
Character Evolution Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"The Elric brothers focus on healing emotional wounds from the past, a precursor to the kind and gentle Shonen guys we see today."
"This salute is the moment you can just naturally infer that Big Boss became disillusioned with the United States of America."
"From femme fatale to friendly foe to feminist icon, it's remarkable to see how Catwoman has evolved over the last 80 years."
"I appreciate that I go from cute Raptor, which is not actually all that cute, to good Raptor, to angry Raptor."
"In 'The Dark Knight' Frank Miller's graphic novel, we see an older Batman who's retired following the death of his Robin. Of course, he's dragged back into action, he takes back to the streets, and kicks some serious ass."
"Charizard got two mega evolutions and immediately jumped to a place it never been before."
"Kokomi is quickly becoming the face tank easy mode character."
"Plot-wise, this is easily the most interesting place the Knuckles comic has ever been."
"Her growth is natural, it's painful, it's real."
"Silver's mean personality and evolution throughout the games make him stand out."
"When we first met Sam Wilson he was the Falcon and worked loyally as Captain America's partner. But then Endgame happened and Sam found himself presented with the opportunity to be the new Captain America."
"He had big gigantic flaws when he was introduced and he continued to have flaws all throughout his time in the MCU."
"For ages it was Robin, but now I think it's Oden."
"It's a great origin story for the kingly figure we would see in Black Panther, much better than the comics."
"Flash Thompson, yes, the same Flash Thompson that gave Peter Parker wedgies after class in high school. When Flash bonded with Venom, he became a soldier for the government and operated as Agent Venom."
"Edward has gone from one of the more greedy and selfish characters in gaming for me all of a sudden to a very sympathetic and likable character by the end of the game."
"Clea's character progression from damsel in distress to holding her own."
"This is an edgy Sonic, this is a Sonic for a new generation, a Sonic who runs away from demons on a motorcycle."
"Balrog is a very well-animated, good looking heavy character. I think this is a very cool version of him as well, a better evolution of his just like ripped shorts gym look. I think they did a damn good job on Balrog."
"The original show was all about Jim Phelps; we're now in the age of Ethan Hunt."
"Chopper has apparently been able to change his shyness and insecurity into confidence and positivity."
"Daphne didn't want to be stuck with the archaic damsel in distress role..."
"Spider-Man's webs started off as wrist-mounted devices that fired off artificial webbing, but in later iterations, they became biological adaptations."
"Dr. Strange changes everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"The whole point of a sequel is to continue well the story in the originals he was struggling to be the student so now it makes sense that he's struggling to be the mentor."
"Hanzo Asashi, Scorpion, in what is looking like the Netherrealm becoming Scorpion."
"The writers have taken a character who'd become very stale very quickly and over the course of seasons 2, 3, and 4 they've given him a new lease on life with a lot of narrative complexity."
"I really am happy for Mario as a character to see him kind of evolve over the years."
"Since then, billionaire Bruce Wayne and his masked alter ego have been shown as everything from a mob-crushing crime fighter to a vigilante hero."
"I think light has literally revolutionized Wario over the past couple months."
"That's my perfect death for Littlefinger: Sansa betrays him the same way he betrayed Ned."
"Nice this is cool there's three battle Roars it's Kong it's scar King and it's evolved Godzilla."
"Wario went from that weird guy that followed the Mario series around to a Mainstay."
"Sonic is more than just this game, he is more than a cool character design, he is more than green eyes, wear hogs, scarves, he was an icon of the 90s and the 2000s."
"Wasn't the only damon got them looking for emancipation here's our take on the evolution of Harley Quinn and how her emancipation heralds a time where female heroes are free to be less than perfect."
"No Time to Die takes the Fleming Bond and challenges the very ideas he's become content with."
"Goku then becomes perfected Ultra Instinct, let's just call it Ultra Instinct."
"Becky Lynch: from a parody of an Irish woman to the face of the company."
"Now here's the big question that often divides people: Do you think the MCU has ruined the Peter Parker character by making him basically Iron Man junior or do you think that's what the character needed?"
"No matter who is carrying the shield now, Sam Wilson is coming into his own as the new Captain America."
"Kratos gives Atreus room to figure himself out, to make his own decisions, and crucially, his own mistakes."
"But what do you think: will Philips continue in the tradition of oblique origins to preserve this philosophically compelling character or will he ruin all of our childhoods?"
"Unlike the Maguire & Garfield films, Holland’s Spider-Man is no longer the only hero on the block, but one of many."
"These protagonists have all been super cool over the past decades."
"This right here is the line, this is the road that we've crossed, we're never going back. Things are never going to be the same for the Joker."
"I'm personally hoping for a Dunsparce evolution with this typing."
"I do love the idea of Daniel Radcliffe coming back as Sirius Black or something. Or Snape, age-appropriate Snape. That would be cool."
"You start out your journey as a weak, naked, starving normie, and your goal is to evolve into the gigachad warlord of the Wild, Wild Desert."
"This is Walt, or should I say Heisenberg, at his most evil and manipulative."
"Batman has transformed from a shadow to be feared to a beacon of hope."
"This character that started as like a backup feature in a comic has become this cultural juggernaut is just so amazing to me."
"But 2017 uh basically saw the ending of the DC rebirth initiative right that's when the whole thing basically began to wrap up and the reality here is that Batman's character is still evolving and it is still changing right."
"He was now the mockingjay, right? He was the sign of the resistance."
"V changes from a small-time mercenary to a legend in the world of Night City."
"Thor fundamentally overcame his central character flaw present in all of the previous times Thor showed up."
"Keldeo's Resolute form made him even more popular."
"This power is incredible, Azir's newest evolution."
"Do you think by the time we close in on Secret Wars in Kang Dynasty that Marvel will give us back the angry menacing Hulk or keep him as Professor Hulk?"
"Lee Sizemore becomes the man he'd wanted to be and gives his life to free this host who he had previously oppressed."
"Sidney Prescott is often credited with not only being one of the best final girls, but also redefining the concept of final girl."
"The Pokémon Center helper Chansey evolves through happiness."
"What should dictate the final outcome of this character is not what they want her to be or represent, but what makes for the best possible story."
"Lolina's legendary form makes her look like a proper queen."
"It's gonna take time to get used to this Master Chief, but I'm on board." - Ray
"The difference between the blushing newly betrothed girl at the beginning of season one and the honed weapon of a woman in season seven is staggering."
"This ain't your mama's Princess Peach, okay gamers? This is a battle-hardened, ready-to-clown princess."
"Samus getting lifesteal was so cool, watching her turn into a Metroid feels like the logical next step after Fusion."
"I actually appreciate Max now. You can quote me on that."
"Until the release of 'Shin Godzilla' in 2016,
the Legendary Godzilla was the tallest incarnation
of Godzilla to appear in a movie [108m], surpassing
the previous record set by
the late Heisei Godzilla by a bit over 8 meters."
"Nevertheless if I cannot possess then I shall become and using this object Thanos transfers the energy into mistress death pulls her into himself eradicates mistress death entirely and Thanos himself becomes the new Death."
"Zack Fair: From bit part character to one of the most popular in Final Fantasy lore."
"Even though his character wasn't supposed to go very far, Cena got it to go far because it was so different from everything else that it just worked."
"Pepe became an in-joke of sorts, a stand-in for the user's own feelings."
"Pepe has mostly returned to the fun, emotional frog that we fell in love with from the beginning."
"Preseason 11 introduced the strongest version of Jhin that we have ever seen."
"He's reinvented himself, and it's fascinating to see that character grow."
"Engage in rigorous training sessions and witness your character's physical appearance evolve."
"If something fishy is going on with Ross, I hope that it's more likely that he's gonna become Red Hulk, and that's the big story there, rather than him being a Skrull. But why not both?"
"Gear fifth, despite an uncharacteristically rough introduction to the story, is undeniably a stroke of Genius."
"My boy got his Magmar Revolution. 535 BST and he's good. Thank goodness Game Freak pulled their pants down and came with Evolution methods like this."
"Batman #1 established the Joker as a showman with a gift for irony."
"Since the Joker’s debut nearly 80 years ago, his constant evolution reflects an ongoing conversation between comics, television, video games, and movies."
"That was the Frieza arc, dude, that was the Black Frieza arc, sorry Granola."
"She would become Spira's hero once again in its time of need."
"I really appreciate and is why I am here again today to continue asking that question and explore possible Regional variant evolutions for the starter Pokemon."
"Ultimate Greg's saga is the beginning of Ultimate Alien and Omniverse's trend to introduce story arcs."
"Ironically in the end, Ukiara becomes the most human out of all the other Espada."
"Tandemouse is two mice and Tandemouse can evolve into Remouse or Fourmice."
"Black and White 2 show that people can change and show why growth is necessary."
"The real Alice may have left his life but the fictional Alice lived on."
"Objectively the greatest wrestling gimmick change of all time."
"That’s a massive change for him and the way it's paced? It happens naturally without a single hitch."
"Flash’s slow change from typical bully to a shockingly well-rounded character is fantastic."
"He transforms into a stronger version of Zet called Charisma."
"Aaron Yeager has changed so tremendously well as a character his evolution is ridiculous in this chapter someone revisits those stepping stones to reveal to us the final face of Aaron and what he's striving for."
"Worldviews can change over time, evolving with excellent role-playing."
"Filmmaking being the core aspect of Tommy's character does eventually get put on the back burner as the show progresses."
"this game is the beginning of when yoshi started to stand out on his own as a character."
"The Bible describes it as having two lamb-like principles."
"You see this total perfect 180 between how Zuko was presented to us versus what he is at the end of the show."
"I think negan has become kind of a really well-rounded redemption arc."
"Luffy unlocking a Monkey King gear or some other gear connected to the divine to conquerors or his devil fruit awakening maybe would make sense."
"The fact that the snobby blueblood gimmick could morph into the old dominating King of Kings proves that anything is possible within the world of wrestling."
"I love when you get to the later games like Conviction... he sounds downright belligerent."
"Whatever direction they take Buzz next year and beyond, at least we'll always have our toys."
"Pete has not only featured as the adversary or foil of Mickey, Goofy, Donald, Oswald, and Alice over the years, but also as their antithesis."
"Pete's villainous nature has also been capitalized on in more recent years as the main antagonist and villain of the Epic Mickey and Kingdom Hearts games."
"Bakugo knew that he was sacrificing himself, finally understanding what it meant to be a true hero."
"With that, Whis seals release and just like that, Vegito has been released after 10 years."
"And there we have it guys is Goku's new form and all of its glory the closest we got to a name for this is ultra instinct Goku and it looks absolutely fantastic."
"He's like look I'm magical and look I got the cape and stuff but it's as he started to lean more into the horror world he's really embraced it and that's what I love about the character spawn."
"We're proud to be black, that's what this is about."
"His progressive growth and unpredictable transformations kept fans interested."
"The most interesting thing about Mario is how much he changes while staying the same."
"I have moved on from the childish things. No, you moved from Pokemon to Sonichu."
"With his supportive abilities, Byron is replacing Gene as the king of duo showdown and for good reason."
"The push for Miles or any other character can be a positive one."
"Aaron Yeager breaks himself out of prison: 'Aaron Yeager has grown up from an annoying, angry yelling kid to a badass stone-cold rebel leader.'"
"Giu's name reflects his character and story."
"Post Ben, Wendy has really turned into the most interesting character to watch."
"He was once a fan-favorite Marvel hero who rivaled the popularity of Spider-Man and Wolverine, but now he's been reduced to an oversized jobber."
"Enderman have a new cool design associated with them."
"Bumblebee hasn't really changed that much. I'm actually quite surprised they didn't decide to change him up a little more."
"Some people try living as a hero, only to see themselves becoming the villain. But, here was a man who chose to live as the villain who we all saw became... a hero."
"This weird silent character development over the course of the movie through body language."
"A sage mode that has existed for the entirety of Naruto's timeline."
"It's cuz he's Godzilla you Dingus. He hasn't been a bad guy since the 1950s."
"Frieza turning good could happen, but it'd be hilarious if he just showed up with cotton candy at the end."
"The evolution of that character that we see in amazing spider-man 2 which I you know only watched recently but then in no way home seeing where he's come I'm like god like this is so intriguing."
"It's really cool to get to see and experience a Vader that is still more Anakin."
"Riku wins. Maybe KH1 Sora wins, maybe KH2 Sora wins, but after Marca Mastery, after everything we've been through in these last decade or so of Kingdom Hearts, I think you give it to Riku."
"In terms of story and lore mega evolution gets a big thumbs up from me."
"Republicans need to be doing everything they can to prepare for 2024 cleaning up the voter rolls cleaning up the voter rules."
"Two amazing characters who decide to be good."
"Long before our dreams were cast, Sonic's original creators made what was at once a loving tribute to all that had come before, a bittersweet glimpse of what might have been, and a captivating peek at where the blue blur was heading."
"Giving Kratos a kid to mind as a gameplay mechanic and becoming a father thematically was one of the best creative decisions they could have made in fleshing him out as a more sympathetic and relatable character."
"Lux's model would be changed forever because of her fan art."
"I want to first point out that Oda did not intend for Shanks to lose his arm initially. That was something that was added into the story to increase the tension and the drama by the editors."
"It seems fitting that two of the famous Batman stories are influencing this new chapter and the film mythos of Joker."
"Are we as an audience at risk of leaving Rick behind just like his family?"
"Of all the people outgrowing Rick, perhaps no one is more fed up with this guy than Rick himself."
"And as new games come out and his design evolves even more, I know I'll be there supporting him all the way."
"Dr. Mario was originally considered a palette swap of Mario but eventually became a separate fighter."
"He's still blind but he sees more than he has ever seen before."
"The whole story of the manga of Dragon Ball Super is that brute strength doesn't mean anything anymore."
"She has matured... from a slightly naive schoolgirl into an adult."
"This is to me hands down the best version of this character ever."
"For the most part, what DC did is they brought in a new era of superheroes by killing off the original superheroes."
"From gangster to hero: the transformation of Michael Young History."
"Neku went from contemplating killing his own partner to showing faith in them."
"As long as Dragon Ball Super exists, Saiyans will continue to evolve."
"Mega Tropius would be cool either as its current Grass/Flying typing or as a Grass/Dragon."
"Veronica is still a rich girl from out of town but now she's trying to be a better person."
"Everybody loves Wanda...now fans who are looking for the villain driven insane by her powers and grief over her children as depicted in the original comics... well they finally have their Wanda as well, all fit together by Elizabeth Olsen."
"Able to breathe fire, fly, and even travel through space, this giant turtle began as an ancient creature mutated by radiation before transitioning to a more benevolent role."
"The characters, what they've done with the characters in season 2, has made this Wheel of Time interesting beyond just fun little moments."
"Betty is so different in the comics than she is now... her optimism, ambition, and strength."
"The zombie guy actually became a cool character hundreds of chapters later."
"Where it is so evident how each of them have grown and changed and serves the culmination of all the lessons they've learned and relationships they've formed."
"Toga has become a truly frightening adversary."
"The evolution of the Terminator becoming more human."
"Scarecrow finally acts out of self-interest, showing potential beyond just being a follower."
"By the time he was challenging other universes, Goku had pretty much covered the whole Super Saiyan rainbow."
"In many ways in the world of DC, Harley Quinn has become so popular that she's not only becoming as popular as Joker but in many ways she's replacing the character."
"Sam Wilson taking over the role of Captain America just made sense because he'd been the sidekick of Steve Rogers for decades."
"Leia knows she won't be around forever... to push Poe to be more than just a badass pilot."
"Chris Pratt became the breakout star of the show going from joyfully chubby tujaka sh t rugged to play soldiers superheroes and dinosaur trainers."
"Let's take a look back at the inauspicious debut of Michael Keaton's Batman and how his Dark Knight would go on to soar all the same, paving the way for the big screen dominance of the character ever since."
"Elena will end up rejecting Val's team and that she'll become a new Black Widow for the Avengers."
"Suddenly they've lost a lot of the elements that people liked them for in the first place."
"Scarlett, she has so many builds, so many styles... she's been through every single meta."
"This new direction finally convinced Warner Brothers to go with a meaner version of the Dark Knight."
"Eddie is now the god of the symbiotes and the king in black."
"I think later on the story goes to such great places... in a way that they reflect who he eventually becomes."
"I believe the reason that Reptile was able to retain his human appearance all the way up until Mortal Kombat 4 was simply because one of the two chameleons were always near him."
"I feel like these Terrigen mists are coming to the MCU and they're going to factor into Miss Marvel's evolution."
"It is important for Deku's character to face the dark side of the hero society and the uncomfortable truths hidden behind the surface."
"Doing something right is uh Tala who joined up for the empire when it first formed but now she is one of the people that operate the path, a Jedi underground railroad."
"An early evolution at level 10, Cricket evolves into Qriketoon, a Pokémon equipped with a mustache that commands respect."
"Naruto's thing from underdog to Hokage is one of my favorite stories ever."
"I think she is one of the few characters who received a pretty big overhaul and then benefited from it."
"Now with so many Pokemon to choose from it may seem strange to keep Jigglypuff but her new fairy typing may add some interesting tweaks to her arsenal."
"The idea was to actually kill off Thor and to remove him from the landscape for a while."
"It'd be interesting to see if they do a four. What are they going to do to continue that? How do we continue the evolution of Apollo?"
"Shuri realizing her revenge will lead to the suffering of her people."
"This show is fire man... I never thought that I would see Wednesday in so many different states."
"Grimsley is the reason that Bisharp evolved to King Gambit."
"Even as he has evolved, the essential ideas that drove the character, that he is indeed rotten to the core, have never actually changed."
"After evolving my Golden Bird into the Iron Squire and then the Giant Knight himself, I decided it was time to narrow my focus down to my top priority: finding my favorite Pokémon of all time."
"Bulma's bratty personality evolved into that of a strong, brilliant, brave, and determined character."
"Terry is now Batman, the Batman he knew is not the Batman he's fighting today."
"Sure, they all start out as cliches, but Suu Minazuki’s godlike writing uses that as a base to build off of, and every single one of them develops over time."
"Bard's breakthrough: from troll pick to flavor of the month."
"Now, Greninja has done something that none of Ash's other Pokemon have done, like not even Pikachu, and that is that it creates such a strong bond with Ash that it elevated to the next level and became Ash-Greninja."
"Byakia's Bankai now resembles his Shikai, a testament to his increased power."
"But how has Peter Parker gone from being just another comic book character created by a fledgling publishing house to one of the most profitable bits of intellectual property ever?"
"Sabo sees exchanging his nobility to becoming a public servant by becoming a Marine as a fitting way."
"Miranda Hobbes had the guts to go against the grain back then; the character has endured as someone we look up to now."
"The mega evolution of Tyranitar is very impressive actually."
"This man went from notable mid-card heel sometimes in the upper card to a flat-out unforgettable babyface."