
Business Expansion Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"It's opened up opportunities to go into places like we're working on getting into Cabela's and Walmart Target... it's absolute life-changing."
"My vision board for the next five ten years is to expand Honeydrip Network."
"Taco Bell plans to hire 30,000 employees for the summer season."
"Tesla has in its crosshairs trillions of dollars of industry. Big oil, legacy auto, utilities and more."
"The time is ready for international expansion."
"If you enjoy killing multiple people in different ways all across the globe, what better way to expand your business than by traveling through time?"
"Gamestop has joined the growing number of retailers."
"It got so big to the point in 2001 Subway actually had more operating locations than McDonald's."
"This is the start. We have great plans to expand on Pan Am and lots of innovation waiting."
"It's our immune system that does the job of surveillance and security against cancer."
"We're also announcing that we are expanding the world's largest and lowest cost fiber optic plant."
"We are excited to partner with Bungie as they transform from a single franchise development team into a global multi franchise entertainment studio."
"BP plans to grow its EV charging business from the current 11,000 stations to 70,000 charging points by 2030."
"This is such a well-orchestrated brand expansion."
"Lucid's going to have that potential of expanding as well."
"Tesla insurance is available in nine states."
"When you look at everything Tesla is doing and what they are doing right as they expand, this doesn't seem too crazy."
"The state trade expansion program offers funds... to expand their horizons beyond the borders of the United States."
"To meet the demand for personalized clothing, we need a staggering amount of stores and clothing lines to exist."
"You will get more fans, more leads, more paying customers."
"That's fire, this is a very Griselda way to expand."
"Marathon Digital is ordering another 30,000 Bitcoin miners worth $120 million."
"Starlink opens the possibilities for new businesses to go into places that probably were never considered before."
"They're looking to get into ambient products in 2022... This gets Tattoo Chef out of just a frozen food company."
"Started small with nothing, now about to open a store in Houston and Oregon."
"Mastercard enhances crypto wallet and exchange business."
"We're definitely hitting the limits of our expansion impact."
"We met up with co-founders Anthony Tan and Weiling Tan in Seattle, Washington, where they've set up a new office to grab some of America's top tech talent."
"SpaceX makes it clear that service will improve as the company launches more satellites."
"Borders soon became one of the largest book retailers in the world."
"Woolworth promised bargain prices to customers and expanded into one of the world's largest chains."
"Selling to restaurants has allowed me to grow a lot of crops that I wouldn't necessarily be able to grow and sell at the farmers market."
"Customers will now be able to enjoy trades using the Norwegian kroner and the Croatian Kuna."
"World domination for America is allowing American businesses to make deals in countries all around the world."
"Neo said it plans to enter the global markets by 2023 and 2024, likely beginning with Europe first."
"Industry insiders view this as a signal that Apple is making a significant move to expand in the Indian market."
"System76 is opening a distribution center in Europe in the coming month."
"We have a lot to look forward to. There's going to be an insane amount of growth."
"Versatile... transfer designs onto a variety of substrates... expand your revenues."
"Goldman Sachs is going from Wall Street to Main Street."
"Amazon is planning to build brick-and-mortar stores."
"Universal is just making so much money... they're doing an aggressive expansion."
"AMC perfectly popcorn, our foray into the multi-billion dollar popcorn industry during 2022, is on track."
"We now have the upgraded Pizzeria and more slots for more attractions."
"We have and we also got the biggest news we've ever had in our eight year history: the launch of GCN plus."
"Bezos is taking over the universe one transaction at a time."
"We got so good at running our business that we are now helping people launch their own garage upgrade businesses in their part of the country."
"BMW opens its first manufacturing facilities in South Carolina."
"Tesla filed for a trademark to enter the restaurant business."
"Life's been challenging for us, but we hope that with the expansion of our business, it will only provide opportunities."
"We're starting to get interest from outside the United States."
"With this cash in place, we can more quickly advance our production efforts by increasing our supply chain component volumes, hiring more manufacturing employees, and automating certain sub-assembly processes."
"This is a wonderful time for you to expand your business in that direction."
"This is just the beginning of the crop empire."
"None bigger than Apple opening its very first floating store."
"I liked investing. And then I felt it was time for us to expand."
"Disney has realized that they can separate this into a broadway theater."
"We're expanding, we're adding, we're traveling, we're doing all the things."
"Ripple partner Wiz Financial gets regulator green lights to acquire UAE Exchange."
"You could just scale this out... and unlock everything. It can't go any bigger, surely!"
"With our new loan secured, we purchased our new property."
"We want to focus first on the US market and look at Global expansion opportunities a little bit further down the road."
"We're working as quickly as we can to get to 80 percent of customers having access to Tesla Insurance by the end of this year."
"Winklevoss own Gemini Galactic snags FINRA broker-dealer approval... Big shout out to them and just shows guys more investment, more expansion, more building, and all these things will culminate to higher prices, higher valuations."
"Franchising: a critical component of McDonald's expansion strategy."
"Stag is riding the e-commerce wave in a lot of cities around the country."
"Now just because it's more accessible doesn't mean it's easy but scaling and building a business is so much more accessible now because you can reach millions and billions of people around the globe thanks to the internet."
"Ripple manager reveals the company's efforts and partners in India."
"We want to have a lot of cars, a lot of vehicles, a lot of people."
"The China Gigafactory could essentially double the size of Tesla's business in about a year."
"Ripple partners MoneyGram and Finastra to expand in new markets."
"Tesla is no longer a low volume manufacturer. They're going to be able to make, they have production for up to and over 2 million cars per year globally."
"If you stayed till the end of this video shout out to you real quick just wanted to mention just shipped out a bunch of pairs for another store owner."
"Services continue to increase with over 900 million paid subscriptions."
"I think we should have focused first on keeping your core audience happy before trying to reach too far too quick."
"I want to keep expanding, keep building, and keep experimenting with new things."
"I take my custom sock store Lulu Pub to the next level."
"Each one of these [markets Tesla gets into] is bigger than Amazon, not just an extension of the line."
"Despite the expansion of services and the introduction of new products, THIS is still Apple’s most valuable product."
"How quickly can we expand to cities like San Francisco?"
"1979: Despite being bitter, Afton couldn't deny that what came next was a period of massive success and expansion."
"How many companies have we seen in many industries that just went 'oh this is going great let's make a store everywhere and then three years later there's three left?'"
"In the next several weeks, we're going to be hiring between 5,000 and 10,000 people to beef up our staffing levels."
"There might be a new beginning for you in regards to a faraway place and or if you are doing business with faraway places."
"These are the same counters that we have in the store. It's the same blueprint we'll use for the subsequent stores." - "The biggest way that you can screw this up is by not knowing what you're doing right."
"We need to build factories faster." - Elon Musk
"I really want to keep what made the boo boo tree so special in the first place. I'm just expanding it."
"I turned a mini market into a mega market by putting 2 all right next to each other."
"Tesla's got the insurance division, their services division is growing, they have it all."
"Let's go into 2023 when we're doing 250k plus at Berlin and Giga Texas. Now let's get an announcement from Tesla where in 2023 we're going to have announcements for let's just say three new gigafactories rather than just uh Berlin and Texas."
"Silicon Valley Bank's deposits jumped from 61.8 billion to 189 billion by the end of 2021. That's a 3X increase in deposits in two years."
"Tick Tock lives have become a really wonderful way for people to connect with other content creators and also allowed other business owners to really expand when it comes to their demographic and so much more."
"The astronomical European deal and five U.S. acquisitions will also help them get there."
"Opium isn't just limited to their signees though as it spreads past just solely business relationships."
"This is an awesome, awesome addition to the shop."
"Over the next 12 months, we'll be recruiting over 100 manufacturing tests and design engineers into the company."
"I think doing stuff like this is very well needed, like you're expanding your horizons when it comes to the way you're promoting and just business in general, right?"
"One of the biggest things that has been going on behind the scenes is I am working on launching not one but two brands."
"We're going to be starting off with having full support for both Spanish and French."
"You literally just got a robotic employee. Good for you, dude. Congratulations on your new business."
"Moving into the new space, we are going to appreciate how crazy it is."
"Paydeck expands their footprint to Latin America and Africa through RippleNet."
"There's a lot more we can do as we extend Aggregate into other opportunities like this."
"So if you're adding 2 million of capacity that would take you to 6.2 million."
"At some point, this is going to ramp significantly to where we're going to be moving in order of magnitude from 30 million to 60 million a quarter in revenue." - Jack
"Revenue growth coming in at 32 percent year-over-year."
"Amazon is getting into cryptocurrency in such a huge way. This cannot be understated."
"Tesla will begin exporting Model 3s to other countries starting next year."
"Connecting to Ripple and getting one API, one integration to the whole world, allows us to recruit and get more clients to our network."
"Lasers are cool, and it's good to see Printed Solid expand beyond just being a materials reseller to actually getting into the manufacturing side of things."
"Expansion is kind of like knocking at your door right now."
"Money, money, money. Cash is needed for expansion."
"Our goal with this fundraising is really to expand wide and quickly to enter as many markets as we possibly can."
"Nate's operation needed to expand with serious money coming in."
"We might be able to do that by the end of the year starting to get work on Europe by the end of the year."
"I'm getting ready to open up my second store... You can't stop nothing that was destined for me anyway."
"Skims plans to go public in the future, exploding the $4 billion valuation even higher..."
"It just really inspired us to take on more listings and I think we'll probably even have more listings in our future as well."
"Tesla on the cusp of opening two new extremely lucrative highly profitable cutting edge latest generation factories."
"We should make a whole franchise off of that, and they did."
"Crypto.com can create an ecosystem over there much like what Binance has done with BNB."
"The more money you have, you can hire people and work with people who can help do some of these things."
"The first share bubble... an absolute fortune."
"There's no more limiting your business to one store, ShipStation integrates with every single platform you use."
"Elon Musk's growing Empire is fueled by 4.9 billion dollars in U.S government subsidies."
"We continue to expand the product Suite."
"Rivan is opening their own Chargers and they are expanding in useful areas."
"We have deals with Barnes & Noble, Nordstrom, and we're also expanding to Canada this year."
"You've got somebody in Belgium that takes the brand into their business and deploys it to create an experience better than anybody I've seen."
"Expansion stores live. We are launching in Poland's expansion store Denmark Norway Sweden and Finland."
"And, very recently they announced a significant 44 million dollar round of funding and are bringing Instacart to New York city. It's here right now."
"The Beats Empire continued to expand, reaching new heights in January 2014 with the launch of Beats Music, a streaming service aimed at music enthusiasts."
"Networking with one another helping each other with the goal to help each other expand our businesses."
"Nintendo eventually expanded manufacturing other games in 1963 and finally arcade machines in 1974."
"We want to ensure that they can all leverage these new opportunities to build revenues within their businesses and expand."
"It's a global business. The reality is actually we need to add LA in there. That's actually not updated."
"Think bigger, what other parts of the business do you hope to expand to?"
"So, Toys R Us had become so huge in its motherland of the United States it only seemed logical that the next step from there would be to spread to other countries."
"Adding more and more stores is the next step."
"I'm so excited to put out more content for YouTube and expand this business."
"Looks like we're going into a new business."
"We couldn't be more excited to add this truck to the fleet."
"Focus your attention on Amazon, but at some point in time, it's good to explore selling on your website."
"We're a team of 30 people now, even though when I started, it was just me."
"Franchising your business is a marathon and it's not a sprint. It doesn't happen instantaneously."
"Franchising really allows you to expand your brand. So it really is a great opportunity for you to expand your brand."
"Having more channels was probably the biggest key to getting more sales."
"Inside of your AI automation agency, there is way more that you could be selling other than just chatbots and automations."
"Investing in a bigger oven will cost more money and increase the value of your assets but also triple your sales."
"We need to run a space, and so we rented a warehouse in town."
"If we want to expand its customer base, then we can potentially have more chain stores in other locations."
"Opportunities for expansion, franchising, licensing, multiple locations will all open up."
"PDD Holdings aims to bring more businesses and people into the digital economy."
"Over time with this strategy, you can have an expansive shop serving a variety of customers across a variety of sub-niches that are different yet cohesive."
"The companies need to come out with its IPO to raise money to pay off debt or to expand the business, though very few companies genuinely list the shares for this reason and most to take advantage of rampant speculation of herd behavior during bull market."
"Walmart is an excellent marketplace for established brands looking to expand their sales channels, reach a new audience, and grow their businesses."
"We went from selling $35,000 a year just to a summertime season and then by building the container we were able to go the next year up to $100,000 in sales."
"I'm deploying insane amounts of money across the board."
"We're looking to expand, look into change up... we're excited to pivot to where we're going to go next."
"We don't just do socks; we're involved in other things as well."
"Its ambitions extend far beyond fast fashion and into e-commerce superstardom."
"Forget about accumulation and focus on cash flow, go for economic independence, plug the leaks first, continually expand your business."
"We're gonna start taking loans, we haven't yet but we're gonna start."
"By the early 1980s, they continued that momentum, now doubling their stores to over 260 and posting 165 million dollars in sales."
"We've just secured Woolworths as well as Aldi in England, Ireland, and Scotland."
"With a good head for business, he expanded his investments by having an online merchandise store, a restaurant, and a tattoo shop around Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada."
"We are evolving our business model and intend to add as many as 50 dealer partners in the United States and Canada."
"If you look at Africa, Asia, and Latin America, those are portions of our business that grow very fast."
"Ripple will continue to double down on its presence in Dubai."
"If you've got a current business, then by all means you can offer all kinds of services."
"They are opening a new store in China every nine hours."
"This is a company that has endless amounts of growth with its locations all across the globe."
"E-commerce is growing and continuing to grow."
"You can always expand your business some other time, maybe we could work on a business together."
"Navigating all of his expansion for the Colonel is getting tricky."
"That is effectively how we've gone from a six digit business to a seven digit business."
"Crispy Cream has the ability to expand the market for donuts by bringing their donuts that are actually good tasting to more places."
"I'd love to see Tesla get into South America and drive EV adoption, drive clean energy, Mega packs."
"We also expanded and diversified into clean energy, fintech, and cryptography."
"Firms have to think globally... opening up locations globally."
"I hadn't considered that at all, and I don't know much about surfing or skiing for that matter, but it could end up being great for my bed and breakfast business," Lana pondered the possibilities.
"Expanding your skills, expanding your work, expanding your business, expanding your craft."
"When you expand your business beyond a certain limit and it is coming with an increased cost, we call that internal diseconomies of scale."
"We could actually expand the business from 10 to maybe 60 customers."
"It's so exciting to have a standalone store in Manchester."
"Achieving this objective may make it easier for Carlson to obtain distribution with other retailers."
"By moving production to the foreign markets the company not only reduces its foreign exchange exposure, but also benefits from being closed to its customers."
"We now have three thousand one hundred gyms that purchased that sixteen thousand dollar program."
"Strategic alliances may facilitate entry into a foreign market."
"Now I think I've got some ideas about how to expand our business in Europe."
"Here we are today with a fat warehouse and dream cars on dream cars."
"This is going to allow you to broaden your horizons in the different job types that you're able to serve."
"If we could extend the business of the Eastern Courtyard of the Wu Family to every corner on that map, that would be real success!"