
Dietary Change Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Collectively, if the whole world could make smaller changes or cut their consumption of animal products in half, that would overall be a lot more effective and impactful."
"Ninety percent of the foods today in the supermarket did not exist when our grandparents were kids."
"A child is eating over a hundred times more sugar than they did 100 years ago."
"Rich countries should stop eating beef and move to 100 percent synthetic beef instead."
"It's the knowledge that needs to be changed; it's the systems that need to be changed, like getting rid of easy-to-access foods, getting rid of ultra-processed foods."
"Decreasing insulin and carbohydrates is the cure."
"Bill Gates wants Western Society to be completely meatless in the next few years."
"Asparagus, one of my most hated veggies growing up and now it's probably one of my top three."
"We committed, we said let's go 40 days with no meat... and in fact, we both felt better than ever."
"As you do keto more and more, you won't like things as super sweet as you once did."
"Our food has been uniformly changed over the past 50 years, a very good experiment in terms of before and after."
"Once we started eating this way, within about one or two days, we got their lives back."
"We can reduce and ultimately eliminate our consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy."
"If you just switch to real food and get off of processed food, that's a huge step."
"I didn't see any real change until I changed what I was eating."
"I went vegan 3 years ago because of you. Thank you for jolting me away."
"This is the direction we want to go in: more plant foods, less animal foods."
"You can't go from 60 percent carbohydrate to 30 percent and call that low carb."
"Change your diet. I cannot stress this enough."
"The ketogenic diet is simply a shift in how you eat that claims to turn your body into a fat-burning machine."
"Ketones replace glucose so you can push those glucose levels down."
"The conclusion I keep coming back to is, let's eat a little bit less of it."
"Giving up sugary drinks is a really good way to start losing weight."
"Switch your liquid diet from whatever you're drinking to milk and water."
"Feeling weightlessness and lightness after switching to healthier foods."
"With all issues of your diet, can I change my diet in such a way that I don't feel like I do today in the future?"
"Sorry vegans, you're gonna be switching teams whether you like it or not."
"I've never felt better. Cutting sugar changed my mood, confidence, outlook, and health."
"Whatever flesh eating served in the past that era is over."
"Since I've been in Serbia, I've been losing weight because the food is so clean."
"You actually feel better afterwards like once you come out on the other side once you become fat did like efficiently using fat for fuel you feel better you feel better than you did before like that's why we still do it."
"The shift from eating raw food to cooked food was a huge event in human history."
"Literally switch overnight and they don't have bubble guts at all."
"I promise you this way of eating will change your body and I'm just talking about the outside. You know how you look on the outside? It will be changed forever."
"One of the biggest things that I've experienced after going raw vegan is I like a lot more foods that I didn't know I liked a lot of fruits that I didn't know I like a lot of vegetables that I didn't know I like."
"Throw out the table salt or, hey, throw it over your shoulder for good luck."
"Go vegetarian for 30 days and see how it goes." - John, British ethologist
"The results of switching your dog's food from kibble to Fresh can seem like magic."
"Well, one, I need to give up all the fried foods, at least most of them. - No, all of them. - I'm trying!"
"I would have never went vegan if I hadn't watched Gary Yourofsky's best speech ever."
"Replacing saturated fats with omega-3 rich foods can offer benefits."
"If there is a chance that this can help, that going carnivore can help with my anxiety and my racing thoughts... I'm doing it now."
"I didn't eat that junk food again, I didn't put it back in my system."
"Start today. Start on your next meal and don't look back."
"The planetary diet was going to change in relation to the Sun disease."
"In today's society, it's entirely unfeasible to get everyone to switch from an animal diet to a non-animal diet."
"Cutting out meat products for a while... wasn't that bad."
"If you have yet to dive in and make a change to mostly animal foods... it is not worth it to go one more day not acting in alignment with that."
"I kind of believe that already but what this really did was make me realize I don't need meat in my diet."
"They're eating more carbs, have more energy, and completely transformed their bodies."
"How do you go from a four percent right omega-3 index to an eight percent?"
"Changing your diet to a plant-based diet helps enormously."
"It's all interconnected and it makes sense from a public health point of view, a cost point of view, a personal health point of view, an environmental point of view, for us to give up animal products as quickly as possible."
"So literally overnight I made the decision to cut out meat and dairy completely."
"Just changing your diet can do wonders for you."
"Replacing animal protein with plant protein... has very significant benefits."
"If everyone cut out meat dairy eggs from one of their meals a day or one day a week... it would make such a huge impact environmentally."
"To have given up candy or soft drinks, to have given up some amount of grains was well worth it, provided that you never go hungry."
"So yes we are moving away from eating animals and I'm finding more and more people even die-hard animal eaters like my dad like not eating beef anymore not eating this anymore and realizing that the body takes it takes a lot to process that stuff."
"Now speaking of... we talked at the top about McDonald's and how it ruined my body. I'm never eating it again after that moment. I can't. It's just that was the end for me."
"I found you through Carli bybel and I haven't eaten meat for almost two years. Thank You Ciara."
"The empowerment of just changing the food that you're eating is amazing."
"I see it's gonna swing the other way. It's gonna bypass vegetarianism. It's gonna go full vegan."
"You don't need it right now... get feeling well get fat adapted... cut it off entirely and see how you go."
"In just 30 days of cutting out sugar, you can completely transform your future health picture."
"High stress requires high cholesterol... Reduce those."
"Permanent weight loss requires permanent dietary change."
"Cutting all sugar and getting all of my carbs only from green vegetables...that was the single most important element in terms of weight loss and keeping it off."
"Every biomarker got healthier just by swapping out 60 grams of carbs for 60 grams of protein in those first two meals."
"It takes a very, very long time to change something that's fundamental as our diets."
"Switching to a vegan diet might give you a little bump in the short-term."
"Imagine if someone was feeding you crappy food then they switched over to feeding you delicious healthier foods every single day."
"Don't tell me you're just gonna eat solids, no I'm not sure if I'm ready for this step."
"It's exciting because it changes the way you eat."
"Removing plants from my diet solved my depression problem and I went on a new trajectory of research."
"For the first time in her life, Joanne is managing to eat a meal that isn't just bread."
"The European commission's decision to approve two new insects as food does not appear to be part of a push to change diets."
"When I made the switch to a plant-based diet, I broke two American Records."
"I was like, 'Then I just started to take out wheat and dairy and puree my foods, and I just started getting a real sense of this is not right.'"
"Until there are studies that show incremental benefit or if you feel really better doing that, great, but they're not necessary in order to get dramatic change from changing the food."
"I've been able to switch over to eating actual like white meat chicken beef salmon tilapia like whatever."
"...your family won't really notice but it will make all the difference in your health."
"When I first went vegan, I had no idea what to eat. I was trying to focus on building muscle in the gym and proving all my friends wrong."
"The change has to come from people buying and eating different kinds of foods."
"People are not educated about the power of dietary change."
"He's now changed to a whole food plant-based diet for the past year and a half."
"You don't have to be completely plant-based, but the greater the change, the greater the benefits."
"If you're wanting to change the way that you eat after you've defined your why and your goal, simply start by eating more plants."
"You're just changing the fuel source from what you eat, the carbs, to well, fat."
"If you want to start, just fix your gut by changing your food choices."
"Step two: take three weeks and during those three weeks make it all vegan, all the time, no animal products at all and see how you do."
"Your taste buds will just come alive and things that you never thought were good will become so good to you."
"I hope it inspired or gave you you know a little more information if you're looking to change the way you're eating."
"...it's the bread. It's got to be the bread. That's how they start their conversation with me. And she goes, 'That's all I changed and my cholesterol dropped 85 points in just one month.'"
"By changing what you eat, changing the health of your gut, you change the health of your brain."
"It's so exciting, first time of my life, having a fully vegan fridge and pantry."
"I discovered that I had to change. I was eating way too many carbohydrates and I got an air quote coming at you heart healthy whole grains which on the glycemic scale are higher than table white sugar."
"We were kind of living this standard American life, but we just changed how we ate, and wow, the energy is amazing. It changed our life, it saved our life."
"...is absolutely possible that the food that you enjoy today is going to be something that you will not enjoy in the future once you are far enough away from it..."
"This is wild. So I had to change my diet recently for health reasons."
"Eat more lentils and eat less meat; that's just one thing we can all do tomorrow."
"Many patients improve significantly when they eliminate gluten and dairy from their diet."
"Another revolution, nonviolent for once, the Industrial Revolution would change eating habits."
"I switched to a kind of paleo keto diet... and then within weeks the issues that I had cleared up."
"After the breakfast has become plant-based and the snacks have started becoming plant-based, then we start making changes to lunch and dinner."
"Food is not entertainment. These four words helped me change my dietary mindset."
"When you change to a whole food, plant-based diet, it changes the microbes."
"Food-triggered migraines vanished."
"It's incredible how fast that eating healthy food can make you feel literally completely different."
"I switched over to eating a whole food plant-based diet from the standard American diet about three years ago."
"You can change the way you feel about what you eat."
"I'm gonna add a little beef in there, I don't normally eat beef, but I'm beefing tonight."
"The dietary guidelines for Americans have stopped saying that cholesterol is bad for you; they've stopped saying saturated fat's bad for you."
"I'm curious to know what is the one thing you are going to change in your diet this week."
"I love food and meat but realize I may need to give it up to help drive a sustainable food system."
"I think some people should really take note of what you said in terms of the way you were feeling before you got on eating like meat and taking processed food out of your diet."
"I'm gonna be testing out a whole bunch of different vegan food."
"Everybody might end up having to go vegan eventually."
"You don't have to go vegan, but if you want to help the world out, just eat less animal products."
"We reversed these kids' metabolic syndrome just by getting rid of the sugar and substituting starch."
"The U.S. diet over this time period has seen a radical change from simple home-cooked food to commercially prepared food."
"Just swap out one regular meal with a plant-based one... that alone could make a huge difference on the planet."
"He has really inspired so many people to change how they eat."
"In cutting out certain types of foods, I really feel like there's going to be sort of that same opportunity to rely on God more and hear from Him more clearly."
"I had to stop eating red meat because I ate too many Beanie Mags."
"We're not doing anything in your diet; all I want you to do is add a serving of vegetables to every meal."
"Reducing consumption of meat is one of the best things we can do to stop climate change."
"Removing the bad stuff from your diet and putting in the good stuff."
"Once you evolve, the grains go, the legumes and pulses go, even the dairy."
"Eating protein is what changed everything for me."
"My first bite of non-vegan food for a week... Oh, I have honestly missed the taste of cheese so much."
"Taking the sugar out of your diet is step two."
"After two weeks of nothing but potatoes, your taste buds are ready to party."
"Changing what we eat and drink, making it easier to do the healthy things, that's the sweet spot for public health."
"We are not purchasing any meat that came from meat lots anymore."
"I'm surprised, well it's funny because a lot of things did not taste good to me when I first went vegan."
"I'm feeling way better now that I don't have that in my diet."
"You're going to be given an opportunity to get healthier, to work on a holistic approach to health, improving your diet."