
Trading Advice Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"Don't trade the news; at least at the release, wait it out and let the master pattern phases guide you into a good trade."
"Never follow alerts from anybody, never rely on anybody, never try to be exactly like somebody."
"You can afford to be very selective... the market will be there tomorrow."
"Scared money don't make money, especially not in trading."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not make a trade."
"Do not trade during a major news event, no matter how experienced you are."
"Do not trade without a limit order capability ever."
"Respect the structure, respect the fundamentals of charts."
"If you ever have a moment where like I don't think I should take this trade, you probably shouldn't take it."
"It's good to have a trading community but you should always rely on your own trades."
"Prediction's all good and well but at the end of the day if you trade what the market gives you, you'll have a better idea."
"Fundamental analysis tells you what to buy, technical analysis tells you when to buy. That's big stuff, you know."
"Always consider where price is coming from before entering a trade."
"As a trader, what I recommend to reinforce in your brain is that any sort of financial market is a representation of mass human psychology."
"Remember to take the meat of the move and run."
"Trading like the banks: Buy low, sell high. Simple as that."
"The market can be irrational for longer than you can remain solvent."
"Most traders are unprepared for trading. They have their emotions. They don't have a specific plan. They don't have risk management."
"Trade with the trend and no one ever got broke trading with the trend."
"You are not smarter than the market. You are not the greatest trader of all time."
"Stay clear of this freight train; at any day huge selling could come in and just wipe all the gains you think you're smart doing a day trade."
"Locking in profits when you're in the green and not watching them plummet to red. I think most traders probably are in the green for more than half their trades and then they get wrecked because they don't lock them in."
"Pretty much anything can work but when you're learning I would stick to the more common, the highly traded items."
"Never trade based on other people's opinion."
"Crypto Twitter mess with your head. One move doesn't mean anything to a career. Just focus on what's next."
"Educate before you trade... Don't follow anyone on stock twits or Twitter."
"Stop making these silly trades. It has to make sense."
"You don't want to see price come below over here."
"Don't buy dominaria booster packs to crack for singles, just buy singles."
"The worst way to learn how to trade is by copying somebody else."
"People who come to the market with a set bias before the market even opens generally get run over."
"Fear and greed index, prepare for a liquidation wick at any point."
"If you don't cut your losses, you're gonna end up holding and hoping for a very long time."
"Always go with your analysis. If your analysis is correct and the trade doesn't do what you thought, you don't get into the trade."
"Trades are like farts—if you need to pray for it or force it, it's probably a no."
"Don't worry about missing moves, there's always gonna be another setup."
"IMX Traders, if you are holding IMX, this is your level."
"Remember, there's always another trade if you lose a trade."
"Remember, there's always another trade, especially in the crypto market."
"The best trades are the hardest ones to put on."
"Don't aggressively fade this and don't aggressively trade this thinking you've nailed the macro bottoms."
"The most important thing in trading is consistency."
"If I can put one of the most important things with trading, it would be trading with the trend."
"It doesn't matter what lot size you have. It does matter what Market is trying to do at that point. That's all what matters at the end of the day."
"Sometimes you gotta take a loss. I don't want to be caught holding a bag."
"Trading is like a business, treat it like a business. You make a lot of mistakes, you have to keep taking punches to the face and figure out the right way to do things."
"Trade on the simulator. Don't just say, 'Hey, I just joined TTG, I'm ready to start making money.'"
"Trade safe, especially if you're leveraged trading."
"So guys, stay tuned because it's gonna be a good video especially for you newer beginner traders that are kind of caught in between what to do here between the two accounts."
"Don't leverage trade either because that's where you absolutely get wrecked."
"In life, what is easier, going with the wind or going against the wind? So as traders, we need to leverage as many odds in our favor as possible."
"These are actually very, very important lessons that can mean the difference between you're actually making it as a trader or flaming out quickly if you're approaching the learning process wrong."
"Here's your key to the minds of trading's elite performers."
"Stop the FOMO, guys. There's always another trade."
"There is no easy answer to it. Like you as a day trader, it's learning from your mistakes, it's making mistakes so that you can learn from them over and over and over again."
"Take care of your losers because the winners will take care of themselves."
"Buy the red, sell the green. Don't do the opposite."
"Sometimes it might not be the number one thing on your list to look at, but it might end up being probably the cleanest trade."
"Don't play with money that you might need in the next five years."
"The market will fluctuate, so knowing that, just like I said in the steps before entering a trade, when you get your entry, try to have a good enough stop loss for breathing room."
"Don't get too crazy high when things are high and also don't fall too hard when things are low."
"Have the patience guys, react don't predict if possible."
"Big reversal, so anybody who's holding this chart right here, you better buy tomorrow and close above that 20 days moving average otherwise we have more downside to come here."
"We're expecting the 'buy the rumor, sell the news' phenomenon."
"If you want to be a better trader, don't trade before a breakout."
"Sometimes it helps when you hold your trades a bit longer, everything's aligning so clean."
"The trend is your friend never go against that trend."
"If you are ever unsure, don't take the trade."
"Don't trade your perception, trade the reality."
"It all comes down to not really having a system, not really having rules for yourself for your trading plan and this is where it gets tricky and this is why probably most of the Traders are losing Traders."
"If you're looking for a system, if you're looking for advice, if you want to learn how to create this emotional intelligence guys and get the genius trading Master Class course join our team."
"Take a break... it's okay to take a month or so away from the charts."
"When you have upward momentum, always buy the dips."
"You'll never time the tops make sure you have some kind of strategy make sure that you contact your exchanges make sure you get those limits extended."
"How do you know when to exit, right? We've been talking about patience."
"You shouldn't risk more than one percent per trade."
"Coffee always tastes better when you respect the TA. Cheers!"
"Never trade without a stop loss. Just don't do it. You need that money; it's there to protect you."
"You can't be buying Luna now, but you can definitely not selling Luna."
"Watching 100 trading videos won't make you profitable, but implementing what you've learned in one single video just might."
"It tells you when to set your stop losses, it tells you where to put your take profits, it shows you the entire thing right in front of you."
"Change is the only constant, especially when it comes to trading."
"Boredom trading or over trading are usually shortcuts leading to disasters."
"You can't play momentum with volume going down, it just doesn't work."
"If you think you should start with 50,000, start trading with 5,000... You can never start too small but you need to be willing to build that foundation."
"Don't diddle in the middle, because when the market gets choppy, trading gets sloppy."
"You want to be very Nimble and not try to marry the idea of a market that's blasting off."
"There's nobody holding a gun to your head saying that you need to make the trade; wait for this opportunity to come to you."
"There's nothing certain in markets. Anytime you take a position, make sure you understand where your stop loss is."
"The trend is your friend and trading in the trend is the most important thing."
"Everything's green, you just buy and let it rip."
"If you really want to make something of this if you want to make profits and learn how to trade and make money every single day at the same time don't miss out."
"Just take one trade a day, it will change a lot for you."
"One or two trades a day keeps the stress away."
"Buy more. Whenever I hesitate, it's usually the trades that are the best ones."
"Whenever you say bearish or bullish, you need to substantiate that idea with some evidence by looking at price action."
"You can't just send a chart and say, 'Did I make a mistake?' Where's your zones?"
"Forex trading is not a scam, but not a get rich quick scheme."
"You won't want to trade in areas of consolidation."
"The thing about emotions, you're right. Emotions wreck your trading."
"Best of luck in the markets and stick to your trading plan."
"Trading with emotion is probably one of the biggest mistakes you can make."
"The market is gonna make a stone fool out of you if you just feel this, the market don't care about how you feel, you just don't."
"Trading is honestly one of the best ways to get rich."
"If you're not aware, your stop losses probably will get hunted."
"Emotions are the spice of life, but don't let them control your trading."
"You have to have a risk reward setup before you get into a play."
"The name of the game in the market is identify the trend. Follow the trend."
"If I give like one advice for somebody that's trading... take care of your health. Because it will catch up to you."
"Until then if you're trading, trade well my friends, and if you're investing then invest well my friends."
"Always keep track of player prices. Massive tip there for you guys."
"Always follow the trend, it'll get you there."
"Buy the dips in the next 24 hours because you're going to get a whole lot of Market manipulation."
"Trading is especially risky for those with limited resources so I would encourage you to use caution and trade in the simulator before you put real money on the line."
"This scalping strategy follows a really simple and repeatable method."
"No item scamming. True, it still holds up. Never accept any offers from strangers for something that seems too good to be true."
"Respect the trend. Let the trend be your friend."
"You don't want to be trading against the overall tide of the delivery of price."
"Now might not be the time to enter a trade on Bitcoin."
"The best trade you can make is not trading at all."
"You buy it when the moment's right, let the trade come to you." - Matt
"Have a great day, put your stop-losses in, take damn profits, remember take a portion and go spend it guys."
"Staying in your lane, going back to basics, trading your A-plus setups - that's how you deal with losses."
"Short-term outlook: focus on the charts, not the noise."
"Don't hate them, don't date them, just trade them."
"Consistent analysis leads to consistent trading."
"Any dumb trades you're taking, any over trading you're doing, any revenge trading you're doing, is not going to work."
"Just be very careful and don't trust anybody when you're trading."
"Don't trade more than two to three trades at a time, don't be trading more than two to three coins at a time, get consistent."
"Manage risk and never put yourself in a position where you can have a permanent infinite loss."
"Always go to that higher time frame when in doubt, zoom out."
"If I had smart funded trader in the beginning of my trading journey I would not have blown 40 plus challenges."
"You don't have to trade every single day. You have to maximize your opportunities when you do get them."
"Never trade with money you need to pay rent or you need to live with... only trade with money you can afford to lose."
"If the trade is still there, the price of those contracts or the price of that trade should not matter. If that long is still holding, if the levels are holding, then you stay in the trade regardless of how sideways it is." - Andrew Raider
"It's very overwhelming for new traders and even experienced traders when there's a bunch of stocks being called out. Ignore all the noise, keep it simple, manage the risk in every position that you take, and only invest in what you understand."
"It's okay to trade small. You shouldn't be ashamed of that."
"Not bad news on CCIV, it's just the classic buy the rumor sell the news."
"If you're a serious trader, don't just go on Robinhood or I mean I'm not promoting one over the other just make sure that you have things that fit you."
"More trades equal lower returns, and the majority of day traders actually lose money."
"Do not trade this, it's probably not that rare right? Yes, they are rare."
"Protect your capital, set stop-loss levels. Manage risk wisely."
"Respect the risk side before you take that trade and execute on it."
"I would never recommend any other human do anything without a stop loss. You need to know where your stops are and put those in."
"You should never risk more than one percent per trade. Actually, I would recommend you maybe trade less than one percent."
"I'm gonna show you how to actually make money when you are a break even Trader."
"You need to make sure you know what the hell you're doing... emotionally buying and selling, that's probably like the greatest sin you can make."
"Leverage trading is dangerous, it's not for inexperienced traders."
"Let's not be hopeful traders, let's be informed traders."
"The red days are the days you need to be hanging out with us."
"You need to know when you're wrong and when you're right."
"Always try to fill trades at the mid price first, or maybe even better."
"Consider that counterparty, not just who you're executing against right then and there when you buy or sell, but who is buying at that key level and what might they be thinking. That's your lesson of the day brought to you by real trading."
"Less is more and maybe quicker is better with GameStop. You have to be quick."
"Cut your losses short, let your profits run on."
"Lesson number one, gents, please, please, please do not listen to anybody. If any, listen to the market."
"So, look for Justin Mamish. They're still out there. There's a few things that are dated and don't apply to today's market, but you'll sift through it. There's still some timeless stuff in there that's good."
"It was never my thinking that made the big money for me. It was always, uh, sitting tight. One of the most helpful things that anybody can learn is to give up trying to catch the last eighth or the first. These are the two most expensive eighths in the world."
"It's just all about learning, getting consistent, and then when you're consistently making money, that's when you start to push your size."
"If you can't count it, don't trade it."
"Open your mind, get better at trading."
"Just trade what you know and you will make."
"The trend is your friend at the beginning of the week."
"Hopefully you can apply this to your own trading to help you be a little bit more successful and profitable."
"The best advice for small account traders is not to know everything about technical analysis and fundamental analysis."
"In trading, my friends, you want to remind yourself of this all the time: Buy Low, sell High, Buy Low, sell High, Buy Low, sell High."
"You always want to be trading with the trend; it's going to be the easiest thing."
"The clear rules that we suggested for them to consider for exiting these winning trades."
"Take higher probability setups; it's going to help you in the long run."
"Don't wing the plan; don't create a new plan when you're already in the plan because then you don't have a plan."
"Keep it simple and may the markets go with you."
"Trade responsibly, don't use too much leverage, and don't put in more than you can afford to lose."
"What if I told you there was something very important you need to do after one of these trades that can transform your trading career?"
"Take those A+ setups only, and watch how you instantly become a profitable trader."
"The trend is your friend... sometimes."
"Never average down losers. Losers average losers."
"Don't let your ego get so involved in the market that you think it's about you."
"Keep emotion out of your dang trades."
"If you're going to be trading the five-minute chart... pay attention to sessions and spreads."
"You only need one or two really good high quality trades to significantly grow a small account if you have the patience and the understanding of when that parabolic opportunity sets up."
"Learn from my mistakes, learn from my pain, don't trade when there's high impact or medium impact news, stay safe."
"Don't fall in love with your trade."
"One of the things that actually helps traders is about the consistency of their pre-trade routine."
"Stay away from market makers; go with ECN brokers, Electronic Communication Network."
"Make sure that your wins outweigh your losses; there's no secret strategy, no secret to keeping stop losses at a certain level, no secret to any entries at all."
"Never argue with the market; the market is always right."
"Keep it simple, traders, and may the markets go with you."
"Make sure you're managing your risk properly."
"If there's no trend, you shouldn't take the trade."
"One tip I would give to traders, especially when you're intraday trading, is to remember to zoom out on your charts."
"Follow the trend as long as the trend exists. You can always get back into a trade."
"Cut your losses and let your profits run."
"The only way you're going to get to the point where you're consistently profitable is to get more realistic, go for small gains and build them over time."
"No matter how experienced you are in forex trading, no matter how you can analyze, no matter how you've studied, if you don't have the right forex broker, then there is no way you're gonna be able to make money in forex trading."
"It's so important, a lot of traders pay this lip service, and I repeat it over and over again, when you understand the importance of other time frame traders at these external peripheries, you will understand the day count."
"Listen only to what the chart is telling you."
"That's how you become a consistent trader."
"The only thing you should be listening to is the price."
"You don't really want to buy into resistance, that creates risk for you."
"This saying is old but gold, keep it mind if you ever find yourself struggling to take the loss or wait for the win."