
Cultural Acceptance Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Slavery, subjugation of women, repression of homosexuals...wasn't very common perfectly well accepted in Western culture not very far back."
"To be truly tolerant and accepting of diversity, we must remember that people live life differently than us; they value different things."
"Embrace the fact that people are different, it's a beautiful thing."
"If people want to wear a turban, it's all good. It's all love."
"People are really starting to think about marijuana in a different way."
"People were still not taking rap seriously until about 2014-2015. That was pretty much the year when everything changed."
"That's almost the same role that Rocky Horror itself served in years past—a welcoming place for an exotic, ostracized crowd to express themselves."
"The true diversity is beautiful. We have nothing to fear."
"SoundCloud rappers were not exactly accepted with open arms by hip-hop in the beginning."
"No one has a problem with boys being obsessed with the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Attorneys sometimes do a practice run before they go to trial in the courtroom."
"A legitimate cultural shift: Anime is not just acceptable, but cool."
"The light to higher wisdom and knowledge that liberate humanity is becoming stronger."
"People will be more accepting of other cultures and more forgiving as Jupiter makes us kinder."
"It's not accepted within those cultures or whatnot, but as we get older, our understanding evolves."
"Curves and big booty small waist has always been accepted in the black and latina community but not really accepted by the mainstream media."
"Ellen’s coming-out was the culmination of a beautiful time to be queer on TV."
"We gotta resist that temptation... we gotta stop making excuses about why people like things that we don't like."
"Well, if she's cool with that then alhamdulillah, that's you."
"I've hit an age where olives taste nice and Phil Collins is all right."
"There are people around the country not just accepting rappers with the Brummie accent but actually shouting out the city's name."
"The bigots who would deny the validity of Ali London's Korean identity are today absolutely and with great righteous rage cancelled."
"I hope you don't give a flying [ __ ] about mainstream acceptance because that is a sinking ship."
"We are in a country where we are allowed to like whatever we like."
"Yes, I am a Muslim and I'm Palestinian. Get over it. Focus on the human impact of this disaster." #
"If the guy next to me invents the light bulb, I'm going to use the light bulb. And if somebody says to me, 'Well, it's accepting white culture,' my feeling is, I just want that light bulb, freedom."
"It's 2024 and that means we're living in a time where it's acceptable to be a male and to like John Mayer."
"The airwaves parted, the Beatles generation now have two or three children, all of a sudden they started saying, 'Hey, our parents really weren't that wrong. This is pretty nice.'"
"I've seen anime go from just literally something yet to painfully explain to people even what it was to something that's on every device on every television every mobile device in America."
"Comedy can still thrive in a landscape where we are more understanding and accepting."
"It's not the hijab that's the burden, disappointment, or disadvantage, it's society that makes you feel that way."
"Homosexuality is a very difficult issue in most cultures but it gets easier the more secular that culture becomes."
"Mexico has known about aliens for a long time. It's part of their culture. You don't get the crazy stink eye for talking about it."
"Everybody in Italy who prefers to use that ecclesiastical pronunciation should continue to feel comfortable doing so."
"Come on, building busts of drag queens. In some parts of the country, you can't even get a gay wedding cake made. Meanwhile in Los Angeles, they're like, drag queen bust? We'll get right on top of that."
"It's a little bit strange that we're kind of okay with a guy being made of Hornets helping the Allies win World War II but a guy throwing fireballs from his fingertips is like too much."
"Anime nowadays is just really starting to gain a lot of attention, popularity, and it just seems like it's a media now that isn't really frowned upon as much as it probably was in the past."
"I respect Outkast because, you know, during that time, like the down South music wasn't accepted at all."
"Maya was accepted across races, across genders. Without compromising who she was as a black woman. She was unapologetically black."
"Accepting cultures is a complete no-brainer."
"The pop record music snobs are allowed to like."
"We literally have rappers talking about killing people, and y'all are accepting of it."
"Living in a culture where people didn't find the idea shocking at all, they thought the basic idea must be right."
"I strongly believe that after this pandemic, the traditional Chinese medicine with the history of thousands of years will be accepted and recognized by more and more people around the world."
"Fortunately, it has proven that more and more Americans are coming around to accepting and using roundabouts."
"The only difference between them and Batman is that we've accepted Batman and people came along and did great work with them."
"Normalizing different sexualities is incredibly important."
"The best part of music is that it's actually growing and accepted by all walks of life."
"It is here. It is thriving here, for now anyway, and they've embraced it. And I think that's cool."
"California's weed smokers approve of something...other people will as well."
"Welcome to the mainstream, we knew this day would come."
"India is actually much more inherently accepting that we assume it to be... ancient India embraced homosexuality."
"It did feel like I was, I felt like I was weird in some sense for liking that music, like for pulling out, like, Digital Underground and then they're listening to, you know, whatever Metallica or something. Yeah, absolutely."
"His song Old Town Road is acceptable enough to be considered a country song in today's music."
"Americans have never really embraced it but I really do think it's a cool recipe and you can never have enough potato recipes."
"I always felt accepted in Malaysia whether before I was non-muslim and now I am Muslim I have the same level of acceptance and I think that is beautiful."
"Embracing my culture more, actually embracing my culture, getting back into my roots, and seeing that God actually created me like this, so who am I to not accept it?"
"...I wouldn't care if they were shooting bow and arrows or having a western movies and that don't bother me."
"We're more tolerant and inviting of Baalei Teshuva than the struggling FFB."
"Why is it that you have a problem with him being married to someone in a Halal type situation?"
"you just gotta ride with it and go yeah that's what they're like and then you you reach a sort of a very happy little state of Parisian sort of acceptance."
"Acceptance of differences in culture."
"The history of comics has always played out the same way in terms of the cultures that accept comics the most: Japan, France."
"Transformer celebrates all of society's outsiders from all walks of life."
"These parades represent exactly that."
"It was a time when people not only accepted but fully embodied daring decisions and a willingness to take risks."
"Being an anime fan in 2018 is not only accepted, but it is exciting."
"The street culture that had always been there with Koreans when they moved in has now actually gone from being ignored by a lot of the population to being sort of embraced."
"I can tell my 13-year-old desi kid self in Harlem, and my own kids too, that pakoras are as good as french fries and jalebis can take funnel cake any day."
"We are beginning to advance as a society of cultural acceptance."
"My hopes for tribal dance, which is my genre, belly dance in general, is that it would be accepted as something that happens just like salsa happens, ballroom happens, ballet happens, modern happens."
"No one with a Southern accent had to wait for acceptance they really just built their own platform at a time when it was harder than ever and made the world come to them."
"Lauryn Hill made brown skin, natural hair beautiful, commercially acceptable."
"Hijab is going to come in waves, and that's okay."