
Ethical Communication Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Freedom of speech is fine, but not freedom to lie."
"I still think that you shouldn't be using slurs like that that's just it as a basis it's just I think if I if I go down that rabbit hole of doing that over and over again then I'll justify doing it to another one and another one another one."
"An apology should only happen if you truly regret that action."
"Just do it in a way which harms no one and which does not promote or bolster right-leaning media figures."
"You may not have to follow the procedures of a courtroom, but you have to speak the truth. You have to have some honor and some integrity in the things you're saying."
"What's not loving is to look someone in the eye when God says they are in jeopardy of an eternity in hell and merely wink and nod at their sin because you're afraid of being called names."
"It's never ever okay to be a racist, um, it's in the, you know, look I think you always have to be careful, you know if you're in the public, you know how you, how you say things."
"I strongly believe that it is not my place to hide information from you."
"You have to present everything. If you hide information, that's also lying."
"Say what you want to say and keep your integrity high."
"I promised myself I was gonna do a whole lot more punching up and little to no punching down."
"2011 was a very different time people weren't very aware of these kinds of social issues you know ableism it's still not okay to use a medical condition as an insult."
"You know, if you've got the truth on your side, then you just expose it."
"I don't think hate should ever be used."
"Just because you have the right to free speech doesn't mean you get to take away someone else's right to that speech as well."
"Lying also includes omissions of material facts."
"Not lying to people is better than lying to people."
"The only thing that matters is the truth, the pure truth."
"There are just a few things that I feel like you just shouldn't fucking lie about, one of them is pregnancy."
"Lies are not compassionate and the truth is not cruel."
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
"Ethics as responsibility: what should you speak on in this unfiltered and messy informational environment?"
"It's a reality of the responsibility you have when you have any microphone at all."
"With very few exceptions, no cause is more important than truth-telling."
"Just because you have the right to say something does not make it right."
"Having an opinion is fine, but to actually go hardcore with harassment or things like that like yo [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] you should die because of like go [ __ ] yourself it's never okay to do things like that."
"Speaking the truth not just when it's easy but when it's hard."
"Things must actually be true when you say them."
"If you can't speak the same way about everybody, then you shouldn't speak that way about anybody."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"Just because you can say something, it doesn't mean that you should say it."
"If you are purposefully misinforming the American people, then there has to be some kind of accountability for that."
"Disclosure is key, it's a legality issue."
"Just because someone says something doesn't justify you being violent with them."
"When you omit the truth, embellish, or exaggerate, it's still a lie."
"We're independent, I don't do any deals, I don't do any pump and dump BS, straight to the truth every single night with you guys."
"It's tremendously important to be on a planet... that is telling the truth."
"Speak the truth in love when you can. Don't slander, don't dishonor, especially on social media."
"These false claims they do a disservice all around to everybody involved."
"Ethical persuasion is the cornerstone of everything that you do."
"Saying bad things about someone should not be a matter of course."
"Make sure you practice what you preach."
"Honesty without compassion is brutality."
"What we write or say should be right speech that conveys our insight, our understanding, and our compassion."
"Communication is ethical to the extent that it maximizes our ability to exercise free choice or free will."