
Political Prediction Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"I will make a prediction about the election: we're going to lose. And by 'we' I mean the American people."
"Kamala Harris could win the 2024 presidential election against either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis."
"If he gets re-elected, what you've got is the equivalent of a two-year-old in his terrible twos with the keys to the tank."
"There is a high probability...that Biden is not the nominee in 2024."
"Trump is not going to leave office, he's going to end elections."
"It's going to be a god emperor landslide absolute Trump victory. Greenland pledges allegiance to the United States under Donald Trump and don't you forget it."
"Michael Moore got it right in 2016 when he said people were gonna go out and vote for Trump as the biggest FU to the establishment."
"2024 is going to be no different, no different whatsoever."
"I'm confident that he will [get reelected] because I think the people recognize that we have to go in a different way."
"I predict my man Ron DeSantis will be the big winner. He treated the population like adults, he let them make their own decisions."
"Biden continues to be the most durable guy out there and all likelihood at this point you got to say he's the odds-on favorite to take the nomination."
"If Donald Trump wins and Republicans hold Congress, they will pass a nationwide abortion ban."
"Trump still sharp and going strong; he will be president again in the year 2024."
"It could be Desantis Newsome in 2024."
"Who do you think is going to win? I think Biden."
"Not only that, you will have a female president of the United States. It will either be me or it will be KLA Harris."
"I would be shocked if we get through four years of a democratic administration without at least a new war."
"Minnesota... I think it goes Republican for Trump."
"Tucker Carlson 2024 sounds extremely plausible."
"I think it's going to be DeSantis versus Newsom in 2024."
"You are much more likely for The Rock, or Kim Kardashian, or Charli D'Amelio to be the next great politician." - Chamath Palihapitiya
"I think right now we're virtually assured of the Republicans taking back the house."
"I think the writing is on the wall that legalization is coming."
"So based on my prediction with seven keys down... I predict Donald Trump will lose and therefore Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States."
"President Trump's on his way to winning Florida."
"At the end of the day, Clinton's going to be the nominee."
"I called last election. NPR quoted me... Trump wouldn't be GOP nominee. I think he won."
"Here it is, first or hear it first, Trump will be president for another four years, God bless America."
"I feel like it's not my prediction was we're gonna we're not gonna recognize our country someday that the Marxists are going to be running things."
"Come November it will not just be a red wave, it will not just be a red tsunami."
"If Donald Trump gets elected, the day they call it for Trump, the hour, the minute, the war stops."
"If Trump runs there will be no primary; he'll just be the nominee."
"Trump is going to win and there's nothing you can do about it," asserted the speaker.
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would absolutely crush."
"I think Trump's gonna win again because nobody's being honest."
"The way things look after the Iowa caucus is Trump Victory 2024."
"He's not going out easy. If Biden's winning, Trump is going to do some crazy quote." - Steve Bannon
"Every election will be probably will say this in 2024 - because if Trump gets in there for four more years and does good things then it'll be who's coming into it but the reality is this 2020 we will either take the step off the cliff or we won't."
"The next president will be a black man and an afro-american would become the next president in America."
"I think Republicans are gonna have a great year in 2022."
"This is going to be a total and complete wave election."
"Tick-tock. I think we're going to win the Senate in 2020. And I think we're going to have the House and I think we're going to have the presidency. Tick tock."
"Brazil's Bolsonaro says he will be killed, arrested, or reelected."
"This president will not serve out this term. I guarantee it."
"There is very little time left for Vladimir Putin to lose power."
"Right-wing populists are going to keep winning... politics is bad."
"If Bernie Sanders were elected president, there would be a wave election for Republicans in 2022."
"Senator Barack Obama of Illinois will be the next President of the United States."
"Bernie Sanders is on track to lead the Democrats to a resounding defeat."
"Bernie Sanders is the likely shoo-in for the nomination."
"It's Don versus Ron 2024. Donald Trump is gonna win, bro. Hear me out."
"I don't think it's going to be a Biden victory, an easy victory for Biden."
"A Trump nomination is a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency."
"There is a real feeling like... Republicans could lose in a big fashion in the Senate."
"I think the Democrats have an ass-kicking coming to them in November."
"Geffen broke the spell on Hillary Clinton being inevitable for the presidency after soured relations with the Clintons."
"He found himself enamored of Obama after hearing him speak, predicting his presidential run."
"Whatever happens, Trump wins. I'll just leave it at that."
"I believe that Gavin Newsom is going to absolutely crush this thing."
"In the long run, China itself will eventually become a democracy."
"Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Brandeis
"Joe Biden is going to be your president. I'm sorry if that causes you concern. There is no scenario."
"Putin is about to turn into his own worst nightmare which is to have the same fate as his predecessor Yeltsin who was still President of Russia until he resigned but it was basically a joke and ignored by everyone."
"2023 is going to be a really bad year for authoritarian regimes."
"Here's the thing it ain't gonna work it ain't gonna work because Democrats are going to lose."
"I said Trump's going to win; we're going to be up late. It'll be close, but Trump is going to win."
"Red tsunami, red wave, whatever you want to call it, I think it's coming."
"Trump's going to win, he wants 2016 by over 70 votes."
"I think this is going to lead to a very strong Republican majority."
"Do I think Trump's going to win by 10 nationally in 2024 not necessarily but I do think he's going to win the popular vote."
"I think Trump could do better in 2024 based off of what we're seeing with inflation with what's going on at the border potential Suburban reversion."
"Trump was proven right about Biden on that issue he potentially could make the state closer."
"We do see a rising movement in this nation that happened in Virginia, and I think on May 17th in Pennsylvania, you're going to see it happen here."
"Bernie Sanders is correct... the clear frontrunner for the Democratic nomination."
"By historical metrics, Trump would win re-election, but we are in unusual times."
"Trump said there is hope for 2024 presidential run."
"Trump has zero shot at 2024 General after tonight, this is enough for debate."
"Quite simply put, I'll leave it there. The future will be conservative because conservatives have kids."
"Do you actually think Ted Cruz has more of a chance losing than ever?"
"Second Trump Administration would mean a full-on dictatorship."
"Joe Biden will be our most progressive president by far."
"Pennsylvania then Michigan will go for Trump."
"The most likely outcome here a decade from now is that the north will descend into kind of a neo-maoist tyranny that makes the cultural revolution look like a picnic."
"We are used to revolutions in poorer countries; we have seen currency reforms in poorer countries, and it could very well be that later this decade it could come to the industrialized democracies."
"Austria's kind of representing the direction that the Western world may soon head in."
"2024 is going to be close no matter who is at the top of the ticket."
"On the basis of what we're looking at, Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, Joe Biden's going to beat Donald Trump."
"Remember the closer we get to the midterms the crazier the commie lefts will get."
"Trump was probably going to win if the economy was as good as it was back in January or February."
"Absolutely he's gonna win after this after one thousand percent."
"Either Boris Johnson will fall, or the Tory party will be kicked out."
"The progressives are gonna win, mark my words." - Jimmy from Philly
"I think we'll get to a certain point where we will see a peaceful divorce and then you will see a civil war."
"how does it get better than that I mean seriously Trump crushing Biden by five or six points"
"You think The Rock isn't gearing up for a 2032 election? You're out of your goddamn mind. You know how The Simpsons predicted everything? This show is predicting everything from here on out."
"Our forecast says that Biden's going to win the popular vote by eight, eight and a half points."
"The current ruling party of India will retain power, they will be re-elected in 2024."
"California, New York both went red, I believe it."
"President Trump is the front-runner in the Republican primary and he will be victorious in the general election."
"Bernie Sanders is gonna be way ahead at the end of the night."
"I think Mrs. May will go as leader this summer." - Nigel Farage
"A second referendum would be another big win for leave."
"I was dead wrong that Donald Trump would not win in the primaries."
"I'm increasingly thinking that 10 years from now, we'll look back and see that the Democratic party split in half."
"The fall of Johnson... is an indicator of things to come."
"Trump will not be impeached, Trump will be re-elected, they will lose and it will cause an extreme and terrifying division in this country."
"The fact is, if every single person voted in this country, Trump would win in a landslide."
"Trump will absolutely destroy her absolutely."
"Some of the events that The Simpsons have so-called predicted are the Donald Trump presidency."
"I expect there's a very high chance that Trump gets reelected in 2020."
"The easiest way to tell who's going to be the next president in the United States is to envision yourself throw aside bias."
"That guy is going to be the next governor of the state of Pennsylvania."
"Will there be an independent Taiwan in 25 years? Yes."
"Trump will hold this space and it's good news moving to 2020."
"There is no evidence whatsoever that Biden cannot win. He might not win, but he certainly can win."
"If Trump gets back in the White House all of them will be discredited and knocked from their perches."
"Trump is truly on track for a potential landslide this November."
"If you invade Iraq, the fall of Baghdad will not be the beginning of the end, merely the end of the beginning."
"I think Ron DeSantis is probably the better bet."
"Republicans have a slight edge in the midterm elections."
"He'll steamroll any potential Democrat and then go on and beat Trump."
"Donald Trump is just going to go quietly away."
"Putin's plans can put so many people on the street."
"That's what makes his path so much more challenging, is Biden if things go the way that they look in the polls right now, Biden is going to end up with more than 270 electoral college votes."
"Justin Trudeau is going to lose the next election in the most epic fashion possible."
"CNN projects Joseph R. Biden Jr. is elected the 46th president of the United States."
"I do think Trump is on track for reelection."
"This is where things are going personally i think the democratic party is in shambles which means victory is looming for republicans to a degree we've not seen in a long time the silent majority as it were."
"Do I think that the Democrats have a better chance of winning if he's the nominee? I do."
"Joe Biden, next President of the United States."
"The anti-lockdown position... made him extremely popular... I predict... he'll run for president in 2024."
"That Donald Trump can beat Joe Biden in 2024."
"This is what I think. None of it will pass the house."
"President Trump's sting...I think we're gonna see a hell of a lot of people get arrested."
"I think this bill is going to pass and I think that we're going to see a big legal fight ahead of us."
"I said Hillary Clinton will be elected but there's going to be a turn of events that will probably disqualify her to serve as president."
"Joe Biden wins the presidency, he will go on to be the next president of the united states of america."
"This is essentially going to be a Harris presidency. If the Squad and if the wokies—I call them 'wokies'—try to push them too much, look, whether you like it or not."
"Most trump supporters told buzzfeed news they don't foresee chaos or mayhem breaking out if trump loses."
"Donald Trump absolutely can win in 2024. That's why they're panicking and desperate because if Trump gets in then revenge is on."
"You know, Millennials and I think women are going to make the difference next time period."
"Republicans are going to win the White House, we're going to retake the house, we're going to keep the Senate."
"Don’t expect a Biden presidency to be moderate."
"Bernie Sanders has a very good chance of becoming the next president of the United States."
"The main headline is that Donald Trump is going to win this case."
"There are not five votes to remove Trump... from the ballot."
"It's going to be a very good Republican night."
"Neil Postman accurately predicts the rise of a candidate like Donald Trump and the prevalence of fake news in society."
"At least five Democrats beat Donald Trump handily."
"Now I was treated like an [__] along with my fellow leftists when we all said that Trump was trying to pave the way for some kind of a coup."
"Once Trump is out of the White House anyone who mimics him or identifies as a Trump Republican they're probably going to be voted out next."
"This is actually suggesting that he may win reelection at this stage it looks like."
"Half of Americans now predict the US may cease to be a democracy someday."
"They're going to lose the House in the Senate in 2022 more likely than not, so she's not going to have any type of ammunition to really go into 2024 getting anybody excited."
"We're staring down the barrel of a blue tsunami."
"Wisconsin will start to come home as many people start to realize that this is a repeat of the 2020 presidential election."
"If Trump goes up against Biden, which I think is the ultimate, ultimate, that's going to happen, I think Trump has a shot. I think Trump can win."
"If the election were held today, I would expect Donald Trump to be re-elected."
"Things are going to get very very nasty in the country."
"Europe is set to fracture and have a civil war of sorts."
"The Brexit party is considered likely to win the most votes."
"Bernie will be unstoppable and it is their [ __ ] nightmare."
"I would be really, really shocked if Trudeau wins the next election."
"Joe Biden is quote favored to win the election."
"I think Trump is going to win it by around six or seven points over Joe Biden at this point."
"He's not going to do well in this election unless something changes or Joe Biden really messes up, which is a very real possibility for both sides."
"If Biden wins, there will be a drop in the stock market and a rise in gold. If Trump wins, there will be chaos in the streets."
"If their interpretation is correct, what would you predict about this president? Well, you'd predict that he would do more things that are so stupid it would look like he's a five-year-old bumping into things."
"I don't think that Biden has a guaranteed loss."
"Every official polling figure that I have been able to look at is calling a Democrat win for Kamala Harris."
"I said Britain will leave the EU predicting again remember in 2015 this is and of course the Britain did leave the Union even though everybody said it wouldn't happen."
"This could be the beginning of the end for Putin."
"My greatest hope is that because there's so many Republicans... they're going to fissure sooner or later."
"He's going to suffer the most humiliating defeat, unless there's some miracle down there for her."
"I think this is really real... Bernie Sanders can definitely win the Democratic nomination."
"Whatever he does, it would be ten times worse with Labour in charge, watch this country go to the dogs if people are stupid enough to vote for them."
"I'll tell you that if we have a Biden re-elected or a resumption of the Democratic Party, I would say that the dollar is dead."
"When it comes to who will win in November, Biden or Trump, I put my money on Vegas."
"Biden's gonna win this election. He's probably gonna win it big."
"I think uh President Trump is going to win uh and um in a dramatic fashion not just barely I think he's I think he's going to win win uh and I think it's possible the Republicans I think it's a significant likelihood the Republicans take the house."
"If nothing else changes, Trump's going to win."
"Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania will all likely follow each other and vote for Joe Biden on election night."
"It's going to be a red wave. Don't say there could be, there will be."
"If you match Biden against the generic Republican, the generic Republican wins easily."
"This is one of the most difficult elections to predict the entire time I've been following politics."
"Should Matt Rosendale enter into this race, I have no doubt in my mind that he wins this primary."
"I would bet on Trump. I fully believe he's gonna win."
"Barring some Black Swan event, Trump's going to win."
"Remember when Donald Trump was telling you that the election was going to be overturned? I was telling you he was going to lose Georgia."
"I will not be surprised if Trump gets in office again."
"Trump is winning the popular vote in a way no Republican has done in 20 years since 2004. Trump is poised to win the popular vote."
"We got a huge development right now as we speak: Trump is poised to be the very first Republican to win the popular vote in 20 years."
"I still give Trump a very high chance of being reelected."
"We are looking at a Wipeout of Republicans at the national level."
"Putin's dictatorship will eventually come to an end."
"We'll see on Election night he's going to win fairly easily."
"Both sides predicted the fight over abortion would continue."
"Donald Trump, if he wins, will probably be president for life."