
Esotericism Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"It's a powerful tradition that has survived for many centuries in esoteric circles but shows no indication of slowing down here in the 21st century."
"Consider supporting my work of making scholarly and free content on topics in esotericism."
"King Paimon knows and can teach science, art, and other secret things, such as the mysteries of Earth, water, and mind."
"The true 13th sign is that of the 13th Crystal Skull and the 13th tribe of Israel."
"Hold my Elixir, because not only did falconelli appear to have achieved immortality but he changed physically through careful study experimentation and committed esoteric ritual."
"Many things are not written clearly in the Torah, but reincarnation, the real source of reincarnation, explicitly spelled out is in the Kabbalah."
"Hermeticism draws its name from Hermes Trismegistus, a legendary figure who embodies traits from both the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth."
"Hollywood is on that. You are seeing that begin to creep in. Okay? So if you see people wearing t-shirts that they do what thou wilt, they're disciples of Aleister Crowley."
"Jupiter ruling it at the esoteric level simply says we're more together, you know, we're greater than the sum of its parts, this is the way we must move forward as humanity, as one."
"Numerology is the study of numbers and their energy and how that impacts our lives."
"There has always been a secret or esoteric instruction that this instruction is true."
"For example, you know about the 12 signs of the zodiac, right? You are aware. How did you get 12 signs? Why are there not 13 signs in the zodiac or 11 signs?"
"and thus, the dominion of the Rosae Crucis."
"Tarot is unbound and approachable from many angles and has no 'true' or 'original' esoteric value."
"What if people today still studied the old magical texts? What if they were allowed to openly practice the sorts of esoterism encouraged by Hermes's writing? The world would be a very different place."
"The eight pointed star of chaos Magic represents the eight types of magic in Carl's system."
"Your series on hermeticism is going to be a different experience for somebody that's new to it where it's very good and straightforward."
"Dogmatic universalism was, for centuries, not a public tradition but an esoteric one."
"Blavatsky further reveals that some astronomical dynasties taught the third root race called the Nourian."
"In this art movement, representation of nature, human activities, and all real-life events don't stand on their own; they are rather veiled reflections of the senses pointing to archetypical meanings through their esoteric connections."
"Hermetic knowledge elevated mighty philosophers and kings of antiquity, including Pythagoras and Solomon."
"The rise of the esoteric and the occult, and the romantic, was a counter to the Enlightenment and the creeping assault of what the Daedalus described as consensus."
"Thirteen pathways of occult herbalism circumscribes the metaparadigm of herbal magical practice, providing useful examples of its manifestation as well as demonstrating its time-honored roots of antiquity."
"Adism offered an alternative to the dominant religious and cultural paradigms, appealing to those drawn to the mystical and the esoteric."
"One of the first things you learn when you get into magical topics is how uninterested the rest of the world is."
"There's a certain hostility to ancient esotericism among Enlightenment thinkers."
"Manly P. Hall said that the theories of Kabbalism are inextricably interwoven in the tenets of alchemy, hermeticism, rosicrucianism, and Freemasonry."
"It's often difficult to track the exact histories of mystical, occult, and esoteric ideas for reasons that should be kind of obvious—they are hidden or at least obscured by nature."
"All my work now is geared towards actually from an esoteric level already being those things, seeing those things from the Soul's perspective."
"The secret doctrine teaches the progressive development of everything, worlds as well as atoms."
"According to esoteric teaching, the real cause of that supposed desire and of all existence remains forever hidden."
"The 12th house is completely activated with Saturn in Purvabhadrapada giving you the energy to just do all of that esoteric work."
"He enjoyed delving into subjects such as psychology, palmistry, astrology, and learned to read the stars and read horoscopes."
"Gnosis is what's beneath the secret or esoteric religions that have been running the West."
"Esoteric Buddhism is often said to be mind-bending, transforming what you think you know about human potential."
"I do really love the thought of someone, not necessarily graffiti, but like, someone who's into like a kind of like this esoteric [ __ ] and it keeps them alive and it keeps them always creative and always like seeking for more and it just keeps them alive."
"The occult or esoteric religions in general are extremely syncretistic... there's no real cohesive doctrine like you have in Christianity."
"The hermetic teachings go much further than do those of modern science. They teach that all manifestations of thought, emotion, reason, will, or desire, or any mental state or condition are accompanied by vibrations."
"The path of Talisman is not an ordinary one."
"Swedenborg outlined the new moral consciousness, a brand of esoteric Christianity that through the practical wisdom of its message earned him the title 'the Buddha of the north.'"
"There's just something about it that really speaks to me and like really brings out almost that esoteric vibe into a more tangible space."
"Women were also super important in the history of sex magic."
"The Middle Pillar forms such an integral part of the Golden Dawn system."
"Human design is this mixture of esoteric and scientific truth, put together in a synthesis which is absolutely perfect."
"Dragon Rouge, being an eclectic esoteric order, weaves elements from a myriad of cultures, religions, and philosophies into its teachings."
"The Hermetica... has gone on to become synonymous with Western esotericism and mystical insight itself."
"The one is in all, and all is in the one."
"Here knowledge of the higher worlds can only be achieved at all by means of imagination."
"What makes this Kabbalah really interesting is his linking with both magical theory and practice with the Kabbalah."
"Only by deepening our spiritual understanding of life by immersing ourselves in its esoteric secrets can we get insight not merely into the moral doctrines but also into the moral impulses, the moral sources of life."
"Hello there, I'm Georgina Rose, part-time esoteric content creator and part-time scarlet woman."
"The notion of a hermetic philosophical, spiritual, and religious tradition has become an important anchor in the lives of practitioners of Western esotericism."
"For many esoteric, mystical, and occult thinkers, there's a strong metaphysical link between language, symbols, and reality."
"The secret doctrine tried to show a different view of philosophy, religion, and science and try to open the eyes of the western world to an approach that was unknown at the time."
"Numerous published sermons decry esoteric practices in the colonies."
"The individual had a kind of cosmic right to his or her own esoteric search that was the property of no one else."
"It's all about vibrational frequency codes, numeric sequences, encoded data, numeric messages."
"The initiatic path is to come to conscious knowledge of what each of these forces are both externally as objective forces in reality in nature and as subjective forces within our own microcosm."
"The Cabalistic journey, characterized by the pursuit of esoteric knowledge and the transformation of the self, embodies the eternal human aspiration to bridge the finite and the infinite."
"The Safer Yetzira remains an enduring enigma but brief and alluring enough to remain an endearing text of Western esotericism at virtually every register."
"Gnosis has been described as esoteric knowledge, the intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths."
"The seven rays condition all life, whether it be a mineral, an animal, a tree, a human, an organization, a city, or nation."
"We are here approaching one of the most important mysteries of man's being that will lead us to delve deep into the primal secrets of existence."
"Edward Kelly wasn't a perfect man, who is? But his contributions to the history of Western esotericism are certainly worthy of deeper study and appreciation."
"Genuine occultism, true spiritual science cannot share the usual trivial notion that man can look up direct to the highest divinity."
"The knowledge which led over from the sensible into the super sensible has been known as the knowledge gained by initiation."
"Magic is a practice based on the esoteric worldview."
"Proper study, the development of imagination, learning the esoteric script, discovery of the Philosopher's Stone, self-knowledge of the human being as microcosm, knowledge of the macrocosm, and recognition of divine blessedness."
"From these examples, you will readily understand how all forms of occult knowledge have been able to impress their influence on different religions at different stages."
"Sacred geometry is the ancient language of the universe, a hidden code that permeates all of creation."