
Aquarium Care Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Stability is the number one key to a healthy thriving reef tank."
"With food, I really wish more people would think of feeding an aquarium, not feeding fish."
"Best bottom feeder for bare bottom tanks? We find corydoras to do a superb job."
"Regular water changes dramatically increase success rates."
"One last note before we move on to the corals themselves. Even though we all debate the best way in all these elements, I think it's important to remember that best is really dependent on your goals."
"Let's focus on making sure water parameters are good."
"Water movement is essential for bringing nutrients to coral and more importantly removing waste away from them."
"If you have no sand and you can deliver the properly especially with Acropora you're not gonna see colas better."
"Overstocking your fish tank with big fish is not fixable by pumping in more oxygen."
"Make sure that the aquarium isn't too bright. They love dark water, and it's gonna be really beneficial if you guys keep them in dark water."
"Every day you look at your aquarium especially if you have live plants and corals that is a living breathing piece of nature and every day there's something interesting."
"We recommend doing this once a month and only changing the blocks when they fail or get clogged."
"Every hang on the back filter should be done this way and most of them are moving to this there's only a few now that still have the pump in the back that's one of the first things I would look for if you're buying a new filter."
"You should start to notice some behavior where they are actively sucking oxygen from the surface and then blowing it underneath the surface of the leaf forming a bubble nest."
"...I'm highly encouraging anyone that owns an aquarium or a pond to have API close by."
"Now, I recommend letting these tanks cycle for at least a week."
"Betta fish need zero PPM ammonia zero PPM nitrite and minimal nitrate at all times."
"Consistency is key. In testing, dosing, lighting schedules - everything. The world is consistent, so should your aquarium."
"Corals need consistency. Consistency in pH, in testing, in dosing. It's all about maintaining stability."
"You spend your hard-earned money on these little corals that you put in your aquarium. There's no reason for you to allow a parasite to devastate what your hard-earned money has gotten you."
"So let's go over the reasons why you might need or definitely want to do water changes."
"Nothing good happens fast. Example: Coraline booster. If your tank is healthy, it will be there."
"They're kind of like stoner corals man, they just want to chill and wave in the flow and that's what's going to make them really happy."
"Big water changes are the best and quickest way of removing those high levels of nitrates."
"The closer to the goal isn't to sell an auto top off, it's to get the right auto top off and then make sure that you're successful with that auto top off later."
"Testing alkalinity daily changed the trajectory of that tank."
"Beautiful tanks are just better cared for in most cases. They'll live longer and happier lives."
"If you're making presumed positive biological changes to the tank and the tank responds with an increased uptake of calcium and alkalinity, it's reasonable to perceive this as beneficial to the corals' growth."
"This is an instance where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and it literally is 16 times if not 160 times as hard to get the algae back into balance with your tank after an outbreak as it is to prevent the outbreak in the first place."
"There is no magic amount to feed your fish other than just enough that they look healthy which for many is once a day and a pretty small amount."
"This is fantastic because it keeps plenty of movement throughout the entire aquarium."
"The right amount of air is better."
"Balling is really the best solution when you've got this inequity between your calcium and your alkalinity consumption."
"It's one of the very few options where you can put both of these things in with one single solution."
"Stress is not only the number one killer of bettas but it's probably the number one killer of all fish."
"Learn the language of your tank and you got to learn to listen to your tank."
"It's more important about your coral husbandry, the intensity, the flow, how you feed your fish and coral, the balance, those are the things that will make or break the tank."
"They're not chasing numbers. They were all maintained by focusing on what we call the four pillars of reef keeping: lighting, waterflow, nutrition, and filtration."
"Even moderate flow can serve to keep the coral clean."
"These are amino acids and small zooplankton."
"Stable parameters, a huge thing is trace elements that a lot of people overlook."
"I think it's the same goal we're both trying to achieve, the balance in all the elements."
"You have to watch your corals and maybe make some smaller adjustments and see how they react in a week to three weeks range."
"Take time to enjoy your aquariums."
"I want to stay on top of things so that it does continue to look incredible for the next 7 to 10 to 12 years."
"For under $100, you get a no-nonsense, always-on, at-a-glance monitor for your tank's pH, salinity, and temperature."
"If you're not doing everything you can to maintain the quality of that water on a daily basis, you're not giving your animals everything they need."
"Every aquarium needs air. That is a hill I'm willing to die on."
"The ability to adjust this is one of the clear benefits of Tropic Marine's approach."
"One of the greatest tragedies in our hobby is the ideal solution for year one or two, or the grow out stage of the tank might not be the same thing as year three or four, or the lifespan of a robust tank full of larger colonies."
"Flow is more important than lighting."
"Never had any of those clouds in this tank, never had any like mortalities, the tank just did awesome, the corals did awesome."
"They are a meat eater, they're not really an algae grazer."
"It is very important to occasionally vacuum your sand or your gravel."
"If you give coral good flow and good lights, it'll just look fantastic for you."
"Snails can actually be very beneficial for your aquarium in the right circumstances."
"Filtration cleaning regularly, good adequate filtration, good quality food, lots of oxygen - they're all the prevention you need."
"Do not put fish into an aquarium if you don't understand the nitrogen cycle."
"I absolutely love Eheim filters because they really do a good job."
"I'm actually a big believer in larger water changes less often."
"I just want to help people be smarter about the way they light their tank."
"Just be patient, don't give up, it's completely normal to have brown algae, don't get frustrated, don't quit the hobby, you'll figure it out, there is no quick fix for this, it's really about stability, stability, stability, and allowing your tank to mature."
"Set up a quarantine tank, you won't regret it."
"They like water that is slightly acidic to neutral, so pH between six and seven point five is just fine."
"Just keep a record of what you're doing because if something changes and you don't like what you see, you can go back and see what did I do different in my tank and maybe reverse that change to get it back to what it was doing before."
"If your fish cost a few dollars extra but you get that peace of mind at the end of the day that they've been dewormed, tank transfer method, quarantined, and they're going to be free of ick and other nasties, it's well worth it."
"I've kept my hands out of the tank."
"I find that these fish are not picky eaters when it comes to food; they will readily eat dry food."
"My tank has never had better growth, it's never had better coloration, and I think it's never looked better."
"If what you are seeing is that by paying more attention to your pH and your alkalinity you're seeing great growth, then I would encourage you to keep doing it the way that you're doing now."
"Once you get that effluent at the nitrate level you want, you're set and forget."
"Stability is way more important than chasing particular levels."
"Within three hours after setting up the canister filter, that tank was clear."
"It's easier to use a calcium reactor than to dose on these bigger systems."
"These are my four tips to grow your zebra plecos really fast."
"Bacteria is your most important organism in your aquarium."
"The best skimmer will increase growth 50% of your coral."
"The best skimmer will increase your coral growth by 50 percent."
"If you do a 50% water change on your tank, you will cut the nitrates in half."
"It's gonna make it a million times easier if I can just peg the pH of this thing to 6.5."
"Lighting and flow are interconnected."
"A good skimmer is when you adjust it, it does what you thought it would do. It's super satisfying."
"Do not add fishes... fish can eat young shrimps, they can be stressful for your shrimps, they pollute the water."
"I think calcium formate and all for reef is going to be one of the most popular options out there."
"Flow is critical for coral health and coloration and growth in your aquarium, as well as the overall health of your aquarium."
"This leather is going to grow extremely quickly, it's going to be very resilient, it's going to have great coloration, it's going to be very healthy."
"Having generators with animals and freezers and stuff is an absolute game-changer, especially with fish tanks."