
Warrior Ethos Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The whole of Spartan society conformed to a strict code of extreme discipline and self-sacrifice, their aim to create the perfect state protected by perfect warriors."
"The Mandalorians, as a culture, were martial people living in warrior clans and, though feared by the galaxy as aggressive warmongers, they also had a strong sense of honor and personal conduct."
"Every Brontian warrior knows and can recount the history of every one of its scars."
"The blade that I wield is an extension of myself, as I am an extension of my blade. We both thirst for blood, we both seek only murder, and only in death do we find purpose in life." - Clavex, leader of Incubi
"I live the life of Bushido, I live the life of the warrior."
"That's why people come, to see noble warriors facing their inhibitions."
"Heroic sacrifice is not sad, it is the glory of the warrior."
"Important to preserve a warrior ethos...makes war less inhumane."
"It was a warrior code, exemplified philosophically through the teachings of individuals."
"Every warrior must fight their inner fear of failure."
"Being a true warrior requires discipline and self-belief."
"This is a battle between warriors; do not interrupt."
"Humility is the true measure of a warrior's strength."
"A true warrior doesn’t need a sword because they always find the peaceful path."
"In times of war or uncertainty, there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nation's call."
"Carry your head always high in battle where swords seek to shatter the skulls of doomed warriors."
"Bravery in battle, respect for your enemy, and generosity in victory."
"Thank you for putting sure islamic to the rest, regardless of what he's done he deserved a warrior's death."
"At the end of the day, the hit-and-run lifestyle ran contrary to their warrior ethos."
"The Celts had a proud warrior culture where they always tried to extol courage and virtue in battle."
"The most remarkable way for a Cossack warrior to die."
"It ties into the mystique of the samurai, steeped in Japanese folklore, the warrior code of the samurai."
"Emperor's chosen warriors of the Golden Throne, why? You can see that we are fought against traitors, you can see that we are loyal sons, why?"
"Male grooming at this time was bound up in the idea of what it meant to be a warrior."
"That's the definition of a warrior, that's the definition of a fighter, that's the definition of a modern-day samurai."
"Being a Norse Viking being put to the death in battle is your road to Valhalla."
"That makes me the most blessed warrior in Midgard."
"I was finally a true warrior, one with no sense of fear."
"Every culture in every age has had its warriors."
"The true strength of a warrior lies in self-control."
"A warrior's destiny doesn't end with a fight, it makes him stronger than he's ever been before in his life."
"True warriors might know how to destroy, but they use their power to protect."
"The most important thing for a warrior is to fight to defend our clan and our territory." - Tiger Claw
"Definitive approach to warrior arts: Modern vs. old styles."
"Madara grew comfortable within the battlefield and would continuously seek out worthy opponents as he aged." - Madara Uchiha, Naruto Shippuden
"We're a very unique people... History will remember America as having a warrior culture."
"Warriors' death is the fate of all warriors, fate we too may soon embrace. Not if I have anything to say about it."
"I'd rather die in battle so I can go to the heavens where the warriors lie, than go to battle and hide and try and survive. So I wear my scars like honor."
"Be a warrior before you resort to violence, make a thoughtful assessment."
"Not leaving a fallen comrade, that was part of the warrior ethos. And never quitting."
"A warrior's honour is tested through a series of trials."
"I'll prove to the other clans that I'm not just some kittypet. I'm a warrior now. I will fight for my clan no matter the cost."
"Life and death are commonplace in the world of warriors."
"If a soldier is filled with a sense of decorum and strict in practicing good manners, it shows that he is a strong warrior."
"It's more than a game, it's a lot about the warrior spirit."
"Even these half-barbarian warriors from the desert must have been strangely moved by the stateliness and the grandeur as well as by the size and strength of the city that they had come to conquer."
"A warrior, male or female, has to know how to fight, have to know how to defend themselves."
"The path of the warrior is also something which interested him, and this is very much the individual warrior, not the soldier in an army."
"This is the way warriors choose to die when we have a choice."
"Warriors care not how long they live, but how they die."
"By his bravery shown on the battlefield and through his values, actions, and works he epitomizes the Army profession and our warrior ethos."
"Death in battle is the best way to die, as they are warriors."
"Spartans are great warriors; we train from birth, our lives were duty, discipline, battle, and death."
"A warrior who dies in the battlefield protecting brahmanas, women, children, cows, and his country will attain ultimate liberation, moksham."
"Truth and honesty were writ large upon the Warrior's Noble countenance, so that I could not but have trusted him, enemy though he should have been."
"Habituating the practices until they become virtues and they drive you and propel you forward towards self-mastery, which is the way of the warrior."
"Consistency, discipline, that's how you develop a warrior, a disciplined warrior. The sword of tactical courtesy is in the eight steps."
"I am a fighter; it was a matter of honor."
"The greatest death an Asgardian warrior can achieve is to die an honorable battle."