
Breastfeeding Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"The healthiest food for a baby, of course, is mother's breast milk."
"If you want to complain about women breastfeeding in public, you're the problem."
"A breast is a breast. A baby's association with a boob is milk. It's food. It's life sustenance."
"I'm a big advocate for breastfeeding. I think it's really important."
"It gives a better height to comfortable breastfeeding."
"Breastfeeding must be the most fundamental human act of nurturing; it should be sacred and safe."
"Why can't we breastfeed in public... it's being sexualized."
"My wife is breastfeeding she had this stuff so this matters my wife has to know do i need to stop breastfeeding"
"So, I'm breastfeeding, it's going really good now she's actually a good eater and she latched on really easily but my supply is not great so I have to supplement with formula which kind of sucks."
"The physical and the mental demands of breastfeeding are rewarding, yet exhausting."
"If you feel like your supply is dropping, add in more nursing 200 percent."
"Breastfeeding is the healthiest choice for both moms and their babies."
"Breastfeeding completely changes your body and your life."
"Breastfeeding's important, it's very good for the kids growing up."
"Breastfeeding, if possible, is a good thing to do..."
"Breastfeeding is not something you're born knowing; it's something you learn by observation."
"Breastfeeding is a way of bonding between you and the child."
"Breastfeeding actually burns about 500 extra calories a day."
"You can have one to two cups of coffee a day while breastfeeding, just avoid excessive consumption."
"And it's really important that people understand that it's what's cleansing the breast milk so that's the whole thing."
"Breastfeeding was the most incredible experience for me."
"Breastfeeding is a mental thing. You have to have confidence in yourself that your body can produce enough milk."
"Trust your body, believe in your milk supply, and have confidence in breastfeeding."
"Breastfeeding in public? The two shirt method."
"Babies have a right to eat, and if you're breastfeeding your baby, that is the way that they eat."
"We need to stop judging moms for breastfeeding their kids for however many months or years that they want."
"For some mothers, it's a very difficult decision to make to stop breastfeeding and it can be very emotional."
"Nourish your baby with confidence, your online breastfeeding ally."
"If there is actually no let down or no milk, please and please give that baby some formula."
"I pump once or twice a day... on days when I wake up before my baby... I pump before I go to bed."
"Pump whenever the f you want to—your body, your choice."
"Every class and book was geared towards breastfeeding."
"What we feed our babies in the first year of life is so profound; all those cells are taking in those calories, the nutrients, breastfeeding, everything counts."
"Breastfeeding helps women lose their excess weight more readily."
"Human breast milk has what are called human milk oligosaccharides, which are specifically there to feed the gut bacteria of the neonate."
"Breast milk is the only mammalian food that's been perfected by evolution over millions of years."
"Breastfeeding is a journey for sure."
"My mother never breastfed me. She told me she liked me as a friend."
"I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing for a good chunk of time there. Something in me said keep going with the breastfeeding. You're doing okay. This is going to get easier. And it definitely did."
"The Medela hand pump is fantastic for relieving engorgement very quickly and just again if you need to pump a bottle really quick if you're going to be away from your baby for a few hours it's amazing."
"Definitely recommend this one it has good ingredients you don't have to like wipe it off before you breastfeed again um so it's safe to use and I'm a big fan of it."
"...don't beat yourself up over breastfeeding it is very very hard it's a tough Journey it's not easy for anyone it definitely is more difficult for others..."
"There is no pressure on breastfeeding. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't."
"I felt like I was a bit embarrassed... like I was a bit of a failure of a mom because I couldn't breastfeed."
"My milk supply has always been amazing and I'm super thankful and blessed for that."
"I'm so happy that someone got me this because I heard this is a lifesaver when it comes to breastfeeding."
"Every time a mom wanted to feed her baby, she'd have to chop off one of her boobs."
"When you have a brand new baby, getting that latch established can take some time."
"If you're breastfeeding, boppies are incredible."
"I love breastfeeding, I love everything about it."
"It's a really useful skill to support breastfeeding."
"I love it for that reason because when you're breastfeeding you're not supposed to have a ton of coffee."
"Has anybody tried these? Have they helped with your milk production because I definitely struggled with production with my daughter so I'm trying all the things this time to see if it'll help."
"Breastfeeding in part is like a good excuse to hide for like 10 minutes."
"I genuinely don't at all. I don't think it's that deep. I really don't. I don't regret it at all, and I don't feel any guilt or anything like that about breastfeeding Hallie and not having breastfed George."
"Breastfeeding is incredible for building the emotional systems that underlie our lifelong mental and physical health."
"Two different sizes while I'm nursing. They're at least two different sizes usually depending on where the baby last fed."
"Cluster feeding: there's a purpose to it but it is kind of a pain in the butt when it's happening because you're healing and you have this baby attached to your boobs 24/7."
"Breastfeeding... the more boob in the mouth, the better for a good latch."
"Alcohol levels are usually highest in breast milk 30 to 60 minutes after an alcoholic beverage is consumed and they can generally be detected in the breast milk for about two to three hours per drink after it's consumed"
"The breastfeeding has gone really well, so well that I need to pump. We have a chest freezer for my breast milk because production has not been an issue at all."
"Honestly, like at that three and four-month mark with her, I was crying multiple times a day about breastfeeding."
"As much as I did miss a lot of that experience with bonding and breastfeeding, and it was such a beautiful thing, the trade-off for my mental health has been definitely more worth it to switch to formula."
"I am going to right off the hop choose to use the Jack Newman's nipple ointment instead of like these organic natural nipple butters."
"There's so many things that I didn't even know. I thought literally you just put the teat in the baby's mouth. It is not like that at all."
"There's a whole science to breastfeeding."
"I'm ready to pack up my pump and put it away, put it in storage in the garage."
"It's weird that we are breastfed as children but then you know we want to still as adults soak on some titties basically every time we suck on titties like we're paying homage to our moms."
"I'm still planning on doing a full breastfeeding video."
"Breastfeeding: what no one tells you about breastfeeding. Prickly sensation before a letdown starts. Your boobs can leak for a lot of reasons. Relief when you breastfeed with full boobs is like peeing after a long car ride."
"Breastfeeding is a regular part of human life and there's no shame in it."
"Just seeing how healthy Franco is and seeing how much he benefited from being breastfed."
"Once I had Aussie, those first few days of... I had so much freaking milk that I didn't know what to do with it."
"The fact that you can literally heal your baby with your breast milk and pass on things like antibodies and all these crazy things."
"You don't want to be hunched over when you're breastfeeding."
"Your self-worth, your worth as a mother, is not calculated by whether you are able to breastfeed or not. It also does not matter how long you breastfed for. You are worthy. You are a wonderful mother. Breastfeeding has nothing to do with that."
"Oh my god, it has been so painful because I'm still nursing him and every once in a while they're not like every once in a while at least a few times a day he freaking bites my boob and I have to let out like a loud scream."
"Don't let the pressure or the stigma get to you about breastfeeding because really, it doesn't matter."
"If you decide that you do want to breastfeed I highly recommend that you bring your own nursing pillow that's supportive and makes it easier for you to bond with your baby and feed your baby while you're learning along the way."
"Breastfeeding: you're gonna want to see this."
"I'm so happy I'm a breastfeeding mama I'm so happy."
"Honestly, like when girls and stuff they breastfeed and stuff the baby is obviously a lot closer to the girl so for a man it's like damn like I'm kind of lonely."
"That's still not cool. That's still not okay. There has to be more to the story because that [ __ ] don't make no sense. And she couldn't breastfeed her or..."
"People who are offended when I breastfeed in public need to shut the duck up."
"I feel like my favorite part about breastfeeding is that she frequently makes me stop and sit, but I'm gonna do that without having to be breastfeeding just because my body needs it right now. My body's telling me to take a break, so I'm gonna do just that."
"Breast milk contains all vitamins except vitamin D and vitamin K."
"Babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months."
"If anybody says 'you can't breastfeed and eat keto,' come to me."
"Here's the thing, people tend to think okay I have a breast, I have a nipple at the end of the breast, I have to breastfeed this baby."
"Breastfeeding is not a guaranteed way to lose weight for everyone, but fortunately, it was for me."
"Let's talk about breastfeeding milky milkers."
"Breastfeeding, I feel like it's such a special time as a mom to have that bonding with their baby."
"I've been pumping all day also you guys and been getting no milk so i'm just I don't know what I'm gonna do at this point."
"As someone that is actively breastfeeding I found that so helpful because I honestly didn't even realize that there were products I could be using for wrinkle prevention."
"Breastfeeding cravings I feel like are just as bad as, well for me they're like worse than pregnancy cravings."
"Breastfeeding is amazing and I'm loving every second of it."
"Breastfeeding is kind of nice because all I have to do is just sit here."
"Breast milk is perfect. He doesn't make mistakes."
"Just because you breastfeed doesn't mean that you're gonna get or not get breast cancer."
"So if you breastfeed your babies what you're doing is also providing them some antibodies for protection."
"Breastfeeding is good for that first couple of months when the baby doesn't have its own acquired immune system yet."
"Breast milk itself is a live milk from your body, so it contains antibodies, antivirals, various other cells that help reduce and destroy harmful pathogens."
"Breastfeeding comes with a wealth of benefits for you and baby. Highly recommend taking our breastfeeding course."
"You want to make it a challenge for him. You don't want to make it easier than breastfeeding because breastfeeding is a lot of work for them, right?"
"There's a wealth of evidence out there that shows that breastfeeding helps to reduce the risks of infection, diseases."
"I am blessed to overproduce. Not a crazy amount, you guys, but I am able to fill up a pitcher, so as you can see, this pitcher is already full."
"That app is really, really convenient if you do want to build a stash or if you want to keep track of how much milk you're producing."
"Exclusive pumping is all about supply and demand."
"Postpartum depression doesn't only happen within the first year. Ending breastfeeding is definitely one of those factors."
"Breastfeeding a baby is never the same twice. No two babies are the same and no two breastfeeding experiences are the same."
"Breastfeeding should not be painful."
"Breastfeeding is one of the things that I really enjoy about being a mom."
"I feel like I'm gonna miss breastfeeding my babies."
"...maybe your baby is just not getting other types of food and only wants to get the milk from the boob."
"Breastfeed for as long as I could and I did that."
"This is pretty much how every morning starts out with Liam breastfeeding."
"Mothers who breastfeed their infants have a lower risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hypertension."
"Apply heat prior to breastfeeding is going to help to dilate those ducts and also improve circulation."
"Why in the F would someone complain about a woman breastfeeding? It's not like you can really see anything but side boob. I guess if you want to complain about women breastfeeding in public you're the problem, not the woman breastfeeding."
"Ultimately breastfeeding has worked out for me and worked out for Rowan."
"I love breastfeeding and I love the bond that it gives me with my kid."
"Breastfeeding exclusively inhibits menstrual cycles, reducing estrogen exposure."
"Thank goodness because it's just it's not hard but it takes time it takes patience and it takes understanding that unique mother her unique body her unique breasts nipples her unique baby everything about her and her baby's connection with her is unique."
"...there's a hormone that is released during pregnancy... it actually continues up to 12 months in some sources after breastfeeding... that relaxin hormone makes your ligaments more stretchy."
"I think women should feed their baby whenever and wherever they want because baby's gotta eat."
"Pregnancy skincare and breastfeeding kind of included is definitely something to be helpful for people."
"Now that I'm taking the medication to boost my milk supply, I wake up in the morning and my boobs are really full again, which is great because it means there's lots of milk for Orin to drink."
"The one thing I really wish I had known before starting this is just how emotional breastfeeding can be."
"That might not seem like a lot but that's a lot of colostrum like this will feed them a good amount that's very exciting and so cool that my body was like I held my babies and my body was like oh we gotta make milk I think that's so cool that our bodies know that kind of stuff."
"I'm gonna try breastfeeding but if it is not if it gets to that point again I am going to go to formula so much quicker than I did and I'm not gonna feel guilty about it."
"Breast milk is like duct tape, you can use it for everything."
"I just want to be able to obviously feed my baby and if it means we have to do a bottle the only thing I'm like so I'm hoping if I can breastfeed that I find it straightforward."
"When you start breastfeeding, you think you're hungry now? You're hungry!"
"The realization that you've truly stopped breastfeeding is mind-boggling."
"And I just want to say here that if you are breastfeeding and if you are finding it hard and if it's affecting your mental health so much so that you're not enjoying the whole process of it, please don't feel guilty for wanting to give up."
"People need to breastfeed more... obviously if you have like someone that's under the age of eight and they weren't breastfed, if you teach them proper tongue posture that's going to do a world of difference for them."
"The most important thing you can do for a kid is breastfeed them... and now people don't even do it for like five months if at all."
"Breastfeeding is considered a right of the child... they'll go up until age five or six because... the baby can view how do you get a baby to press his tongue up onto the roof of his mouth."
"When the baby reaches out and clasps the nipple it trains the tongue to go up and forward... this really started kicking off in the 1960s when women stopped being homemakers."
"Normalizing breastfeeding is a huge wonderful thing, but I absolutely felt way more shame having to use formula because of the lack of milk from depression and whatnot."
"But something I can say from experience is breastfeeding is very helpful as a comforter to your child especially when they have to have things like vaccinations."
"Breastfeeding is natural, it is beautiful."
"Breastfeeding to protect against breast cancer."
"I love breastfeeding. I'm so proud of myself and of Jase for getting to nine months, especially with all the struggles that we had at the beginning."
"You're not going to be separated, and breastfeeding your baby is actually offering that immunity as well."
"The recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics is one year of breastfeeding."
"If you start breastfeeding, you really enjoy it, making it to that year won't be a problem."
"We encourage skin to skin and early breastfeeding."
"We've had a really beautiful, amazing journey with breastfeeding; I wouldn't trade it for the world."
"Breastfeeding should begin as soon after delivery as possible."
"Nature intended it and this is what we want if we can pick how mom feeds baby."
"We should encourage moms to breastfeed every two to three hours while she's awake."
"It helps stimulate milk production and we want to get that going as quickly as we can."
"With Weston, I breastfed him until he was 1, and we were able to donate over a thousand ounces of my pumped milk to a kid who really needed it, and it was honestly the best feeling in the world."
"Nipple cream will be your best friend those first couple weeks after delivery if you are breastfeeding."
"Breastfeeding helps support the widening of the pallet as well because when a baby has to latch onto a breast, it strengthens a lot of the muscles in the jaw."
"It's also believed that breastfeeding is linked to reduced sudden infant death syndrome."
"Breast milk has all the nutritional factors that a baby needs except vitamin D."
"Passive immunity is when the body gets antibodies from another source, like infants from mothers through breastfeeding."
"Breastfeeding can actually have a protective effect and decrease the risk of breast cancer."
"Trace amounts of COVID-19 vaccine messenger ribonucleic acid detected in expressed breast milk suggests that breastfeeding after COVID-19 vaccine is safe."
"Supply and demand, that's what breast milk is about, the more your baby latches the more milk you make."
"Good latch is very important; frequent nursing is very important, especially in the first six weeks to 12 weeks."
"Our breastfeeding journey has been really beautiful but also just sadness at the marking of the end of a stage."
"Your breasts are getting ready for baby, getting ready for breastfeeding."
"Shout out to other moms that still breastfeeding and went through all the hard parts because it's not easy."
"I'm celebrating four months of feeding my babies from my body."
"Breastfeeding does, in my case, mess up your boobs a little bit."
"Mastitis is a regional infection of the breast usually caused by skin flora or oral flora of the breastfeeding infant."
"Keep using it because getting rid of that milk actually helps get rid of the infection and it's not going to hurt the baby at all."
"There is literally no more natural a process than breastfeeding, and I think it's a very specifically personal thing for people to be upset about a mother breastfeeding their kid."
"Mommy's breast milk was literally magical."
"Breastfeeding was the best option for me."
"Breastfeeding... you think it's going to be this beautiful wonderful experience, and it is, but that's not what it usually looks like in the first few days."
"On the 4th of May 2006, 3,738 women in Manila set the world record for the most women simultaneously breastfeeding."
"The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is extremely passionate about encouraging women to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of the baby's life."
"Happy World Breastfeeding Week everybody! This is such an exciting time."
"The amount of milk that you produce in your breasts does not have anything to do with how good of a mom you are."
"If you can't make a freezer stash you're still awesome; if you can make a freezer stash you're still awesome."
"Breastfeeding, I won't lie, it's harder than I thought it would be, but it's getting easier."
"The nutritional and immunological components of breast milk change every day according to the individual needs of the baby."
"It's a privilege to breastfeed, economically speaking."
"Breastfeeding is fantastic; it's a great bonding experience when it works out."
"Breastfeeding is a great goal, it's wonderful."
"This class is designed to make you familiar with other cultures so you begin writing dietary plans or create nutritional educational plans that involve individuals from various cultures."
"It is not just what's in the milk, it is the communication between the mother and child during breastfeeding."
"Women who have breastfed have a much lower rate of hip fractures."
"Breastfeeding mothers had half the hip fracture risk after menopause later in life."
"If she wants to try breast feeding, she can; otherwise, just put a nice warm blanket around both mom and baby."
"Breastfeeding is natural, and women have been doing this forever."
"If the baby has a cold, the baby's saliva goes to Mom's breast and it will develop an antibody to help the baby out."
"Breastfeed as long as you mutually desire because the benefits never cease as baby gets older."
"Pumping is breastfeeding because you're feeding your baby from your breast."
"Most clinicians do agree that antiepileptic drugs are not a contraindication for breastfeeding."
"I'm hoping that my milk supply comes in, everything is great, and the lactation nurse can help me out."
"All of your antibodies and immunities... will travel to your baby via the breast milk, giving the baby an immune system the equivalent of yours."
"Unlikely to trigger allergies... very unlikely that they will have any allergies to human milk designed specifically for human babies."
"Promotes bonding... just squash any myths around breastfeeding."
"I am planning on breastfeeding if it works out this time."
"I really want this to be a source for new moms to be able to watch this, be able to just pick up maybe helpful tips and tricks that helped me along my breastfeeding journey with my twins."