
Careful Planning Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"It is possible to feed a baby a vegan diet, but you need to plan carefully."
"The mechanic of methodically moving from room to room, peeking around corners, and taking out those lurking terrorists is still the focus of every mission."
"I'm really calculated like everything I'm doing I make sure that it's the right decision."
"You gotta measure twice so you only gotta cut once." - The Breakfast Club
"She's very methodical and surgical about things that she does."
"Taking your time to go through the environment carefully is more often than not always rewarded."
"Careful planning is really needed. Wow, you're about to do something big. Something magnificent without a doubt."
"One story told by a former servant of the Caliph relates that just before al-Mansour died, he gave keys to his storerooms to his daughter-in-law with strict instructions only to open one of them when she was sure of his death."
"Most of us only get one crack at going into Financial Independence... you want to measure four, five, six, seven times to know that you know, when you enter into this next phase of Life, you've thought through all the contingencies."
"A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct."
"Understand what you're shooting before you're shooting it. Do not just take it for granted."
"I want to do this right, that's why I'm taking my time."
"We need to be on sure footing as we have those conversations."
"I've left a little strip for him... I've double layered that."
"They want to help and they want to have an open, honest connection with you."
"We need to navigate this path in a way that doesn't result in destruction."
"The way to survival whether you're the victim or the rescuer is through the path of methodical caution, a calming of the spirit and mind, and careful planning of your every move."
"Every upgrade I'm doing is carefully considered to ensure it's going to increase performance and capability."
"For cloning him. He gets a passing grade as well. You just have to be very very careful to not 1: feed the enemy team 2: to get in a position to actually get value from the whole hog."
"There's an advantage to slowing down; you may actually save time by avoiding unnecessary pitfalls."
"Make sure what you're wishing for that you want it."
"Making a plan to exit an abusive relationship requires thoughtful consideration."
"Make sure your facts are correct before you do stupid things."
"Be gentle with it, be sensible, and build it up that way."
"Easy does it. Slowly, slowly. We need to get it up in the air and spin it round."
"Just making sure that you're really thinking things through."
"Don't be afraid to check and recheck... you want this to be perfect."
"No decision should be taken hastily, but only after great thinking."
"Let's go on to the psyche face, librarian by moving him very carefully."
"You've got to be very fussy with your entries and what you're doing."
"When you're attacking, you don't always want to give all the checks that you can. Sometimes you want to keep them in your back pocket."
"It will be time to open up new communications but be very, very strategic about it."
"We'll continue to refine it... as deliberately and carefully as we can."
"You need to make sure that you plan accordingly and put in some effort and be patient with yourself so that you can transition in a way that makes the most sense for you to succeed."
"Just be careful what you're doing and go slow, think about it and make sure it's plumb."
"Measure twice, cut once... make sure you're using quality materials when you're building something."
"This is just insane and the best thing is it wasn't rushed at all."
"Taking risks is not about being reckless and impulsive; it's about being thoughtful and calculated."
"I remember trying to do everything that I could to collect information without messing it up."
"Be patient, be meticulous in your choices here."
"Every word must be considered, every step must be calculated."
"Blizzard put extreme care into introducing one thing after the next after the next."
"The trick with that is you've got to get it connected before you let the adhesive stick."
"Slow and steady wins the race, taking your time planning for success."
"It's done so intentionally with care and consideration."
"You put a great deal of thoughtfulness and care into everything you do."
"He's just speed building over there, careful, make sure you hire good contractors."
"Prudence - stability and acting with care and thought for your future."
"Patience is the important thing... Slow and steady will make this foolproof."
"It's just really important, so don't rush it. Make sure it's something that you like and is maybe meaningful to you."
"I think the machine is totally done I can't see any flaws Here I am I'm sorry for taking so long but I just want to make sure this is perfect before we activate it cuz if you know some wrong it could go very very badly."
"I will read the instruction book very carefully this time."
"A delay so be it, it's better to do it right the first time..."
"Once you get into the personal finance space, don't rush into it."
"When we designed this pipeline for the software pipeline for detecting FRBs from the data, that is always a challenge here to be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater."
"I picked the crew very carefully because I knew that the crew, they have to perform."
"This delay in claiming such a significant prize is not uncommon given the need for winners to make careful plans and considerations about how to manage their Newfound wealth."
"If you are going with this I definitely do recommend you taking your time."
"I'm glad I took my time to do it."
"Making an informed decision with the support of informed professionals."
"Slowing down a little bit, thinking it through, make sure you're doing everything possible."
"I love my life, and I've crafted it very carefully."
"What are the second and third order consequences of some operations going to be? It makes sense to be careful about that too."
"A prudent person is one acting with or showing care and thought for the future."
"Safety was always paramount, people didn't feel pressure, things weren't rushed."
"You don't want to rush through the application. You want to provide accurate information and give yourself the best opportunity to afford your college dream."
"You need to manage your resources carefully."
"Make sure you think carefully about what your goals are going to be this year."
"I'm not trying to take off fast; I'm just trying to take off right."
"Just take your time, just think out the process before you do it, and don't rush your head."
"There's a phrase 'count twice, stitch once' - become married to that."
"We're going to move very slowly and methodically and build shaping and strength."
"We've solved our problem very carefully."
"Every move you make counts; this is chess, not checkers."
"To play your cards right means that you are doing something carefully in the correct order."