
Territorial Disputes Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"This new map showed Indian territories as part of China's Sovereign territory, specifically Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. Beijing claimed these areas as their own, and India responded with a strong rebuttal."
"India's external affairs minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, called China's claims absurd and said, 'Making absurd claims does not make other people's territories yours.'"
"If the U.S. recognized Crimea and Donbass, that could be the basis for a settlement to end the war."
"In the last 70 years china has settled its territorial disputes with 14 of the 16 countries here border with all peacefully."
"Not only does Russia continue to occupy about a fifth of Ukraine's internationally recognized territory..."
"Israel stole Palestinian land and then claims a right to defend itself."
"If Putin wins this battle if he annexes the whole of the of the donbassy if he decapitates the government and cheer we're next."
"We don't want to live in a world where we have armed invasions grabbing territory in parts of Europe in our own backyard."
"I think the important thing to consider here is not who is historically entirely accurate or not, but rather should a neighbour invade a neighbour because it has some historical claim against its territory."
"The Philippines said Tuesday it has asked the Chinese regime to remove all vessels in the disputed waters of the South China Sea."
"The Ukrainian army has defied the odds by standing tall and more recently prevailing in the Battle of Kyiv and reclaiming some of the lost territories in other regions."
"Increased military presence also forced the Philippines to back down over the disputed Spratly Islands."
"A big war was coming. France wanted some stuff back, Germany had taken from it. Germany wanted to take more."
"What is ours is ours. The South China Sea is not China's to take." - Albert Del Rosario
"We want peace, but as I always said, Armenia says it wants peace, but we want the land back."
"So they kind of reignited this territorial dispute and the thing that happened in the last few weeks was that Venezuela held a referendum asking its own citizens if it rejected a previous ruling about that territory belonging to Guyana."
"China is absolutely pissed... Waters that are claimed by China as part of the South China Sea are absolutely a sign that war is coming."
"A war over territorial integrity should be ended by sacrificing it, so Russia just wins. There is no 'W' in the situation; Ukrainian lives."
"The Russians are losing ground, Ukrainian forces are going on the assault."
"The idea that Crimea is always Russian is imperial, wrong, and silences the history of the genocide of its native population."
"There's no one in this world who will justify such losses in return for just several hundred meters."
"One might see it as a war of independence they were fighting against the American expansion."
"Every piece of territory that the Ukrainians give up to Russians is terrorized."
"Just because you feel diminished, it doesn't give you the right to reinvade those territories."
"Ukraine's focus on regaining control of Crimea driving strategic decisions."
"The goal is to end Ukraine's existence in its current form. No Ukraine, no problem."
"China is not only breaking international laws and agreements, but it's also breaking into other countries' territories without their consent."
"This is the beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Who in the lord's name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belong to his neighbors?"
"This situation has left Ukraine eager to secure its position in Crimea."
"What's even funnier here is that now Czechoslovakia doesn't even have the checks because Lucid demanded the land from them."
"China's assertive stance in the South China Sea, territorial disputes with neighboring nations, and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are all integral components of its broader geopolitical strategy."
"All of the different factions are now just setting up and trying to stake territory on Vancouver Island."
"These men were actually killed fighting for a crazy government who's just seeking to take back land that's once theirs."
"In the Ohio Valley tensions rise between the French and the British."
"Ukrainian Army conquered territory within Russia's borders, sparking Kremlin concern."
"The British had orders to land, the Americans had orders to prevent their landing. This was it, war over a small island."
"We demand plebiscites in those areas of our country that you wish to take from us."
"You might come across Island folk that want to throw them hands they might have demands so you got to throw them hands and claim their lands that walk them sands."
"China claims islands in the South China Sea, dredging and building out uninhabited islands"
"...it was unfair that Portugal should get to own an entire ocean."
"Israel keeps roughly 40% of the occupied territories, the resources primarily water, the usable land, the nice suburbs of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem which are mostly in the West Bank, and part of the G strip they want."
"The idea that this is only one side is a myth... every year Russia said please do not come closer to our borders."
"The creation of the Zangezur Corridor fully meets our national, historical, and future interests. We will be implementing the Zangezur Corridor, whether Armenia wants it or not."
"He talked about, for instance, 'I would look into recognizing Crimea as being part of Russia.' If you're Putin, that sounds pretty good."
"For thousands of years Jews, Babylonians, Romans, Muslims, Crusaders all shed blood, each wanting to control this piece of land."
"We're out here fighting each other for unnecessary reasons, hurting each other, victimizing each other, shedding bloodshed over a particular yard."