
Spiritual Values Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Don't labour for the food which perishes but for that which lasts for eternal life."
"Everything I once counted as gain in my life, I now consider those things as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord."
"I would rather have Jesus than silver and gold; I would rather be His than have riches untold."
"Who is my mother and brothers? But those who do the will of God."
"Now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
"If I have the gifts of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
"Now these three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
"Eu creio que todas as tradições religiosas têm o mesmo potencial, porque em cada tradição, a principal mensagem é a mensagem de amor, compaixão, perdão, tolerância, auto-disciplina."
"If you pay attention more to how a person's soul shines versus paying attention to the skin complexion of them we wouldn't have so much Division."
"Democracy is the political enactment of a spiritual idea that all of us have a spark of the divine, therefore we ought to have a voice in our democracy."
"The only person's opinion you need to be concerned about is God's."
"Dependence is better than strength. Reliance upon God is better than ability, capability, self-sufficiency, and those things as valuable as those might be reliance on God is more valuable."
"Anything you love more than Jesus Christ is an idol."
"God's special people were always characterized by obedience, they loved him enough to obey him, they were carved out from the majority, they were a commandment-keeping people."
"The money was not as important to the lord as the people."
"Your character is more important to God than your comfort."
"Givers always have a special place in the heart of God because you'll never see givers in a position or they have nothing to give."
"Steadfast love and justice... that is a moral and spiritual force."
"Anything to make you think that material things are the only thing you have in life when you were born here to learn that the spiritual value is what you really must come back to."
"Helping people find Salvation is like way more important than building a house."
"There is no one that Jesus has a bigger heart for than children, and this story is specifically about the exploitation of children."
"God values the posture of your heart over the prosperity of your hand."
"Truth and peace shall be associated together."
"She represents the best of love, of freedom, of wounded healing, of joy spreading, and that is a moral and spiritual achievement."
"Pride is the number one abomination. Walk in humility before the Lord."
"Our goal is not to impress people on Instagram, but to shake the devil."
"God doesn't bless takers, he blesses givers."
"So more Jesus more peace and and continue the trend of less inflammatory hateful life-ending statements would be nice."
"Subscribe to stay informed, like and share to expose corruption."
"Compassion, because Jesus had compassion with me. Lord, I pray for a spirit of authenticity, for a heart of boldness, and for a life of compassion over your people in Jesus' name."
"God is more concerned about who you are versus what you do."
"Your parents are one of the greatest gifts of Allah to you."
"A kingdom disciple is a person who reflects the values of heaven in the decisions that have to be made on earth."
"I prayed that like I would rather you lose your career than lose God."
"We have standards because we appreciate how good God has been to us."
"Humility goes before God, God resists the proud and the proud will fall."
"Jesus has compassion, we need to have compassion."
"Love and oneness and service to others... comes across so beautifully."
"We can't serve two masters; you cannot serve God and money."
"I believe that you shouldn't wait to give back, you shouldn't only limit your love to certain people, to certain environments, God calls us to treat everybody like family."
"Money is something that God deeply cares about."
"This man was about love, embracing everybody, forgiveness, enlightenment, and tolerance."
"Life is about more than what you own and possess."
"Who cares about being famous? I want to be nameless and make Him famous."
"We are a nation with deep spiritual value and connection to undying beauty."
"The thing that made David a man after God's own heart was his ability to admit when he was wrong."
"God's greatest desire is not what we can do for him it's being with him."
"Look for a man who loves God more than he loves you."
"Dude's trying to advertise on his back, trying to make money off of religion. See, people make the purpose of life into a joke. You know, you think this is the purpose why humans were created? No, there's a higher purpose than that, bro."
"What really matters with Allah is the level of your devotion."
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness."
"Everything done apart from love has no value in the sight of God."
"Asking pardon is actually a very beautiful thing. It's an act of humility, and it's an act of love for God, an act of love for one's own soul."
"While you're giving gifts and while you're sharing all the blessings with that you have with all the people that you love don't forget to give something away to help build your riches in heaven not just here on earth."
"We get to choose our soul survival or soul extinction if we embrace truth beauty and goodness."
"Above all, remind us of the eternal values expressed in 1 Corinthians 13:13."
"Even if all we have is a handful of crumbs, we gladly share them with those in emotional, spiritual, or temporal need as an expression of our gratitude for the divine feast God has prepared for us."
"The reward is the truth, God, immortality, and infinite love."
"God does not reward position, he rewards contribution."
"Wealth without humility and compassion is dead for the soul."
"I am more concerned about what a man preaches than I am about what a man owns."
"Your friend is the one that does the will of the Father, that's my brother, that's my sister."
"According to the Bible it says it is more blessed to give than to receive."
"Spirituality requires careful consideration, not commodification."
"You can't have materialism in the field of spirituality."
"The Lord will not ask how much money you made, He won't ask how many friends you made or even how many good works you did."
"Becoming a people who live up to the ideals of Zion: Unity, godliness, and charity."
"The spiritual worldview emphasizes compassion and justice."
"God is truth, God is love, and God loves his people and his land."
"Are we valuing the gospel and are we sharing the gospel?"
"God doesn't care about the size of your gift, he cares about the size of your sacrifice."
"Obedience should bring glory rather than correction."
"The mission of silver chartist isn't to... make a bunch of money... I want people to have the time freedom to pursue... things of eternal significance."
"You want to be looked up to, you want to be somebody who is high value, right? Work on your relationship with Allah (SWT), it's as simple as that."
"Tell them about something far better than anything they can accumulate in the world."
"Love hopes all things, believes all things, endures all things. So if I have not love, it profits me nothing."
"God's saying, 'please don't make up replicas and fakes when I'm offering you Myself, the real deal, with all the power of the Universe.'"
"The true God does not sanction a community created through violence, rather he sanctions what Jesus called the kingdom of God, a society grounded in forgiveness, love, and redemption."
"Focus on what you already have... the promises of God... love, joy, peace."
"That fear of the Lord matters. Character matters."
"Humility is the most common expression in heaven but the least common expression on this earth."
"Faith, hope, and love, that is what we need."
"Their religion and beliefs are more valuable to them than anything else."
"You gotta fight greed and the only way you can fight it is with generosity. It's gonna put a smile on God's face and make the devil mad."
"Give grace to others as God has given grace to you."
"I want to be known for someone that preached Holiness."
"God will not look at the man who has no honor for his wife."
"A contentious spirit is something that God hates. God hates those who sow discord amongst brethren. Instead, lift each other up in prayer and be here for each other."
"What's going to matter isn't money or appearance; it's returning back to God with a sound heart."
"Your feelings can change, but your body... your body is a good gift from God."
"You made that pros and cons list and you were like, I'm going to lose money and influence and popularity and my friends, but then on the pros list it said eternal life and you said I'm going to choose eternal life over all those other things."
"God values a person's willingness to follow his commands and live in a way that honors him more than the physical act of offering sacrifices."
"When the heart is in the right place, those deeds have value."
"Trust is of a spiritual nature. When you trust people, it really has a reflection of what you value."
"Even our young children can learn to set something aside and give to Jehovah."
"God is just looking for people with Integrity."
"We choose to align ourselves with truth, justice, the Godly way."
"Love and light are the only tools we have that will bring love and light to this planet."
"God desires us to have such a pure heart that when somebody is on the wrong, our heart breaks for them."
"Finding someone that's not going to look at you funny when you tell them that you want them to love God more than they love you is something that's really, really important."
"If you want to be happy, you've got to learn to give your life away. In God's economy, what you try to cling to and keep is what you end up losing, and what you're willing to give away you get back with interest, multiplied many times over."
"The growth, the progress, the return of spiritual values, we have to be willing to sacrifice for them."
"Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness."
"We are commanded not to love this world, not to live for this world, not to long for this world."
"A godly relationship requires three things: reciprocity, freedom, and authenticity."
"The whole point is that the body be edified by the other, that's the whole point."
"It's the heart that God looks at, not about the jewelry."
"I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold; I'd rather be His than have riches untold."
"One day the South will know that when these disinherited children of God sat down at lunch counters, they were in reality standing up for what is best in the American dream and for the most sacred values in our Judaeo Christian heritage."
"The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but it's love, joy, peace, righteousness in the Holy Ghost."
"Until we become willing to forgive and love one another, turn to spiritual values instead of phony political values, we're not going to make any progress."
"You need righteousness, and joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost."
"Don't labor for the things that perish. But for that which endures into eternity."
"Allah does not look at your outward appearance or the strength of your bodies but he looks at your hearts and your deeds."
"Striving to be something in the eyes of others or receiving things to prove our worth is of the world and not of God."
"The Lord puts such a high priority on marriage."
"This thing that I'm giving you, which is Truth, Contentment and Contemplation, you can't leave it, you need it everyday. Everyday you need to put it into your life."
"You cannot lie to God. Our God is a God of truth; He hates deceit, He hates that which is false."
"I don't want the wealth of the world, I don't want the honor of Egypt, I want the reproach of Christ."
"Men like Moses who will despise the riches of Egypt, men as David who will discern that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart."
"The teaching profession was to her, an opportunity to develop a true knowledge and love of the spiritual values of life in the young minds entrusted to her care."
"How compassion and humility and the service of mankind is at the heart of the work that the Jama’at stands for."
"Make mercy the cotton; contentment the thread; self-control the knot; and the twist of it, is truth."
"Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven."
"What does the Lord require of you but to love justice, and to do mercy to other people, and to walk humbly with the Lord your God?"
"You should not be worried about what the world thinks about you; you should worry about what God thinks about you."
"You've done a great job with your son. He's an amazing young man, he loves God."
"Your mind is extremely philosophical, intelligent, and values spirituality."
"The Kalsa is the creation of the ideal human being, the ideal human one that is based on the values of Gurmat."
"Hold on to your spiritual reality and give it to others."
"The testimony of our life bears witness to a life of holiness, of grace, of forgiveness and compassion and mercy."
"Don't store up treasures on Earth... store treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy."