
Innovative Ideas Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"I should train the dogs to smell starlight rares, like a drug dog but for something far more valuable than drugs."
"Let us focus not just on matters routine but also on transformational ideas. Ideas which can focus not just on creating wealth but also on creating value for our society."
"This is gonna be the stupidest idea I think we've ever done but if this works, it'll probably also be the best idea that we've ever done."
"JavaScript contains some of the best ideas ever put into a programming language."
"Genius looks like insanity at first though, right?"
"Hulk guide them back to safety? You actually thought of it? Wow."
"There's so many cool ideas to do with NFTs and blockchains."
"Father Lord, please remove anything that is hindering the growth of my finances. In Jesus' name, grant me clever ideas to run my business in order to grow my finances."
"Unconventional ideas... resonate with younger people."
"Whoever decided to use cards is an absolute genius."
"You might have certain creative idea and you can capitalize on it because iraq the north node is materialistic planet that can capitalize on new ideas."
"That's a really cool idea, this would have been an amazing place to play it."
"There's really a lot of really interesting concepts being explored in great depth."
"Look, it's a really good... it could be a great Netflix show. I'll tell you if you could just have an unfiltered commentary box."
"Think about how ridiculously visionary he was."
"The solution to climate change might be right under my feet."
"Prosperity lies ahead with these really weird, out there, strange unique ideas, and the energy is gaining momentum."
"Here's an idea if you did take those abilities out of covenants and you were to put them all together in one place you know what you've got a really good foundation for a bard support class there blizz."
"What if it were possible, hear me out, to sell your poop?"
"It's an idea that you watch and you go, 'How did nobody think of this already?'"
"People want to walk, people want to exercise, you know if you can find a way to monetize exercising then why not?"
"unlike a horse armor dlc i actually think these gauntlets would have been a pretty cool idea"
"He wanted to basically put them in new bodies and essentially resurrect his parents, and it's a really awesome idea."
"Dominion had brought some pretty cool ideas to the table as well and in my opinion was the best thing Halo 4 had to offer."
"The cake shake is amazing, it's an evil idea."
"It's time to move on... flamethrowers might be the solution to all our problems."
"Foodies have come up with an idea to help restaurants survive the crisis: pay now and eat later."
"A very unexpected yet creative way to reimagine a champion."
"You might feel a bit more but also it's exciting as I said you can be socially quite active you can um some very revolutionary ideas in the air."
"I think the inspiring women series is a fantastic idea and is definitely on our list."
"I honestly think that a jungle city would be a really cool idea."
"Each parking spot will be a room. Good suggestion, chat. See, this is why I love live-streaming. This makes it so good."
"Just looking at this description, it sounds like a really neat idea."
"Imagine if we could harvest energy from keystrokes and other button presses on a larger scale because right now all that power is going to waste. That's interesting."
"Using Windows XP with a touchscreen, is that not just a fantastic idea?"
"What the economy needs to work is faith in the system and belief in the rule of law."
"That's probably one of the most creative items I've ever seen in my life."
"I just don't see why that doesn't happen, it's just such a good idea, I cry for this game for this for charity and it replaced the Community Shield."
"You do get a front row seat at this kind of amazing show of all these incredible people with all these new ideas."
"The real E3 now would be the middling publishers that have all the cool ideas."
"This might be the biggest brain play of the century."
"I wanted to test out my homemade shoes on a run like this."
"Experiments with strange, untested new governance ideas can change the world."
"Mario Kart World is an absolutely amazing idea in my opinion."
"That's such a cool idea to me. I just, I love it so much."
"This is an idea whose time has come... it just works, it really really really works."
"They have an opening in her group, and I might just join hers because she has a really good idea."
"This is easily one of the best ideas that from software has ever had for their online systems."
"Turn the SN15 into a grain silo and start distilling Starship whiskey, maybe call it Blastoff Bourbon, Elon Malt Scotship. Please SpaceX, hit me up, I've got loads of these."
"I really do truly think the trivia bday could be our hot ones."
"Days Gone has some interesting ideas and it delivers surprisingly."
"Just really just want to sit down in a room with some people and just get some funding behind some good ideas, absolutely."
"There's probably nobody in the entire world that doesn't have some idea that we would never have thought of."
"This is a game changer and a really cool way for you to make money online."
"I'm also thinking about doing like mood displays with it maybe maybe even have a temperature input to this thing so it's like kind of changes its feeling based on temperature humidity or whatever."
"Another really good idea, and that sounds like something that could definitely be integrated with the gaming aspect."
"Spread those payments out, heck yeah! It's something new, it's exciting, I think it's really cool."
"This can produce some wonderfully innovative ideas but it can also be shocking news, surprising or shocking news coming out at this time."
"Overall da villian is a game I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would consider and I'm not a huge action RPG fan it has a lot of good ideas and potential."
"The idea of riding on our bike through the water, that's a cool idea."
"The demons within His Dark Materials are one of the best magical ideas I've ever seen in fantasies."
"I think it's an amazing idea for basically democratizing ownership of music rights."
"When it really matters, like on election night, you know we're gonna be in position to really have the best ideas."
"Some ideas are so dumb, they're actually genius."
"Capacity to envision what is not yet conceivable to others, this is your gift."
"Refined storage sounds just like a great idea."
"There's a synergy that is just untapped and unlimited."
"It takes one crazy creative mind to think of something like that and the world is a much better place for it."
"I've never read a book like it where every single page venge is introducing some idea that is so huge it could take up its own novel."
"How about this phenomenal idea such a simple implementation but I think it would do wonders for Brawl Stars."
"Like transformers, that is the best idea you've ever come up with."
"I feel like this is cool because it's all vanilla, but I was thinking, what if you did bubble block with like multiple layers?"
"It's just a really exciting collaborative time where everyone was inspiring each other to come up with crazy ideas."
"Maybe putting them up on stilts, maybe that's my move."
"Wouldn't it be a cool feature if you wore the mob head then those mobs didn't attack you?"
"When you hear the fish tank idea, people are like, 'Damn, that sounds cool. I'm gonna go watch that.'"
"This is a brilliant idea, please take action."
"I mean, this is genius! We would make so much money because there's so much you could do there."
"So it's this idea of you know every piece needs to comply with more than one function to make it more compact."
"At least it's a movie that has something to say, a film that feels like it has a voice and some new ideas."
"Sacrificing logic for something really cool."
"Musk's idea to rid the system of incentives may be one of the best yet."
"I'm cautiously optimistic. There are some ideas in here."
"We've got a mission teaching those dragons to help, was a great idea."
"This is an insane idea, it's totally unprecedented."
"The best ideas are those that even if you say it out aloud people are like, 'Who's going to work on that?'"
"It's a super cool idea, obviously not very practical day-to-day, but still cool nonetheless."
"I've always wanted to go to a coffee shop on the moon with a view of, like, planet Earth."
"When we have parties, we fill the piano with ice and put champagne bottles in it, and it's just one big ice bucket."
"You can come up with some really cool creative possibilities with this."
"And to do that, let me propose that we introduce a fundamentally new idea that, frankly, among the ideas we explore in computer science will kind of bend your mind a little bit."
"Any kid can make a difference if you have a really good idea and you want to change something."