
Prehistoric Quotes

There are 364 quotes

"Before Antarctica became a frozen desert, it was actually a warm tropical region with rainforests upon rainforests."
"Here at the very edge of the earth then existed a prehistoric lost world of flightless Giants and winged predators left alone to grow to immense sizes in perfect equilibrium with each other for millions of years."
"That is one of the most amazing animals I've ever seen. Alligator snapping turtle, that is a dinosaur."
"The stunning geological formations in the park's caves were formed some 215 million years ago when dinosaurs still roamed the earth."
"The alligator snapping turtle: a prehistoric creature lies in wait."
"The prehistoric megalodon was the massive great great great grandfather of the sharks that lurk among beaches today."
"One of the largest and most complex examples of prehistoric architecture in britain."
"Prehistoric microbes have survived in the ocean."
"You're looking at this animal that died, that fell in this spring more than 12,000 years ago."
"A giant prehistoric earthwork of manmade banks and ditches."
"Colossal... runs the length of three football pitches."
"Some prehistoric creatures had some crazy-looking features."
"The stone pillars of Göbekli Tepe, carved with an impressive array of reliefs and symbols, are among the earliest known examples of narrative art, offering profound insights into the prehistoric mind."
"If you're afraid of modern sharks, get ready for these facts because this prehistoric predator puts them all to shame."
"The Megalodon possessed arguably the strongest bite of any creature in history at an estimated 41,000 pounds of force."
"The astonishing Gobekli Tepe is believed to be the world's first-ever temple."
"Here we have the megatherium... incredible, look at those claws."
"Australia used to be home to some really big animals."
"Secrets of Stonehenge archaeologists found ancient pits near the huge megaliths rivaling the wonders of Stonehenge."
"Woolly mammoths lived during the Pleistocene and went extinct in the Holocene epoch."
"The earliest works of art our ancient ancestors created were carved or painted onto the rocks, stones, and bones around them."
"The presence of mammoth tusks... they were used in some of the construction of some of the houses."
"The quetzo collectus, aptly named after the Aztec god the feathered serpent, was the biggest pterosaur in existence and possibly even the largest flying creature in history."
"This place is absolutely ancient, predating the biblical flood by more than 6,000 years."
"It's incredible, Captain. This planet is almost an exact replica of Earth during its prehistoric Cretaceous period."
"This creature had a long neck and a face like that of a dinosaur."
"The animal stomach contents are revolutionary; they contain proof that some mammal ancestors actually fed on young dinosaurs."
"It could fly over 40 mph, it was a sight predator, and it had a huge appetite."
"Dragonflies the size of hawks, centipedes larger than humans, a strange menagerie of giant insects and amphibians reigned over the Earth 300 million years ago."
"It's almost Jurassic looking out here; it's very prehistoric."
"The planet is inhabited by dinosaurs and other prehistoric life like plesiosaurs and pteranodons, not only that but cavemen as well."
"Argentinosaurus was one of the biggest animals that ever lived."
"The cone-shaped things that peopled our Earth a billion years ago."
"These silhouettes of horses were made more than 20,000 years ago by hunter-gatherers."
"Exciting find in the Swiss Alps: first furrows and animal tracks are evidence of prehistoric plowing."
"For roughly 17 million years, this enormous shark dominated every ocean on the planet."
"The California prairie elk likely formed a significant part of the diet for early inhabitants of the region."
"The thought of a fully grown Quetzalcoatlus specimen soaring across a landscape strewn with herds of Triceratops and Edmontosaurus truly is something for the mind to behold."
"The Nabta pla Stone Circle predates Stonehenge by 1,000 years."
"Giant placoderms like Dunkleosteus were formidable predators of the ancient seas."
"The lineage of the Megalodon spans over a hundred million years."
"Prehistoric man really knew what he was doing when he picked this spot 30,000 years ago."
"It is a well-known scientific fact that if this caveman were to try to move that rock, he would not know how to do it easily."
"An awe-inspiring display of prehistoric artistry."
"For the mammoth's tusk, they initially extend outward from the head and then curve back inward and up at the tips, different from modern elephants and nearly twice as long."
"Ice Age Arizona was a true lost world, very different from what you may have imagined."
"This river is known for prehistoric finds."
"Woolly mammoths were around when the pyramids were built."
"Petroglyphs were used by prehistoric people and indicate some of the earliest forms of symbolic communication."
"This prehistoric man was cooking its meat before it ate it."
"Even in prehistoric times, when a man went out to slay a dinosaur, he didn't say to his wife, 'I'm going out to slay a dinosaur.' He said, 'I'm going out for a few minutes.'"
"The newly discovered turtle is slightly smaller than the extinct archelon, the world's largest known pre-historic sea turtle."
"Don't be fooled by these gentle waves, these Still Waters hide a 20 million year death match between two prehistoric monsters."
"Dinosaurs reigned supreme on Earth for over 165 million years."
"Oh, wow, look at this! This is a Megalodon jaw, this is a huge shark."
"A prehistoric world to wake up to."
"The only remains to ever be found of the Megalodon are its massive teeth, three to four times the size of a great white's."
"These guys are literally like real-life dinosaurs."
"A vampire-like fish that looks a lot like an alien and dates back to prehistoric times has been spotted in the rivers of the United Kingdom."
"The Titanoboa was nearly 50 feet long."
"Smilodon was fast, agile, active, and intelligent."
"Paraceratherium asiaticum is one of the team's heavyweights, a huge relative of the rhinoceros."
"23,000-year-old footprints in New Mexico could shed light on when humans arrived on the continent."
"Spinosaurus was basically a T-Rex that could swim, making it one of the most dangerous carnivores that ever lived."
"Velociraptors were renowned for their exceptional agility and speed, making them dominant predators."
"More than 83 million years ago, epic amazing creatures roamed the Earth, including the titanosaur."
"The allo is often described as a colossal bat or flying reptile, evoking images of prehistoric terrasaurs."
"Ancient megafauna oversized mammals drank by the bank of the river."
"Reports of this creature date back to at least 1999 with sightings describing it as a large dinosaur-like reptile stirring renewed interest in the possibility of prehistoric creatures surviving in modern times."
"In other words, 85 million years ago, everything changes."
"T-Rex had one of the most powerful bites of any land animal that ever lived."
"T-Rex had sharp vision, possibly surpassing that of modern Eagles."
"T-Rex had a brain that was larger than most other dinosaurs when compared to its body size."
"The iconic King of the Cretaceous, Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"The Tyrannosaurus Rex has the majority of the advantages in this battle."
"Kelenken was a terrifying predator that stood up to 10 feet tall and weighed in at least 400 pounds."
"She encourages a kind of fluidity which feels very modern to us but is in fact prehistoric."
"These beautifully crafted fluted stone projectile points were the high technology of the times."
"Giant crocodiles were capable of fighting T-Rex's and winning."
"Isn't it crazy that dinosaurs existed? Like these creatures were so big and they were like the top."
"The Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life."
"This is not just any forest; this is the prehistoric forest."
"The frilled shark looks like a creature you would find in a national history museum, yet it's very much alive in the modern world."
"The largest animals to ever walk the face of the planet were the sauropod dinosaurs known for their long necks and enormous sizes."
"The Tyrannosaurus Rex, the king of the dinosaurs, roamed the land on their big back legs and let out a mighty roar."
"I just went to the prehistoric times. Dinosaurs do exist!"
"This is by far the most well-known species of Arctotherium and rightfully so, as it was an absolute titan."
"The Daintree Rainforest dates back so far, longer than any human in existence, to the time of the dinosaurs."
"Megalodon, the most famous prehistoric shark, as well as the most dangerous and aggressive shark of all time."
"The Megalodon teeth reached about eight inches in length, that's one of the most significant figures of all time."
"Tyrannosaurus wasn't the biggest dinosaur, it was 12 meters long, three and a half meters tall, and weighed eight to nine tons."
"Ankylosaurus, 100% literally a walking tank with a club for a tail."
"Millions of years ago, in an era long before the emergence of humanity, terrifying sea creatures inhabited the waters of our planet."
"Despite people denying the existence of Megalodons, the unmistakable signs of these prehistoric creatures continue to baffle their minds."
"Dunkleosteus could grow nearly 33 feet long, making it one of the largest fish that's ever lived."
"The Megalodon was one of the largest and most powerful predators to have ever existed on Earth."
"The creature is old, it predates our civilization, hell it predates complex life forms on this planet as we know it."
"A Tyrannosaur Nest," Thorne said. "I'd be cautious."
"Dragonflies the size of pigeons, millipedes bigger than humans."
"The Dunkleosteus reigned supreme as the most formidable predator of its era."
"The largest shark that ever lived is the Megalodon."
"They found a saber-toothed tiger fang and some other bones."
"Animals that seem so utterly beyond our comprehension, yet walked the very same Earth that we now stand upon."
"Prehistoric Planet showcases not just the most iconic dinosaurs but the weird and wonderful creatures that lived alongside them."
"Utahraptor was essentially a hawk the size of a bear and was just as terrifying."
"It lived from the early Miocene to near the end of the Pliocene, making it one of the longest-lasting species in Earth's history."
"Megalodon was likely one of, if not the largest fish to ever swim Earth's oceans."
"Megalodon was likely an apex predator, eating whatever it could bite into."
"In the 1800s they realized that hey there was really big animals walking around the planet at one time."
"These gigantic Bears probably ate more vegetables than meat."
"This titanosaur is over 120 feet long, or 37 meters, and weighed almost as much as 10 elephants."
"This adventure 65 million years in the making."
"The Jurassic was characterized by a warm, wet climate that gave rise to lush vegetation and abundant life."
"The Gloom spires... these towering stone columns that rise from the ocean, predate even the Golan Empire."
"Megalodon was clearly a massive predatory shark the likes of which has never been seen before or after its time."
"Mammoths stomped around munching on plants, preventing forests from taking over grasslands."
"The Megalodon was once very real."
"Justice is a system of laws and rules that some dinosaurs have formulated to live by."
"Well before dinosaurs were here, long before man was even a dream, trilobites were here, dominating the oceans of the world."
"This is the absolute hot spot as far as prehistoric England goes."
"It's a 5 meter long aquatic reptile from the Triassic period, dating an estimated 240 million years ago."
"This was Earth 650 million years ago."
"Before the deep freeze, life was primitive; single-celled organisms and algae were mostly confined to the oceans."
"These animals are one of the most regal, prehistoric, amazing species on the planet."
"The house of bones was once an enormous temple-like building built from the grisly remains of over 60 woolly mammoths."
"More than 3000 prehistoric standing stones... but no one has any idea about their intended purpose."
"It seems people traveled from all over the UK and brought pigs with them, then hunkered down near Stonehenge within a 20-mile radius at one of the multiple megalithic sites and butchered their pigs as part of a massive festival."
"It essentially looked like evolution had combined a bear, a Dimetrodon, a Tyrannosaurus, and a hippo into a single animal."
"Anteosaurus was one of the most impressive; this proto mammal was not only the largest predator of its time but the largest terrestrial predator the world had yet seen."
"The Permian world was instead ruled, ironically, by synapsids, the ancestors of modern mammals."
"Godzilla being a prehistoric creature awakened and energized by atomic explosions."
"We are on the brink of bringing back all kinds of creatures from the prehistoric past."
"Who wouldn't want a prehistoric predator with the peaceful temperament of a lab?"
"Megalodon, the biggest carnivorous fish that's ever lived."
"They are colossal, weighing over 70 tons; they are among the biggest animals to have ever walked the earth."
"No build has ever come close to Triceratops, their horns can deal massive damage in a single swing."
"In terms of land superiority, Sauropods truly were the most overpowered."
"It is in Homo heidelbergensis that we see some of the earliest evidence for what could be considered to be art."
"This new toothy monster was discovered near where the first pterosaurs were found."
"The dinosaur had a long and flexible neck, almost like a serpent was attached to its body."
"The Therizinosaurus had the longest known claws of any land animal, a whopping 19.6 inches."
"Iguanas are one of the largest reptiles in the world, they are like small dinosaurs from Central and South America."
"It is so beautiful, it's prehistoric, it's just gorgeous."
"This predates Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids by many tens of thousands of years and makes it by far the oldest megalithic site to have ever been found."
"The late Jurassic segment ends with a spectacular shot of the apatosaurus herd walking off into the sunset."
"The world of prehistoric man is just as intriguing as any written in fiction."
"These giant stones have been standing in a circle since the Stone Age."
"It just looks so reptilian, so realistic, exactly the type of color I honestly would expect to see on a Tyrannosaur."
"The park provides a sanctuary for this strange-looking creature, reminiscent of the dinosaurs."
"This place dates back to 3,200 BC, which is literally 1,000 years before the pyramids."
"I saw what were very likely prehistoric humans living in the north of Canada, and for all I know, they are likely still up there."
"Prehistoric men and women were much healthier before the advent of agriculture."
"It was probably the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth."
"It lived above them in the skies, this creature had a wingspan of at least 16 feet."
"Soaring above them in the clouds was the Frozen Dragon."
"The creatures of our past have long left us wondering how it would feel to be so close up to a T-rex."
"Sturgeons are ancient behemoths that existed 200 million years ago."
"It is sad and creepy and takes you all the way back to the beginning of time."
"Could grizzly bears survive in the Mesozoic Era?"
"The king of the dinosaurs, and their family."
"They look so prehistoric, they're dinosaur-like."
"It really does feel like a dinosaur forest."
"The Lascaux caves are filled with prehistoric paintings, giving us a fascinating look into our prehistoric past."
"Among the largest carnivores to have ever stalked the planet, Tyrannosaurus was one fearsome dinosaur."
"This puppy traveled from Jasper, way off in the Rocky Mountains, on top of a glacier during the Ice Age, all the way to here."
"This gave Tarbosaurus an immensely powerful bite that's been estimated at 10,000 lb per square inch."
"Tarbosaurus, a walking hydraulic press."
"The Tarbosaurus was undoubtedly a masterclass hunter."
"Before the world's ecosystems were graced with the busty presence of fish like Karkharkly's Megalodon, other giant fish roamed."
"Millennia ago, before the advent of writing, humans roamed the earth."
"This gigantic landmass characterized the southern hemisphere of the globe for a period of almost 500 million years."
"Bowfin, you are one prehistoric slimy machine. Look, we got slime, folks."
"The shark dwarfs the cage, its head alone conjures up the imagery we expect when thinking of the mighty Megalodon."
"It could be a survivor of a prehistoric species."
"The T-Rex that appears here in prehistoric planets has more muscle, fat, and tissues."
"Stonehenge continues to puzzle experts, remaining an enigma that showcases the ingenuity and spiritual depth of its creators."
"You can actually get a chance to touch these things just as they were buried 150 million years ago."
"There is more time separating the Tyrannosaurus Rex from the Stegosaurus than there is separating the Tyrannosaurus Rex from humans."
"The short-faced bear was over 13 feet tall when it was standing on its back legs."
"The Moa was a flightless bird said to have grown over 12 feet tall at its peak."
"The woolly mammoth stands as the most recognizable animal of the Ice Age."
"Titanoboa appeared on the territory of modern Colombia; this is the largest snake ever."
"This creature was gargantuan, in fact, it had to have been a species that had been extinct for thousands of years."
"I realized in this moment we were probably staring at something prehistoric."
"They are just truly giants, leftovers from an age that humans only dreamed of."
"The Dunkleosteus is right up there with the crocodile and T-Rex for history's strongest fighters."
"The Megalodon had the most powerful bite of any creature that has ever lived."
"Larger than a human and about the size of a crocodile, the 390 million year old sea scorpion was the top predator of its day."
"115 million years ago, there was a creature feared above all others, the raptor Dinonicus."
"Long before humans, a vast array of creatures have existed during Earth's many eras."
"The paraceratherium, a type of rhino without a horn and much larger than a giraffe, weighed a shocking 17 tons and stood 16 feet at the shoulder."
"Just try to imagine how crazy that would have been to forage for mushrooms while a skyscraper-sized elephant was taking a bath 40 feet away."
"The gar is one powerful prehistoric predator."
"The mammoth likely stood 13 feet tall."
"This is a story that happened before everything that you see, before these ridges, before the valley that Ellensburg sits in, before it became dry and desert-like here."
"The giant Titan measured in at a whopping 100 tons and was 130 ft from head to tail."
"Dire wolves were the premier pack hunting build of the Ice Age meta."
"Researchers from the University of Toronto and scientists from the Hebrew University have identified evidence of humans manipulating flames eight hundred thousand years ago."
"A legitimate garden farmed by people over 3,500 years before Europeans ever arrived in America."
"The ominous shape of a Mosasaur, they're the ruling class of marine reptiles in the Cretaceous."