
Ethical Eating Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"If you watch it or even if you don't, but you think the treatment of animals may be wrong or cruel, ask yourself: if it's not good enough for my eyes, why would it be good enough for my stomach?"
"Lab-grown meat might solve all this problem... you still get the animal products that you want to eat... but also you now don't actually have to kill any animals at all."
"Can we compassionately take the life of an animal if we don't have to?"
"Eating animals is bad for the environment, bad for the animals."
"Eating without causing harm to others is better for the animals and it's better for the environment too."
"Don't eat animals that have been tortured, trashed, fed crappy stuff because you are what you ate."
"Veganism isn't about a diet, it's the kindest way to eat, the way that inflicts the least amount of pain on other beings."
"There's no doubt that being vegan or vegetarian is a more ethical option."
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, 95% of people would stop eating meat."
"Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it: 'My appetite is more important than your suffering'?"
"You don't need to kill animals to survive. You live in a world, in a society, in a community where you can eat a whole range of different things."
"We have the potential to change the world, if you believe that carnism awareness is an idea worth spreading."
"Simply choosing something else on the menu is all we need to do to bring this horror show to an end."
"All of us do have power, and each individual can exercise that power three times a day with the choices that you make about the food that you're putting on your plate."
"That decision about what you're putting on your plate has downstream ramifications and impact that are as serious as murder."
"We're not baby cows, that dairy is not necessary for human health, that there is no moral justification to needlessly enslave, exploit, and kill sentient beings who don't want to die."
"If you want to eat it versus saving the life of an animal, optimally as a society we should be getting away from slaughtering animals completely, right?"
"The fact that there's this much animal suffering that takes place as a way to fill in my dinner plate, it just kind of didn't sit right with me."
"I do think that people don't realize or think about how they're actually getting the meat. But just because they don't realize that they're eating dead animals doesn't make it bad."
"To eat a pal for food is akin to blasphemy against God."
"Stop involving innocent animals in your eating disorder."
"The only morally consistent way would be to not kill any animals and just eat plants."
"Veganism is not a matter of leftism; veganism is just a matter of justice."
"If lab-grown meat causes no suffering, then I don't see the problem."
"All else equal, I would rather not kill an animal for my culinary pleasure."
"Lots of people believe that people shouldn't consume animal products."
"I'm not a vegan like that, I want to show love in terms of like pasture-raised, ethically farmed."
"If abattoirs had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarian."
"Whatever flesh eating served in the past that era is over."
"It's one thing to eat meat it's a whole different thing to promote it to young impressionable people and pretend ethical arguments against it don't exist."
"Meat is disgusting. I'm a vegetarian and have been for years."
"Meat-eating is morally unjustifiable, oh yeah."
"It's okay with me as long as you're eating a way that doesn't hurt them, you're helping them."
"Eating animal products is one of the cruelest things anyone ever does."
"It's made more ethical than eating animals against their will."
"We admire beautiful birds and their wings and feathers and yet I was at a dinner party the other night when they were all passing around bits of chicken." - Linda McCartney
"Animals must be off the menu because tonight they are screaming in terror."
"I feel like if I watched one of those movies that exposes what happens in slaughterhouses, I might consider being a vegetarian."
"I feel like I shouldn't eat an animal if I can't kill it."
"Being vegan is about being kind to the animals. It's not about us or diet at all. That's what people don't understand."
"I believe that if you eat meat, you should be able to kill an animal."
"I've never liked eating seapods because of their intelligence and because they're rad."
"It's about needlessly killing animals for food when there's a diet that science has shown to be nutritionally adequate."
"Choosing to eat another living creature means you have to kill that creature, it's a harrowing decision." - Dr. Milton Mills
"Every time we eat, we have a choice. We can choose health over disease, peace over violence, protection over destruction. Empower yourself with knowledge, and when you do, you can answer that question: Is it time for a change?"
"There will be a time where people will not be killing to eat, that is destined."
"Oysters probably don't feel pain, therefore, I think all vegans and vegetarians should consider consuming oysters."
"Vegetarianism is a great gift you can give to yourself and your family."
"No animal works to be consumed. No animal wants to be killed."
"Whether you eat me or not, it is obvious you're harming an animal. You're killing a sentient being."
"Ladies and gentlemen, would you eat a bald eagle or, for that matter, other exotic animals like a kangaroo?"
"The primary defense of carnism is denial... if we don't name it, we can't question it."
"People's caring is both the problem and the solution; carnism depends on their not caring."
"Loving our meat-eater doesn't make you a hypocrite, it just makes you authentic."
"Stop eating the flesh and secretions of animals because it's cruel and it's wrong."
"Peace begins on your plate. So open up your heart and be vegan from now on."
"If you eat an animal but you won't kill it, you're way disconnected from nature."
"Compassionate eating is the direction that TMNT fans are taking."
"Food has to be healthy, minimize harm to animals, and contribute to a sustainable environment."
"If you're a meat-eater it's important to see that process to see the killing process to get closer to the food that you're eating and I believe that wholeheartedly."
"It's more charitable let him go than to feel bad because you're letting him down."
"It's not about being vegan. It's completely consistent with being a Muslim. It's actually the best way to avoid torturing animals. It's actually the most halal thing to do."
"If you wouldn't eat a T-Rex, don't eat a chicken."
"Eating steak causes the abuse of animals, the destruction of the earth, and is the number one killer of human beings."
"Just because I want to eat good food doesn't mean anything has to suffer for that."
"A lot of people have an issue eating meat because of how disconnected people are from where they get their food."
"Dad, I'm not doing it, you know that meat comes from a thousand different cows, right?"
"This has changed my whole outlook on chicken now because I know these have been done humanely."
"Clean meat could make our daily eating habits more ethical and environmentally sustainable."
"I don't eat anything with a face."
"Veganism is based on science and compassion."
"I don't feel comfortable eating something where a living animal died to make it."
"Hunting, you know, if we're gonna be meat eaters, you got to do that [__] with respect and responsibility."
"If we are going to eat meat, we should look after our animals well."
"Hatred, anger, resentment, fear, helplessness, violence, death - and after all this, it comes on our plate and we say proteins and health. It just does not match."
"I think we can make the little extra effort to meet our needs to get enough protein without exploiting animals."
"Better than eating an animal that doesn't want to be eaten," said Zaphod.
"A vegan meat that's cruelty-free. Bellissimo."
"Actions speak louder than words, and our actions at meal times towards those who don't have a voice, that says everything about how kind we really are."
"If we could grow meat directly from cells without animal slaughter, you know what would you think of that? And most people are excited about it."
"If we can recognize that something isn't healthy, and it's also unethical, like you're killing an animal that wants to live, why do it?"