
Demographic Changes Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If Texas goes Democratic, it's really the end for Republicans as we know it as a party."
"Is the answer going to be Florida? There's a reason why the patter of feet is from Illinois to Florida, from California to Florida."
"Loss of population through disease changed native society."
"The real reason behind the rise of the Trad wife is the fact that the traditional family is growing, all the while liberal progressives are dying."
"Demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore."
"We must take advantage of the demographic shift."
"New poll shows Donald Trump nearly doubles support among black men and women since 2020."
"The ultra-Orthodox population is growing at such a fast pace that its share in the population is doubling every generation, every 25 years."
"How do you both keep the vote switchers to stay Democrat but also how do you harness that demographic change registering new voters and making sure they all turn out?"
"Georgia used to be solidly Democratic... Suburban voters... becoming more diverse."
"For the first time, most new hires of prime working age 25 to 54 are people of color."
"She's more likely to be single single moms used to carry an unfair stigma but a 2016 census revealed there were more single or unmarried moms than ever."
"I probably will. I think it's a good chance we'll stay White."
"The day of reckoning will come... millions of baby boomers reached the age..."
"Over the course of the last 12 months Russia has lost over 1.2 million people."
"You cannot overstate the scale of demographic change underway right now in the United States."
"What is the biggest change of our time? Well, I think it's this: babies born per woman."
"The fastest growing group of gun owners in America is specifically black women." - Notable demographic trend in gun ownership.
"The recall should be as big a wake-up call to the Democratic political establishment as the population exodus that recently caused California to lose a congressional seat for the first time in its history."
"The shift of demographics in voters in the United States in Canada in Europe and everywhere else... it can be a very very big paradigm shift in politics."
"The population of China could half between now and the end of the century."
"Japan will go from being the 11th most populous country to having less people than New Jersey."
"The demographic trends and the debt trends continue to weigh."
"There's a lot of women, there's a lot of people of color, and yes, that's growing like crazy."
"Only long-term demographic trends are going to cause the electoral map to kind of gradually evolve."
"For us to understand the major demographic shifts that have happened in the 20th century of the United States, which is in particular the browning of America, we have to go back to the Porfirio Diaz regime."
"Maybe it's something happens where a city gets big, the Democrats are able to win all the elections."
"Cable news is a dinosaur, it's dying and only very very old people are watching it."
"Demographic dividend is the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure."
"The attitude of denormalizing the nuclear family is now leading to potentially lower birth rates."
"California is facing an apparent exodus of high-income earners."
"We are at a truly unique moment in history... a voluntary and involuntary reset of global demographics."
"We've had a lot of women and a lot of people of color for the first time ever buying a gun... They just want that last line of defense."
"China has the world's fastest growing Christian population, and demographers speculate that somewhere around 150 to 200 million people identify as Christians in China."
"Amsterdam flourished, growing to over 200,000 people by late in the century."
"Texas is getting bluer right before our eyes."
"The caution part of this whole conversation... working class Americans are shifting to the Republican party."
"America has undergone massive demographic changes."
"At some time in the very near future, you will be the minority."
"Massive population shifts which will basically diminish the death toll... people have prepared."
"The expectation of the Democratic party for years that was really spoiled by Donald Trump was that the browning of America was good for the Democratic party. That hasn't been happening."
"Why is it then that you do have so many Republicans who look fearfully at the border and look fearfully specifically at these demographic changes?"
"Why is our population supposed to decline by two-thirds just here in the U.S. and almost every one of our allies as well?"
"The Hispanic Community is becoming a backbone of the Republican party."
"Massachusetts also has a growing population of second generation black immigrants who have been born in the United States."
"As countries experience economic development, their populations tend to age, leading to new challenges."
"The U.S. is going through a major shift in demographics right now. Look around, odds are you have many new neighbors."
"Flint had a peak population of just under 200,000 residents back in 1960."