
Fungi Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"All fungal life in soil is good for your soil pretty much, and if you see mushrooms in there, you shouldn't want to eradicate them."
"The Indigo milk cap is a captivating mushroom species that stands out with its vivid blue to purplish cap."
"The amethyst deceiver is known for its vibrant purple coloration and deceptive appearance."
"Fungi can enable us to build bases on the moon, treat serious illnesses, produce electricity, and even receive an unhuman power or turn off the sense of fear."
"When we do industrialized agriculture, we are often damaging fungal communities."
"Fungi are metabolically ingenious, chemical wizards."
"The bleeding tooth fungus, one of the gnarliest and most mysterious species of fungi on the planet."
"A forest that refuses to decay: the story of radiation-eating fungus in Chernobyl."
"I would say I'm a big fan of mushrooms... It's like open my mind and to open my heart."
"People are actually scared of mushrooms, aren't they? They shouldn't be because they are amazing."
"The ant effectively becomes one with the fungus, like a real puppeteer fungus pulls the strings."
"Fungi are startlingly ingenious opportunists."
"Paul's impact really has been remarkable. It's almost as if mushrooms had commandeered his brain years ago and forced him to spread the message of mushrooms all across the world."
"Fungus on Earth has communication, breaks down meat, and responds to its environment."
"Mycorrhizal fungi are incredibly important; it's the most studied symbiotic relationship in the world."
"A mushroom that eats plastic. Even better, the fungi are capable of surviving on plastic alone."
"Travelers will hopefully enjoy playing with the fungi more than ever."
"This is a fungi that could help us solve one of the world's most pressing issues which is the overpopulation of plastic."
"The largest mushrooms are wood-decaying fungi that grow on massive substrates."
"Humans and mushrooms are more closely related to each other than either is to plants."
"Fungus are some of the most advanced life forms on the planet."
"For as much as a billion years or more it seems everywhere life seeks to explore, fungi have been one step ahead preparing the way."
"The largest organism in the world is a fungus in Eastern Oregon."
"Training fungi to fight each other? That's a very unexpected mode of entertainment."
"The more I thought about the organisms that decompose the world and the more questions I asked about these organisms, the more I always led to these mysterious fungi that seem to oversee so many of these natural transformations."
"Fungi form these literal connections between organisms and in the wood wide web we see this social network between plants mediated by these fungi."
"So fungi are easy ways into a more holistic view of nature because they're fundamentally interconnected and you can't think about the fungus without thinking about who it's living with and where it's living."
"They are neither plant nor animal; they are entirely different beings. They are fungi."
"We share more common ancestry with fungi than we do with any other Kingdom."
"The truth is we're all eating fungus all the time."
"The fungi, which are also a major part of the process, come in and do their work."
"Fungi are not plants or animals, they are a whole separate Kingdom of life."
"I became intrigued with fungi, my view of the forest changed forever."
"Fungi play an extremely important, often unnoticeable or underestimated role in the functioning of all ecosystems."
"Throughout human history, fungi have been used for food, for medicine, for fire-making, earning a living, and even as an artistic medium."
"When we look at fungi, we're talking about the ability to survive droughts and even some new studies coming out where we can actually have plants that aren't even related be able to communicate with each other."
"...that's what breaks up your soil, that's what allows that's like Building Bridges and tunnels inside the soil."
"...you can see the power of fungi how it improves your soil underneath and also retains water..."
"Fungi are one of the only things that could break down the lignin in wood so without them in our ecosystems we would literally have thousands of years worth of wood that can't be broken down."
"That's their role. That's what fungus are."
"This is the mycelium of a fungus that discolors the white cellulose in the wood and turns it into this green-blue-turquoise kind of color. Very unnatural color for nature, right? It's beautiful though."
"It's always exciting and cool to find Chlorosiboria out in nature, especially when it's that colorful."
"But I swear when I'm making these videos, the mushroom Gods smile on me."
"This, my friends, is the lobster mushroom, Hypomyces lactiflorum."
"This is one of my favorite medicinal fungi."
"That's your fungal energy channel, that's like the pathway."
"The fungi have agency in resource distribution."
"The individual threads are called hyphae and the broader network of threads all connected together is known as the mycelium."
"Fungi are actually closer to animals than they are to plants."
"We've got to get the fungi back into the soil."
"Mushrooms are just the fruiting body, so fungi is doing a huge function in the forest."
"Fungi have a lot of the same kinds of things in their bodies as we animals do."
"I love all things fungi and plants and so I started reading this and it was really difficult for me to like turn off my science brain."
"If you can disturb your vermicompost or compost as little as possible, you're going to get more fungi going."
"All mushrooms are fungi, but not all fungi produce mushrooms."
"Fungus? Fungus, yes. That's the usual response because there are some fungi who seek not to kill but to control. So zombies, billions of puppets with poisoned minds permanently fixed on one unifying goal: to spread the infection to every last human alive by any means necessary."
"Mushrooms have their forms long before we had ours."
"If you want to survive extinction events, pairing with fungi gives you a better chance of survival."
"When I was reading the book 'Entangled Life' which is about fungi...this guy gets it."
"Fungi have impacted human lives hugely for as long as we've been human."
"We should really take fungal conservation more seriously."
"We're delighted to present Entangled Life: what the secret social networks of fungi reveal about nature's genius and being human."
"Merlin's amazing book Entangled Life is a portal to what until recently has been a hidden kingdom of life, the dazzling peculiar domain of fungi."
"Fungi are interconnected organisms fundamentally, they make literal the principle of ecology: there's relationships between organisms, they form literal connections between organisms."
"Fungi make up their own distinct kingdom that is separate from plants and animals."
"Fungi play a pivotal role in nutrient cycling, especially in terrestrial ecosystems."
"The most defining feature of the fungal kingdom is that they grow in long chains of cells called hyphae."
"Fungi have amazing abilities metabolically; they're kind of metabolic wizards."
"Some plastic digesting fungi have been isolated from landfills."
"Mycorrhizal fungi are the original worldwide web or internet."
"Mycorrhizal fungi... perform more than 100 different functions in the soil."
"Celebrating fungi power... appreciating them can give us a lot of hope actually."
"The breakdown of wood is quite significant and quite unique to fungi, I personally believe that it's fungi that kickstart the breakdown of wood everywhere."
"Fungi... are sort of like the brains, the intelligence, they're guiding, responding, and moving information."
"Fungi are just incredible chemists and they do a lot of chemistry, if you will, to put it simply, that other organisms just never evolved to do because fungi were already there doing it so well."
"The largest single living thing on Earth is a mushroom in Oregon."
"We've got to get the fungi back into the soil in order to build the air passageways and hallways to let oxygen, water, and your root systems grow as deep as they possibly can."
"Fungi are extremely good problem solvers and they also have some seriously innovative communication skills."
"Look at these beauties, Hydnellum peckii, the bleeding tooth fungus."
"Mushroom Power: The history, the science, and the benefits of the world's most fantastic fungi."
"Plants can communicate through the mycorrhizal fungus."
"Miriam's research established that fungi are a reliable and predictable source of natural dyes."
"One of the coolest aspects of making mushrooms is this exponential growth that can be achieved by the mycelium."
"All mushrooms are fungi, but not all fungi are mushrooms."
"Fungi absorb their nutrients from their surroundings by secreting enzymes and digesting things outside of their bodies."
"The plant feeds the fungi by giving them glucose and fructose and receives minerals from them."
"The potential of fungi is a pesticide, they don't talk about using fungi to destroy plastics, but that's a real thing that's happening now in a very exciting way."
"Fungi don't have chlorophyll; they reproduce by spores, not by seeds."
"Oyster mushrooms are some of the world's most popular mushrooms."
"As you read these words, fungi are changing the way that life happens, as they have done for over billions of years."
"Thinking about mushrooms challenges our understanding of what intelligence is."
"Fungi have to fight off infections too, they produce defenses, they're metabolically ingenious, they're masters of the art of chemical transformation."
"Fungi are the great recyclers of the planet."
"When you put fungi through little microscopic labyrinths, they come to a branch, a forked path, and they take both roots at once."
"There's a lot we can learn from fungi."
"We need to start joining those dots together and fungi can help to do so."
"Fungi provide a key to understanding the planet on which we live, and the ways we think, feel, and behave."
"The more we learn about fungi, the less makes sense without them."
"Fungi are able to mine minerals from rocks... and use those minerals to build compounds within their own bodies."
"Mycelium networks can stretch over kilometers; one of the largest organisms in the world is a mycelial network that ranges over 15 square kilometers."
"The Amanita muscaria, when properly prepared, has some obvious potential therapeutic uses."
"Promoting mycorrhizal fungi population is what you want in your organic medium."
"Some fungi produce antibiotic substances used as medicines to fight bacterial infections."
"Fungi are a kingdom of life... as broad a category as animals or plants."
"Fungi are incredible organisms and they work in ways that we can't even imagine."
"I think fungus is some of the coolest life on our planet and it's criminally underrated."
"Once you understand how important fungi are, you kind of can't stop thinking about them."
"Fungi are one of the primary instigators of life on this planet."
"Fungi are these unites; they are the connectors, they are the bridges."
"Fungi were the first eukaryotic organisms; they started growing, eating all these dead bacteria."
"Plants directly descended from fungi."
"Fungi are creating the first soils, penetrating into the terrestrial plane, creating the ability for life to rise."
"Fungi are critical to nutrient cycles."
"Fungi are incredibly more abundant in Antarctica than they are than our plants."
"Perhaps again, you know, what these fungi might be showing us is something we need to learn about our environment."
"Fungi are these bridges between life and death... they are just like we consume dead animal and plant matter and are essentially decomposers or perhaps recomposers of the natural world."
"The vast majority of carbon is locked up into plant matter and especially trees, and fungi... enable that carbon to return to the carbon cycle."
"Fungi are critical to just the development of humans in the forest... they've been the ones that have been more heavily focused on with remediation."
"Fungal spores can even influence weather patterns."
"Arbuscular mycorrhizae are non-mushroom forming mycorrhizal fungi that connect from plant roots into a whole collaborative community."
"Talk about mycorrhizae, these are heavily symbiotic with fungi on the ground."
"Mushrooms are more closely related to you than they are to plants."
"Fungi help the dead organic matter to decay and help to recycle the nutrients."
"Most fungi are saprobes, microbes that feed on dead or decaying matter."
"That fungus is blatantly mimicking a flower so that insects will land on it, pick up some spores, and then spread them. What a cool organism."
"In terrestrial environments, fungi are the dominant decomposer in the world."
"Fungi can form a mutualistic relationship with the roots of nearly all plant species."
"The first antibiotic that was ever discovered came from a fungus."
"If it weren't for fungi, you would not be enjoying your Pinot Noir alongside your filet mignon."
"Fungi are important for the functioning of Alpine ecosystems."
"The earliest examples of organisms living on land aren't plants at all, and they certainly aren't animals; the earliest examples we have in terms of fossils are our fungi."
"It's a puffball, a fruiting body of a fungus."
"They are amazing, those little puffballs."
"A fungus is neither a plant nor an animal, but fungi are more closely related to animals, including humans, than they are to plants."
"One of the most extraordinary things about your book was you really explained how important fungal species were to creating the biosphere as we know it."
"90% of plant species depend in some way on a relationship with fungal species to survive or to function."
"Ecology deals with the connections between organisms, but fungi form actual physical connections between organisms."
"Fungi... illustrate the foundational nature of networks and the networked nature of the universe."