
Gameplay Diversity Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Critics were hugely impressed by Super Mario 64, praising the beautiful 3D world, the diversity of the gameplay, and just how fun it was overall."
"It's not always flying and shooting things or running around on foot shooting things, sometimes you have to do puzzles." - Sean
"It's the freedom we give the players, like there's no right way to play the game."
"Half-Life never stays on one type of gameplay for too long or have you do the same thing over and over again."
"Half-life 2 is remarkable in how it continually shifts from one mode of play into another in a way that never feels obvious and always feels welcome."
"It's kind of like a landmark game because the way you play through ff7 is a lot different from person to person."
"The potential for synergies and unique playstyles feels almost endless."
"Every single weapon class plays different but then each individual weapon with those 20 weapons total have their own skills as well."
"Options as the player is what makes fighting games so much fun."
"The wild magic sorcerer is actually probably the hardest subclass to rank because it depends so much on all aspects of the game."
"Each javelin gives you a different way to play the game."
"Finding a way to integrate the creatures like all of you know like saying like fighting isn't necessarily the only way to approach them."
"Customization is huge, it looks like Braveheart, God of War makes an appearance, it's like Battlefield khaliv."
"Disney was interested in maintaining a broad audience. Younger kids could have fun messing around and doing whatever they want, while older kids and adults could focus in on the more strategic and teamwork-based gameplay elements."
"The core AI architecture is built to cater to the variety of play styles that Hitman affords."
"I had a complete blast with resto... it's just a really fun different type of gameplay."
"Categories like any percent and any percent glitchless offer diverse challenges."
"Cold War has managed to create an environment where both rushers and snipers can thrive."
"More spells... encourage different gameplay."
"I'd like to see every class feeling different to play."
"Fountain of Dreams is really amazing and it's suited for any type of gameplay."
"There's a lot more to Elite than grinding credits. You can gain faction rep, engineers, and materials, and it's pretty much just all about getting an awesome ship."
"Don't just focus on the main quest when you could squeeze in a bunch of side missions."
"Every mission has a wide range of possible approaches."
"Enter the Gungeon has so much weapon variety in that game that every run does feel a little bit different."
"There's a lot of different ways to play this game."
"Unique passives and actives keep games fresh."
"But they're going to be doing different things... that alone is such a huge step up."
"Characters reborn: the meticulous redesign of every fighter in Melee." - Sakurai's attention to detail in character development.
"Beyond the battlefield: the plethora of modes in Melee." - Sakurai's emphasis on diverse gameplay experiences.
"For the first time ever, there's all sorts of alternative ways to win, including playing tall. That's really exciting to me."
"So if they manage to incorporate the heat system that enhances character identity boom that would be beautiful we don't want every character to play the same."
"Every gaming experience you play, the level's gonna feel very different."
"Snowballing early, scaling for late, team fighting, or split pushing – they can all be viable depending on the game you're in."
"The classes have different succession and awakening lines... unlocking a ton of different play styles to choose from."
"This one's got both competitive pvp and co-op pve so there's something for everyone here."
"With the system where you can randomize or skip certain shots you would get a wider variety of shots."
"This game goes from being a crpg with Zelda light gameplay, to being Mario Kart with medieval weapons."
"All the good Total War Games have asymmetrical gameplay... tactics actually matter."
"Getting past the first region is almost like playing a different game."
"Annie is incredibly diverse; she can be played so many different ways. It's awesome because you can play her however you want."
"I've rarely experienced a game that offers so many varied approaches to combat and makes them all work wonderfully."
"Maybe we can be more than just another battlefield game maybe we can be more than two paramilitary organizations battling it out over frankly the same Maps and the same sort of objectives as we did in our previous game."
"Flex picks add an interesting dynamic to champion drafts but can also lead to a decline in champion diversity."
"I think the theme here overall is again just about making as wide of a variety of options as possible when it comes to creating effective builds, which I am all for."
"Fallout 4's main campaign, alongside the side quests, offers a ridiculous amount of things to do."
"Each area of the game feels and plays distinctly different."
"So cool, you can do so many sub-areas in this game."
"Whoever character you pick, that's who you're gonna play with the rest of the game. But, um, they play vastly differently."
"Overture gives you a lot of options for dealing with enemies, but never points to one as the correct or easy one."
"It's exciting seeing a game that has such a diversity in the ways you can play it out in the way things play out."
"With a plethora of weapons and armor sets, the player can play in almost any style they want."
"All of them are very well made and fun to play with. The devs did a great job at upgrading and adding to Nero and Dante's moveset, and the addition of V, a more defense-based character, was a good call for varying up the gameplay."
"Elden Ring's build variety is a thing of beauty. No matter what play style you're into, you've got plenty of options that are worth the investment and also just super fun to use."