
Physical Impact Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Yes, absolutely, trauma is stored inside of us physically... something has been released."
"A lot of people think it's just a jab, but you know what we've seen in this sport? The jab can cut you open and knock you out."
"For example, say you have one character swing at another. The other character is able to duck out of the way, causing the attacker to create a hole in the wall."
"Our number four most underrated player is best known for a single chin busting run."
"Brutalized by those kicks right between the shoulder blades." - Illustrates intense physicality and resilience.
"How can a chop really hurt? Listen, oh yeah, it's just right in the sternum." - Highlights the surprising power of seemingly simple moves.
"Financial stresses aren't just psychological; they also physically hurt and even damage the body, possibly even fatally."
"Tony's left eye beginning to close, swell very swollen now."
"Physically, it has an effect on you, amen. It is the Breath of God, God's breath is in this book."
"Volkanovski did himself so proud, stock doesn't drop one little bit."
"Its impact with the sea floor was like a gigantic 31,000-ton truck slamming into a snowdrift."
"If he catches you, he does hurt, I mean, you gotta look what he did with Tyson in the last fight."
"I think I've only ever had one serious injury... my shoulder particularly the left one."
"It's crazy to think it's like the hundreds of thousands of repetitions you would do that movement over actually makes a big difference on the body."
"Frazier drove his fist into Ali's stomach so hard that he cringed in pain."
"Affirmations: What we don't deal with mentally will attack us physically."
"It's not direct impact with metal or glass that does so much damage...but rather an instantaneous change in direction."
"He must go to the body in situations like this. Go to the body, that'll take a lot more out of your opponent."
"She split her jaw and her eye with one punch."
"It's like getting hit with a school bus a thousand times a second."
"You're standing in the tunnel before the game, you're thinking, 'I'm gonna have a headache tonight.'"
"My back is kind of jacked from all that, and I've never been to anyone about it or even talked to a chiropractor."
"Those punches right there did a lot of damage."
"Lifetime welcome, power has left you blind in one eye."
"Hate is certainly a misuse of energy, every unbeautiful or ignoble use of energy is not punished by the body but through the body."
"Your attitude will generate tissue depression and anxiety is going to cause an alteration in digestion it's going to cause an alteration in neurotransmitter function and it's going to cause an alteration and cell metabolism."
"When people realize the power of the human mind to change circumstances to influence how you function on a physical level."
"Elbows are great, okay? When you hit somebody with an elbow, they feel it."
"Body shots will slow anybody down. If I can chop him down at the root, then I can finish him up top."
"Superman... if his Superman flies in with a punch... they would get launched... he would still be moving forward at them."
"The torque is quite impressive, really does push you back in the seat."
"That pocket of pus has a tremendous pressure underneath it... how painful must that be."
"It's like taking a little Billy bat and just nailing somebody in the leg and Watch What Happens."
"We have entered into a new phase of conflict in which we use a cyber weapon to create physical destruction."
"Fasting can affect both physical and psychological impact; there's a tradition of fasting in virtually every major religion."
"I had no idea that sleeping with someone could make such a physical impact on a person."
"When you feel things viscerally, your body is affected, your cells are affected because your energy is affected, so it affects you physically."
"Praying and fasting are spiritual matters that can bring tangible results in the physical world."
"I prefer real grass than artificial grass because you get skinned up more, it's bad, it's rough on your joints."
"Seeing the change in someone's health being a direct result of what you're doing physically with your hands is very gratifying."
"What happens on a spiritual level has ramifications on the physical level."
"Autistic burnout can affect you in a physical way, it's more than just being tired."
"It affected me emotionally a lot more than it affected me physically."
"The left hook to the liver, it made it quiver."