
Demons Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"Knowledge of the things that open the door to demons will also give us the knowledge of how to keep the door shut on them."
"I think you can be driven by two things: you can be driven by demons or driven by passion, and it's much better to be driven by passion than demons."
"We are not to ignore demons, nor are we to fear them; we are supposed to resist them."
"Is there any scripture that says a Christian can't have a demon? ... No, there's nowhere in the Bible where it says a Christian can't have a demon."
"Demons... remain the object of perennial fascination."
"The parts of your life that demons don't control are stronger than the parts they do."
"Demons seek to hinder God's purposes and extend Satan's power."
"There are angels and demons fighting in the unseen realm."
"Demons have a greater awareness of who Jesus is than we do."
"You cannot have the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, you cannot have the table of the Lord and the table of the devil."
"This is like pure demons, dude. I'm glad we saved this for last."
"There are certain facts about demons that we cannot deny."
"We're all fighting demons, whether they're in human form or just distractions."
"Futuristic humans opened a portal and demons came to say hi."
"The stars of the show are most certainly the demons."
"Demons don't dart about dark holes in the forest, they're subtle, sneaky, and hateful creatures."
"Before I even tell you who I am I need to make sure that I'm, you know, presented well. I'm joking."
"He reveals his goal: the coexistence of demons and humans."
"Overcoming evil, it's about demons and deliverance!"
"They are very similar to succubuses who are kind of demon that feed off your energy."
"In the last days, angels and demons will be involved in struggles."
"The Babylonian Talmud is comparatively full of references to demons and magic."
"Demons are chaotic evil to the extreme, without any inkling for social interaction or subtlety."
"Denji's story opens as a vagrant cutting down demons for the mafia, trying to cover debts."
"Where demons came from matters very little; where they're going matters a lot."
"Witchcraft is a person talking to demons making deals with demons and asking demons to do something for them through a contract."
"Demons can be conquered, and our best selves are forged in the melting pot of life."
"Demons shouldn't underestimate humans."
"Our lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form..."
"Demons can do just about anything that we can imagine here on Earth."
"The initial loyalty of the summoned demon is inversely proportional to its rank."
"...when a demoniac is brought in for exorcism we bring in relics and the demons despise them... they confess to being wounded by them."
"Cats are demons, cats are the worst. Oh no, did that cat just fart? No, bulls."
"The ruins from his last dream appear behind him, and it's revealed the new demon that killed the thugs has been following him since he reappeared at the convenience store."
"An angel and a demon can share the same fate."
"We don't slay demons, we don't banish demons, we have to find a way to live peaceably with them because they are a part of our human Shadow."
"If you are a man and you watch porn, that demon is on you, you are under the influence of demons."
"Demons pray on you according to their observation of you and your weaknesses."
"The goal of demons is to pull people away from God, so if they inspire a bunch of apparitions and they end up bearing spiritual fruit, then these demons are really bad at doing their job."
"I don't know what was worse, the demons or the people who prey on our willingness to believe in them."
"Inspired by how Raydon and his friends had taken their alterations from the explosion and used them to fight demons and devils, Pitorian would use his gifts to fight for the protection of his own hometown."
"What matters is that demons are real they existed in Jesus' day and they still exist today."
"Demons seek to oppress and entice people to sin and if possible to possess a person."
"Angels are empowered by our prayer, evil spirits are fed by our fear."
"It will be the demons themselves who will give everyone the powers that will replace the gifts."
"Some things are not demons, they're bad character that needs to be transformed by the Word of God."
"Luffy has Karama but in One Piece, it's not about having demons, it's about having people around."
"Not only are you absolved but the demons are broken off of you and they have to flee. Once the Absolution takes place so you're also going to feel even lighter because you won't have the those demons clinging to you anymore."
"Unforgiveness is an entry point for demons. In every case of possession, there's some unforgiveness."
"When you're feeling good, when your energy's up, when your vibrations up, when you're on a higher frequency, you're gonna attract demons to try to drain you, to suck that energy off of you."
"Living in the city, humans try fighting against the demons outside by building up and training in The Exorcist Academy."
"But demons do work through close relatives so I've run into people say I got no occult involvement and so I asked them a lot of questions and I find out for example they have a sexual relationship with a witch and I say well guess what that's your door."
"And again from a perspective of this being a phenomena that's explained by demons we would anticipate they would visit at night this is the time when they can have the greatest impact on their human contacts."
"At last, these demon generals were getting down to business."
"Demons run when they're exposed in the light."
"Billy has every right to side with her sister because like the only people making any sense in this plot is the demons. So they're like, 'Yeah, the sisters are evil.'"
"Your light irritated their demons. Your life irritated their demons."
"He starts yelling at those demons about how they could do this to someone else's child."
"...everybody's got those demons that they harness, and that sometimes drives them to be disruptive passionate people."
"If you've gotten to the point where you earnestly believe that people with NPD are demons from hell... then I'm sorry to say I think you've gone down an unhelpful path."
"Whatever is behind the demonic phenomenon is also behind the UFO phenomena."
"I've got angels, demons, ideas that I've freely taken from my association with magic."
"Demons don't care about the outward shape of things, it's what you think that matters."
"Beyond The Glitz and glamour lay a man haunted by personal demons."
"Every time a demon opens his mouth, he's lying."
"Jesus is saying to preach deliverance to the captives. Why? Because when the demons see that you are informed about your position and what God has done, they will naturally run."
"There's a big difference between dealing with demons and dealing with a curse."
"Demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim who were destroyed in the flood."
"There are different types of spirits, and those types of sins are linked to perverted demons."
"Ghosts don't possess such power. I think what we have here is something extremely manipulative. A demon."
"Demons are intelligent but not all-knowing."
"Ignoring the existence of demons does not diminish their influence."
"His cheating demon if that's the demon child cast it out what the hell cast it out."
"Demons are those who believe in the materialistic way of life... that money will rule the world... that madness, that obsession about money is the cause of all your divinity behavior."
"The good news is if the demons are afflicting you in a certain area, it's because God's going to bless you in that area."
"Now I always keep my demons in my dancing shoes."
"I knew there were people out there who didn't like cats, and where I come from, we call those people demons."
"For us discerning Christians, it's demons lurking in the closets, in the basements, in the attics, openly displaying themselves. Sometimes in our houses."
"The presence of God can saturate a place, bringing peace, a sense of relief, and purity. Similarly, places dedicated to demons can bring oppression, nightmares, and chaos."
"The aggregor, the fallen demon, the demon's watcher, is looking at that going, 'Sure, oh, you want that? Okay.' But ultimately, it's the demons who are trying to still be the puppet masters and spread deception."
"...stories where uh people will be...a couple that were sinfully cohabitating in their Apartments such a shame come on guys come on you want demons sexual sin."
"We have to learn how to fight the demons that come up against us."
"My biggest takeaway is that demons are like a little cute size that can sit on the shoulders, like Disney. Like, I would imagine they look like Gremlins. The way he describes it, it was like the Gremlins that were giving other people."
"Sometimes I'm sad that I'm allergic to cats, other times I'm grateful they're little demons."
"You want the demons to know your name so that you become a machine of liberation."
"Wrong demon, wrong demon, school alarms ringing, fire and drill, right? I got screws loose, somebody gonna die, I don't keep 'em real tight."
"Humans are the scariest demons and the scariest things of all."
"We'll explore the strange role and mission of demons and how are they different from Angels, how are they dangerous, what kind of vulnerabilities do we have, what are the hazards we face."
"There are demons though and sometimes you do need Deliverance."
"For no demons, he taught, can withstand the power of our Lord."
"Demons are always looking to get glory... when their names are pronounced, they stand to their buddies and say, 'Hey look, my name is up there.'"
"There are sexual demons who attack people in their sleep."
"Just because you're fine, that does not mean you should make your son deal with his daddy's demons."
"You're fighting demons, bro, while you're asleep. You're a spiritual warrior."
"Demons don't possess things; they possess people."
"It's very simple: You can be like God made you or like the demons want to remake you."
"I drink cause fun is over. People drink to drown their demons. The problem is, demons float."
"Demons? No problem at all for a person of God. We have God's finger."
"True growth requires facing inner demons and acknowledging past mistakes, paving the way for genuine reconciliation."
"The reference of demons is not about Satan, it's about the industry, it's about what the industry covets and glamorizes."
"Every false religion has been conspired by demons."
"Could anything be more dangerous? Could anything be more treacherous for one's soul than to enter into direct contact with demons?"
"Real demons show up and then flesh that is getting burned, soul wounds and stuff, start to show up too. So you gotta be able to know the difference. When the fire touches the soul, it starts to act up. Does that make sense? So the soul needs healing, but demons need to go."
"You knew who I was. You knew, of course I did. She didn't know that. Oh, she didn't? She has been wanting answers. Listen, now don't talk to demons for too long. I want to get the job done."
"Demons can invade our space and they need to be driven out."
"A famous man once said, 'We create our own demons.'"
"Nod's mission was to create safe places for humanity to survive as well as hunt demonic beasts."
"They are their own gods. And if need be, they manufacture gods out of their own minds, aided and abetted by demons."
"So you're being entertained by demons and you don't even know you have no idea."
"The great demon Guild is the only one that has a gold level."
"Some of the things you're trying to medicate are demons and it's time you expose it identify it and get rid of it."
"Demons, monsters, unnameable things, nightmare colossi strode bellowing through the murk."
"When you show up looking like Jesus, it strikes fear in the hearts of demons."
"Your demons are closer than they appear."
"When the resistance is gone, the demons are gone."
"They still did horrible things however we got to know them beyond being power hungry demons who wanted to keep their jewel shards."
"Demons by any name are a universal human problem."
"Demons tremble when walls come down."
"Demons are attracted by sight, smell, and sound."
"Demons live in our imagination, and imagination is a real world in the spirit world."
"The reason why demons are able to follow you is because you are ignorant of the truth."
"Devils are embodiments of tyranny hailing from the nine Hells of Bator led by Asmodeus they seek to dominate The Cosmos."
"This very chaotic and fire-filled demon horde infested story."
"You see, the absence of a demon does not mean you're still not bound."
"You can get free if you start speaking to yourself. No demon has the authority that you give it over you."
"Your light is irritating their demons. That means that you're doing a good job."
"Every demon standing against your success in life be annihilated in the name of Jesus."
"Everybody has their demons, man. Nobody's any better than anybody else."
"We're not talking about insects, we're talking about demons."
"The Bible is clear that demons are real and they seek influence in human affairs."
"You're good, you're nice, you're sweetheart, you're this, is that. You irritate their demons. That's it."
"He did not want publicity from demons."
"There are only two kinds of spirits in the world: there are angels and there are demons."
"Even the demons believe and shudder."
"When demons hear this they look at you and see Jesus doing it."
"The devil and his demons are looking for companions in hell."
"You can't outrun your demons. They'll always know where you're hiding. Trust me on that."
"Sacrifice and those dreams, they didn't kill nightmares, but in those nightmares are where our demons live."
"There are two reasons why a demon would say that, to lie to you or to make you fear."
"The Kelts believed that on Halloween, the boundaries between the world of the living and the Dead were blurred, so they wore costumes to fool the demons, thus avoiding being dragged to Hell."
"Hey, let's watch the Sam Sandler movie or demons."
"The Towers of the Seven Deadly Sins are mysterious buildings created by the Seven Great Demon Lords."
"I don't do demons, bro. Keep that [ __ ] out of here. My boy [ __ ] anyways, man. If you like it, you can like it. If you're not, like it or [ __ ] off."
"It's helpful to know if they do have certifiable mental illness issues. It doesn't mean they don't have demons, they can have both."
"The monsters and demons of Mesopotamia are integral to the cultural and religious landscape, representing the constant interplay between balance and turmoil, protection and destruction."
"The Galu, fearsome demons, agents of transition between the world of the living and the realm of the dead, guardians of the natural order."
"The demons, birthed from a common Chaos, share almost everything between them, even the pride of their prince, and his near-faded flame."
"When you're in the work of the Lord, it's not gonna be the demons that you have to worry about."
"You do not eradicate demons; you do not get rid of monsters; you live with them."
"Even demons had a place that wasn't always 'kill this' and 'seduce that'."
"Prayer hurts demons. They feel the force of prayers. Demons are routed through Jesus, oracles cease, and all magic and witchcraft is confounded."
"Prayer is like a military airstrike against demons."
"What's even the point of getting into their dream to snipe the core when unlike demons, humans die so easily?"
"There is no greater curse than the possession of a demon, nor greater honor than the visitation of an angel."
"Everyone has their demons and unfortunately Lenny's succumb to his."
"I view The Exorcist as real. It touched a chord, the existence of demons." - Interviewer
"Demons use threes as a mocking of the Holy Trinity."
"You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe and shudder."
"Let's just clarify right off the bat, we know that spiritual warfare is real, we know that demons exist and are real."
"The other question that people are grappling with today is whether Christians can be possessed by demons, well we're here to tell you the Bible tells you that they can't."
"Demons do not know the future. They're good guessers, meaning they're good predictors because they've been watching, they've been studying for ages."
"On a good day, I can listen to My Demons without fear and they cease to be demons."
"A massive explosion that sends all the demons flying into the air."
"Put your demons aside now, you've earned it."
"The demons have to respond to true anointing, to true power of God."
"Demons are constantly showing us new techniques that we have to level up to."
"Jubilex is one of the major Demon Lords."
"It's about humility. Demons can't do humility."
"Armageddon is the revived Roman Empire with all of Satan's demons helping, getting the whole world to come to destroy the people of God."
"Not only that, but she is also in a love triangle between two demons. So not only is she stuck between a hot guy and a hot girl, she also can be a monster fucker. Good for her dude."
"Knowing these truths is called positional Authority the demons know if you know that you outrank them."
"Demons hate hearing the name of our Lord Jesus Christ because the name of Jesus holds power."
"The demons, on the other hand, are just fooling him."
"Demons of the Lesser key of Solomon: the ARs goisha is the most famous of these containing 72 demon names their powers as well as giving instructions on how to summon them."
"It was like sort of the key to my freedom, my demons, and my friends and my, you know, having fun when I was here was to get that, the key to my own golf cart."
"Even among demons, there were good ones."
"There were two conditions for a person to make a pact with a demon: the first is that one must know the Demon's real name, the second is that the demon must tell the person's name."
"Welsh's demons had plagued him throughout his life with struggles between drugs, mental illness."
"Instead of killing these demons all the time what if I went and built a place, a rehabilitation center?"
"The fears of demons come from the demons themselves, and we have nothing to fear, for demons are no match for legions of angels."
"Every zodiac sign is a demon, yoking to a demon's identity determines yours, and astrology is a portal, like a celestial Ouija board, letting all the demons into your life."
"At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend. I sometimes think of the demons as falling to their knees, despite themselves, at the power of that name."
"You defeated these demons already. You're living on heaven on earth."
"Demons bring challenges to distract you from God."
"You need prophetic insight to deal with certain devils."
"If you're fighting any kind of depression or suicidal thoughts, that is the last ditch effort of a demon. That means you're lethal."
"Demons need to be told and instructed on what to do or they're not going to do it."
"Demons become powerless the moment they manifest."
"Worship can silence the voice of every demon in hell."
"Every manifestation of spiritual dynamic that doesn't concur with the word of God is demons."
"It's time to reain in your demons. Don't let the materialism, addictions, and obsessions of this world cloud your brilliant light."
"That's why you don't see demons fighting side by side or even seeing them being together in the first place."
"Strongholds are places demons hide from an ensuing enemy."
"Demons are enticing, they harass, they torment, they enslave, they defile, and they weaken and they kill humans."
"Intelligent demons are the dangerous ones."
"Knowing more about demons may aid His Highness Prince Fluent."
"Only one can take control when a demon eats a fellow demon."
"There's a difference between Satan attacking your thoughts and having a demon of hatred infiltrating your mind."
"Demons know that everything we do begins in the mind, so it would make sense that that's where they're going to do their dirty work."
"It's a spiritual thing. Your light irritates the [__] demons."