'"
"If you believe that God designed it, you also have to acknowledge that it is shockingly poor in design."
"Whenever we want to argue that social justice is a gospel issue... we have to define it in a way that the Oxford Dictionary doesn't define it."
"Isn't God supposed to be perfect? Buggy whips aren't used anymore because we found a better way to move ourselves from point A to point B."
"The Euthyphro dilemma is not a dilemma for Christians, it's a dilemma for pagans."
"The idea is we no longer need God to explain that particular mystery."
"Your God is still responsible and he's still an evil [ __ ] for doing that."
"If you really hold the view that there is a God, then please explain why there is not."
"Jesus does not claim equality with god in any of these other gospels."
"To this day we still don't know and perhaps we'll never know which verse came first and why was the prayer forgiveness originally there or not."
"Jesus is claiming far more than just being some metaphorical son."
"The biblical definition of demonization debunks wordplay like 'Christians can have demons.'"
"Jesus and Lucifer, spirit offspring of Elohim in one of his lives, so Jesus is not the creator of everything according to Joseph, he's one God among many, he's Lucifer's brother."
"This isn't about ego, this isn't about continuationists and cessationists, this is about the false teaching of redefining Jesus."
"If there was a god, like, this is proof that there isn't."
"The Bible becomes totally useless as a valid source of Revelation if it's all just metaphor symbolism and poetry."
"Alvin Plantinga's main argument was not to show that he has debunked the problem of evil, it was just to show that there is at least a possible world where you can have an omnipotent, loving God and evil still exists."
"Mankind was never separated from God but is able to be equal to or superior to God."