
Conspiracy Theory Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"The Man from Taured is that classic conspiracy theory that a guy showed up at an airport, said he was from Taured, had history, and then whenever the police came back to check up on him, he disappeared."
"I'm like 85 percent certain that a species of intelligent reptile does not inhabit the earth's crust beneath Antarctica."
"Flat Earth is undoubtedly the single dumbest hoax on the entire internet."
"Astrophysicists know that the claims [of Electric Universe] are ridiculous, but if the viewer is conspiracy-minded... that’s all it takes for them to reject the consensus of astrophysics."
"Truly the story of this run: so close yet so far. But at least an idiot perseveres, and persevere I shall."
"Why not learn about real climate science from people other than those who echo your belief that it's all a conspiracy?"
"This is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race."
"Sky criminals waging secret war on the public." - Chuck Norris
"There's nobody else in the story, Epstein wasn't part of anything bigger, Maxwell wasn't part of anything bigger."
"You are reducing the world's population down to 500 million."
"Can you imagine what bad luck she said what's going on in Australia is next level literal new world order coming out of that person's mouth."
"I think they are intentionally trying to destroy the country."
"When anybody throws up the term conspiracy theory in an attempt to discredit somebody all they are trying to do is discredit that person as a person without ever having to address their arguments."
"According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, a conspiracy theory is a theory that explains an event or a set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators."
"People believe only what they already know, and this is the beauty of universal conspiracy."
"I personally think that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, that's my personal opinion."
"The great reset is leading us towards a new world order."
"Everybody wants to paint you in a corner and say that you're a conspiracy theorist. The problem is the only difference between truth and conspiracy lately has been about six weeks."
"There was incompetence all around. I'm a big subscriber to the incompetence Theory as opposed to The Conspiracy Theory." - Scott Ritter
"Something is going on and this is the dead giveaway for me that things are not as they seem."
"The war in Ukraine was planned by the United States."
"This virus is not from nature. It is a map modified virus."
"There is only one truth for this COVID-19 thing, and the truth is it is not of natural origin."
"This is from the lab and intentionally released from the CCP."
"I am the one who knows this is man-made." - Dr. Li-Meng Yan
"It's like a fingerprint... it comes from bat coronavirus." - Dr. Li-Meng Yan
"The Great Reset is underway, designed by a global elite."
"We need to find out about those UFOs, they are real after all even though the CIA has lied about that for over 70 years."
"Kennedy assassination was organized by the deep state."
"QAnon has been proven again to be an insanely stupid conspiracy theory."
"This is clearly coming from a lab, and all fingers point to the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
"Please, please, please everybody just watch out for that PRRA thing because it's really important. Now this thing is lab made, I'm 99.99 positive about that at this point in time."
"Dude literally starts and flames a conspiracy theory," - Prominent Moderator
"There is one conspiracy theory I believe and that is that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself."
"That's not how earthquakes work, that's a cover-up, and the government knows something fishy is going on."
"How many more coincidences have to happen where people wake up?"
"According to this conspiracy, Avril Lavigne has actually been using a body double named Melissa..."
"Let's introduce Eric levay he's a digital research analyst at The Institute for strategic dialogue and a former investigative journalist who wrote extensively about the Italy gate conspiracy theory or as I like to call it lasagna Ghazi."
"It's a disguised attempt to impose global communism."
"We've cracked the code, if you wear tinfoil on your head, the hunters can't track you."
"The world's greatest cover-up: they want to vaccinate 7.5 billion people on this planet."
"Barack Obama must approve the operations to kneecap and destroy Donald Trump."
"The most plausible version of events based on the information currently available to us is that a virus was engineered in a Chinese lab."
"To anybody in the world out there, if you can explain the existence of massive amounts of molten steel at Ground Zero, I will give you seventy thousand dollars cash."
"The term conspiracy theory was created in 1967 by the CIA in response to the Kennedy assassination in 1963."
"Kennedy's assassination, a conspiracy at the highest levels of government."
"She was a bad bitch we loves her icon people think that the royal family more specifically the Queen like Queen Elizabeth ordered her to be dead I don't know if I necessarily believe it but like I actually believe it a lot."
"Everything that is happening in this world is happening in order to bring about the rule of this world government system."
"Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself." - Lincoln
"What if I told you that billionaires are actually trying to destroy the world?"
"It's nuts to say Jeffrey Epstein absolutely killed himself. I'm sorry, it's just insane."
"Problems are created by the lizard people, reactions are created by the public, then the solution is offered by the lizard people again."
"There's the Wuhan biolab Theory, and this seems like it could cause something like that more reasonably so than eating a bat."
"As far as like the men in black, I do think that there is like a society of people who kind of make sure that the public doesn't know anything other than public knowledge."
"How far back would an alien infiltration have gone? How many of these guys were actually human?"
"People die, people go, people do their things, the devil's going to build up his one world order system."
"Epstein's mysterious life that Jeffrey Epstein was a part of our intelligence agencies right that he was actually operating a blackmail ring."
"Because one of the main things that they'll also pump in that playlist is anyone who disagrees with the stuff that we're feeding you is a nut job conspiracy theorist."
"The prevailing single-bullet theory is inconsistent."
"There is no bigger example of challenging the nature of objective truth than pretending that the OPCW inspectors who went to Syria are somehow a part of a conspiracy."
"Brian Armstrong is a deep State psyop...trying to stockpile Bitcoin."
"Every social media company is working hand-in-hand with big pharma and the government."
"What an awful situation Teddy Roosevelt once said, 'Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government.'"
"But as we take ourselves out of the rabbit hole that is the conspiracy of Paul McCartney, please remember that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
"Epstein did not kill himself and Sally Yates is corrupt."
"The distorted idea of common good theology becomes useful for Soros and his Network."
"How did most of the human race get sucked into this covert lock?"
"The only thing that could have brought this structure down in the manner observed on 9/11/2001 is the near simultaneously failure of every column in the building below the 17th floor."
"According to this Theory Epstein's death was a carefully planned operation to ensure his silence."
"Oh, it's all a lie you guys, it's all a lie! I bet you guys didn't know that sewage is actually giant zombie barf."
"We have been turning it into an artificial pandemic. Who can explain where all of a sudden all these highly infectious strains come from? Nobody can explain this."
"The Democratic party is under the complete control of an elite cabal of warmongers."
"Therefore, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself."
"Thank you for q and on, giving us the truth about what is happening here."
"Of all the theories proposed to explain the animal mutilations, the one involving extraterrestrials is the most unlikely."
"If you go against the grain, you're a conspirator, you're a conspiracy theorist. But I don't know how many times progressives have to be proven right."
"The collapse of our civilization has been a highly deliberate act, a result part of a long-term plan set in motion by people who certainly know how to play for keeps and win."
"In conclusion, what the hell is going on with the CIA? They were trying so hard to learn mind control, but Steve Jobs came in and accomplished that in 2007."
"What we're talking about is a control system that is going to be implemented in a global coup d'etat."
"Not only are those who preach about The Great Replacement Theory manipulating us, the whole theory, as it turns out, is bull crap."
"The bottom line is, the Great Replacement Theory is still a big movement because its proponents have done well to play on the natural fears people have of economic and social instability and just change in general."
"I have no trouble believing that there's hidden technologies... that they don't want us to know about."
"I'm showing you the face of the new world order which is seated within the president's administration, his executive branch."
"If they want to create a One World Government, this is exactly how it will operate... lie, cheat, steal, and burn it all to the ground to empower and enrich themselves."
"I think it was Borman who had made a deal at the highest levels of international banking and commerce." - Dick Allgaier
"Justin Trudeau's real father: a famous Canadian conspiracy theory with a playful twist."
"Proud to be a conspiracy theorist because that means that we're on to something."
"You're here to determine if there even was a conspiracy. Cases again can be solved with evidence, they can be solved with lack of evidence."
"Get the idea of conspiracy theory out of your head; it's all happening."
"This January 6 psyop was largely manufactured by the intelligence community like they do all this stuff, was there to make Maga and Trump and his followers unacceptable in polite society."
"Epstein's plane was like the introduction for that, you know? That's the play the aliens want to be on."
"Ancient alien cabal denies involvement. That has nothing to do with cookies."
"The Cabal does not have control of the military we have freed the military and you know he did the salute to them and it could be it could be."
"The official story is ridiculous, and enough people know it."
"Well, you're the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn't. So why don't you just put an end to the record?"
"Mattress stores are under money laundering schemes."
"The entire case is bogus. This is an attempt of the deep state to overturn our constitutional democracy."
"RussiaGate has been an evidence-free red-baiting conspiracy theory."
"The fact that we don't know means that the conspiracy is true."
"Our government is 100 corrupted covid was run a hundred percent for the profit of big Pharma it wasn't to keep you healthy those people don't give a."
"Order out of chaos or ordered chaos as he called it is reportedly the axle of their plan to reengineer society into a world government."
"You can't tell me there was not a conspiracy against Bill Cosby."
"This is not a conspiracy theory... we're talking here criminal activity."
"The virus may have come as part of a bioweapons program."
"According to their theory, after Earth formed, an extraterrestrial civilization built a space station to observe possible life on our planet and disguised it as a satellite."
"Lucifer convinced many angels to lie, wake up."
"Is it possible that the Black Knight satellite and the enormous alien antenna in Antarctica are connected or possibly in communication with each other?"
"There are theories that MJ’s first retirement from basketball in 1994 really was a secret 2-year suspension by then NBA Commissioner David Stern for his gambling!"
"There's a real conspiracy and there's a theory about it, right? Someone thinking aliens created life is not a conspiracy, it's just a wild thought."
"The collapse of the Twin Towers is fully compatible with a controlled demolition."
"Are the controllers desperate enough to orchestrate a limited nuclear exchange as a last-ditch effort?"
"What probability would you assign the hypothesis that the woke movement/ponzi scheme is in part the result of another country conducting social media inception on America's young progressive population?"
"It remains possible that the CIA may have engineered the scenario."
"There is never a coincidence at that level. Never."
"That's a huge chunk of money that we're just given away to this new world order force."
"So like the doors was based off of Alice Huxley the doors of perception and how Huxley doing the Illuminati eye just like the doors doing the Illuminati eye."
"We've developed a conspiracy theory here that scythe has agents crawling through our comments and leaving requests to review their coolers."
"The vast right-wing conspiracy known as Clavenon deepens as the wandering shadowy figure known as K gives us the truth behind the lies that are behind the truth that are behind other lies."
"I believe the evidence conclusively establishes that the covet pandemic was not a natural process but instead came from a laboratory in Wuhan China and that has the Fingerprints of genetic manipulation." - Dr. Stephen Quay
"The Maester conspiracy is a vast theory that claims that the maesters have been working to rid the world of magic for perhaps centuries."
"When I talk about the Matrix I'm talking about the systems which have been created by society which are deliberately designed to enslave."
"The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the goddess of witchcraft."
"It's beyond the Gates's and the Swabs's, it's a non-human force manipulating human society."
"The end of the Soviet Union was somehow an American plot."
"The coming great deception: Pentagon UFO task force discusses non-human technology not made on this earth."
"Central banks are the One World Government we have all been warned about forever."
"Isn't it convenient that the one person who would have been amazing could have shot him from about a mile away and not had any problems whatsoever is dead."
"Once you've taken the red pill, the whole world is stacked against you."
"Apparently they're putting something in my body. Must be a way to track me. That's kind of cool actually."
"This could also be a bioweapon that could have leaked purposefully or accidentally."
"This is about keeping the foundation's other projects, which include so much of this techno-fascist world they're trying to implement."
"Facebook is basically a front for military intelligence at this point."
"I've seen the joining of dark forces that work together to bring him down... and I could even list the signed documents they will have produced to achieve what they achieved."
"The bullet coming from the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository couldn't go through the president's neck and then zigzag and go over and wound Governor Connally."
"Do you believe the Vatican has proof of extraterrestrial life and is refusing to share it with the rest of the world?"
"If you search up a video on the new world order, it is now saying this is a conspiracy theory and it is not real."
"As a fact checker, the new world order is real. You guys just slapped a new name on it."
"The ultimate goal for the New World Order is to destroy nationalism and the greatest nationalism and threat that is not totalitarian as or it wasn't were traditionally white countries."
"The New World Order is the old world, I mean just the names have changed, the appearances have changed but the concept hasn't changed."
"Building four disappeared turned into dust went away."
"Anytime there's something remotely accurate, they just scream conspiracy theory."
"Their goal is to take away our freedoms, then if we want them back we'll be forced to receive vaccines to gain a digital certificate of movement."
"There's an even deeper deep State... I call it the dumb state."
"9/11 disclosure is a non-negotiable condition for ridding America of the Zionist pest."
"The aliens created us to take away from God; the devil's hatred towards God is so great."
"Could it be that they're going to prompt some sort of a false flag?"
"The idea of a hollow Earth is still considered a conspiracy theory."
"If everything's a conspiracy, nothing's a conspiracy."
"There is a conspiracy that there is a satellite called the Black Knight satellite which was set up by aliens more than 12,000 years ago in order to spy on humans."
"She believes there was a conspiracy... and she wants this country to do something about it."
"The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy."
"This was planned, the blackout was absolutely planned to reset everything, dude, that is the nuttiest thing I've ever heard."
"It gives up the whole game and it you know ties in very nicely with Matt Tybee's theory that actually their incentive is to rip the country apart and make everybody hate each other."
"Pray the rosary daily. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ on beads."
"You heard it here first. We are looking at a worldwide pyramid building culture."
"I definitely think they were murdered... I do think it looks like the military."
"The alien agenda is one and the same: world takeover and the decimation of the population."
"We're all being played, we're all being programmed."
"Q is the realest thing you've ever set your brainwashed eyes on."
"They're posturing the powers that be are trying to destroy the old system on purpose in order to implement a new digital currency."
"I think it is a deep State attack because obviously you've got Bill Gates, you've got Bill Clinton, big powerful Americans on Epstein's Island."
"I don't believe Kurt Cobain committed suicide. I believe there was someone with him in that room."
"Even as the mourning commenced, rumors began to circulate. What if Kurt Cobain did not kill himself? What if Kurt Cobain was murdered?"
"If you want to know what's going on in the dark cosmic web behind this matrix, you're definitely going to want to listen tonight."
"The government is lying to you. They nuked a town with toxic chemicals and now they are forcing this predominantly poor, working class, Trump-supporting town to live in toxic filth."
"The entire beast system operates off of that, so they wouldn't hesitate to lie."
"Not many UFO experts believe in the MJ-12 Affair."
"The real story though is behind the scenes in Washington and in the halls of the biopharmaceutical complex that we don't ever get to hear about."
"I believe there is a vast and insidious conspiracy at play in the city."
"There's a tyrant in the middle east who's making you pay five dollars a gallon so that Trump can come back into office."
"My only theory is Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself."
"There's something bigger going on behind the scenes and something bigger is going to happen."
"Is there any conspiracy with Russia? The answer is no."
"The towers and Building 7 were where all of the documents for the government and all these projects were stored."
"That's the primary reason why 9/11 happened."
"Screw the left and right. The cathedral is real between Tech Pharma and the government. It's all the same."
"They are essentially a predator consciousness... controlling people's minds again through whatever means in this holographic construct that we exist in."
"Hoover's suspicion: CIA planting evidence of an Oswald-Soviet plot."
"Does Shane Dawson care about this stuff? Does he really find interest in these things or is he just trying to sell you a conspiracy theory?"
"The American Apocalyptic Reset: Exposing the agenda and how to counter it."
"The more specific the target, the more likely that conspiracy theory is to be true."
"Do you think that the end goal here is a Malthusian degrowth depopulation agenda on behalf of the West?"
"What if they did land on the moon but some of the videos that have been put out into the public are fake?"
"So the deep state was starting to control this country before World War two okay of course Federal Reserve in 1913."
"Your premise is Don jr. colluded with dangerous Russians who were connected to the Clintons and 'new Clinton.'"
"The evidence of Chinese infiltration is vast and ongoing."
"The Roth Shields invented the banking industry."
"All significant attacks in American history all had drills taking place on the same day."
"What I see is prior knowledge, some call it conspiracy."
"Taylor Swift is allowed to have a boyfriend. Taylor Swift is a good artist. I've taken my daughter to Taylor Swift concerts before. To have a conspiracy theory of all of this is bizarre."
"Isn't it just easier to think it's the US government? No, why not? Because we don't have the capability of doing something like that, I don't think."
"Imagine... the pyramids were actually a radioactive waste site."
"Every single thing that's wrong with the world today, we can find the CCP behind it."
"The history we are told is more like the plot of some comic book where a super villain is spewed out of the depths of Hell to use his supernatural powers to wreak havoc upon defenseless humanity."
"Aliens, man. They're here for sure. I think they're either underwater or in Antarctica."
"Conspiracists groom their followers to believe any attack on their hero is a conspiracy to take them down. It's a closed mental loop."
"It's a Gnostic plot... making you doubt Christ."
"The entire narrative we've been handed is so illogical as to be unacceptable, and it is astounding the number of minds that just still accept that we went to the moon."
"They are in full-blown panic mode. Enjoy the show. Each fake news article written or attack is a badge of honor. Military-grade Q."
"Think missile intercept. Think aircraft outside of standard deviation. Do people travel to islands to fish? How many billionaires owned islands? How many billionaires live on islands? Geo-tracking clandestine. Q."