
Considerations Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Price point's something that we always talk about too because, as I mentioned, it's definitely an important consideration what you can afford."
"Power consumption is a very important consideration here."
"Blade flurry might be something worth considering."
"So yes in-house movements definitely are nice to have but sometimes the cost per ownership is just not there and I think this is often not considered by buyers."
"I think you should really be keeping in mind if you're considering the 6500 XT."
"It's always one of those where you look at it again, is it style or is it performance?"
"I'm thinking about the performance more than anything."
"Affordability, lineup, nearby, free time, trusted voices - all important factors for event attendance."
"When you're setting a cost... you're taking all those things into account."
"You know what they didn't account for? Love."
"If you're trying to go above 400 wheel horsepower, fueling is definitely a consideration that you're gonna have to keep in mind."
"The only real issue, as I see it, is the warranty and of course, ongoing support."
"Considerations like this separate good criticism from bad."
"So could you live here? Yes. What will your lifestyle be? Well, that's another question."
"So you're thinking about this, think about where are you actually we're just going to live and where are you gonna where are you going to put it."
"A purely plant-based or vegan diet can be incredibly healthy but it does require in my experience some special considerations."
"Safety is a huge thing there but there are other things out there that also affect your economy."
"I think there are a lot of things that people need to consider."
"One thing you have to consider is what kind of relationship do you want with this person."
"A former president has more political considerations."
"Are you growing for aesthetics? Are you growing for production, disease resistance, pest resistance, or are you growing for flavor?"
"A Minefield if you're careful, you can get a great spec, a great car that you will love for years."
"Make sure it covers the things that you actually want it to cover."
"The Hasselblad seems amazing, but there is another..."
"There are clear questions related to governance and security that likely would still need to be worked out."
"There are many ethical implications."
"Think about life stage, gender, physical activity level, stress, and sleep quality when deciding on fasting duration and frequency."
"The PCIe expandability in the small form factor systems is worth considering if you need it for graphics cards and extra networking."
"While these bikes exude undeniable charm, factors such as practicality, maintenance costs, and personal compatibility should be thoroughly evaluated before committing to a purchase."
"While the allure of a distinctive design and the prestige of owning an Orange County Chopper may be tempting, ensuring it aligns with your riding style, comfort, and financial capacity is paramount."
"...adding weight and complexity to the vehicle would decrease reliability, decrease performance, and decrease fuel economy."
"I think you're doing the mistake of trying to ask a philosopher to be very concise. I just see like an avalanche of considerations and qualifications and levels for each of these very complex questions."
"Keep these things in mind when you're doing your first or your next rehab project."
"The best result may not always be the best legal result."
"There's no right or wrong answer here there just lots of strategies and considerations."
"If everything else is the same... let's say you're buying Oak Street's trench boot... which is a really really good resolable Boot and they give the option of a leather sole or rubber for that one so what should you consider when making your choice."
"There's several factors to consider: corrosion resistance, the size of the thread insert, and the price."
"...so if you're really really tall there's no issues whatsoever."
"I was thinking about it like as far as pros and cons I can't think of too many cons for before the analog four that that are are important."
"I think with any new technology there's going to be um really positive use cases and there's some things that we need to kind of really consider."
"What's the price, obviously? What's the weight? What's the ease of use?"
"I truthfully do think that might be better in the future but it does depend on the floor plan style."
"We have all these great benefits and we've considered the benefits of peace and access and joy and hope and perseverance and trial."
"A good option if you don't care about the smell or anything."
"Dataverse is the best, right? Also, there's other considerations with Dataverse."
"The question is how much money do you want to spend, how much space do you have in the city when parking?"
"...when looking to buy an amplifier, make sure there are enough inputs and outputs to plug everything you need into it."
"Consider what extra you could get for just another $50 $60."
"I hope it was helpful if you're considering either of these."
"Grading cards may not be for everyone, and if you don't have a good reason, like one of the ones that I mentioned just a moment ago, it may not be worth your time and money."
"Drink packages – should you, or shouldn’t you?"
"All money and love intertwines, so we have to consider both when we make our decisions."
"I think we did a pretty good job of lining out some of the considerations you should have."
"All that I can see is that it would be remiss of me to not put forward the option that would give you a cure, which is the consideration of amputation."
"There's just so many pluses to it that it's almost kind of like why not."
"We've almost done Hush a number of times, I've thought about doing Hush."
"If you're gonna do this and you're really gonna try to make this your career, you've got to consider so many things."
"You really gotta consider what you're doing with the boat, if you want to go offshore, doing a landed Crossing, things like that."
"It's a cash flow thing i totally understand it's easier to easier to do that slow trickle of money out you know with a farther drive but really if you're going to be in business you got to try to consider everything from those standpoints."
"So when you're looking at suspension, there are a few things to consider."
"Figure out how long you want to prepare for and how many people you're preparing for."
"Absolutely and for a variety of reasons the first is factor four."
"Each option has its strength and also considerations."
"So while the R7 is a camera I can recommend for the money do think carefully about whether the limitations will genuinely impact you in practice and crucially what lenses you're going to be pairing it with."
"The danger in focusing exclusively on an abstract account of rights is that we may omit some of the circumstances that really matter."
"Cost, time, convenience, performance, safety. Five factors."
"Is he or she a product of divorce? I'm not telling people not to marry if they're a product of divorce, but it's not a small thing."
"The hardest areas in low latency systems are things you need to consider right from the beginning."
"What we really should do and strive to do as API designers or API builders is understand all of the trade-offs."
"So, supposing however that you are ambitious and you do want to predict returns correctly, well, there's still some considerations you have to look into."
"...it's important to really you know choose specifically on those things and look at what's going to be covered and all that good stuff..."
"So, with everything there's trade-offs. So, with the Unities all Unities across the board they have a 35-gallon gray tank and a 30-gallon black tank."
"Let's talk about potential resale value and reliability to make sure you're making a smart purchase."
"Planning your project at the appropriate level of detail considering requirements, schedule, budget, resources, and procurement."
"The fact that it satisfies those two most important considerations in energy efficient building."
"Just having a lighter footprint for what I do, like if you're running this on a rifle you're going to be hunting with or going to be running and gunning with, the weight and footprint is a consideration."
"Consider the fit, condition, and uniqueness of each thrifted item before deciding to keep or pass."
"Window treatments, landscaping, and even pools are upgrades you might want to reconsider doing with the builder – you can often find better deals elsewhere."
"Just a really good gift to keep in mind."
"Since I wanted people to really enjoy my party, I thought that a live band would be a win-win."
"Should you buy one? Well, look if you're willing to deal with the 30-year-old driving dynamics, the lack of tech, the lack of safety, or the idiosyncrasies and you're genuinely going to be taking this thing deep off-road, yes 100 you should buy one of these."
"I'd really only pick him up if you're kind of on a budget crunch."
"So that's another piece that actually complicates this matter."
"Adopting suppressors for infantrymen raises questions about training."
"So it's just something worth considering since we're talking the rear seats here we should talk about passenger or actually luggage capability."
"You need to come to hard, not impossible, but hard decisions that you need to think about."
"...we're going to be looking at some of the factors that you need to consider when making these types of decisions."
"Guidelines for cold climates include considerations for wind direction, drainage, and snow."
"...if we are talking about looking at where things are and we're going to treat it, we got to take a couple of things into account."
"...make sure you know what you want to do with your truck before you make the decision."
"Communication, compatibility, and contracts are the three C's you need to consider."
"So, really worth bearing these sorts of things in mind when selecting your universities."
"Apart from the cost of the car, there are other costs as well."
"Consider rest, fatigue, and tension when deciding on an epidural."
"...and that is what considering the price of a 20-pound pot to go with this."
"And it's really down to four things: how many users you have, how much storage you need, what security features you need, and if you need voice capabilities or not."
"They're not getting an old bike. Now, I realize there are reasons not to buy a vintage motorcycle. It's not that easy, and I will be making a video about that at some point."
"But when you have a thin and like chassis like this, there are a lot of considerations, thermal considerations that have to be taken into account here."
"Bottom line if heat damage is a major concern you might want to consider granite."
"Especially if you're thinking about taking a drug and you don't want to be on it long-term, well this is one that you can get off of relatively quickly."
"Keep that in mind when you're out shopping for one of these cars."
"It's important to make sure that you keep that in mind. The full life cycle in mind as you develop your AI applications."
"Is there downsides to that? Well we will talk about that here in just a second."
"Consider paper weight and layout when choosing a planner."
"The importance of having true ECN or raw spread account and going with a broker that not only is legit, not only is registered, but also has good customer service, good deposit and withdrawal methods, and excellent spreads."
"... these are the things that you need to be thinking about as a modern technology professional."
"So now you can argue back and forth on this about whether this needs to be done or doesn't need to be done."
"When you think about a new project, one of the important things to think about are inputs and outputs."
"Nations aren't dominated by these kinds of considerations but rather their own vital interests."
"If you're reading by the pool or on the beach, water resistance might be something you want to consider."
"What factors should you even consider when choosing an online broker? Trade execution, reliability, and their fees."
"What makes for a good retirement?"
"Keep it in mind when you're choosing your boat, what it's for, how well you can handle it, the canal you're going to be going into; it's all going to play a part."
"Some takeaways... are things to consider when you're designing a strategy card game."
"If low cost is the positive, what's the negative?"
"Consider the asset size, control, age, and additional planning needs before establishing a trust."
"Preparing for pregnancy has many things to consider."
"These are all things you're going to want to consider when choosing what industry to get into."
"Just note that each of these alternatives comes with its own consideration, its own requirements, its own pros, and its own cost."
"If you need multi-dimensional only features such as actions, data mining, or write-back, translations, this is when you want to consider a multi-dimensional solution."
"If you like to have a lot of ice, an ice maker is actually a feature that we wanted to spend a little bit of extra time on."
"Paper size, the instrument, and who it's for... all of those kind of things."
"What are the security considerations in making sure that wherever you're hosting the application, you and the application itself is secure and that your users are secure from potential vulnerabilities or potential threats?"
"Better pay, better benefits, I don't know."
"Three main things you have to take into consideration when moving to Tanzania are transportation, housing, and food."
"When choosing a company to work for, there are a few things more important to consider than the size of the company."
"When it comes to camping these days, there's three things I like to consider: accessibility, comfort, and convenience."
"Switch bounce may or may not be an issue in your circuit or design depending on how you're using it."
"What about having children? What about a family? There's more to this."
"Character design is a funny thing, there's a lot of things that you need to keep in mind to make a character design work."
"When selecting a baby grand piano, what are some important things to take into account? Tone, timbre, touch, timelessness of design, and taste."
"There's a lot to consider when you want to actually commit to a woman."
"As you design or write a large software system, there are a lot of considerations and concerns that pop up."
"So flying into Class Bravo airport brings up its own set of things to consider."
"Editors face a range of considerations when deciding what news stories to focus on."
"If you want to knit your first sweater, it's worth thinking about a few things."
"Scale is always a consideration when you're designing a system."