
Fortune-telling Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"This reading is to predict your current situation right now."
"The fortune tellers probably should have seen that one coming."
"Jealous of Destiny: Promote primarily work primarily with a deck of fortune-teller cards. Long ago, you thought that the cards spoke to readers who would interpret their instructions. In fact, the power is with you."
"Runes can be used for a lot of different things, but the main thing they are used for is future prediction or fortune-telling, or even decision-making."
"Be more open, because I see love connections coming in for you."
"Fortune teller without any leaks, like I just was like this is what I think will come. So that felt kind of cool."
"Will I find love soon? A wish coming in for you."
"There's something about this reading where you're getting an offer from someone that will complete the rest of your story."
"If I tap one of these cards randomly it's gonna tell me about my future."
"We got tricked by the fortune teller. What? She's saying she's scanned us out of 100,000."
"Fortune-telling error is thinking you can predict the future, recognize when you're doing it."
"December holds something very strong for you, a blessing, coins, and more."
"Fate is real in JoJo, and people giving accurate fortunes is pretty common."
"Your reading is saying to you: You can have it all, choice is yours."
"You're absolutely good, absolutely like you see, you got the Eight of Cups and the Nine of Cups."
"There's something that's being activated this week with that Wheel of Fortune card, luck is on your side."
"The sun card is coming in, victory, success, abundance, abundance, abundance is coming in."
"You've got the sun card, you've got the Wheel of Fortune, so there's a lot of prosperity headed in your direction for the next six months."
"You've got every single awesome card you could have gotten for your love and money."
"I'm going to be telling you anything and everything about the characteristics and the happen stances and the circumstances of how and where and when and what all specifics about your person or your future spouse."
"Abundance, lucky times are ahead of you along with good news, success, and prosperity."
"You may have people secretly wish for what you have with the nine of cups."
"The peacock Lord goes to the fortune teller."
"It's fun, it's powerful, it's perfect for our lucky little fortune teller."
"Fortune explains that while it's possible he's just some nutjob, the tarot cards predict that his coming could cause a shift in the balance of power."
"Would anyone like to have their fortunes read?"
"I see some really great news coming in, it's a very abundant month for you."
"Let's get to it for pile number one."
"You have good energy over the next two weeks for making more money than usual."
"He sees you as someone that is going to be very blessed in this lifetime materially."
"I brought my crystal ball and what can I do for you this evening?"
"Remember what the gypsy woman said about losing something valuable?"
"What harm have I ever done? Telling some homely girl that a handsome man is going to cross her path or some droolin' dummy that his bump of wisdom is the biggest I've ever come across?"
"Anything at all, I'm only a crystal ball away."
"She just wanted to tell fortunes for fun and didn't even realize that everything would go so wrong."
"Another fortune comes true, who's next about Johnny's amazing fortune cookies, huh?"
"Someone could be upset because they could have gone a reading on you and it said that you are destined to meet someone that truly loves you soon, and they don't want that to happen for you."
"They want to be able to tell the future, they want answers to all sorts of questions, and they want to just sometimes tempt fate."
"I see a new beginning that's going to bring you a lot of wealth, abundance, money, success, bless, the wait is over."
"I see you very happy with business, I see a new beginning with business, I see you being ecstatic."
"Promising fortune and foretelling the sprouting of wings on the child's 16th birthday."
"I just got a fortune teller and my fortune is about dreaming big, believing in yourself."
"Every year go look up your Chinese zodiac fortune for that year, and I'm telling you, it'll be on point."
"You're going to have more success; your type is changing, and you might go for a specific type that is being replaced with another."
"Guaranteed long term if we sacho general grievous is any you know uh uh fu fortune teller or whatever um, it's um, you know it is what it is you're gonna get what you pay for."
"You dress like a fortune teller. How come you couldn't predict America's got talent firing you?"
"'It's nice to have a fortune teller on a team,' Naruto said with a smirk."
"One of your wishes will come true, pile number one."
"Beetlejuice can tell the future, at least with a fortune-telling globe."
"Someone will visit you soon. Lucky numbers: 32, 16, 24, 51, 48, and 27."
"The reader says that their wedding would be happy and successful."
"Oh crystal ball, crystal ball, who will be visiting this super cool carnival today?"
"For example, if the leaves form something similar to a clover, that would mean good luck, happiness, and prosperity is what awaits you in the future."
"Read the grounds at the bottom to see what the future holds."
"The shaman told one's fortunes and explained unfortunate events and manifestations related to the unseen world."
"Encouraged by the fortune teller to say her wish aloud, Zoe reveals her deepest wish to own her own lab."
"The fortune teller smiles mysteriously and predicts that Zoe's journey will be long but assures her that her wish will ultimately come true."
"The whole picture is about fortune-telling but it's also, on a second level of meaning, it's about the sort of dangers you are encountering if you're falling in love."
"Come see your life in my crystal glass, 25 cents is all you pay, let me see into your past."
"Trust me on that, my cards never lie."
"Let's see what's in the cards for us tonight."
"It's said that these fortune tellers can read your face."
"To lighten the mood, Ernst reads Nandl's palm and tells her she's got a life line that doesn't end."
"Do you wish to know your fortunes? No glory, no... hmm, yeah, fuzzy is all-seeing, all-knowing."
"Your fortune was right on the money."
"You know you want to be a fortune teller."
"When I picked the rose, it said I would have a nice and humble future with harmonious spirit."
"Most importantly, for any seaside amusement park, right here is Zoltar, the fortune telling machine."
"She tells the fortunes of the rich and reveals secrets that only the spirit world could know."
"The fortune tellers out there said that it's the fate of the lonely star."
"This card will reveal your destiny, the future, perhaps even your fate."
"Welcome to Famous Fortunes. I hope you're well."
"It's like they're telling you the winning lottery numbers."
"This card predicts victory and triumph."