
Structures Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"There's a real crisis here, isn't it? A total breakdown in faith in our political structures."
"If they're 10 million of these structures, you're not going to have just a few people; you're going to have a lot more."
"We have to think in terms of systems and structures."
"It's not pasty sandy regolith, it's structures."
"The moon is entirely covered with structures. There's no ground now, I know that sounds unbelievable, it completely does." - Tom
"In the Mojave desert lies an eye-catching collection of structures that are a slice of American entertainment history."
"I think events can have a raw power and structures can be quite soft and lukewarm."
"People in power create structures to protect their own power."
"If democracy doesn't happen by itself, you have to think about what structures actually make it more likely."
"It's very much that focusing on those structures that exist on the ground in the land."
"The sheer scale of the open world is impressive, and the structures you can see in the distance, that's not a Skybox, that is a structure you can climb."
"The existence of the pyramid-like structure beneath the megalithic site is now loud and clear even for non-specialists."
"Bastions are the most underrated structure in Minecraft."
"These structures showcase the planet's remarkable diversity and Beauty."
"The Halo and the Dark Matter Halo are these spherical structures."
"No Ford structure was ever materialized that was done, we verified none was ever done."
"Were we created, was life breathed into man only to be in bondage to these man-made structures?"
"There's so many exits, I think it's one, two, three, four, five sets of French doors."
"The largest known structures, superclusters, can range up to sizes of 150 million Lighty years."
"Natural selection involves loss of information, conservation of information, new combinations of information, but not new information generated from matter required for new structures that weren't previously possible."
"Society is built off of various intersecting forms of oppression."
"Please remember these structures."
"You have to really look at the people who are keeping the systems and structures in place that keep us like this."
"I think the structures are used for markers, for direction markers. These structures are always changing. They'll be looking one way one day and go back a few days later, and it looks the same but it got a few sticks facing a different way."
"I think if I walk by somebody famous in Hollywood, I'm like, 'Oh, that's cool.' But when I see stuff like structures that I've been looking up online for a long time and finally make it out, I'm a little bit getting Goosebumps on your Goosebumps."
"Isomers have different structures but the same outer formula. Structural isomers have different connectivity of atoms."
"It has a suite of unexpected display structures."
"It's a circular structure with stairways, ramps, and other features that nature couldn't just carve on its own."
"WXY is a combination of two corrective structures combined together into a bigger corrective structure."
"If you can understand shear moment diagrams, you can really understand the way structures work."
"Carbon can form a variety of different structures because of its high bonding capacity."
"Structs are going to be value types, and classes are going to be reference types."
"The simulations can create Milky Ways; they can create the structures that we see."
"Algebra is the study of structures, symmetry, and patterns. It's all about identifying patterns."
"You need popular structures to effectively challenge capital."
"Complex structures or organisms or systems have things going on at all scales."
"That's why we need intervening structures to guide our day-to-day activity and to reproduce socially beneficial actions."
"Bridges showcase some of the most awe-inspiring engineering on the planet."
"The vast magnitude of these structures suggests a bustling society."
"God's going to subvert our structures and so don't get cozy and don't just take what you expect and let's relearn power in an upside down way."
"We evolve these structures because they're the best structures we can have."
"Now let's get into the fun stuff, and this is probably where most of the types you're going to be writing are for objects and interfaces."
"All the things that we once had set up, the alliances, the rules, and the structure, all this has been torn down."
"Depending on the forces, you can get completely different structures that come out of it."
"65% of our structures were functioning as we intended."
"I'm really longing for those water towers, steel water towers specifically."
"One of the classroom favorites, one of these ramps, so a lot of times they'll use marbles or balls and they'll make all kinds of intricate ramps and structures."
"It was a realization on the part of the community as a whole that these structures were necessary to reach towards that goal of a good life."
"There are the ruins of human-made pyramids and possibly even more structures."
"The harder thing to do, which I also believe is the correct thing, is to acknowledge the criticisms of these structures."
"Structural dynamics is the study of how structures are going to respond when there are loads applied on the system."
"Do we have the willingness to challenge the predominant social, economic, and political structures and systems that need to be challenged?"
"Small fluctuations grow over time to form the structures that we see today."
"The economy is full of systems where small events get magnified and form new structures."
"It describes structures and processes that take place in the spiritual world."
"The benefit of structures is that they permit a group of related variables to be treated as a unit instead of as separate entities."
"In embedded systems, structures also permit you to access hardware in an elegant and intuitive way."
"The organizing principle behind Lewis structures is the idea that within the molecule the atoms are going to arrange their valence electrons, such that each atom within the molecule has a complete octet or full outer shell."
"It always fascinates me to think that there are a lot of predicted structures out there which we have not been able to discover or build experimentally, and that could be the next generation of carbons."
"A radial density gradient is an incredibly efficient way to deal with getting taller and needing to resist bigger loads."
"I love a suspension bridge. I don't know why, I just love them so much."
"In response spectrum analysis, we are combining the effect of these peaks with different methods to look at the maximum response of a structure."
"If token equals struct, then we know we're parsing a struct."
"The purpose of this video is going to be on trusses, because as we know in civil engineering, we're going to be dealing with a lot of different truss questions."
"A struct is basically a container for data."
"Roses are one of the most common type of structures that you can find in civil engineering."
"Nature prefers especially two of them... these are two important classes of close-packed structure."
"Truss members are 2 force members."
"The zero value for a struct is a natural or sensible default for using this type."
"We can compute deflections anywhere in a structure using this virtual work approach."
"They represent a modern approach to the solution of structure problems."