
Change Advocacy Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Let's effectuate change so that 'remember when' becomes 'right now'."
"Diet culture stole so much from so many of us for so long, and it's time for that to stop."
"The formula is very simple: as long as Israelis don't pay and are not punished for the occupation, nothing will change."
"I am doing this not because I am without hope for Blizzard, quite the opposite. I'm inspired by the passion of everyone here working toward meaningful, lasting change with their whole hearts."
"The time for political posturing, theater, and illusion has well and truly gone, and the time for action has come."
"I think she's been trying to expose the inner workings of the royal family, so that something better can come out of that."
"The status quo is not good it should be that it's the status quo that needs to be dismantled not the institutions."
"This was not the first time but this has to be where it stops."
"We need an alternative. That's what this campaign's probably about."
"You need to take it from where it is and change it up a bit."
"Nothing gets better until you make a change."
"There are communities on the internet like this one where we understand that like change is a possibility."
"It's about saying 'We can change the world,' all you gotta do is speak your mind, all you gotta do is be together and fight forward."
"It's just like, when is this going to end? When are we going to actually get some change?"
"The reality is nothing we're doing is working. So why would you continue doing it?"
"A chaotic good character does what is necessary to bring about change for the better."
"Your presence challenges the status quo, disrupts outdated paradigms, and calls forth a higher level of consciousness and self-awareness in those around you."
"Acknowledge it, change it, do better. People were still uncomfortable for a reason."
"We need to announce that business as usual is unacceptable."
"There are two choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for changing them."
"We can never fix our problems by relying on the same politicians who created our problems."
"The only real hope we have to change the culture."
"Something ought to change and that 'ought' points to there's something outside of all of us that says that ought not to be the way it is."
"Change needs to happen and change can happen."
"That's the guy that's gonna kick the status quo in the nuts."
"Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change."
"Something has to change... mental health is such an issue."
"If my platform could be used to make that happen, I would love to do it."
"You wouldn't let people beat you up, you'd defend your own property. Gotta find a better way, man. The old way's not working, folks."
"We need major change at this football club and I think ten hog deserves and has earned the right to be backed."
"What was done cannot be undone, but we can end the silence."
"At the end of the day, nothing will change if those of us who love the conservative movement don't understand what can be done about it."
"You have the power. You can make this change."
"It's time for the fake news to go, it's time for you to go!"
"We're going to change things, and that matters."
"The younger workforce is saying, 'This isn't acceptable, something's got to change.'"
"We can change that right now and we can do that by, of course, continuing to put pressure on government officials."
"This has to change. People have to continue to fight back."
"We've got to be much, much more radical in our thinking."
"Now is not the time for small plans, now is the time for big change."
"If you really want things to change, try to understand instead of just calling people stupid."
"Maybe we don't put that in our thing and we can change some things for the better."
"People's expectations of society have to be there, pushing for change."
"What is important is to try to affect change, and I repeat that like a mantra because I think that is what pictures can do."
"Let's hear the call and the cry, let's meet the moment, let us finally do something."
"If we wanna beat Trump, we need real change."
"History has overtaken us. Unprecedented crises have overtaken us. Status quo is not good enough. We must respond."
"The ladato C movement is poised to be the means of real change."
"I want to be the breaking point that changes the conversation."
"The legacy media cannot be reformed, it cannot be redeemed, it can only be replaced."
"The church is wrong, so of course two thousand years, who cares? Toss that to the side, you know, we do what we want. Everything should be changed according to our whims because that's all that matters."
"I hope Yang starts a discourse that leads to real change."
"More change and more diversity in that space, man."
"A world where a man like Putin has control over thousands of nuclear warheads... is a world we need to change."
"Just because we've been doing it for a long time doesn't necessarily mean that it's the right thing to do."
"If the philosophy is breaking the wheel like we thought it was, then I'm supporting Daenerys because if you want to change the world, then you gotta get your hands dirty."
"It's time to end the so-called war on drugs."
"Gatekeepers can be wrong. Just because something has been done a certain way doesn't mean it's the only way."
"The tribalism around only talking about certain stocks needs to change."
"It is long past time... The status quo doesn't work for Americans."
"Aquarius, you guys are gonna change the world."
"If you guys want changes to happen, you have to do it the right way."
"It's time we change that. We don't want any more spiders in our soup!"
"The revolution will not begin as long as fear is driving your decisions."
"So next time you hear someone say, 'You know, it's just not possible to create change.' I'd like you to say, 'Actually, it is.'"
"Far more lives are saved with guns. That doesn't mean there's not room for change."
"Follow the rules. Don't like the rules, change the rules. But the rules are what they are now."
"I intend to smash the status quo regardless of how many people hate it. Cookie cutter corporate is over."
"If you have the power to change something, then you should use the power to change something."
"Be the change they want to see in the world."
"If we want change, we have to make it happen."
"Help me change the conversation in the weight loss community."
"We need to build a new future, not dwell on the past."
"If you don't speak up, nothing's going to happen and nothing's going to change."
"It's time to change, it's time to expect it, it's time to do loads of cool things."
"We've got to offer a bigger, better, bolder version of change."
"This industry fundamentally needs to change."
"If someone ever utters the phrase 'why do we do that because it's how we've always done it,' get away from that person."
"You're not running for bureaucracy, you're running for leadership, you're running for changing in the direction of our country."
"If you don't like the way something is, do something about it."
"Just because the planet’s quite hot as we get deeper down, doesn’t mean it needs to be or that it behooves us to let it be if we can change that."
"Maybe you've got to have a revolution to have evolution."
"This needs to be the start of what moves forward... we need to take this momentum."
"Exploitation of children is something that needs to change."
"If you turn away now... change will not happen."
"Everything, the whole world should be changed."
"There is a demand for change, an absolute change."
"We have the power to use our stories to hold these systems accountable and push for change."
"Being ratchet has been glorified for a long time and we need to put an end to it."
"What we know is even if labor get in tomorrow the conservatives aren't going to be a great opposition either they're both so Dreadful that maybe it's time you know."
"Education is important. I just wish we could change it."
"The more people that fill out the survey, the better the chances that we get changed."
"We need to focus on creating legislative change."
"We will not let you get away with this. The world is waking up and change is coming, whether you like it or not."
"Be seemingly unreasonable and spend unreasonable amounts of time to be the change you want to see."
"If you want things to change, you have to be the change."
"Who's going to stand up and say it's time for a change? Yeah, I'll do it."
"Leadership in Africa means being ready to die for change."
"Why don't we try something different for a change instead of doing what we've been doing since the 1990s?"
"Nothing a Lord of Change despises more than the entrapping comfort of stability and familiarity, and nothing it will please more than to see the world broken and made anew."
"Don't allow discomfort to become normal. Change it."
"It's time for change more than ever and you will see exactly what I mean."
"You have to be the change that you wish to see in the world."
"The quickest way to convince the world that change is coming is to show them that it's already here."
"We need more cowboys, we need more people who say 'yeah, this is stupid'."
"Nothing will change unless you change it, everything around."
"Welcome to the real world. We cannot afford to lose this rare opportunity to right the wrongs."
"It's about the constituents that we represent by the hundreds of thousands who are demanding that we do something different in Tennessee."
"You're being complicit if you're not acting on change that needs to happen."
"There's a lot of change that needs to happen within the realm of Education."
"Being a rebel myself, I appreciate those enacting change."
"These stories and instances are so important to keep talking about, spreading awareness about if we have any chance at repaving the future of the music industry."
"My qualification is not that I know how to perpetuate that system; my qualification is that I know how to disrupt it."
"Maybe the point is to get people to see how corrupt and foul the system is so that they stop putting their faith in it."
"If we want to change this game, we have the attention out there in the global gaming community."
"Doing our part to turn the tide, man, like it's time for a change."
"Do we really want to maintain the status quo which is what has got us into the problems that we're creating in the first place?"
"We must do something, we must be different."
"I'm here to help; we're going to change the law, and we're going to do it together."
"Everyone and everything has to change, but the bigger your platform, the bigger your responsibility."
"Labor is ready to serve the interests of the British people and to make the case for change."
"Don't get too stuck in tradition, man, do something new."
"We need to build this movement and make it bigger, create those cadres of policymakers and political goals to really drive change."