
Web Traffic Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Internet service providers treat all web traffic equally."
"If you could know the pages that are driving the most search traffic for your competitors, then wouldn't you want to get in on that action?"
"More than 52 percent of global online traffic is done on a mobile device, so you want to make sure that your website works for both."
"Actual people, lots of people, to our websites."
"If you can actually appear on these types of lists of industry leaders in your sector, then obviously you're more likely to actually, you know, get visitors."
"There's this moment where someone said to us, you've got half a million people running through your site every month, and that just completely blew our minds."
"Sites that are hosted on sites.google.com are basically getting hundreds and hundreds of millions of visitors."
"Who compiled the web traffic for 2020? Okay, female, okay, male 1, between 18 to 24, like number of females, and then male 1 between 25 to 34, number of females, number of males."
"When you've got hundreds of thousands of visitors to this website, that money really adds up."
"People who have visited your website are far more likely to be interested in buying, inquiring, whatever it is you want them to do than people who haven't."
"Most of what we're going to talk about applies equally well to applications serving web traffic or processing messages of a queue."
"Just follow the tips we have mentioned, incorporate those steps into your current workflow, and most likely you will start getting traffic from Google Discover."
"If I refresh, every request goes to Traffic, now it's round-robin to the backend."
"The traffic levels are pretty epic from Google News as one might expect."
"That's really the power of Google News."
"You're not just going to get traffic from Google, but other bloggers, forums, social media, everybody picks up on your story."
"That session is all seen as one user and one session meaning Google analytics tracks the visit from Facebook to my main website all the way through to other domains."
"The higher you rank, the more traffic you're going to get."
"You only want to allow TCP traffic on your websites."
"Interlinking does a lot for topical authority, it helps build traffic."
"Content optimization is the biggest thing you can do to improve your SEO traffic."
"You have the ability to maximize your web traffic and your ranking if you can make your website as search engine friendly as possible."
"Publish longer and engaging content to get more traffic to your website."
"Semantic SEO is a marketing technique that improves website traffic by providing meaningful metadata and semantically relevant content."
"I appreciate all the comments and input, and definitely appreciate and feel honored by all the traffic that I've been getting."
"SEO has been huge for us. We're getting 400,000 visitors a month."
"Having a blog is going to have tremendous impact on how much traffic you get."
"Income and page views have like doubled every month."
"If you just have the worst website with the worst theme... but you just had really helpful, really long content, you're gonna get traffic."
"We're currently the fourth largest in the US according to Alexa and serve 320 million users every month."
"The majority of traffic nowadays comes from mobile."
"During the topical consolidation, while losing queries, if you are gaining the traffic, it means that you are becoming more relevant to a certain topic."
"Organic search did drive the most traffic and they did have the most transactions over the last 30 days."
"When you get visitors to your website, you can generate sales, which means revenue, or you can increase brand awareness."
"Do not count your traffic, but make your traffic count."
"More than 50% of your traffic that's going to be going to your website is going to be people who are on the go looking at your website on their cell phone."
"The more traffic driven to our website, then the higher our revenue."
"Google Analytics is the most trusted and widely used web tool by Google that tracks website traffic and user engagement on your website."
"How often a page gets visited is representative of how interesting a page is."
"Django is designed to be scalable, so it can handle large amounts of traffic and data without slowing down."
"Google, of course, you should always try to strive to get traffic from Google."
"Most websites rely on search engines like Google as a primary driver of traffic."
"If you can answer the questions or solve the problems that people are typing into search engines, you're naturally going to increase traffic."
"There is no better traffic than organic traffic."
"It's a great way to easily and quickly monetize your web traffic."