
Breaking Norms Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Do something that's going to break a mold or break a paradigm."
"You don't have to abide by the old rules if you can imagine and create a new way forward."
"Every level...is meant to be broken and they're meant to be probed above and below...levels are meant to be broken."
"You're really on brand in October where you're like breaking boundaries, breaking rules maybe, just kind of going beyond where you have been for the entire year."
"You gotta know the rules to break them, right?"
"Take more risks here, break away from the convention if needed."
"Substance use can be therapeutic; it breaks your normal pattern."
"Real artist is gonna break the mold like, [expletive] that."
"I'm breaking shackles and playing what I'm passionate about."
"Logan Paul is another guy who's just breaking the simulation and just showing us."
"Traveling bravely means tearing up the guide book."
"Franken funny is officially out of retirement."
"Break the rules and reinvent yourself. Be the person that you never thought you were before."
"You're breaking up society's norms and playing to the beat of your own drum."
"By seeing these inner relationships, this is what's going to allow us to break free from just being 2-5 players."
"Do things your ex wouldn't have approved of."
"Size doesn't matter. Break free from The Matrix, embrace chaos, and don't let anyone take away your dreams."
"Top G lifestyle, baby. I conquer all and never give in. Let's break the Matrix, that's my message."
"At the end of the day, you've got to do something outside the box, otherwise you're gonna be boxed in and nothing's gonna come from it."
"Play it by the rules until it's not fun and then break 'em."
"Most bodybuilders enter the bodybuilding scene early on and then retire relatively early, but not Ernestine Shephard."
"The only way I see any path to success right now is breaking that kind of [ __ ] and doing things your own way."
"The Chosen breaks both of these [stereotypes]."
"Artists are people who can break out of that illusion."
"Watching a woman do something that is so outside of the norms."
"We have a lot of outs a restriction and that's I guess a challenge to be out of this like waters out of this cage and feel confident about your life and don't follow this like traditional patterns."
"I never begged for a seat at the table. I broke that table."
"Genres are like all rules they are made to be broken."
"Breaking barriers... that's what you do when you're different, when you're put on this earth because you're meant to change things."
"Young ones are breaking paradigms and doing new things."
"He's ripping up the script... he doesn't care about the mold."
"May you break those protocols by the mercy of God."
"Anatomy, behaviors, colors, laws of physics—these Petty restraints shatter and fall to my feet, and I am free."
"Degas' art is tearing up the old script and starting from scratch."
"My whole thing right now is break any mold I'm in because I'm just rotating our ways of it is how you do things."
"Breaking of the norm breaking away from the conventional is really coming into the unique gift that each and every single one of us has."
"Trust yourself break some rules don't be afraid to fail to what the naysayers look like hell and give something back."
"They don't even think the box can be broken but if you're able to break the box then you're able to open up a whole new world of understanding."
"I don't want to narrow myself so you have to play and abide by these rules."
"We're tearing down a system of belief that this is how we make it and this is how we got to make it."
"Step out of the narrative that feels predestined, and become something else."
"I intend to smash the status quo regardless of how many people hate it. Cookie cutter corporate is over."
"Breaking out of the Matrix is pretty much breaking out of that system and having your own mindset, having your own way of thinking, and elevating consciousness."
"Break them! Do what is thought impossible, and the Atlas will follow."
"We're thoroughly conditioned, and our job is to break the condition."
"Sometimes breaking stuff is the answer. And it's fun too."
"Break the conditioning, break the pattern for potentially millions of players."
"You're going to open yourself up to studying, traveling, or trying to escape the norm."
"Forget about being in the box, think about not having a box."
"Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you want to just go ape [ __ ]?"
"You have an obligation to get out of your lane."
"It's time to break the mold, at least once in a while."
"Let's break free, let's do it, let's invent the new, let's do it differently."
"You're becoming an anomaly within it, you're doing something different from the program now."
"It's very difficult to break out of the mold."
"We have the superpower to break the fourth wall. We do what we want."
"You're going to start coloring outside the lines."
"When trying to innovate in this game, look beyond preconceived notions of what a Pokémon can be."
"If there were rules to being a rock star, then Linkin Park would break the mold."
"You're totally breaking the mold and coming out."
"A Green Party campaign can cut through that fake dichotomy."
"My own thing is to break my own stereotypes. I think you keep getting slaughtered after your film."
"I want to be the one that's different, the one that's like, brought everybody up and just broke the cycle."
"You're breaking societal norms, you're a way shower, holding your unique light."
"I want to be the guy that breaks the form, you know, form in a mile."
"Farah was a fighter, always pushing forward, always breaking the mold."
"They establish precedence and then break them in a way that is never muddled or confusing."
"People loved their music but they didn't get adulation. They didn't get to cry. I was the first one to break the ice and break the mold."
"If there's one thing I'm good at, it's at breaking expectations."
"We're looking for people who are just, you know, looking to break the mold a little bit."
"Where is it written that a filmmaker can't be in front of the camera as well? If he or she decides to, nobody wrote these rules."
"She's proving that she's not the typical queen."
"You're doing something that's going against a pattern. That's the definition of a miracle."
"It's authentic, I think it's great, you don't need to follow the model that people have set before."
"I just want to break barriers and be unpredictable."
"To be able to change your whole life if you need to without being constrained by fear or stereotypes."
"It was a team expected to stay with the flock, but these Mavericks broke free and took wing."
"In order to break the rules, you need to know them first."
"Breaking stereotypes around what you should be doing at a particular age."
"Rules were meant to be broken, right?"
"There's time to shatter those expectations."
"Break the canon, make your own candy."
"If you as a Gen Z have a genuine passion for your field, embrace this opportunity you've got to live beyond the box."
"I'm over playing it safe, so I'm having fun for sure."
"They have started to dance shimmy shake outside the box in such a beautiful way."
"Follow your own path, ignore the desires and whims of the chain, and break it. Be who you want to be, not what others wish for you to become."
"The point of being a magician in life is to break those disciplines, to explore and explode these set ideas."
"If you're genuinely going to try and change people... there has to be that area of confusion where you break the mold of the past."
"Herbert had consciously set out to break the conventions of science fiction."
"I'm not putting myself in a box this time."
"Break out of the box and begin to recognize the absolute imperative of movement for your health."
"Break some rules, break some eggs, and make some omelets."
"He's totally destroying our normal perceptions; just to say he's creative doesn't do him justice."
"We definitely going to go ahead and break those stereotypes."
"You need to learn how and why to break the rules."
"You're really going to start breaking away from all these old expectations."
"He was Breaking All the molds and what he was doing was so radically Innovative."
"You're doing something that is breaking with the norm; you're going out and innovating and doing something completely unique."
"You're moving forward, breaking traditions, breaking free of the norm."