
Controls Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"I love the controls for space walking. It's so good."
"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."
"Tony Hawk games just found the perfect style of control for this kind of skating game."
"Containers: transforming spaces, transforming communities."
"There are all sorts of controls on this that are pretty clever."
"With the motion controls no longer being mandatory I think a lot more people are gonna dig it"
"Rayman 3 builds upon and improves the controls from Rayman 2."
"It's a good thing too because the constrained controls basically result in you having to brute force your way through the later stages that just overload the room." - Table Tanks
"Imagine what it would be like if we didn't have any emissions controls."
"Losercoin is intense from once again chapter one."
"Linear aim response curve ensures consistent input-output."
"They're not for everybody, but if you can stomach the nauseating controls, you'll love the relentless level design."
"Rayman Legends features a wide range of gameplay using traditional 2D action and innovative touch controls."
"Alt-click it to equip it directly to you, if you control-click it, it will go to empty space, and if you alt-click, it will go to empty slots on your character."
"Valdizzare doesn't hold back in representing that feel of adrenaline at home I've heard this game is difficult and while it did take a few moments to understand the controls once you get into the groove of things it's not so bad."
"You gotta click that stick in, yeah, I put grenade on right bumper."
"The game feels very, very good, controls are super tight."
"Just press W if you're playing on PC or just press forward on the stick if you're on console, just go in."
"Simply because the character controls and vehicle handling fall so far away from adequate, games like PUBG introduced the first-person perspective and interest in the games skyrocketed as a result."
"It's really important to get the feel of the controls."
"The controls themselves feel really fluid already. The game is awesome."
"I think the controls are a little bit floaty but otherwise than that this is a great vehicle combat game."
"Tight controls, challenging levels – Shovel Knight delivers."
"Aim with L1 and fire with R1, much quicker to react."
"This is a gamers' game. There's a lot of systems here. Get used to them flying around and shooting and hovering and elevating and, you know, controlling your pitch. It's a lot, but it feels great."
"Siberia is a baffling mess, it looks like another Resident Evil type game but if Resident Evil has tank controls, Siberia has septic tank controls."
"I find aiming and shooting in games more satisfying when the input is at least, you know, that smooth."
"Don't let audiophiles tell you you can't use a bass, treble, or tone control. It's ridiculous."
"Big volume knob, real switch gear for the HVAC controls."
"This gives you left, this gives you right, and then when you want to cancel, you press it in the center."
"Controls are safeguards or countermeasures to avoid, detect, counteract, or minimize security risks."
"I think people back then use their controls more."
"MicroFreak also has plenty of hands-on sound design controls."
"The controls, they have so much feel. The steering, the gear shift... I mean, the gear shift is just a delight."
"But I think Land Rover also took a step backwards by getting rid of some of the physical controls like the dials for the climate controls for the heated seats, for example."
"I do like these controls stuff here."
"...nobody wants to be kneeling on a seat or whatever to do anything on the witch winches so obviously you've got um electric controls."
"Gross risk is the risk before you do anything whatsoever by way of controls, transfer, or mitigation."
"The controls may feel a bit looser than preferred but it's nowhere near as hard to pull off a drift as it was with previous games."
"Now that we've defined the actions the player can make in our game, how do we bind them to the keyboard, mouse, or Gamepad inputs?"
"Controls: Accessing properties and methods."
"...there's just not enough good contact there for the analog stick to register which way you want your character to go."
"So what if you want to go up? Well, you can press E to go up, and Q if you want to go down."
"As far as the layout of the controls is concerned, well, that is extremely intuitive."
"Your controls for all of these devices, switching sights, all of that is fighting for the available rail space on your weapon system."
"The controls have got a better mixture of switches and buttons. It's not all just on the screen."
"Using exchange controls and other mechanisms to make that fit."
"The interesting thing was you know when you get a young person that brings up in the C oh man there's a lot of switches here but most of the switches we set before we took off."
"Data security is the sum of all controls in place to keep your organization's data in a state of wellbeing."
"... pressing spacebar or pressing this stop button at the top will stop everything... pressing spacebar again or clicking this play button will play all playing clips in the project."
"Controls are pretty Flawless stuff here. You can control everything: play pause, track forward and back, noise cancelling, as well as volume up and down on just one earbud thanks to the swipe gesture."
"Smart controls we need to start using controls now that BoilerPlus compatible they need to be a smart control."
"The controls feel naturally located."
"You've got some control stalks down here. This is your selector for your music and your audio controls."
"The controls could be better but it is pretty functional for the most part."
"The layout of the guitar has four controls."
"Controls help create a better experience for the user and collect the appropriate data."
"The controls are awkward and feel like a chore."
"Just go and copy the control, go back to the home screen and just paste it."
"You can reset all the controls in one go, which is extremely powerful and makes your formulas look a lot cleaner."
"Now moving to the left, I have got controls for that side of the screen."
"Components enable us to build reusable controls, reducing the number of controls on screens."
"They offer physical button controls which can actually be hard to find in flagships these days."
"The controls on this are absolutely amazing. They're probably the best controls I've ever had."
"The general view and then the track mode or track page controls all the parameters for a single track."
"...pretty much everything that the extra controls on the 707 can do can be done on the 101 just with one form of shift or button combo or other."
"If you wanted to do a quick mix while you're songwriting and creating, you can go into the controls menu at the top here."
"The controls are big, classic, and handy."
"You have the turn signal stock on one side which sticks out just slightly a little bit farther than the paddles."
"It definitely drives unlike any other car ever made really, it's kind of more like a tractor than a car in its controls."
"It makes a refreshing change to have all your controls done through actual physical controls."
"But you were always limited to those tank controls. I actually think that the gameplay in these early games was pretty fun because it was built around how clunky the controls were."
"The Churchill has got quite a complicated hydraulic system for its controls."
"I love having these two controls here at my fingertips."
"...as it is the shining point of features and functions, the Virtuoso are those separate controls."
"Hockey All-Star shootout and this my friends is what we call intuitive controls."
"This camera offers the best and easiest combination of auto and manual controls."
"...just really really cool...I love when you get controls and it's in real time like this, it just makes me so happy."
"Not all controls will fit; tailor your framework to your organization."
"Align your existing controls with frameworks for better management."
"Controls are the building blocks of success for your program."
"The controls are virtually automatic, all you have to do is give the right signal at the right time."
"The final two knobs in our front panel tour are the self-explanatory master volume and presence controls."
"Being able to flip between them, you can also of course go in the middle, which is both the pickup, and then you've got two volume controls which are kind of interactive."
"If you feel like these are a lot of controls to keep track of, fear not."
"But the cool thing is that you can totally do it, you can totally have absolute control over the shapes."
"When the drone turns this way, your controls are as if you're flying behind the drone up here in space."
"It's well handled and I found the physical controls to be easier and quicker to use compared to these soft options."
"It's just nice, you've got all of your everyday controls down here all where they really should be."
"The homepage in the Power App that you build in Dataverse for Teams comes with a special layout that automatically creates an interconnected suite of controls for you out of the box."
"Acura's done a really nice job giving you physical controls for a lot of that stuff."
"You can pretty much cruise up a hill with obstacles in the way without you having to touch any of the controls."
"The steering, brakes, the weight of the controls, it's excellent."
"The actual controls for the scanner are there."
"The Camry offers a plush, simple interior with good ergonomics, low window lines, and easy-to-use manual controls."
"Technical controls, a lot of times we cannot see, we cannot, sorry, we, we, we cannot touch it, but we can deny the impact, all right? So, the logical control could be hardware, it could be software mechanism used to protect an asset."
"I finally made it so you can shoot with the triggers, which is so incredibly nice."
"The specific controls within a control system will reduce the risk of fraud and error."
"So if you've never worked in three-dimensional space, there's a couple of controls that you're going to have to know."
"You can reuse all of your Syncfusion controls from Blazor or, of course, the native .NET MAUI controls as well."
"The steering wheel controls work absolutely perfectly."
"Understanding internal controls is really important to us."
"Both Swing and JavaFX offer a pretty comprehensive set of user interface controls."
"You can program the steering wheel controls to any features you like."
"This looks really nice now the only thing left to do is our seat buttons."
"Controls are important in all experiments and using these controls properly should help you make the most of your flow cytometry data."
"You can actually add a couple of different quick controls down here to avoid the multi-tab process."
"The calendar controls will have all the controls that we need to create events, search for the events, configure the theme, configure the language, and so on."
"You first have to ask, have controls been implemented to address these risks that you have identified?"
"Controls are one of the crucial tools to ensure that the risks are managed properly."
"There are touchscreen controls on the receiver and buttons to start and stop the recording and the noise reduction on the transmitter."
"Groups are useful for creating animation controls and targets."
"The fit and finish here of all the brake levers, master cylinder, all the switch gears, absolutely first class."
"We're going to try and identify common control activities, how you test those controls, and different sorts of substantive procedures you could use."
"The 360 gimbal is an absolute joy to use."
"Internal controls are critical, they improve accountability to all of your constituents."
"It has hundreds of controls now because over time they've grown and they've seen new risks and so they address those new risks with new controls."
"When you implement controls, you put them in there for a reason."
"The controls themselves are actually quite responsive."
"No mucking in a menu, just quick tactile controls."
"Learn what a control is in an experiment, then go back and look at the study and go okay, did they have controls, what were the controls, was the methodology sound?"
"Spend a little bit of time getting used to these controls until they become part of your muscle memory."
"They're well-crafted, have good touch controls, and are optimized for a great listening experience."
"That is how Wooting implements their analog controls."
"The controls on the vacuum are pretty intuitive and easy to use."
"Good experiments have both a positive and a negative control."
"There's an opportunity to continuously improve and update your controls environment with the semiannual releases of Workday."
"Leveraging the opportunity to embed more than just SOX controls or financial reporting controls."
"We provide fundamentals, controls, and patterns that codify those principles and guidelines."
"Whenever I'm holding space bar, it moves up, whenever I let go, he goes back down."
"It's gonna read my horizontal input which could be A and D or if I had a controller like an Xbox controller, it's gonna be that left thumbstick's left and right value."