
Gospels Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"The gospels are very much like certain kinds of Greek and Roman literature."
"The gospels are four slightly different versions of the same story."
"The Gospels are just basically rewrites of each other, each author trying to change it up the way he wants."
"Phillip was another member of Christ's beloved Apostles although he's mentioned in all four gospels."
"Much Western Christianity had forgotten some of what the Gospels were all about."
"The gospels are the most well-attested piece of ancient literature."
"...the New Testament is made up of the four gospels Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John, as well as the other books."
"Each of the four gospels... tell a story about Jesus from a slightly different angle. Now, none of it contradicts, all of it complements. But that's the beauty of having four different gospels."
"The earliest known source of the Gospels said nothing about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus."
"...so we can have this context for how the gospels came about."
"If you lost all of the Gospels but you had the written works of the first links in the chain, the students of the eyewitnesses, you would not miss any part of Jesus."
"Most New Testament scholars believe that the Gospels are Greco-Roman biographies."
"If you wanna know what God is like, follow Jesus through the gospels."
"If this person did not at all know any of the other gospels, why did he write his story just like this?"
"The Gospels are not analogous to folk tales or contemporary urban legends."
"Read the Gospels look at Jesus Christ for Jesus Christ is the Living God revealing himself in finite form."
"The gospels read like eyewitness accounts."
"The other Gospels contain more historical accounts."
"We ought to read the gospels and understand them both for what they are."
"The Gospels are packed with contradictions like these from before Jesus's birth to after his death and everywhere in between."
"Read the Gospels carefully; there's an infinite amount of spiritual food waiting to be explored."
"The gospels are written in a context 2000 years ago where there are these arguments going on."
"The Jesus of the gospels is built out of many other things."
"In the New Testament, the Gospels are the primary source of inspiration from God."
"Including the most ancient collection of all four gospels. Papyrus 45."
"I believe the Gospels of the Bible."
"There are four Gospels with four pictures telling four versions of the one story of Jesus."
"The central message of the Gospels is not the teaching of Jesus, but Jesus himself."
"This is the only miracle that's described in all four Gospels."
"The three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are about Jesus."
"The New Testament, particularly the Gospels, is about the life and deeds of Jesus."
"The gospels really are biographies of a sort."
"The Gospels that we have of Jesus were compiled within forty to sixty years after the crucifixion."
"There are good reasons for seeing the major contours of the New Testament Gospels as historically reliable."
"...do you believe the authors of the gospels were eyewitness to the events they recorded?"
"The gospels are consistent with the naming conventions of that era and region, this is evidence that they're reliable."
"Matthew and Luke were reading Mark's Gospel when they were writing their gospels."
"When a person is reading the gospels, they're actually encountering the Jesus Christ of scripture."
"The thing that brings the four gospel accounts together is Christ."
"It is almost universally recognized that the four Gospels were penned in the first century."
"Instead, I'm asking you to go back and read the Gospels simply as history."
"So are the New Testament Gospels credible? Indeed, they are."
"We have substantial evidence for the antiquity of these Gospels and very good reason for believing that they reach back in time."
"The Lindisfarne Gospels... a fantastic piece of work."
"I was surprised to find the historical reliability of the gospels quite well supported."
"There are four Gospels and only four, neither more nor less."
"The Gospels... are all biographies about Jesus, his life written from the perspective of these four individuals."
"The Gospels should be placed among the most reliable of ancient biographies."
"We can verify numerous items in the Gospels as being true."
"There really can be only four gospels."
"I feel that there's a lot of contradiction in the gospels."
"God has providentially preserved to us four canonical Gospels to do that we can't understand Jesus in his totality unless we study them all."
"It's such a standout miracle that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - all four Gospels record this miracle."
"The one and only miracle covered by all four gospel authors."
"If you're going to believe the gospels, you might as well believe the Bible when it talks about the creation of the universe."
"What we know about Jesus ends in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."
"The cross is primarily witnessed by women; it's the testimony of women that's recorded in the gospels."
"To facilitate the best possible trust in the Gospels, we've actually got to get back to the original Greek manuscripts."
"To get the best out of the Gospels, we've really got to read them as they were written."
"The Gospels... lack the kind of dramatic detail and embellishment that you would expect if these were made-up stories."
"The historical reliability of the gospels."