
Miscarriage Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"A majority of miscarriages we can't do anything about and it's in no way a woman's fault."
"Dr. Neil shares with Dr. Kalu and Dr. Claire the case of a woman who is 26 weeks pregnant after three miscarriages."
"Miscarriage just after getting her vaccine and she was very far along and many people said it's not a secret they."
"Miscarriage is still a really taboo topic to talk about."
"For people that follow me, they're pretty familiar that I had a miscarriage earlier this year."
"It's implied that at some point over the last five months Melissa has had a miscarriage but Spencer works out that Melissa is lying and the miscarriage was actually way before she says it was."
"I want to be able to help so many out there who are going through miscarriages to not feel alone."
"When a woman goes through a miscarriage, you cannot tell her how to deal with this."
"You medically cannot blame the woman for being stressed when a miscarriage happens."
"Miscarriages happen for unknown reasons. One in four people that get pregnant have a miscarriage, so it's extremely common."
"There's literally like no right way to handle it or to deal with it. It's your own journey and like just give yourself some grace."
"Everything happens for a reason and as sad as this has been for me and I actually honestly I knew that this was a possibility because one in four women's pregnancies end up in a miscarriage."
"I understand how you feel now but it wasn't your fault... miscarriage is never easy to accept."
"Although miscarriages are common, a lot of people don't talk about it, and no woman, no person should suffer in silence."
"Women need to talk more about miscarriages, it's not a stigma."
"it came to be regarded as one of the most egregious miscarriages of justice in Irish history"
"Miscarriages are not uncommon. You are not alone in it."
"It's incredibly sad to lose a pregnancy, especially one that's wanted."
"Miscarriages are actually very very common and usually not at all the fault of the pregnant person."
"The craziest thing about the 'genetically weak' comment is that 50% of pregnancies end as miscarriages, and half of those are due to a serious chromosomal defect."
"...miscarriages are tough. Wife had one with the first pregnancy. The way we got through it was by saying, 'Hey, something's not right here, we need to clear out and start fresh.'"
"Having the miscarriage, it was definitely a big loss for Dre and I, but I think something good that came out of it is our communication is a little bit better."
"...if miscarriage has been a part of your story...that little fact pulls on a whole story."
"Most women who miscarry can get pregnant again and so there's a light at the end of the tunnel."
"Your investigation was money-driven and misconceived and led to this miscarriage, that's right, isn't it?"
"When I had a miscarriage and I had never had a baby before, I had no reason to believe that I would ever have a healthy pregnancy or a healthy baby."
"I genuinely carry your pain in my heart if you've walked through miscarriage."
"I had a miscarriage so obviously that didn't work out."
"Undeterred by her previous miscarriage, Mandy remained resolute in her desire to have a child."
"If you experience a miscarriage or anything else that is hard or awful or traumatic in your life, it is not a punishment for something that you've done wrong."
"Vitamin E. Vitamin E, it can help to improve the quality of your eggs and help the eggs to stay attached to your uterine wall, and that can also mean decrease the risk of miscarriage."
"Miscarriage is so common and yet it's so taboo to talk about."
"She's had an ectopic that nearly killed her, she's had several unsuccessful cycles, she's had a late miscarriage, and all the drugs and the emotional upheaval have really affected her mentally and physically."
"What a father goes through when his wife has a miscarriage."
"Having a miscarriage, going through a pregnancy loss, just sucks. It's hard, it could be painful, it's emotional and heart-wrenching because you got your hopes up this whole time thinking that everything's going to be great and in the end it wasn't."
"The only positive thing that comes from a miscarriage is that the first step in getting to a healthy pregnancy was achieved — pregnancy and the fact that you have been able to get pregnant in the past bodes well for you moving forward."
"The miscarriage is not just a woman thing. It was our child."
"Lee had a miscarriage and fell into a horrible depressive spiral and breakdown filled with public outbursts."
"I felt really alone, I felt kind of alienated, and I was just thinking, 'Why me?' when the truth is one in five pregnancies end in miscarriage."
"I had reached 12 weeks, which is typically when women are in the safe zone, like as you're approaching your second trimester, the chances of having a miscarriage after 12 weeks go down dramatically."
"It's kind of hard to get a reading when your placenta is in front of the baby, obviously, so she wasn't finding a heartbeat, there was no movement, and I just knew something was wrong."
"I did not expect to literally get pregnant like three weeks after I had a miscarriage."
"With every potential pregnancy, you're kind of reminded of that miscarriage."
"... know that they're way more common than you think um one in every four it doesn't make it any easier but it gives you an understanding that you aren't alone."
"I'm honestly just in shock. Like, we had full intentions of walking in there being told we miscarried and then going home."
"I love how the prosecutor says we're not trying to put down Lindsay and TJ's marriage or that she had a miscarriage but oh my gosh I heard exactly those words."
"There were those, however, who still thought that he had suffered a miscarriage of justice."
"A lot of doctors believe that recurrent miscarriages can happen due to blood clotting disorders."
"A gross miscarriage of freedom and justice."
"If you're going through miscarriage and fertility complications, you don't have to go through it alone."
"I didn't understand that women when they experience miscarriage, they feel betrayed by their own bodies."
"This was an awful miscarriage of justice and everyone affected deserves not just justice but also compensation."
"Billy's experiences are by no means the only example of serious miscarriages of justice."
"This has been a blatant miscarriage of justice."
"Uterine septums are birth defects that also should be removed because there's a high incidence of miscarriage if you have a uterine septum."
"One in four pregnancies end in a miscarriage... it's something that shouldn't be a taboo topic to talk about."
"Last year we had a miscarriage. She is now dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression."
"My heart is really with people who have had miscarriages or infertility or just are struggling to get pregnant."
"Before we had our oldest son and after we had our youngest son, we had miscarriages, so I light these two tea lights down here at the bottom for those babies."
"You don't ever think a miscarriage or an unhealthy pregnancy could happen to you, and when it does, it gives you a whole new light on life."
"Depression is actually something that we should consider as a normal reaction to a miscarriage and it can be treated."
"Your miscarriage wasn't because of something you did or didn't do, it was something that happened to you."
"I don't want for miscarriages to be a topic that is brushed under the rug, that is made for women to feel shame."