
Critical Discussion Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Secular moral values can develop through critical discussion, allowing course correction when mistakes are discovered."
"If you're an honest person, you understand this is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us."
"This is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us, a world that is changing to our detriment and how we ought to respond to those changes."
"She's weaponizing her argument, that's exactly right."
"This is about eliminating any discussion that might be critical of the United States of America, which is a dangerous thing for democracy." - UCLA Professor Robin DG Kelly
"I think when I talk about agency, you are giving all of the agency to the man here, do you understand that you're doing that or no?"
"The fact that this is actually a thing that we're talking about in the middle of an anti-black genocide that we're dealing with... hey but anyway y'all are in the lion is then we have things that we need to discuss on this day right."
"Having the kind of basic experience with philosophical discussion that Attack on Titan allows gives the viewer the chance to get acquainted with this kind of debate."
"There's no counterargument to what that woman had to say."
"This is about far more than race. It's about a manipulative thing that's been going on."
"Generally I like the fact that there is a wider discussion surrounding the notion of criticism itself rather than just people presenting their opinions on film."
"Advocating for the retirement of terms like 'ludonarrative dissonance' ignores the importance of precise language in criticism."
"I just want to promote productive discussion right yeah and I think Tesla's FSD beta program is an amazing kind of pushing the envelope with technology and it's a momentous important issue at hand."
"I think criticism's fair and reasoned discussion is important."
"Halo is such a big deal that it invites this sort of discussion and analysis."
"Caring about representation of the highest levels of government is wrong? Nice Kafka trap."
"We will have a special appreciation for Friederick Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' we will discuss what he meant by the assertion that God is dead..."
"I'm here to throw my hat in the ring on what's going on surrounding Hogwarts Legacy and just have more of a conversation on where we are at as an industry."
"We're also going to talk a thing to know about her, she calls gender ideology the worst form of wickedness that's ever existed on Earth or something."
"This is the big hypocrisy I wanted to talk about."
"The idea that we stand on the precipice of that and that's like a legitimate topic of discussion like you just you literally need to shut."
"The problem is all of this in between, and that is actually the conversation we should be having."
"It raised so much awareness of that topic this is a conversation that we need to have."
"Nobody wants to have this conversation, y'all want a bunch of fluff."
"I love the conversation that I had with Dinesh D'Souza because I think it exposed some serious problems with his thinking, which mirrors Donald Trump's thinking."
"Thank you for talking about that. It's incredibly important for people to be aware of that agenda and the Great Reset."
"We really need that public discussion much more."
"There's a difference between hating trans people and calling out hypocrisy in the culture."
"What you're talking about needs to sound like it's coming from a place of care and compassion, not like a place of hatred for a group of people."
"Can you argue the other side? That's it. Can you argue the other side?"
"Professional-level overtakes are almost always set up in advance."
"If what Galatians 1 says is true...then I would say to anyone who says you're overreacting give me some explanation."
"Palantir is divisive but shouldn't be ignored."
"Problem are the Glazers and the recruitment team, and I know it's boring to talk about, but if Manchester United fans stop talking about it, this is exactly what the Glazers want."
"I don't fully buy that I think the accolades it's already getting the conversation it will continue to have and then when we get to Game of the Year."
"Do I agree with the symbolism? Yes, no, maybe? Do I find that it is aesthetically pleasing? And does that outweigh my disagreement with the symbolism? Okay, well let's have that conversation."
"The subject of this show is why do we keep arguing with Christians? Oh, well, you know, here we go."
"I'm gonna talk about the good things as well as the bad things."
"This comic is huge, it's epic, and it warrants a lot of analysis and discussion."
"I can't believe that we're in a situation where the Democrats have to negotiate to get back pay." - The Young Turks
"I want to talk about things that aren't talked about very often and things that I think are important."
"People who talk about how systemic racism isn't a real issue are clowns and very, very dangerous."
"We're the ones pretending that symbolism has a concrete numerical value."
"One of the things that is very often glossed over in the situation is well, there are really important conversations we need to have about guns."
"The reason why I was talking so fast earlier in this video particularly was I wanted to leave enough time to get to this because this is so critical."
"How can you address racism without talking about race?"
"Engaging these types of very important topics talking about the evidence base for your belief is really really important."
"Please be nice to each other but also don't hesitate to be rude to Nazis! They are exempt! If someone is being racist or homophobic or transphobic or just being a huge dick, they don't deserve your niceties. Fuck 'em!"
"If you are trying to have a conversation about white supremacy that is divorced from anti-capitalism, you're wasting your time."
"What could be more important in the world than talking about something like this instead of all the BS that's been used to distract people."
"Forcing fans to praise it or shut up hurts anyone's ability to actually discuss the show honestly, making it a bad user experience."
"Now is not the time. It's important to talk about what's in it. It's important to call it out."
"There's definitely a conversation to be had here, a little bit of a face-off energy."
"Why not educate students about the police using facts about how the police force began, teaching history, having an honest discussion about the serious issues with policing?"
"I do think it's a solid body of work."
"I love it, but it's got to be talked about seriously."
"Gutenberg's printing press meant more access to information, more detailed discussion, and more widespread criticism of the authorities."
"I'm here to get into some really good discourse about what we're seeing in this end game."