
System Efficiency Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"A system working perfectly is where everything is in its right place, performing its designed function."
"The stream is really an overview of how this system allows for efficient and flexible project setup, emphasizing the use of SAS, custom utilities, and a streamlined workflow."
"A centralized system with central planners in charge...doesn't deliver success. A decentralized system is far more successful, efficient, effective, and resilient."
"Streamline your system for maximum efficiency."
"No locks, no conditioned variables, no callbacks - it's really the syntax and the structure that Go gives you that makes this possible."
"Virtual textures in Nanite, for example, they are much more gentle when it comes to the amount of streaming. It's much more continuous and much more fine grain."
"China wants the world to focus... on the strengths of a system that has now brought the epidemic under control."
"If you have a good system, you can be in a very good position."
"These three pieces of equipment, the Jaw Crusher, Hammer mill, and Shaker table, these are our Three core pieces of equipment that make up our TurnKey systems."
"Alone, each of these components doesn’t do much at all, but when united, they combine to form a powerful system."
"Most of this system does work very intelligently all by itself."
"Exactly what I want from a system like this."
"Linux is almost built for automation of tasks."
"Volley, like I mentioned before, handles operating a thread pool for you."
"Building efficient systems is the key to saving time and stress."
"Streamlining needed, but maybe they went too far."
"If you want the least resource-hungry and the most stable version of Linux Mint 20, then you should opt for the Xfce Edition."
"The installation process is very fast, easy, straightforward."
"It's hard to find fault with a system that allows players to have on hand exactly what they want at any given time."
"There are still going to be those who argue that unless you get a single-payer system, you're never going to get all the efficiencies."
"It's not a perfect system, but it's very robust."
"Put a working system in place and trust the system."
"For any system to work, there needs to be a transparent process."
"The more you put in, the more you will get out if you built your systems the right way."
"Efficiency in file manipulation can be achieved through understanding and utilizing input and output redirection."
"Once I got into Windows, the system actually drew about 3 Watts less from the wall."
"It's all but completely fixed the action economy issues that pop up from time to time."
"Every system and order for a system to perform at its peak as it was designed to do, every last system, comes with rules, regulations, principles, ordinances."
"A system makes it so that you don't have to remember it and think about it each day."
"I wanted the self-contained system that could plug into a PC and take advantage of all that power."
"All of these services could just be one monolithic service. It would save us memory and resources."
"Proof of stake is vastly superior for many of the things that we care about."
"I think that's a really powerful thing that you actually have a system that can carry out commands on your behalf."
"This traversal system is pretty much perfect."
"It just works and you have so much control literally over every aspect of those components."
"Tokenization enables faster and more error-free settlement in the Global Financial system."
"The sooner that we can specialize, the faster that all of our efforts go into one direction and the faster that we actually end up in a position where systems will serve us." - Greg Hickman
"I think it's a great system. It's a really smart system."
"Healthy people are not clogging up the healthcare system."
"Policy makers strive for an effective, efficient, and affordable healthcare system."
"AI can get away from everybody and become dangerous to humanity."
"This is going to be a very very good system for a lot of people."
"The incredible flexibility of this system far outweighs any minor annoyances."
"It's turned into a well-oiled machine after much much trial and error and very thankful we have a cord right now that we're about to plug in."
"The healthcare system would work the same way if we started removing all the enormous amount of government regulations."
"The fact that you can update your cores in RetroArch in this system as well as update the system itself through the online update tool to me is like a perfect combination."
"I really like the systems on this boat. Very, very well set out."
"Running disk cleanup regularly not only frees up space on your drive but it cleans up temporary files internet cache files and unnecessary program files."
"This wouldn't be so bad if anything worked the way it should."
"Internalizing externalities is... almost the only thing government needs to do in order to cause the system to work."
"The more subtle your system becomes... the more you're able to recognize where the dysfunction lies."
"You actually become very efficient once you learn the system."
"You're only as fast as your slowest connection."
"An ideal AI system would be small, powerful, and have perfect precision and perfect recall."
"A system that does not convert stressors, problems, variability into fuel is doomed."
"This system has just worked out really well for us."
"The system becomes so beautiful, it works so beautifully."
"It's a really simple and solid system."
"It's all the little things that make the difference between a system that's just okay and has problems or a system that works fantastic."
"It's amazing, like everything. Look, you even got the full system working."
"We need to focus on bulletproofing our systems and hiring A-players."
"It's arguably one of the best systems that you could put in your van because of its efficiency."
"The system worked, so to speak, and of course, we hope that we won't see a repeat of such testing times anytime soon."
"What are the benefits of Wayland? You've got less input delay, more fluid movements, and more performance because there are less moving parts."
"If you know IMS, it works very well."
"All this system is very protective of the bees, allows good ventilation, allows feeders; it's a good combination."
"When we start with the problem in mind and think about the information we need to have to solve the problem, we can set up our tools so that we create a system that's more accurate, less demanding on our people."
"It's a nice system, it does work well, a lot of customers wish that they knew about that technology years ago because they love it."
"The system in Canada is a system that works."
"If you have a really good system for setting things up where you can focus your attention effectively, then it's going to help that thing grow."
"The question you should be asking yourself about any management system is not how do I keep water out, but how does water get out should water get in."
"The system really did work to a point."
"When loans are made based on good solid criteria... this system works really well."
"I think having the two closets with everything I need in both is gonna be the best system."
"Nobody can be more efficient than the system they work in allows them to be."
"Giving things an executive summary is the part that gets really valuable when you have a system and you know how to make use of it."
"Sometimes it's nice just to kind of take a step back and realize systems can still work without us constantly micromanaging things."
"It's a pretty great system for the most part."
"You can only get out of the system what you put into the system."
"Our goal with leveraging variables was to use them in a way that allowed us to reduce the complexity of our design system structure."
"With all the awesome new powers we're afforded with variables, we've been able to significantly reduce the number of libraries that make up our design system."
"One of the things we're looking for in a purchases system is how do we make sure we don't pay suppliers' invoices twice."
"We wanted to make sure more importantly water flow was maintained throughout the system as best as possible."
"All in all, this is a very efficient system; it's working beautifully."
"A successful system will tend to grind into sclerosis unless you can find ways to realign and reform."
"That's the sweet smell of success, and we are in the sweet spot of the Bulk-o-matic system."
"It's a really great system, it saved me a lot of water."
"PLCs are designed to replace hard-wired relay based Ladder logic because they are more reliable, flexible, cheaper, faster, can communicate more effectively and perform advanced data processing functions."
"The total system efficiency is the product of each individual efficiency, and if any one of these is low, the efficiency for the entire system is low."
"The modular system is working really really well."
"The best system tends to be the one that people are most familiar with."
"You rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the levels of your systems."
"Capitalism of making the system work is entirely different than charity."
"It's a finely tuned system, and when it's done correctly, it moves responsively and it delivers energy to the target."
"That's what makes an SSD based system just feel so fast."
"That's energy kept in the system which results in dollars saved."
"This system is beautiful; if there's a way I could make it better, you think I wouldn't? I've tried to and I just keep coming back to the purest form of the movie star system."
"You're never gonna feel wild and crazy and upset and frustrated if your system is super simple."
"Our goal is that everybody is satisfied with our system and it works as it was designed."
"I think this system really works well."
"The nice thing about this system is that you don't have to have two people to help you."
"We have a nice system that works and feels really, really good."
"The system is fantastic and I'm really impressed by it."
"This system has been working out pretty well."
"It works exactly as I intended; the system stays cool and quiet."
"And the cool thing about these aspects is we can have nice little helper functions on there."
"I want to be setting up low maintenance or reliable systems that are, you know, low maintenance is huge."
"It's great having all of this data in our system but the power behind it is having those tables of data but then linking them together."
"It's all about order recommendations... we want to let the system do all the calculations for you."
"The system does work well as long as the parameters are close enough."
"Keeping fluid cool, clean, and free of air will help the system run efficiently and reliably."
"The refactoring of the system becomes quicker and I think your developer productivity and the ability you're able to get out of your system increases."
"The process is good, the system overall is good."