
Moral Judgement Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The Russian invasion is indefensible, and the mass slaughter of civilians is not something history will look kindly on."
"There is no substance to the NGI plea. At the time of the alleged offenses, Mr. Dahmer was fully able to appreciate right from wrong and to conform his conduct to the dictates of the law."
"We should each judge each other based on the contents of our character."
"He deserves to spend the rest of his life in a self-made hell."
"Anyone who opposes that is, well, evil and predatory at best."
"You cannot have human rights atrocities and behave in a terrible way like China is right now and still expect everyone to treat you as if you're like a first-world country."
"There is a really warm place in hell for people that will drop their old dogs off at the shelter."
"You don't have to have a deep moral theory to see something wrong with cronyism."
"Seeing televangelists do it while invoking the name of God, also disgusting."
"You're going to be judged by how you treat the least among you."
"People going along with for the principle of it are unfortunately evil well-meaning but evil."
"To do that to a victim or survivor of sexual abuse is hideous."
"There is not a redeeming quality in slavery."
"An apology doesn't mean [anything] because he knew what he was doing was wrong."
"The Bible says, 'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.'"
"A sinful lifestyle that scripture clearly deems is wrong." - 1 Million Moms
"There's just an evil there that is hard to contemplate."
"These are soulless evil people that are putting what they believe to be economic gain over human life."
"Anything that is targeted to confuse and destroy the notion that boys and girls are different things and you're directing that at small kids, that is an act of evil."
"A sane person in the twenty-first century...would not have allowed this war to happen."
"I cover a lot of creationists and pseudo scientists... but he's also a horrible person and just an outspoken racist."
"God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."
"Actions are judged by intentions, not by appearances."
"But those that kidnap a six-year-old child, collect a ransom, but kill them anyway... some might say that the gas chamber is far too humane a method of execution for people that are capable of such unspeakable evil."
"Ellie losing two fingers is a sufficient consequence for her horrendous actions."
"Taking another person's life is evil on its own, but there is a special place in hades for those that harm children, the elderly, and the disabled."
"Evil is the same thing, it has the same nature, it's ugly, it's hideous, it is indefensible."
"Means liberation from sex as it is intended to be the natural order of sex which is basically between a man and a woman so all homosexual activity is a violation of the natural order."
"You can be guilty of both sins, but the punishment for the sins of omission are looked at differently than the sins of commission."
"The last thing we want to be is like those Pharisees because you read in Scripture and go gosh God really was against those people he was really harsh towards those people."
"Some people just deserve whatever it is they get."
"I don't see how people who are saying these things think they are fighting for good. It's patently evil."
"Those who we see wanting to bring down America are Americans, and they want to do it under the facade of justice, freedom, and love, but it's all a bunch of baloney. It's anti-Christian, it's anti-family, it's evil."
"Once you start attacking civilians, children and elderly women, that's it. You lose any moral standing."
"I think sometimes Christians are too forgiving. Treating bad guys like good guys."
"Something happens in the Garden of Eden that is vile."
"Nick's last words to Gatsby: 'They were a rotten bunch, and he was worth more than all of them together.'"
"It's not about whether you have the right, it's about whether it is right."
"Because you're a [ __ ] murderer that's why."
"It's not just that the Quran is wrong about practically everything it says about science, it's so wrong that it would still be morally wrong even if it was factually accurate."
"Demons are real folks, if you ask me I'm not talking about in the folklore or the mystical sense, I'm talking about again people that try to pull on your kindness, pull on your intelligence, pull on your space, they're like leeches."
"He who is without sin, let him throw the first stone."
"It's insane what's happening here, and it's going to go down in history as one of the biggest moral corruptions and tragedies that's ever happened in human history."
"He is a liar and the father of it." - John 8:44
"The Simplicity of the solution exposes the depravity of these people's minds."
"Most people don't really appreciate the life that they are living and he thinks if they don't appreciate life they don't deserve to live."
"He deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life... He put them through torture all just because he was greedy and too proud to ask for money himself."
"Respect is for the gods, not those who pretend to be them."
"Being woke is like a magic moral time machine."
"If you think that Trayvon Martin deserved to die... then you think that those people yesterday were justified."
"In my opinion, the only right outcome given the nature of his foul actions."
"He's willing to break the law despite the fact that he doesn't need that money. $143 million is less for him than five cents is for me, but he cares so little about the law that he'll break it anyway just on lack of principle."
"I don't use that phrasing lightly, but they knew what they were doing. This is the greatest crime against humanity ever."
"Bad actions hurt people. That's what makes them bad."
"Chris Watts is a scumbag, there's nothing redeemable about him."
"It's not okay there's no right way to do the wrong thing."
"Unlike fornication and adultery, there is nothing morally wrong with the intermarriage within the first generation of The Offspring of Adam and Eve according to Saint Augustine."
"If you've killed an innocent person... I think it should be implemented."
"Is it still considered an accident if you drive away while your six-year-old's hanging onto your car for dear life? To me, no. Definitely, definitely not an accident."
"If we are being honest, it is some shameful behavior."
"His evil is a different evil. Mainly because he thinks that he's entitled to it."
"The goodness of someone else's intentions says a lot more about your humanity than theirs."
"Our founding fathers knew that slavery was evil."
"If you terrorize and kill people because their food sucks, I can't understand that."
"We are in a time like no other. It is evil in its worst form."
"What he did was a terrible thing and a terrible mistake."
"Cruelty is a conservative value and kindness is a leftist one."
"Donald Trump's moral behavior in the past... show that he's morally unfit to lead our nation."
"No rational person could. It's impossible because your desire to just commit this crime and get it over and done with will be stronger than your desire to be shot in the head, I can assure you of that."
"That's what we're dealing with in Joe Biden, he is absolutely destructive evil."
"You don't have to know any of the theory because you only have to know what's right and wrong."
"There's no worse person on the face of the planet than a person who's going to stand there in the crap of his own hypocrisy."
"Their cold attitudes after the crime demonstrates their complete lack of inhumanity."
"He could have just driven away. We wouldn't have went after him legally. We wouldn't have done anything. We would have forgave him because accidents do happen but he chose to do more and what he did is unforgivable."
"Nah, bro, this is cheating, that's what I'm saying."
"Being racist is not a crime... maybe it's a moral crime but not a statutory crime."
"Just because something has been deemed legal does not mean it is right."
"You've only done the right thing for yourself."
"All of society does agree that that was disgusting, stupid, and all of society absolutely hates that guy, me included."
"You're walking blind if you can't see the correlation between the events in Sodom and Gomorrah and the current state of the world."
"The one unforgivable thing is to kill your children."
"If you claim to be a Christian, you should know better."
"Must we always picture Noah drunk and naked and never building the ark?"