
Financial Safety Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"You should always park your money, whether that's your checking account or your savings account, into an account that is FDIC insured."
"For The First Time in Forever, you can get paid to sit in safety and liquidity to see how all this works out."
"The market is making sure that we keep our portfolios safe and conservative."
"Sometimes if it's too good to be true, it's not shamazing, it's just fraud." - Emily D Baker
"This hits at the fundamental fear for any business, which is my savings are not safe."
"Playing with house money is the safest thing you could do."
"Protecting depositors is the middle approach."
"You want to basically scam yourself from your own money before your money gets scammed."
"Putting money into bonds could be a good option for people who want to play it a little bit safer."
"If they start asking you for any types of money or gifts or anything like that, it's probably time to run."
"Don't hide your crypto. You're putting yourself in extreme danger."
"Toyota's Woven City: an attempt to automate caregiving so that families have extra time for what really matters."
"Bitcoin has proven itself to be resilient and safe... I don't see this action as something that is threatening the future of bitcoin."
"You can never eliminate risk but you can reduce it."
"I think crypto's a lot less risky than fiat at the moment."
"Taxpayers are never again on the hook for Wall Street's mistakes."
"Preventing yourself from being scammed will always be easier than trying to recover your finances after you've been scammed."
"Remember, occasionally it's not a bad idea to buy yourself some safety."
"If your portfolio is missing some of these boring giants that are, in my opinion, much safer long-term investments, then I would consider doing some more research and adding some of Bank of America to your portfolio."
"Aura gives you near real-time alerts on suspicious credit inquiries."
"Gold is near an all-time high... I thought it would be approaching 2500 with all of the problems we have in the world."
"I also want you guys to be aware of all the scams going on in crypto right now."
"Developing a risk management plan is crucial to avoid blowing accounts."
"Go to cash and guarding the cash for some time is not going to destroy your life and it might be the smart thing to do."
"You're dead if you're not at least with a portion of your wealth outside the system."
"If you manage your risk, you're going to be okay."
"Safety comes from getting yield from doing nothing."
"There is no reason why you should be scammed out of your hard-earned money."
"If you charge, collect, and pay sales tax, you're 100% safe no matter what."
"Stay away from scammers, they're just trying to take your money."
"If anyone reaches out to you pretending to be Crypto Jeb, saying they want to give you financial advice, they want to trade for you, that is not us."
"Understanding that if people are worried about the economy, they're going to flock to safer investments."
"Chargeback is in place as essentially a step before legal action, there to get your money back when a company's being dishonest."
"Every other asset class is more easily impaired, seized, confiscated, taxed, or regulated."
"Carrying cash around is dangerous; you need to use banks to deposit your cash."
"Cash settlement means no risk to underlying assets."
"Do you want to be in a coma and hold your money in a historically secure place or feel like you're bleeding every single day?"
"Don’t get killed over crypto. Your life is far more valuable than any amount of money."
"We just family here, that's priority number one."
"Just saying like 'Oh but the guy's offering me money, he's offering the cash' it doesn't matter, that is a risk that you should not be willing to take."
"You don't buy gold and silver to get rich; you do it to protect your wealth."
"All I care about is not losing money; protect yourself and average down to a better price."
"Sitting on cash is a wonderful place to be right now."
"I wouldn't trust that person. Why would it go from 'if you pay the Safeway, it's gonna cost you more' to 'I only accept the payment method that's unsafe for you'?"
"Cash and things like that liquid cash save cash is likely to be one of the very best places to be."
"Stay safe with your money. Really find out what it is you're paying for."
"Be very careful because you don't want to lose your funds. That's just a warning to anyone new to moving crypto around."
"Never trade without a stop loss. Just don't do it. You need that money; it's there to protect you."
"When you look back historically what you see is that gold is never worth nothing when the bottom falls out of everything else."
"You can turn on your alerts to let you know when your card is used and instantly block if something fishy seems like it's happening."
"If you're just Joe Q right now you get paid a lot to sit on the sidelines... you get paid to be safe and if your gold price is hanging in there I think that it's just a lot easier to allocate your assets in this environment."
"Don't always assume that just because it's rated investment grade that it's safe... in fact I think one of the cheapest things that you can buy out there is protection."
"Be suspicious if you have to pay any money to get something free."
"Why would you keep your money in the bank? It's a crime syndicate."
"In a world of market fluctuations and economic uncertainty, seeking a margin of safety and understanding intrinsic value are key principles that guide successful investing."
"You want to have enough information where you don't send yourself into super red bankruptcy hole."
"It's a safer way to engage in the options market."
"Scammers can come up with these, 'Oh I have a job for you if you send me this and send me that.' Don't send them anything."
"Tighter regulation on cryptos needed to protect financial system."
"Your person's negligence got you caught up in their mess and even other innocent people, but you brought justice not just for yourself but for others too."
"Please do not join Q Sciences, it's a pyramid scheme."
"Binance is very safe - one of the biggest exchanges with the best insurance."
"Stay safe, stable minded, don't FOMO, don't flood."
"Don't let the news scare you and and there does it's designed to steal your money."
"Please beware of any individual, entity, or organization who solicits your money."
"Manage risk and never put yourself in a position where you can have a permanent infinite loss."
"Don't invest more you can afford to lose, everything's a scam, and help her otherwise don't leave anything on exchanges."
"As good of a Trader as I am, I still have losses. You always want to have a maximum loss because you can't let a loss wipe out your entire account or even a large percentage of your account."
"Understanding and managing risk correctly is crucial in trading."
"The biggest money in the commercial banking system they're fleeing the banks that are supposedly safe so that should be kind of an eye-opener to you."
"Your assets are not safe in the United States."
"Silver, gold, and now crypto, because what's going to happen when this deleveraging starts to occur...everyone's just going to jump into safe assets."
"Capital protection is your number one priority in risk management technique."
"Treat debt with caution; it is fire and can burn you just as fast as it grew you."
"It's scary out there guys protect yourself especially when it comes to something as potentially dangerous as credit cards."
"I don't like losing money I don't have a lot of it to begin with so losing it isn't really isn't really in my best interests."
"We will never reach out to you and ask you for your financial information."
"Protect your money instead of cash, carry American Express traveler's checks."
"If anyone contacts you for any so-called opportunity and they ask you for money... it's a scam, period."
"The more return, the less price you pay; that's your margin of safety."
"Risk management without risk management, your account is gone first trade."
"The biggest reason we have the bonds in the portfolio isn't the return; it's the safety, it's the mitigation of that downside risk."
"This feature allows you to create a single-use virtual card that you can use for purchases online securely."
"Protecting people's cards is so important."
"The balance sheet can provide that margin of safety."
"Diversify your communities and your money into a safe place."
"Don't give any more money to people that you don't know."
"It's like the number-one rule in cryptocurrency: do not leave your money on exchanges."
"Above all, don't send money to anyone."
"Annuities are not FDIC insured, but compared to commercial banks and investment firms, life insurance companies' solvency record has been nearly faultless."
"I hope this heightens somebody's awareness and helps somebody to be put on game so you don't lose what you've worked hard for."
"There are some cars that could turn out to be pretty safe places to have your money."
"Rule number one is don't lose money. Rule number two is don't forget rule number one."
"Safe not just because they're guaranteed by the full faith and credit of our country, but safe because when you cash out, even before maturity, you will always get back your principal."
"It's an incredibly safe place to park your money."
"We need to allow for a 50% discount from the fair value, and that discount is called a margin of safety."
"Don't think that if someone messaged you saying they can triple your money, it's me. I can't."
"Above all else, withdraw your money and keep it safe."
"Always remember to check that the address is correct and if you're moving a large amount of money consider moving a small amount first to make sure that you've done it correctly."
"The main benefit is you know that the money is safe."
"Second, you're going to be able to have better protections from using your credit cards compared to other forms of payment out there like debit cards or cash."
"Don't send anyone money, like if somebody says give me 500 in Bitcoin and I will give you ten thousand dollars back in Bitcoin, it's a scam."
"Never give OTP, credit card, debit card, CVV, or any other thing. It is not safe."
"It's not just about making the money, but it's about how you protect yourself."
"The very first thing... is to put aside at least $2,000 to protect you against an emergency."
"Margin of safety is really what's your cushion before you over your break-even point."
"Know where your financial guard rails are."
"Nigerian Princes do not need access to your bank account."
"Spread your money in different places; hide it in your hotel room."
"Make sure you're managing your risk properly."
"If it raises awareness and it saves one person from losing their life savings, then it was worth sending it to them."
"You want to avoid the fire pit and the machetes by saving money regularly."
"We should have a system where taxpayers are not at risk."
"Cash flow is what will keep you safe when values go down."
"With stop loss, you can limit the risk automatically, so you don't need to monitor the stock on a daily basis."
"Never keep all your money in one place."
"Protect your money first, make money second."
"Cash T-bills, cash equivalents... are ways to maybe weather the storm."
"I think it's a much safer, much more sensible way of looking at building wealth and being able to pass it on from generation to generation."
"If you're asked for cash, that should ring an alarm bell."
"Blackmail like this can be very serious; people have been ripped off for their life savings over scams like this."
"It's a shame y'all shouldn't scam Grandmama; she worked real hard for that money."
"Take every single precaution possible to reduce the chance of you potentially losing money."